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Fix RT130 plot failing

Merged Kien Le requested to merge bug-#70-RT130_plot_failing into master
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def get_gps_channel_prefix(data_obj: MSeed, data_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
def get_chan_soh_trace_as_dict(data_obj: MSeed, chan: str
) -> Dict[float, float]:
) -> Dict[float, List[float]]:
Get the data of a channel as a dictionary mapping a data point's time to
its data. Suppose that gps data's spr <= 1.
@@ -204,13 +204,12 @@ def get_chan_soh_trace_as_dict(data_obj: MSeed, chan: str
:return: a dict that maps the times of channel chan to its data
chan_data = data_obj.soh_data[data_obj.selected_key][chan]
data = chan_data['tracesInfo']['data']
times = chan_data['tracesInfo']['times']
# Remove the filled in gaps from the data
data = data[~data.mask]
times = times[~times.mask]
data_dict = {time: data
for time, data in np.column_stack((times, data))}
traces = chan_data['tracesInfo']
times = np.hstack([trace['times'] for trace in traces])
data = np.hstack([trace['data'] for trace in traces])
data_dict = {}
for times_point, data_point in zip(times, data):
data_dict.setdefault(times_point, []).append(data_point)
return data_dict
@@ -252,13 +251,15 @@ def extract_gps_data_pegasus_centaur(data_obj: MSeed, data_type: str
# There is no channel for GPS fix type in Pegasus and Centaur data,
# so we are giving it a dummy value.
fix_type = 'N/A'
lat = la_dict.get(time, None)
long = lo_dict.get(time, None)
height = el_dict.get(time, None)
current_lat = la_dict.get(time, None)
current_long = lo_dict.get(time, None)
current_height = el_dict.get(time, None)
# We are ignoring any point that does not have complete location data.
# It might be possible to ignore points with missing latitude or
# longitude, seeing as height is not required to plot a GPS point.
if lat is None or long is None or height is None:
if (current_lat is None or
current_long is None or
current_height is None):
# Convert the location data to the appropriate unit. Centaur and
# Pegasus dataloggers both store latitude and longitude in microdegree,
@@ -266,20 +267,26 @@ def extract_gps_data_pegasus_centaur(data_obj: MSeed, data_type: str
# stores elevation in micrometer while Pegasus stores it in centimeter,
# so we have to use a difference conversion factor for elevation
# depending on the data type.
lat = lat / 1e6
long = long / 1e6
# The GPS prefix is unique between Pegasus (V) and Centaur (G), so we
# can use it in place of the data type.
if gps_prefix == 'V':
height_factor = 100
height_factor = 1e6
height = height / height_factor
height_unit = 'M'
formatted_time = UTCDateTime(time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
gps_point = GPSPoint(formatted_time, fix_type, num_sats_used, lat,
long, height, height_unit)
for i, num_sats in enumerate(num_sats_used):
lat = current_lat[i] / 1e6
long = current_long[i] / 1e6
# The GPS prefix is unique between Pegasus (V) and Centaur (G),
# so we can use it in place of the data type.
if gps_prefix == 'V':
height_factor = 100
height_factor = 1e6
height = current_height[i] / height_factor
height_unit = 'M'
formatted_time = UTCDateTime(time).strftime(
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
gps_point = GPSPoint(formatted_time, fix_type, num_sats, lat,
long, height, height_unit)
except IndexError:
# We only need to loop through one dictionary. If a time is not
# available for a channel, the GPS data point at that time would be
# invalid (it is missing a piece of data). Once we loop through a