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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 19-gps-plotter
  • 20-file-information-box
  • alternate-figure_size_adjustable
  • build-2023.1.0.0
  • build-2023.1.0.1
  • build-2024.2.0.0
  • build-2024.2.1.0
  • build-2024.4.0.0
  • build-2025.1.0.0
  • develop default
  • feature-#292-create_ability_to_choose_channel_to_read_all_data_from
  • feature-#296-plot_Q8_LFT_channel
  • feature-show_changed_rows_in_db_editor
  • i276_show_chagelog_to_user
  • i291_not_read_notplot_channels
  • i298-complete-check-for-masspos-warning
  • i301-sql-use-single-quote-for-literal-string
  • i302_adjust_required_width
  • master protected
  • meta-replace_depracated_pyside2_method
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Apr201918171612109428Mar262115137620Feb13719Jan85220Dec1918151276528Nov2115147231Oct131211106529Sep282726222118141211131Aug302928252322211817142131Jul24May2316114229Apr262524211812523Mar20171472122Feb171615106131Jan27262519171210522Dec15865130Nov291816153126Oct181211107527Sep2615128725Aug232219185May19Apr1Mar26Aug530JunTPS: add timestamp's ticks on top of the first ax and splitter line at beginning of yearsMerge branch 'i194_add_new_data_type' into 'develop'Add feature for user to add a new data type from context menu when the current data type is UnknownMerge branch 'i247_adjust_bottom_space' into 'develop'Increase bottom margin so timestamp bar won't be hiddenMerge branch 'i251_plot_in_order' into 'develop'plot tps and waveform channels in alphabet orderMerge branch 'i249_handle_replot_button' into 'develop'disable replot button when data is not available to replotMerge branch 'i242_fix_TPS_hightlight_not_moved_along_with_other_rulers' into 'develop'Fix TPS highlight box not moved along with ruler in another plotting widgetFix problem with number-based text editorsfeature-show_ch…feature-show_changed_rows_in_db_editorSet new row number label's colorChange color of text in row number labelRefactor codeCreate color constantChange row numbers' color on row deleteChange row numbers' color on row changeChange row numbers from buttons to labelsMerge branch 'bug-#244-masspos_data_not_converted_before_plotting' into 'develop'Convert mass-position data before plottingMerge branch 'i187_default_channel_preferences' into 'develop'implement setting row to defaultMerge branch 'i238_version_information' into 'develop'version information - about pageMerge branch 'i185-show-external-devices-in-file-selector' into 'develop'implement file_dialog that show linux external drive in sidebarMerge branch 'bug-#186-fix_scrolling_selects_data_points' into 'develop'Disable selecting point on scrollMerge branch 'bug-#226-RT130_packets_use_wrong_time' into 'develop'Fix some RT130 packets using the wrong timeMerge branch 'change_plotting_TPS_to_improve_performance' into 'develop'change tps plotting and legend to use plot instead of scatter to improve performanceMerge branch 'bug-#216-combobox_style_does_not_apply_fusion_style' into 'develop'Fix some styling not applying in LinuxMerge branch 'i1129_solving_incorrect_gaps_w_low_spr' into 'develop'remove incorrect gaps caused by the end time of trace at the end of data point at position number of sample -1 in low sample rate dataMerge branch 'i232_fix_bug_when_nodata_in_peer_plotting_widget' into 'develop'fix bug when no data in peer plotting widgetMerge branch 'i232b_fix_bug_passing_wrong_structure_of_y_data_for_mass_pos' into 'develop'