Robert Greschke
2019.064 (2019-03-05)
* Converted for Python 2 or 3.
* Added -vl command that lists the files that have not been fully
offloaded from the baler. -v just shows how many there are.
* Does not yet contain BaleAddr replacement code.
2019.259 (2019-09-16)
* New version (really BLINE2) that assigns the IP address to the baler,
and erases data and Q330 association from the baler, thus removing
the need for BaleAddr.
* The TagID of the baler to communicate with is still required on the
command line, but the IP address of the baler is no longer required for
every command on the command line.
* The Ethernet device name may be required when assigning the IP address
to the baler (-b command) if BLINE says so (generally Python 2).
* These non-regular Python modules may need to be installed to get all
of the new commands (-b, -X, -s) to work:
psutil - all OSs and Python versions
pexpect - Linux
subprocess32 - all OSs when using Python 2
Python 3 is recommended, since support for 2 is going away soon.
pip/pip3 may be used to install the required modules.
2019.269 (2019-09-26)
* Caught a different program having trouble checking for updates. Put
in some code as a possible fix.
* Collected the imports for all of the extra required modules into one
place so all of the warnings come out at the same time. Use 5555 -b
to get a list of the warnings. 5555 may be any number for this test.
* Fixed up the long version of the Help a bit.