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Fix bug in handling reading mseed

Lan Dam requested to merge handle_nonimplemented_blockettes into master

#57 (closed)(closed)

  • Fixed bug infinitely looping at one point when there is some unimplemented ascii blockette.
  • Added list of NOT_READ_BLOCKETTES to skip reading not important information
  • Checking all traces in each file for the required channels and decide to read right away. (before only read the first trace to decide to read the whole file or not).
  • Read waveform at the same time that text, soh, mass position are read to not duplicate opening files to read.
  • If All SOH is checked, SOH channels with sample rate > 1 will be skipped. Those channel can only be read when stated specifically in SOH Channel Preferences list selected.
  • Add checking for mass position in check_chan().
  • In Channel Preferences dialog, "Scan Channels from Data Source" will give only SOH channels in preferred channels box, the mass position channels if any will be listed in the info box at the bottom. "Add DB Channel" will give only SOH channels in preferred channels box.
  • Add total of files in the tracking processing info in the display at the bottom of Main Window.
Edited by Lan Dam

Merge request reports