# GPS Dialog --------------------------- --------------------------- ## How to open The GPS dialog can be opened by using the Commands > GPS Plotter option in the menu bar. <img alt="Open GPS dialog using the Commands menu" src="images/gps_dialog/open_gps_dialog.jpeg" height="100"/> <br /> --------------------------- ## User interface <img alt="Open GPS dialog using the Commands menu" src="images/gps_dialog/gps_dialog_ui.jpeg" height="400"/> ### Export directory selector Composed of a button to select the directory to export the GPS data to and a textbox displaying that directory. ### GPS plot window The window where the GPS points extracted from a data set will be plotted. The style of the plot depends on the background color chosen in the main window. <br /> ### Button bar Contains three buttons: + **Read/Plot**: Read the GPS data and then plot it. + **Export**: Export the GPS points into a tab-separated file. + **Close**: Close the GPS dialog. <br /> ### Notification/info box The box to display notifications or the information of a GPS data poin, <br /> --------------------------- ## How to use <br /> ### Plotting GPS data of a data set Once a data set has been loaded, its GPS data can be plotted by clicking the Read/Plot button. Each GPS data point is plotted as a small rectangle. Once the plotting finishes, a message is displayed in the notification with the number of data points plotted. Furthermore, the range of latitude and longitude of the GPS data is displayed on the plot. <br /> ### Displaying a GPS data point's information When the GPS data finished plotting, clicking on a point on the plot will display its data in the notification box. <br /> ### Exporting the GPS data By clicking the Export button, the GPS data will be exported to a file. The name of the exported file is the name of the data set suffixed with ```.gps.dat```. By default, the file will be in the same directory as the data set. A sample directory structure is given below. ``` Data/ ├─ data.data/ └─ data.data.gps.dat ``` The directory the export file is stored in can be changed by clicking on the **Export Directory** button. <br /> <br /> <img alt="Change export directory" src="images/gps_dialog/click_on_export_directory_button.jpeg" height="400"/> <br /> <br /> <img alt="Change export directory" src="images/gps_dialog/after_click_on_export_directory_button.jpeg" height="400"/> <br />