Skip to content
Snippets Groups Projects 60.8 KiB
Newer Older
            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHHHBBBBHBBIf3sBI12s12s8s"

            (blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro,
             res, flags, dura, ptop, chan, res2, refamp, coup, rolloff,
             noise) = inblk
            flags = self.FlagStrtoInt(flags)
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour,
                                  Min, Sec, junk, Micro, res, flags, dura,
                                  ptop, chan, res2, refamp, coup, rolloff,
            return 64
            print("error writing blockette 320")
            return 0

    def blk390(self, seekval=0):
        Generic Calibraton Blockette 390 (28 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        Beginning of calibration time (BTime expanded, 10)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 1)
        Calibrations flags (UBYTE, 1)
        Calibration duration (ULONG, 4)
        Calibration signal amplitude (FLOAT, 4)
        Channel with calibration input (CHAR*3)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 1)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HH"
        blk1 = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(4))
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHBBBBH"
        timeblk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(10))
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "BBIf3sB"
        blk2 = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(14))

        # incorporate timeblk tuple into blk list
        tmpblk = list(blk1)
        tmpblk = tmpblk + list(blk2)

        # apply bit mask to Ubyte
        blk = self.UbytetoStr(tmpblk, 4)
        return blk

    def Writeblk390(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Generic Calibraton Blockette 390 (28 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro,
               res, flags, dura,amp,chan, res2)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHHHBBBBHBBIf3sB"

            (blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro, res,
             flags, dura, amp, chan, res2) = inblk
            flags = self.FlagStrtoInt(flags)
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour,
                                  Min, Sec, junk, Micro, res, flags, dura,
                                  amp, chan, res2)
            return 28
            print("error writing blockette 390")
            return 0

    def blk395(self, seekval=0):
        Calibraton Abort Blockette 395 (16 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        End of calibration time (BTime expanded, 10)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 2)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHHHBBBBH2s"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(16))
        return list(blk)

    def Writeblk395(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Calibraton Abort Blockette 395 (16 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro, res)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHHHBBBBH2s"

            (blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro,
             res) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, Year, Day, Hour,
                                  Min, Sec, junk, Micro, res)
            return 16
            print("error writing blockette 395")
            return 0

    def blk400(self, seekval=0):
        Beam Blockette 400 (16 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        Beam azimuth (degrees) (FLOAT, 4)
        Beam slowness (sec/degree) (FLOAT, 4)
        Beam configuration (UWORD, 2)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 2)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHffH2B"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(16))
        return list(blk)

    def Writeblk400(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Beam Blockette 400 (16 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, baz,bslw,bconf,res0,res1)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHffH2B"

            (blkette, nextblk, baz, bslw, bconf, res0, res1) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, baz, bslw, bconf,
                                  res0, res1)
            return 16
            print("error writing blockette 400")
            return 0

    def blk405(self, seekval=0):
        Beam Delay Blockette 405 (6 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        Array of delay values (UWORD, 2)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHH"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(6))
        return list(blk)

    def Writeblk405(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Beam Delay Blockette 405 (6 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, delay)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHH"

            (blkette, nextblk, delay) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, delay)
            return 6
            print("error writing blockette 405")
            return 0

    def blk500(self, seekval=0):
        Timing Blockette 500 (200 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        VCO correction (FLOAT, 4)
        Time of exception (BTime expanded, 10)
        microsec (UBYTE, 1)
        Reception quality (UBYTE, 1)
        Exception count (ULONG, 4)
        Exception type (CHAR*16)
        Clock model (CHAR*32)
        Clock status (CHAR*128)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHf"
        blk1 = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(8))
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHBBBBH"
        timeblk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(10))
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "BBI16s32s128s"
        blk2 = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(182))

        # incorporate timeblk tuple into blk list
        blk = list(blk1)
        blk = blk + list(blk2)

        return blk

    def Writeblk500(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Timing Blockette 500 (200 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, vcocorr,Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk,
               Micro, Micro2, qual,cnt,type,mod,stat)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHfHHBBBBHBBI16s32s128s"

            (blkette, nextblk, vcocorr, Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, junk,
             Micro, Micro2, qual, cnt, type, mod, stat) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, vcocorr, Year, Day,
                                  Hour, Min, Sec, junk, Micro, Micro2, qual,
                                  cnt, type, mod, stat)
            return 200
            print("error writing blockette 500")
            return 0

    def blk1000(self, seekval=0):
        Data Only SEED Blockette 1000 (8 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        Encoding Format (BYTE, 1)
        Word Order (UBYTE, 1)
        Data Record Length (UBYTE, 1)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 1)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHbBBB"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(8))
        return list(blk)

    def Writeblk1000(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Data Only SEED Blockette 1000 (8 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, fmt,order,length,res)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHbBBB"

            (blkette, nextblk, fmt, order, length, res) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk, fmt, order,
                                  length, res)
            return 8
            print("error writing blockette 1000")
            return 0

    def blk1001(self, seekval=0):
        Data Extension Blockette 1001 (8 bytes)
        Returns tuple
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header
                (UWORD, 2)
        Timing Quality (UBYTE, 1)
        microsec (UBYTE, 1)
        Reserved (UBYTE, 1)
        Frame count (UBYTE, 1)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHBBBB"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(8))
        return list(blk)
    def Writeblk1001(self, inblk, seekval=0, endianess=""):
        writes Data Extension Blockette 1001 (8 bytes)
        requires tuples inblk
        inblk=(blkette, nextblk, tqual,micro,res,fcnt)

            fmtorderstr = self.setEndian(endianess)
            fmtstr = fmtorderstr + "HHBBBB"

            (blkette, nextblk, tqual, micro, res, fcnt) = inblk
            pack_blk = self.spack(fmtstr, blkette, nextblk,
                                  tqual, micro, res, fcnt)
            return 8
            print("error writing blockette 1001")
            return 0

    def blk2000(self, seekval=0):
        Variable Length Opaque Data Blockette
        Returns two tuples
                blk, opaque
        Blockette type (UWORD, 2)
        Next blockette's byte offset relative to fixed section of header.
        Use 0 if no more blockettes will follow. (UWORD, 2)
        Total Blockette length kin Bytes (UWORD, 2)
        Offset to Opaque Data (UWORD, 2)
        Record number (ULONG, 4)
        Data Word order (UBYTE, 1)
            0 = little endian (VAX or 80x86 byte order).
            1 = big endian (68000 or SPARC byte order).
        Opaque Data flags (UBYTE, 1)
            [bit 0] Opaque blockette orientation.
                0 = record oriented.
                1 = stream oriented.
            [bit 1] Packaging bit.
                0 = Blockette 2000s from multiple SEED data records with
                different timetags may be packaged into a single SEED data
                record. The exact original timetag in each SEED Fixed Data
                Header is not required for each blockette 2000.
                1= Blockette 2000s from multiple SEED data records with
                differing timetags may NOT be repackaged into a single SEED
                data record. Set this bit if the timetag in the SEED Fixed
                Data Header is required to properly interpret the opaque data.
            [bits 2-3] Opaque blockette fragmentation flags.
                00 = opaque record identified by record number is completely
                contained in this opaque blockette.
                01 = first opaque blockette for record spanning multiple
                11 = continuation blockette 2...N-1 of record spanning N
                10 = final blockette for record spanning N blockettes.
            [bits 4-5] File blockette information.
                00 = not file oriented.
                01 = first blockette of file.
                10 = continuation of file.
                11 = last blockette of file.
        Number of Opaque Header fields (UBYTE, 1)
        Opaque Data Header fields (VAR)
            a Record type
            b Vendor type
            c Model type
            d Software
            e Firmware
        Opaque Data Opaque - bytes of opaque data. Total length of opaque data
            in bytes is blockette_length-15-length (opaque_data_header_string)
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHHHIBBB"
        blk = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(15))
        # decompose tmpblk[6] into bit fields, create blk
        tmpblk = self.UbytetoStr(blk, 6)
        blk = tmpblk  # recast blk as list
        # Now decipher Opaque Header
        charlist = []
        char = ""
        length_data_string = 0
        NumOpaqueHeaders = int(blk[7])
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "s"
        for i in range(NumOpaqueHeaders):
            while tmpchar != "~":
                tupchar = self.sunpack(fmtstr, self.infileread(1))
                tmpchar = str(tupchar[0])
                if tmpchar != "~":
                    char = char + tmpchar
                length_data_string += 1
        # opaque = ""
        # rdbyte = int(tmpblk[2]) - 15 - length_data_string
        # fmt = "=%ds" % rdbyte
        # opaque=self.sunpack(fmt, self.infileread(rdbyte))
        # print(opaque)
    def UbytetoStr(self, tup, offset):
        converts unsign byte to string values
        strval = ""
        # mask bit fields and build string
        for i in range(8):
            mask = 2**i
            if tup[offset] & mask:
                strval = "1" + strval
                strval = "0" + strval

        # build new list with decomposed bit string
        for i in range(len(tup)):
            if i == offset:
        return list
    def FlagStrtoInt(self, flagstr):
        converts Flag String to Integer
        flagint = 0
        n = len(flagstr) - 1
        for a in flagstr:
            if int(a):
                flagint = flagint + 2**n

    def Pad(self, var, num):
        pad header values to specified length with blank space
        right justified
        varlength = len(var)
        if varlength == num:
            return var
        elif varlength < num:
            pad = num - varlength
            newvar = var + SPACE * pad

class Segy(futils):
    def __init__(self, infile):
        self.type = self.serial = self.chan = self.time = self.rate = None
        futils.__init__(self, infile)
        # self.byteorder: byte order of input file.
        #    "big"
        #    "little"
        #    or "unknown"
        self.byteorder = self.ByteOrder()
        # self.fmt_order: companion to self.byteorder. Format string for
        # stuct.pack
        #    ">" big endian
        #    "<" little endian

        determines if processed file is segy or unknown type
        # if we don't know byteorder it must not be segy
        if self.byteorder == "unknown":
            return 0
        # otherwise it might be segy
        (Sserial, Schan, Srate, Syear, Sday, Shour, Smin, Ssec) = self.idread()
        # we have already tested for a valid time in self.ByteOrder, this test
        # is to ensure that we were able to read a complete idhdr header
        if (Sserial == Schan == Srate == Syear == Sday == Shour ==
                Smin == Ssec is None):
            return 0
        # if we're this far it must be segy
        self.type = "segy"
        if Sserial < 36864:
            self.serial = Sserial
            self.serial = self.to_hex(Sserial)
        # self.time = string.join(list(map(str, (Syear, Sday, Shour, Smin,
        #                                        Ssec))), ":")
        templist = list(map(str, (Syear, Sday, Shour, Smin, Ssec)))
        self.time = ":".join(templist)
        self.chan = Schan
        self.rate = Srate
        return 1

    def idhdr(self):
        return self.type, self.serial, self.chan, self.time, self.rate

    def tracelength(self):
        returns trace length in seconds
        fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "L"
        numsamp = struct.unpack(fmtstr,[0]
        length = numsamp / self.rate
        Read file as if SEGY file trying to extract
        channel, time block, sample rate, and serial number
            SH =
            fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "L"
            # chan = struct.unpack(fmtstr,[0]
            # print(chan)
            chan = struct.unpack(fmtstr, SH[12:16])[0]
            fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "HHHHH"
            # (year,day,hour,min,sec)=struct.unpack(fmtstr, timeblock)
            (year, day, hour, min, sec) = struct.unpack(fmtstr, SH[156:166])
            fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "L"
            # samp=struct.unpack(fmtstr,[0]
            # print(samp)
            samp = struct.unpack(fmtstr, SH[200:204])[0]
            rate = int(1 / (samp / 1e6))
            fmtstr = self.fmt_order + "H"
            # serial = struct.unpack(fmtstr,[0]
            serial = struct.unpack(fmtstr, SH[224:226])[0]

            return serial, chan, rate, year, day, hour, min, sec

            return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    def ByteOrder(self, seekval=156):
        read file as if it is segy just pulling time info
        from header and determine if it makes sense unpacked
        as big endian or little endian
        Order = "unknown"
            # seek to timeblock and read
            timeblock =

            # assume big endian
            (Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec) =\
                struct.unpack('>HHHHH', timeblock)
            # test if big endian read makes sense
            if (1950 <= Year <= 2050 and 1 <= Day <= 366 and
                    0 <= Hour <= 23 and 0 <= Min <= 59 and 0 <= Sec <= 59):
                Order = "big"
                self.fmt_order = ">"
                # try little endian read
                (Year, Day, Hour, Min, Sec) =\
                    struct.unpack('<HHHHH', timeblock)
                # test if little endian read makes sense
                if (1950 <= Year <= 2050 and 1 <= Day <= 366 and
                        0 <= Hour <= 23 and 0 <= Min <= 59 and 0 <= Sec <= 59):
                    Order = "little"
                    self.fmt_order = "<"

    def to_int(self, input):
        conversion routine from hex to integer
        HEXCHAR = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
                   "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
        hexnum = str(input)
        retval = 0
        input_length = len(hexnum)
        for i in range(input_length):
            for index in range(len(HEXCHAR)):
                if string.upper(hexnum[i]) == HEXCHAR[index]:
                    retval = retval + index * (16**(input_length - (1 + i)))


    def to_hex(self, number):
        conversion routine from integer to hex
        retval = 0
        hexnum = hex(number)
        return hexnum[2:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
    VERSION = "2008.204"
    filecnt = 0
    # based on traverse routine in "python standard library", Lundh pg 34

    def GetTrace(DataDir):
        global filecnt
        stack = []
        rwError = 0
        for k in range(len(DataDir)):
        files = []
        file_list = {}
        errcnt = 0
        while stack:
            directory = stack.pop()
            if not os.path.isdir(directory):
                print("\n***WARNING*** Directory \"%s\" not found.\n" %
            for file in os.listdir(directory):
                fullname = os.path.join(directory, file)
                if not os.access(fullname, 6):
                if os.path.isfile(fullname):
                    filecnt += 1
                        newfile = Segy(fullname)
                        if newfile.isSegy():
                            (type, serial, chan, time, rate) = newfile.idhdr()
                            length = newfile.tracelength()
                            # length = "NULL"
                            file_list[fullname] = (type, serial, chan, time,
                                                   rate, length,
                    except Exception:
                        rwError += 1
                            newfile = Mseed(fullname)
                            if newfile.isMseed():
                                    # simple test to determine if correct size
                                    # file
                                    filesize = newfile.filesize
                                    blksize = newfile.blksize
                                    (numblocks, odd_size) = divmod(
                                        filesize, blksize)
                                except Exception:
                                    rwError += 1
                                type = newfile.type
                                serial = string.strip(newfile.FH.Stat)
                                chan = string.strip(newfile.FH.Chan)
                                loc = string.strip(newfile.FH.Loc)
                                net = string.strip(newfile.FH.Net)
                                time = newfile.time
                                rate = newfile.rate
                                length = newfile.tracelength()
                                # length = "NULL"
                                file_list[fullname] = (type, serial, chan,
                                                       time, rate, length,
                        except Exception:
                            rwError += 1
                # if os.path.isdir(fullname) and not os.path.islink(fullname) :
                if (os.path.isdir(fullname) or (os.path.islink(fullname) and
                                                not os.path.isfile(fullname))):
        return file_list, rwError

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        if sys.argv[1] == "-#":
            print("Unknown arguement %s" % sys.argv[1:])

    segynum = 0
    mseednum = 0
    unknownnum = 0
    Dirs = []
    # Dirs.append(",")
    # Dirs.append("/Users/bruce/data/uniq")
    (file_list, rwError) = GetTrace(Dirs)
    for file in list(file_list.keys()):
        file_type = file_list[file][0]
        if file_type == "segy":
            # print("\n SEGY \n")
            # print("segy: ", file_list[file][1], file_list[file][2],
            #       file_list[file][3], file_list[file][4], file_list[file][5],
            #       file_list[file][6])
        elif file_type == "mseed":
            # if file_type == "mseed":
            # print("\n MSEED \n")
            # print("mseed: ", file_list[file][1], file_list[file][2],
            #       file_list[file][3], file_list[file][4], file_list[file][5],
            #       file_list[file][6])
        # else :
            # unknownnum += 1
            # print("\n Format Not Recognized \n")
    print("\nTotal Files Found = %i " % filecnt)
    print("SEGY Files Processed = %i \nMSEED Files Processed = %i" %
          (segynum, mseednum))
    print("Total RWErrors = %i " % rwError)
    print("Total Files Identified = %i" % len(file_list))