modify database to be consistent with manuals and qpeek, logpeek
closes #245 (closed)
After checking with manual SOHViewer's database need to make the following changes
UPDATE Parameters SET plotType='linesDots', height=2 WHERE param='Barometric pressure';
INSERT INTO Parameters VALUES('System pressure', 'linesDots', 'Line:#00FF00', 'Line:#00CC00', 2);
INSERT INTO Channels VALUES('VDP', 'SysPress', 'System pressure', NULL, 1, 'pascal', NULL, 'Pegasus');
UPDATE Channels SET convertFactor=0.01 WHERE dataType='Pegasus' AND channel='VDT';
UPDATE Channels SET convertFactor=0.001 WHERE dataType='Pegasus' AND channel='VM?';
UPDATE Channels SET label='System Current' WHERE dataType='Pegasus' AND channel='VE1';
UPDATE Parameters SET valueColorsB='<=0.0:#FF0000|<=1.0:#FFFF00|1.0<:#00FF00', valueColorsW='<=0.0:#FF0000|<=1.0:#DDDD00|1.0<:#00CC00' WHERE param='GNSS status';
UPDATE Parameters SET plotType='dotForTime', valueColorsB='Color:#FF0000', valueColorsW='Color:#FF0000' WHERE param='Discrepancies';
UPDATE Parameters SET valueColorsB='<=0:#00FF00|<=1:#FFFF00|1<:#FF0000', valueColorsW='<=0:#00CC00|<=1:#DDDD00|1<:#FF0000' WHERE param="GNSS antenna status";
UPDATE Parameters SET valueColorsB='<=0:#00FF00|<=1:#00FFFF|<=2:#FFFF00|2<:#FF0000', valueColorsW='<=0:#00CC00|<=1:#0099DD|<=2:#DDDD00|2<:#FF0000' WHERE param="GNSS PPL status";
In which,
- Pegasus' VDP is a new channel (param=System pressure) which wasn't in user's request list.
- Centaur's LDO (param=Barometric pressure) was in user's request list but not in manual. I decide to keep it and also change in Parameters so it can be plotted.
- Pegasus VDT's convertFactor change from microdegrees C to centidegrees C.
- Pegasus mass position's convertFactor change from microVolts to milliVolts.
- Pegasus VE1 change label from to SystemCurrent.
- Change valueColor for GNSS status (Centaur GST) from "0:not plot, 1:red, 2: magenda" to "0:red, 1:yellow, 2:green"
- Change valueColor for Discrepancies from plot type multiColorDotsEqualOnUpperBound to dotForTime with red color.
- Change valueColor for GNSS antenna status (Centaur GAN) from '0: not plot, 1: red, 2: magenda' to '0: green, 1: yellow, 2: read'
- Change valueColor for GNSS PPL status (Centaur GPL) from "0: Red, 1: Yellow, 2: Green, 3 Magenda" to "0: Green, 1: Cyan, 2: Yellow, 3: Red"
We should ask user to check the plotting for these channels to confirm this.
Edited by Kien Le
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