Optimize Q330 GPS calculation
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1 unresolved thread
Old: 38.72
New: 0.15
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requested review from @ldam
assigned to @kienle
26 26 continue 27 27 # Q330 log data is composed of a list of string, so we combine them 28 28 # into one big string for ease of processing. 29 log_str = functools.reduce( 30 operator.iconcat, data_obj.log_data[station]['LOG'], '' 31 ) 29 log_str = ''.join(data_obj.log_data[station]['LOG']) I think the connection string should be a space instead of an empty string. But maybe it's not necessary since you know about what need to be read for GPS from data more than me.
Anyway, the result looks correct.
Edited by Lan Dam
added 24 commits
49e032dc...27f351b1 - 20 commits from branch
- 59390c24 - Optimize GPS calculation
- e336892c - More fine-grained progress notification
- 4f9c0be9 - Making plotting start notification shows up
- 0f3131c2 - flake8
Toggle commit list-
49e032dc...27f351b1 - 20 commits from branch
reset approvals from @ldam by pushing to the branch
added 6 commits
0f3131c2...72a1acaa - 2 commits from branch
- 0be77e03 - Optimize GPS calculation
- 3e5efa47 - More fine-grained progress notification
- c1099359 - Making plotting start notification shows up
- 110dc34f - flake8
Toggle commit list-
0f3131c2...72a1acaa - 2 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 110dc34f succeeds
mentioned in commit 5915a977