diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py b/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
index b68469620155ed640ebedbde79f23d227bdcfe06..a46f6d39124d23f07fc885d24fae77dd7c4e04be 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ def check_chan(chan_id: str, req_soh_chans: List[str], req_wf_chans: List[str],
     if chan_id.startswith('VM'):
         if (not include_mp123zne and
-                chan_id[-1] in ['1', '2', '3', 'Z', 'N', 'E']):
+                chan_id[-1] in ['1', '2', '3', 'Z', 'N', 'E', 'A', 'B', 'C']):
             return False
         if (not include_mp456uvw
                 and chan_id[-1] in ['4', '5', '6', 'U', 'V', 'W']):
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/help_view.py b/sohstationviewer/view/help_view.py
index a2c63c1d4f15d85620714e4987ddb266dfceefe0..d90adb3f5f637533bdd6553cd258ef4c64ffbf4e 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/help_view.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/help_view.py
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ class HelpBrowser(QtWidgets.QWidget):
         screen size.
     TREE_VIEW_SCALAR = 0.25
     def __init__(
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/ui/main_ui.py b/sohstationviewer/view/ui/main_ui.py
index bf796eae77be982c8bf8213c6befabc042384ad7..1784637c5551f0f7331414e591d1c7abd1143e9f 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/ui/main_ui.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/ui/main_ui.py
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class UIMainWindow(object):
         left_widget = QWidget(self.central_widget)
-        left_widget.setFixedWidth(240)
+        left_widget.setFixedWidth(255)
         # left_widget.setMinimumHeight(650)
         left_layout = QVBoxLayout()
         left_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
@@ -526,9 +526,10 @@ class UIMainWindow(object):
         mass_pos_layout = QHBoxLayout()
-        mass_pos_layout.addWidget(QLabel('Mass Pos '))
+        mass_pos_layout.addWidget(QLabel('MassPos '))
         self.mass_pos_123zne_check_box = QCheckBox(
-            '123/ZNE', self.central_widget)
+            '123/ZNE/ABC', self.central_widget)
+        self.mass_pos_123zne_check_box.setMinimumWidth(120)
         self.mass_pos_456uvw_check_box = QCheckBox(
             '456/UVW', self.central_widget)
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/util/functions.py b/sohstationviewer/view/util/functions.py
index 3eae9a6e5fe8222e223c247b09a1999efbbd4270..4e56d329a7792e5389a3d4af0712f0d0d83879eb 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/util/functions.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/util/functions.py
@@ -223,9 +223,54 @@ def check_masspos(mp_data: Dict[str, Dict],
     req_mp = []
     if include_mp123:
-        req_mp += ['1', '2', '3']
+        """
+        If the MassPos 123/ZNE/ABC checkbox is checked, the included_mp list
+        will be compared against 3 predefined lists: 123, ZNE, ABC.
+        If any channel in included_mp matches a channel from one of these
+        lists, the entire list (123, ZNE, or ABC) will be used for checking
+        missing channels.
+        If no channel in included_mp matches any of the channels from these
+        lists, only the 123 list will be included in the warning message
+        regarding missing channels.
+        """
+        req_mp123 = []              # represent 123/zne/abc
+        mp123 = ['1', '2', '3']
+        mpzne = ['Z', 'N', 'E']
+        mpabc = ['A', 'B', 'C']
+        if any(chan in mp123 for chan in included_mp):
+            req_mp123 += mp123
+        if any(chan in mpzne for chan in included_mp):
+            req_mp123 += mpzne
+        if any(chan in mpabc for chan in included_mp):
+            req_mp123 += mpabc
+        if req_mp123 == []:
+            # if none of 123/zne/abc, just report 123
+            req_mp123 += mp123
+        req_mp += req_mp123
     if include_mp456:
-        req_mp += ['4', '5', '6']
+        """
+        If the MassPos 456/UVW checkbox is checked, the included_mp list
+        will be compared against 2 predefined lists: 456, UVW.
+        If any channel in included_mp matches a channel from one of these
+        lists, the entire list (123, ZNE, or ABC) will be used for checking
+        missing channels.
+        If no channel in included_mp matches any of the channels from these
+        lists, only the 456 list will be included in the warning message
+        regarding missing channels.
+        """
+        req_mp456 = []              # represent 456/uvw
+        mp456 = ['4', '5', '6']
+        mpuvw = ['U', 'V', 'W']
+        if any(chan in mp456 for chan in included_mp):
+            req_mp456 += mp456
+        if any(chan in mpuvw for chan in included_mp):
+            req_mp456 += mpuvw
+        if req_mp456 == []:
+            # if none of 456/uvw, just report 456
+            req_mp456 += mp456
+        req_mp += req_mp456
     not_included_mp = [mp for mp in req_mp if mp not in included_mp]
diff --git a/tests/view/util/test_functions.py b/tests/view/util/test_functions.py
index 1e2855cdbc4b26bf8b284d17789066772cc7d619..12e6b95c331c0e2a08e3ec19f060cfb1cad6200c 100644
--- a/tests/view/util/test_functions.py
+++ b/tests/view/util/test_functions.py
@@ -383,38 +383,96 @@ class TestCheckChanWildcardsFormat(BaseTestCase):
 class TestCheckMassPos(BaseTestCase):
     def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
-        cls.mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
-                       'MP3': {'chan_id': 'MP3', 'samplerate': 1},
-                       'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
         cls.sel_key = '1378'
-    def test_include_mp123(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
-            check_masspos(self.mp_data, self.sel_key,
-                          include_mp123=True, include_mp456=False)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            str(context.exception),
-            f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position 2")
+    def test_include_mp123_not_include_mp456(self):
+        with self.subTest("Consist of MP1,MP3"):
+            mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP3': {'chan_id': 'MP3', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=True, include_mp456=False)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position 2")
+        with self.subTest("Consist of  MP1,MP3,MPE"):
+            mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP3': {'chan_id': 'MP3', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MPE': {'chan_id': 'MPE', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=True, include_mp456=False)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position "
+                f"2,Z,N")
+        with self.subTest("Consist of MPB"):
+            mp_data = {'MPB': {'chan_id': 'MPB', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=True, include_mp456=False)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position "
+                f"A,C")
+        with self.subTest("No MP 123/ZNE/ABC"):
+            mp_data = {'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=True, include_mp456=False)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position "
+                f"1,2,3")
-    def test_include_mp456(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
-            check_masspos(self.mp_data, self.sel_key,
-                          include_mp123=False, include_mp456=True)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            str(context.exception),
-            f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position 5,6")
+    def test_include_mp456_not_include456(self):
+        with self.subTest("Consist of MP4"):
+            mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=False, include_mp456=True)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position 5,6")
+        with self.subTest("Consist of MPW"):
+            mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                       'MPW': {'chan_id': 'MPW', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=False, include_mp456=True)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position U,V")
+        with self.subTest("No MP 456/UVW"):
+            mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1}}
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
+                check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
+                              include_mp123=False, include_mp456=True)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                str(context.exception),
+                f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position "
+                f"4,5,6")
     def test_include_mp123456(self):
+        mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                   'MP3': {'chan_id': 'MP3', 'samplerate': 1},
+                   'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
         with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
-            check_masspos(self.mp_data, self.sel_key,
+            check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
                           include_mp123=True, include_mp456=True)
             f"Data set {self.sel_key} doesn't include mass position 2,5,6")
     def test_not_include_mp(self):
+        mp_data = {'MP1': {'chan_id': 'MP1', 'samplerate': 1},
+                   'MP4': {'chan_id': 'MP4', 'samplerate': 1}}
-            check_masspos(self.mp_data, self.sel_key,
+            check_masspos(mp_data, self.sel_key,
                           include_mp123=False, include_mp456=False)
         except Exception:
             self.fail("check_masspos() raise Exception unexpectedly")