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View/Edit Database Tables
To view/edit database a table, select the table in database menu.
Plot Types Table
List all types of plotting and description. This table is readonly.
- Fields' meaning:
- Plot Type: Name of the plotting type
- Description: Describing how the channel will look like and the format of the ValueColors if applicable.
Data Types Table
List all data types available in which Default is the datatype for DEFAULT
channel to draw any channels that aren't defined in database.
Parameters Table
List all parameters available.
- Fields' meaning:
- No.: Line number, start with 0.
- Param: Parameter's name.
- Plot Type: Define how to plot the parameter. Description of Plot Type can be found in Plot Types Table.
- ValueColors: mapping between values/dot/line/up/down and color, or simply color of dots in the plots. When Plot Type is changed, if the current valueColors in database is in incorrect format, default valueColors will be used. To edit Value Color, click on the pencil sign on the right of ValueColors widget.
- Height: Height of plot in compare with other plots.
- Reset to org. DB: Button to reset the changes in the current DB to backup (original) DB.
- Delete: button to delete a row from the
- For each color mode available, a row in the database has a separate value for ValueColors. In order to change between the color mode, use the selector at the bottom right of the dialog. The color mode chosen when the Parameters table is opened is the one chosen in the main window. The ValueColor widget has the background color matching with the selected background color so user can see the real effect of the selected color on the background.

Channels Table
List all channels available for the selected Data Type on the left-top corner.
- Fields' meaning:
- No.: Line number, start with 0.
- Channel: Channel's name.
- Label: Displayed with the channel to explain the meaning of the channel.
- Param: To describe what kind of parameter the channel is. How the channel is plotted depends on this field.
- ConvertFactor: To convert from value read to actual display.
- Unit: The unit of the displayed value for the channel.
- FixPoint: Decimal point to display the value.
- Channels that aren't defined in database will be draw with DEFAULT channel defined in Data Type Default.

Common Widgets
- ADD ROW: Button to add a new row to the table, click on ADD ROW button.
- SAVE CHANGES: To save any changes to database. Each row will be validated before saved.
- RESET: To reset changes during open time.

+ Reset to org. DB: To reset the changes in the current DB to backup (original) DB on a row. This button is only enabled if the row has a backup row and the backup row is different from the content of the row in current DB. Once Reset is performed, the button will turn to Undo Reset button which allows user to change the row back to its current saved content in the database. Changes made by this button is only saved to DB if SAVE CHANGES is clicked.

+ DELETE: To delete a row from database and remove it from GUI. The button will only be enabled if the row have no constrain with other tables. Once Delete is performed, the button will turn to Undo button which allows user to add the row back to the GUI. Changes made by this button is only saved to DB if SAVE CHANGES is clicked.