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Lan Dam requested to merge plottingWidget into master

Modify reftek and mseed to read SOH and mass position data while indexing waveform file, then read selected waveform data to numpy files to save processing memory. Waveform data will be read from numpy file and down-sampled if needed before plotting/zooming. SOH and mass position data will be down-sampled if needed when plotting/zooming.

#6 (closed) plotting

  • The main window will show SOH first and mass position at the end.
  • The waveform window will show waveform first and mass position at the end

#23 (closed) Gaps Detection:

  • mseed: gaps for SOH and mass position
  • reftek: gaps for mass position only since SOH info got from messages. If want to calculate SOH's gaps, will do later
  • Currently don't count gaps for waveform since this is big data, may slow down the performance. If want to calculate waveform gaps, will do later.

#15 (closed) Data can be zoom in (re-sampling for accuracy), not out yet. Need to rewrite downsample function to downsapmple logIdx for reftek SOH messsage

#14 (closed) Ruler can be displayed and synchronized between main window and waveform window. No interact between plot and message or TPS yet.

#13 (closed) Can have different color scale for mass position. Need to work detail on this

#3 (closed) Data is decimated/downsampled if too big to plot

Edited by Lan Dam

Merge request reports