# View/Edit Database Tables To view/edit database a table, select the table in database menu. <br /> <br /> <img alt="Database Menu" src="images/database_tables/database_menu.png" width="250" /> <br /> --------------------------- --------------------------- ## Plot Types Table List all types of plotting and description. This table is readonly. <br /> <br /> <img alt="Plot Types Table" src="images/database_tables/plot_types.png" width="590" /> <br /> + Fields' meaning: + Plot Type: Name of the plotting type + Description: Describing how the channel will look like and the format of the ValueColors if applicable. <br /> ## Parameters Table List all parameters available. <br /> <br /> <img alt="Parameters Table" src="images/database_tables/parameters.png" width="590" /> <br /> + Depend on the PlotType entered, ValueColors will be applied for the parameter or not. If ValueColors is available, there will be some hint for values to entered in grey color. + To add a new row to the table, click on ADD ROW button. + To save any changes to database, click on SAVE CHANGES. If ValueColors isn't applicable, the field will be cleared; otherwise it will be validated at this point. + To close the dialog, click on CLOSE. User will be asked to confirm closing if there have been any changes made. + Fields' meaning: + No.: Line number, start with 0. + Param: Parameter's name. + Plot Type: Define how to plot the parameter. Description of Plot Type can be found in Plot Types Table. + ValueColors: mapping between values and colors or dot/line and color, or simply color of dots in the plots + Height: Height of plot in compare with other plots. <br /> ## Data Types Table List all data types available in which Default is the datatype for DEFAULT channel to draw any channels that aren't defined in database. <br /> <br /> <img alt="Data Types Table" src="images/database_tables/data_types.png" width="590" /> <br /> + To add a new row to the table, click on ADD ROW button. + To save any changes to database, click on SAVE CHANGES. + To close the dialog, click on CLOSE. User will be asked to confirm closing if there have been any changes made. <br /> ## Channels Table List all channels available for the selected Data Type on the left-top corner. <br /> <br /> <img alt="A Row of SOH List" src="images/database_tables/channels.png" width="590" /> <br /> + To add a new row to the table, click on ADD ROW button. + To save any changes to database, click on SAVE CHANGES. + To close the dialog, click on CLOSE. User will be asked to confirm closing if there have been any changes made. + Fields' meaning: + No.: Line number, start with 0. + Channel: Channel's name. + Label: Displayed with the channel to explain the meaning of the channel. + Param: To describe what kind of parameter the channel is. How the channel is plotted depends on this field. + ConvertFactor: To convert from value read to actual display. + Unit: The unit of the displayed value for the channel. + FixPoint: Decimal point to display the value. + Channels that aren't defined in database will be draw with DEFAULT channel defined in Data Type Default. <br /> <br /> <img alt="DEFAULT channel" src="images/database_tables/default_channel.png" width="590" /> <br />