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write new mseed that use record_reader for fast and simple data

Lan Dam requested to merge new_mseed into master

New in the new mseed to the outside:

  • gap_minimum parameter: to collect only gaps/overlaps that greater or equal to gap_minimum
  • is_multiplex: if False, can skip the file by checking if the first record meet the requirement, which save a log of time for analyzing non-multiplex data
  • on_unittest: skip threading, database code to be easier when writing unittests
  • convert data at model level and won't be converted in plotting so we aren't afraid it might be converted twice for case of mass position or zooming.
  • remove data flags to avoid mistake: fullData, needConvert, needProcess because data will be calculated once and data are converted only one time at model level.


  • general_data/ is changed from
  • mseed_data/ is changed from mseed/
  • In mseed_data and general_data, the functions copied from existing functions that won't need to be reviewed have doc strings start with 'FROM'; the functions modified from existing functions will have doc strings start with 'CHANGED FROM'.
Edited by Lan Dam

Merge request reports