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Fix channel prefer dialog not save

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from typing import Dict, List, Union
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
from PySide6 import QtWidgets, QtCore
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ main window.
COL = {'sel': 0, 'name': 1, 'dataType': 2, 'IDs': 3, 'edit': 4, 'clr': 5}
COL = {'sel': 0, 'name': 1, 'dataType': 2,
'preferredSOHs': 3, 'edit': 4, 'clr': 5}
class InputDialog(QDialog):
@@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
avail_data_types: list of available data types in DB
self.avail_data_types: List[str] = []
self.avail_data_types: List[str] = self.get_data_types(
curr_row: current row
@@ -241,7 +243,6 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
self.avail_data_types = self.get_data_types()
for row_idx in range(TOTAL_ROW):
@@ -285,7 +286,8 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
row_idx, COL['dataType'], data_type_combo_box)
soh_list_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem()
self.soh_list_table_widget.setItem(row_idx, COL['IDs'], soh_list_item)
row_idx, COL['preferredSOHs'], soh_list_item)
edit_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self, text='EDIT')
edit_button.clicked.connect(lambda arg: self.edit_soh_list(row_idx))
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
count, COL['dataType']).setCurrentText(r['dataType'])
count, COL['IDs']).setText(r['IDs'])
count, COL['preferredSOHs']).setText(r['preferredSOHs'])
if r['current'] == 1:
@@ -343,7 +345,7 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
data_type_combobox = self.soh_list_table_widget.cellWidget(
row_idx, COL['dataType'])
soh_list_item = self.soh_list_table_widget.item(
row_idx, COL['IDs'])
row_idx, COL['preferredSOHs'])
clear_widget = self.soh_list_table_widget.cellWidget(
row_idx, COL['clr'])
return (soh_list_name_item,
@@ -366,7 +368,8 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
def edit_soh_list(self, row_idx):
soh_list_item = self.soh_list_table_widget.item(row_idx, COL['IDs'])
soh_list_item = self.soh_list_table_widget.item(row_idx,
edit_dialog = InputDialog(text=soh_list_item.text())
if edit_dialog.exec():
@@ -430,6 +433,7 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
def add_db_channels(self):
Add channels from DB to preferred channel list.
A DB data_type is required in to retrieve its channels from DB
if not self.validate_row(check_data_type=True):
@@ -550,9 +554,22 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
if not self.validate_row():
# call setFocus() to finish any QEditLine's editing or the editing not
# take affect
sql_list = self.get_sql_list()
if sql_list is None:
return False
if len(sql_list) == 0:
self.parent.pref_soh_list = []
self.parent.pref_soh_list_name = ''
self.parent.pref_soh_list_data_type = 'Unknown'
if self.changed:
msg = ("All IDs in the database will be overwritten with "
"current IDs in the dialog.\nClick Cancel to stop updating "
msg = ("All Preferred SOH IDs in the database will be "
"overwritten with current Preferred SOH IDs in the dialog."
"\nClick Cancel to stop updating "
result = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(
self, "Confirmation", msg,
@@ -560,19 +577,10 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
if result == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel:
return False
sql_list = []
for row_idx in range(TOTAL_ROW):
sql = self.create_save_row_sql(row_idx)
if sql is not None:
if len(sql_list) == 0:
self.parent.pref_soh_list = []
self.parent.pref_soh_list_name = ''
self.parent.pref_soh_list_data_type = 'Unknown'
ret = trunc_add_db('ChannelPrefer', sql_list)
if ret is not True:
display_tracking_info(self.parent, ret, LogType.ERROR)
ret, LogType.ERROR)
self.parent.pref_soh_list = [
t.strip() for t in self.soh_list_item.text().split(',')]
self.parent.pref_soh_list_name = self.soh_list_name_item.text().strip()
@@ -581,12 +589,73 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
self.changed = False
return True
def create_save_row_sql(self, row_idx):
def get_sql_list(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
Create list of sql to insert data to ChannelPrefer table in which:
+ If there is error it will mark it to return but continue to report
all errors of all rows.
+ Beside checking each row, primary key will be checked to make sure
the list_of_sql returned can be executed.
None if there are any error
Otherwise, list of sql
sql_list = []
display_id_by_primary_key_dict = {}
has_error = False
for row_idx in range(TOTAL_ROW):
result = self.create_save_row_sql(row_idx)
if result is None:
has_error = True
primary_key, display_id, sql = result
if sql == '':
if primary_key not in display_id_by_primary_key_dict:
display_id_by_primary_key_dict[primary_key] = []
if self.check_primary_key_duplicated(display_id_by_primary_key_dict):
if has_error:
return sql_list
def check_primary_key_duplicated(self, display_id_by_primary_key_dict) \
-> bool:
Check if there are any primary keys duplicated.
:param display_id_by_primary_key_dict: dictionary with primary key as
key and list of display row id for that primary key as value.
:return: True if duplicated, False otherwise
duplicated = False
duplicated_primary_keys = [
pk for pk in display_id_by_primary_key_dict
if len(display_id_by_primary_key_dict[pk]) > 1]
if duplicated_primary_keys:
duplicated = True
for pk in duplicated_primary_keys:
msg = (f"Name '{pk}' is duplicated in rows "
f"{', '.join(display_id_by_primary_key_dict[pk])}.\n"
f"Please change Name '{pk}' to make Name unique.")
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Missing info", msg)
return duplicated
def create_save_row_sql(self, row_idx: int) \
-> Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
Read info from the row with index row_idx to create insert sql.
:param row_idx: int - index of a row
:return: str - insert sql with the row's info
None: has error
Tuple of:
primary key of the row
display_id of the row
sql to insert row data to ChannelPrefer table
current = 1 if self.soh_list_table_widget.cellWidget(
row_idx, COL['sel']).isChecked() else 0
@@ -594,16 +663,29 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
row_idx, COL['name']).text()
data_type = self.soh_list_table_widget.cellWidget(
row_idx, COL['dataType']).currentText()
idx = self.soh_list_table_widget.item(
row_idx, COL['IDs']).text()
if idx.strip() == '':
preferred_sohs = self.soh_list_table_widget.item(
row_idx, COL['preferredSOHs']).text()
if preferred_sohs.strip() == '' and name.strip() == '':
return '', '', ''
display_id = row_idx + 1
if preferred_sohs.strip() == '' and name.strip() != '':
msg = f"Please add Preferred SOH IDs for row {display_id}."
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Missing info", msg)
if name.strip() == '' and preferred_sohs.strip() != '':
msg = f"Please add Name for row {display_id}."
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Missing info", msg)
if name.strip() == '' and idx.strip() != '':
msg = f"Please add Name for row {row_idx}."
if preferred_sohs.strip() != '' and data_type == '':
msg = f"Please add a data type for row {display_id}."
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Missing info", msg)
return (f"INSERT INTO ChannelPrefer (name, IDs, dataType, current)"
f"VALUES ('{name}', '{idx}', '{data_type}', {current})")
sql = (f"INSERT INTO ChannelPrefer (name, preferredSOHs, dataType, "
f"current) VALUES "
f"('{name}', '{preferred_sohs}', '{data_type}', {current})")
primary_key = name
return primary_key, str(display_id), sql
def save_add_to_main_and_close(self):
@@ -613,21 +695,31 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
if not
if self.parent.pref_soh_list_name == '':
msg = "Please select a row to add to Main Window."
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Missing info", msg)
def get_data_types():
def get_data_types(include_default: bool = True):
Get list of data types from DB.
:param include_default: flag indicate if Default data type should be
included or not
:return: [str, ] - list of data types
data_type_rows = execute_db(
'SELECT * FROM DataTypes ORDER BY dataType ASC')
return [d[0] for d in data_type_rows]
if include_default:
return [d[0] for d in data_type_rows]
return [d[0] for d in data_type_rows
if d[0] != 'Default']
def get_db_channels(data_type) -> List[str]:
@@ -652,6 +744,6 @@ class ChannelPreferDialog(OneWindowAtATimeDialog):
:return id_rows: [dict,] - list of data for each row
id_rows = execute_db_dict(
"SELECT name, IDs, dataType, current FROM ChannelPrefer "
"SELECT name, preferredSOHs, dataType, current FROM ChannelPrefer "
" ORDER BY name ASC")
return id_rows