diff --git a/sohstationviewer/attributions.txt b/sohstationviewer/attributions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48af1494cb338bb032cccf6bef2cfde19296570e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/attributions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/restart" title="restart icons">Restart icons created by Icon Mart - Flaticon</a>
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_black_background.png b/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_black_background.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..877b4af0689ef05c10d5ede8fa3cb2a208669f82
Binary files /dev/null and b/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_black_background.png differ
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_white_background.png b/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_white_background.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3953f2709b70eedc55703b3516705fc3f7ec9fdd
Binary files /dev/null and b/sohstationviewer/images/revert_icon_white_background.png differ
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/functions.py b/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/functions.py
index 5d9684cdca04962f417614becb43f40b8354b834..41889f31a94e200682fecfa2f00b70ea45c549fc 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/functions.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/functions.py
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def prepare_value_color_html(value_colors: str) -> str:
             c_html = (
-                f"<span style='color: {vcs[1]}; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;"
+                f"<span style='color: {vcs[1]}; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;"
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/value_color_edit.py b/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/value_color_edit.py
index 5c2ed843e42b4d39671bbd62cac3cbdb6bc9c49f..851ca6e5b65e134b14474f3e632a3d0abbc9004f 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/value_color_edit.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/db_config/value_color_helper/value_color_edit.py
@@ -2,36 +2,38 @@ from typing import Optional, Type
 from PySide6 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
 from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
-from PySide6.QtWidgets import QWidget, QTextEdit, QMessageBox
+from PySide6.QtGui import QPalette, QColor
+from PySide6.QtWidgets import (
+    QWidget, QMessageBox, QLabel, QFrame,
 from sohstationviewer.conf.constants import ROOT_PATH
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.param_helper import \
+    validate_value_color_str
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
+    edit_value_color_dialog import DotForTimeDialog
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
     edit_value_color_dialog import EditValueColorDialog
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
     edit_value_color_dialog import LineDotDialog
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
-    edit_value_color_dialog import (
-        MultiColorDotLowerEqualDialog, MultiColorDotUpperEqualDialog)
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
+    edit_value_color_dialog import (MultiColorDotLowerEqualDialog,
+                                    MultiColorDotUpperEqualDialog)
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
     edit_value_color_dialog import TriColorLinesDialog
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
+from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper. \
     edit_value_color_dialog import UpDownDialog
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.\
-    edit_value_color_dialog import DotForTimeDialog
 from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.value_color_helper.functions import \
-from sohstationviewer.view.db_config.param_helper import \
-    validate_value_color_str
-from sohstationviewer.view.util.plot_type_info import plot_types
 from sohstationviewer.view.util.color import COLOR
+from sohstationviewer.view.util.plot_type_info import plot_types
 plot_types_with_value_colors = [
             p for p in plot_types
             if 'pattern' in plot_types[p]]
-class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
+class ValueColorEdit(QFrame):
     Widget to display valueColors and call a dialog to edit tha value
@@ -54,19 +56,37 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
         :param errmsg_header: header for error message to help user identify
             the box that has value color string error.
-        QtWidgets.QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent)
+        super().__init__(parent)
         # Background color for setting border color match with background
-        self.background: str = 'black' if background == 'B' else 'white'
-        self.set_background_color(background)
+        self.background: QColor = (
+            QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.black)
+            if background == 'B'
+            else QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.white)
+        )
         # Type of channel's plot
         self.plot_type: str = plot_type
-        # Original value color string to know if value color string has been
-        # changed.
-        self.org_value_color_str: str = value_color_str
+        # Value colors string given as the input. Only used to determine if the
+        # currently displayed value colors string is different from the one
+        # given as the input.
+        self.original_value_color_str: str = value_color_str
         # Current value color string displayed on widget
         self.value_color_str: str = ''
         # Flag showing if original value color string passes validation
         self.is_valid: bool = True
+        # dialog that pop up when clicking on edit_button to help edit color
+        # and value
+        self.edit_value_color_dialog: Optional[QWidget] = None
+        # Component widgets of this widget
+        self.value_color_display = QLabel(self)
+        self.revert_button = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self)
+        self.edit_button = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self)
+        self.setup_ui(background, plot_type)
+        # Value colors string to revert to. Might be different from the input
+        # because we always want to revert to a valid value colors string.
+        self.base_value_color_str = ''
         if plot_type in plot_types_with_value_colors:
             if value_color_str == '':
                 # Use default value_color_str for the empty one
@@ -78,7 +98,7 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
                     raise ValueError(
                         f"{errmsg_header}{err_msg}\n\n The ValueColors string "
                         f"will be replaced with {plot_type}'s default one.")
-                self.set_value_color(value_color_str)
+                self.base_value_color_str = value_color_str
             except ValueError as e:
                     self, f'Invalid ValueColors:{plot_type}', str(e))
@@ -86,27 +106,53 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
                 # We set the value colors to the default value (specified in
                 # plot_type_info.py) when there is a problem with the given
                 # value colors string.
-                self.set_value_color(
+                self.base_value_color_str = (
+        self.set_value_color(self.base_value_color_str)
-        # dialog that pop up when clicking on edit_button to help edit color
-        # and value
-        self.edit_value_color_dialog: Optional[QWidget] = None
+    def setup_ui(self, background: str, plot_type: str):
+        # Set up the border of the widget.
+        self.setFrameShape(QFrame.Shape.Box)
+        self.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Shadow.Plain)
+        self.set_border_color(self.background)
+        # If we make the border disappear altogether when it is not needed, the
+        # buttons will be moved a bit when the border actually shows up. This
+        # does not look the best when we have multiple of this widget in a row
+        # (e.g. in the Params table editor). Instead, we make it so that the
+        # border always shows up but blend in with the widget's background
+        # unless needed.
+        self.setLineWidth(4)
-        self.setReadOnly(True)
-        # change cursor to Arrow so user know they can't edit directly
-        self.viewport().setCursor(
-            QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape.ArrowCursor)
-        )
-        # to see all info
-        self.setFixedHeight(28)
-        self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
-        self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
-        self.verticalScrollBar().setDisabled(True)
+        # Without this line, the background of the widget will not be filled
+        # with the color we want.
+        self.setAutoFillBackground(True)
+        self.set_background_color(background)
-        self.edit_button = QtWidgets.QToolButton(self)
-        self.edit_button.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)
+        # QLabels expands only enough to fit their content, so we need to
+        # expand their width manually to make space for longer value colors
+        # strings.
+        # The actual width was chosen pretty arbitrarily. It is simply the
+        # first value we tested that makes the UI looks good.
+        self.value_color_display.setFixedWidth(250)
+        self.revert_button.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)
+        if background == 'B':
+            img_file = f"{ROOT_PATH}/images/revert_icon_black_background.png"
+        else:
+            img_file = f"{ROOT_PATH}/images/revert_icon_white_background.png"
+        self.revert_button.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(img_file))
+        self.revert_button.setStyleSheet(
+            "background: transparent; border: none;")
+        self.revert_button.clicked.connect(self.revert)
+        # Make it so that the widget does not change size when the revert
+        # button shows up after being hidden.
+        size_policy = self.revert_button.sizePolicy()
+        size_policy.setRetainSizeWhenHidden(True)
+        self.revert_button.setSizePolicy(size_policy)
+        self.revert_button.hide()
+        self.edit_button.setCursor(Qt.CursorShape.PointingHandCursor)
         if background == 'B':
             img_file = f"{ROOT_PATH}/images/edit_icon_black_background.png"
@@ -119,21 +165,30 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
         layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self)
-        layout.addWidget(self.edit_button, 0, Qt.AlignRight)
-        layout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5)
+        layout.setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 0)
-        self.textChanged.connect(
-            lambda: self.value_color_edited.emit(self.value_color_str)
-        )
+        layout.addWidget(self.value_color_display)
+        layout.addWidget(self.revert_button)
+        layout.addWidget(self.edit_button)
-    def set_border_color(self, color):
+    def set_border_color(self, color: QColor):
         Set border color for the widget.
         :param color: color to set to border
-        self.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit {border: 4px solid %s;}" % color)
+        palette = self.palette()
+        # The border color of a QFrame is handled by its foreground color
+        # roles. This is not explicitly documented in the official QT doc.
+        # Instead, this fact is only hinted. The stackoverflow question below
+        # is where this information is found.
+        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51056997/how-to-set-color-of-frame-of-qframe  # noqa
+        # The color role used for the border color of a QFrame depends on
+        # whether it is embedded in a QTableWidget or is used as a standalone
+        # widget. This is understandable, but not entirely expected.
+        palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Text, color)
+        palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText, color)
+        self.setPalette(palette)
     def set_background_color(self, background: str):
@@ -143,13 +198,23 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
         :param background: 'B'/'W': sign for background color
         palette = self.palette()
+        display_palette = self.value_color_display.palette()
+        # The color role actually used in a palette depends on whether the
+        # widget is embedded in a QTableWidget (and maybe other views) or is
+        # used as a standalone widget. This is understandable, but not entirely
+        # expected.
         if background == 'B':
-            palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Text, Qt.white)
-            palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base, Qt.black)
+            display_palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Text, Qt.white)
+            display_palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText, Qt.white)
+            palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Base, Qt.black)
+            palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Window, Qt.black)
-            palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Text, Qt.black)
-            palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole.Base, Qt.white)
+            display_palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Text, Qt.black)
+            display_palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.WindowText, Qt.black)
+            palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Base, Qt.white)
+            palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Window, Qt.white)
+        self.value_color_display.setPalette(display_palette)
     def set_value_color(self, value_color_str: str) -> None:
@@ -160,8 +225,13 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
         self.value_color_str = value_color_str
         value_color_html = prepare_value_color_html(self.value_color_str)
-        self.setHtml(value_color_html)
+        self.value_color_display.setText(value_color_html)
+        self.value_color_edited.emit(self.value_color_str)
+        if value_color_str != self.base_value_color_str:
+            self.revert_button.show()
+        else:
+            self.revert_button.hide()
     def set_border_color_according_to_value_color_status(self):
@@ -169,13 +239,16 @@ class ValueColorEdit(QTextEdit):
           + Blue for changed
           + Same color as background (no border) for other case.
-        if self.value_color_str != self.org_value_color_str:
+        if self.value_color_str != self.original_value_color_str:
             # Show that value_color_str has been changed
-            self.set_border_color(COLOR['changedStatus'])
+            self.set_border_color(QColor(COLOR['changedStatus']))
             # Reset border the same color as background
+    def revert(self):
+        self.set_value_color(self.base_value_color_str)
     def edit(self):
         Show user an editor to edit the value colors of this widget.
diff --git a/tests/view/db_config/value_color_helper/test_functions.py b/tests/view/db_config/value_color_helper/test_functions.py
index 91ae92c148c16192893ba515e1b2ef1d4c233532..829e36e5ea791048e82542366bd254032929b38e 100644
--- a/tests/view/db_config/value_color_helper/test_functions.py
+++ b/tests/view/db_config/value_color_helper/test_functions.py
@@ -10,74 +10,74 @@ class TestPrepareValueColorHTML(BaseTestCase):
         with self.subTest("Line and dot values"):
             expected_value_colors = (
-                "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+                "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
-                "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+                "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
             result = prepare_value_color_html("Line:#00FF00|Dot:#00FF00")
-            self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+            self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
         with self.subTest("Line value"):
             expected_value_colors = (
-                "<p>Line:<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;"
+                "<p>Line:<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;"
             result = prepare_value_color_html("Line:#00FF00")
-            self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+            self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_up_down_dots(self):
         expected_value_colors = (
-            "<span style='color: #FF0000; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FF0000; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
-            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
         result = prepare_value_color_html("Down:#FF0000|Up:#00FF00")
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_multi_color_dots_equal_on_upper_bound(self):
         expected_value_colors = (
             "<p>&le;0:not plot"
-            "<span style='color: #FFFF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FFFF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
-            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
-            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
         result = prepare_value_color_html(
             '<=0:not plot|<=1:#FFFF00:bigger|<=2:#00FF00|2<:#FF00FF')
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_multi_color_dots_equal_on_lower_bound(self):
         expected_value_colors = (
             "<p>&lt;3:not plot"
-            "<span style='color: #FFFF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FFFF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
-            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
         result = prepare_value_color_html(
             '<3:not plot|<3.3:#FFFF00|=3.3:#00FF00:smaller')
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_tri_color_lines(self):
         expected_value_colors = (
-            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
-            "|0:<span style='color: #FF0000; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
-            "|1:<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
+            "|0:<span style='color: #FF0000; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
+            "|1:<span style='color: #00FF00; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
         result = prepare_value_color_html('-1:#FF00FF|0:#FF0000|1:#00FF00')
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_dot_for_time(self):
         expected_value_colors = (
-            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:25px;'>&#8718;</span>"
+            "<span style='color: #FF00FF; font-size:18px;'>&#9632;</span>"
         result = prepare_value_color_html('C:#FF00FF')
-        self.assertEqual(result, expected_value_colors)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_value_colors, result)
     def test_empty_input(self):
         expected = ''