diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting.py b/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting.py
index f0249f0f566d7d2330ac7441c04c0acaae0ec6b0..c463998dcfc0673c90c93bfa241fa9438cb51283 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/plotting/plotting_widget/plotting.py
@@ -100,6 +100,69 @@ class Plotting:
         ax.chan_db_info = chan_db_info
         return ax
+    def plot_tri_colors(
+            self, c_data: Dict, chan_db_info: Dict, chan_id: str) -> Axes:
+        """
+        Plot 3 different values in 3 lines with 3 different colors according
+        to valueColors:
+            Ex: -1:M|0:R|1:Y  means
+                value = -1  => plot on line y=-1 with M color
+                value = 0   => plot on line y=0 with R color
+                value = 1 => plot on line y=1 with Y color
+        Color codes are defined in colorSettings and limitted in 'valColRE'
+            in dbSettings.py
+        :param c_data: data of the channel which includes down-sampled
+            (if needed) data in keys 'times' and 'data'.
+        :param chan_db_info: info of channel from DB
+        :param chan_id: name of channel
+        :return ax: axes of the channel
+        """
+        plot_h = self.plotting_axes.get_height(chan_db_info['height'])
+        ax = self.plotting_axes.create_axes(
+            self.parent.plotting_bot, plot_h,
+            has_min_max_lines=False)
+        value_colors = chan_db_info['valueColors'].split('|')
+        sample_no_colors = []
+        total_sample_list = []
+        for vc in value_colors:
+            v, c = vc.split(':')
+            sample_no_colors.append(clr[c])
+            val = get_val(v)
+            indexes = np.where(c_data['data'][0] == val)[0]
+            times = c_data['times'][0][indexes]
+            # base line
+            ax.plot([self.parent.min_x, self.parent.max_x],
+                    [val, val],
+                    color=clr['r'],
+                    linewidth=0.5,
+                    zorder=constants.Z_ORDER['CENTER_LINE']
+                    )
+            ax.plot(times, len(times) * [val], linestyle="",
+                    marker='s', markersize=2,
+                    zorder=constants.Z_ORDER['DOT'],
+                    color=clr[c], picker=True, pickradius=3)
+            total_sample_list.append(len(times))
+            if val == -1:
+                ax.x_bottom = times
+            elif val == 0:
+                ax.x_center = times
+            else:
+                ax.x_top = times
+        self.plotting_axes.set_axes_info(
+            ax, sample_no_list=total_sample_list,
+            sample_no_colors=sample_no_colors,
+            sample_no_pos=[0.05, 0.5, 0.95],
+            chan_db_info=chan_db_info)
+        ax.chan_db_info = chan_db_info
+        return ax
     def plot_multi_color_dots_equal_on_upper_bound(
             self, c_data: Dict, chan_db_info: Dict, chan_id: str) -> Axes: