Add x_top and x_bottom of GPS Lk/Unlk as attribute of ax to recalculate GPS Lk/Unlk's top and bottom total points when zooming after sohview switch to zoom by using matplotlib's lim.
Solving #127 (closed) when linkedChan not point to an actual channel by using try except to by pass.
Solving the case the channel and its linkedChan are plotted separately by moving the channel with linkedChan not move to the end to be plotted later when sohview using chan_order to for plotting order.
Solving #131 (closed) when one of GPS Lk/Unlk has no value by preset ylim for the channel to -1, 1.
Changing valueColors of GPS Clock Power to "1:C" so that the total point display color has the same color with the channel values.
UPDATE Parameters SET valueColorsB='1:C', valueColorsW='1:C' WHERE param='GPS Clock Power'