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# Testing markdown features supported by Qt
To show this file in help, change extension to ""
[Links to other documents?](01 _ Table of
1. Numbered List
    1. Sublist
    2. Another Entry
        1. Another Sublist

* Bulleted list
    * Sublist
        * Another Sublist

# Section
## Subsection
### Sub-subsection
#### Subsections all the way down





> This is a quote

printf("%s\n", codeFences.doTheyWork ? "Success!" : "Oof.");

printf("%s\n", syntaxHighlighting.doesItWork ? "Success!" : "Oof.");

^ This is a horizontal line

v This is an image
![An Image?](images/image.jpg)

Another horizontal line

Is there a footnote? [^1]

[^1]: Maybe.

Definition Lists
: Do they work?

Task Lists? 
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
- [x] Maybe

==Highlighting==? Nope.

Subscripts? x~0 Nope.

Superscripts? ax^2 + bx + c = 0. Also Nope.

x<sub>0</sub> Yup.
x<sup>2</sup> Yup.


~Not supported.~
Just kidding, they totally are, and I just didn't do it right.

| Is this | a table?     |
| ------- | ------------ |
| Perhaps | Perhaps not. |