diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting_widget.py b/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting_widget.py
index 509fb61877b287dffa265e1992cbf999d587610f..1ed59748369541159477765dff94dd068eed9768 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting_widget.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting_widget.py
@@ -303,52 +303,62 @@ class PlottingWidget(QtWidgets.QScrollArea):
         self.is_button_press_event_triggered_pick_event = True
         artist = event.artist
-        if isinstance(artist, pl.Line2D):
-            ax = artist.axes
-            chan_id = ax.chan
+        if not isinstance(artist, pl.Line2D):
+            return
+        ax = artist.axes
+        chan_id = ax.chan
+        try:
+            chan_data = self.plotting_data1[chan_id]
+        except KeyError:
+            # in case of mass position
+            chan_data = self.plotting_data2[chan_id]
+        # list of x values of the plot
+        x_list = artist.get_xdata()
+        # list of y values of the plot
+        y_list = artist.get_ydata()
+        # index of the clicked point on the plot
+        click_plot_index = event.ind[0]
+        # time, val of the clicked point
+        clicked_time = x_list[click_plot_index]
+        clicked_val = y_list[click_plot_index]
+        real_idxes = get_index_from_data_picked(
+            chan_data, clicked_time, clicked_val)
+        if len(real_idxes) == 0:
+            display_tracking_info(self.tracking_box, "Point not found.")
+            return
+        clicked_data = chan_data['data'][0][real_idxes[0]]
+        if hasattr(ax, 'unit_bw'):
+            clicked_data = ax.unit_bw.format(clicked_data)
+        formatted_clicked_time = format_time(
+            clicked_time, self.date_mode, 'HH:MM:SS')
+        info_str = (f"<pre>Channel: {chan_id}   "
+                    f"Point:{click_plot_index + 1}   "
+                    f"Time: {formatted_clicked_time}   "
+                    f"Value: {clicked_data}</pre>")
+        if self.log_data is not None:
+            log_idxes = [chan_data['logIdx'][0][idx]
+                         for idx in real_idxes]
+            if len(real_idxes) > 1:
+                info_str = info_str.replace(
+                    "</pre>", f"   ({len(real_idxes)} lines)")
+                for idx in real_idxes:
+                    info_str += (
+                        "<pre>   " + self.log_data[log_idxes[idx]] + "</pre>")
+        display_tracking_info(self.tracking_box, info_str)
+        if 'logIdx' in chan_data.keys():
+            # For Reftek, need to hightlight the corresponding
+            # SOH message lines based on the log_idxes of the clicked point
+            self.parent.search_message_dialog.show()
-                chan_data = self.plotting_data1[chan_id]
-            except KeyError:
-                # in case of mass position
-                chan_data = self.plotting_data2[chan_id]
-            # list of x values of the plot
-            x_list = artist.get_xdata()
-            # list of y values of the plot
-            y_list = artist.get_ydata()
-            # index of the clicked point on the plot
-            click_plot_index = event.ind[0]
-            # time, val of the clicked point
-            clicked_time = x_list[click_plot_index]
-            clicked_val = y_list[click_plot_index]
-            real_idx = get_index_from_data_picked(
-                chan_data, clicked_time, clicked_val)
-            if real_idx is None:
-                display_tracking_info(self.tracking_box, "Point not found.")
-                return
-            clicked_data = chan_data['data'][0][real_idx]
-            if hasattr(ax, 'unit_bw'):
-                clicked_data = ax.unit_bw.format(clicked_data)
-            formatted_clicked_time = format_time(
-                clicked_time, self.date_mode, 'HH:MM:SS')
-            info_str = (f"<pre>Channel: {chan_id}   "
-                        f"Point:{click_plot_index + 1}   "
-                        f"Time: {formatted_clicked_time}   "
-                        f"Value: {clicked_data}</pre>")
-            display_tracking_info(self.tracking_box, info_str)
-            if 'logIdx' in chan_data.keys():
-                # For Reftek, need to hightlight the corresponding
-                # SOH message line based on the log_idx of the clicked point
-                self.parent.search_message_dialog.show()
-                clicked_log_idx = chan_data['logIdx'][0][real_idx]
-                try:
-                    self.parent.search_message_dialog. \
-                        show_log_entry_from_data_index(clicked_log_idx)
-                except ValueError as e:
-                    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not found",
-                                                  str(e))
+                self.parent.search_message_dialog. \
+                    show_log_entry_from_log_indexes(log_idxes)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not found",
+                                              str(e))
     def on_button_press_event(self, event):