Lan Dam authored

Selecting Waveforms
Selecting all waveform channels
Check the checkbox "All Waveform Channels"
Selecting no waveform channels
Unchecked the checkbox "All Waveform Channels", unchecked all "DSs"
checkboxes, clear textbox "MSeed Wildcards".
Selecting data streams for Reftek
Check some of "DSs" checkboxes with the index corresponding to the data streams you want to select.

If some "DSs" are checked, but data type isn't Reftek and either TPS or RAW are checked, a warning will be created, "Checked data streams will be ignored for none-RT130 data type."
Selecting mseed's waveform
User can add different wildcards separated with commas to MSeed Wildcard textbox. For example: *, LH*, L*1.

If some wildcard are added, but data type is Reftek and either TPS or RAW are checked, a warning will be created, "Checked data streams will be ignored for RT130 data type."
Displaying waveform channels
If one of TPS or RAW checkboxes aren't checked which means no data need to be displayed, all the waveform selected will be ignored.
To display waveform channels, user need to check:
: to diplay Time-Power-Squared of the selected waveform data
: and check RAW to display the actual selected waveform data.