diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/data_type_model.py b/sohstationviewer/model/data_type_model.py
index c95065c82287654f97f511f4d1645b521620d686..9d3110067aaeea2b916abea25dbf27e390becc25 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/data_type_model.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/data_type_model.py
@@ -17,42 +17,139 @@ class DataTypeModel():
                  reqWFChans=[], reqSOHChans=[],
                  readStart=0, readEnd=constants.HIGHEST_INT,
                  *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Super class for different data type to process data from data files
+        :param trackingBox: QTextBrowser - widget to display tracking info
+        :param folder: str - path to the folder of data
+        :param readChanOnly: bool - if True, only read for channel name
+        :param reqWFChans: list of str - requested waveform channel list
+        :param reqSOHChans: list of str - requested SOH channel list
+        :param readStart: int - requested start time to read
+        :param readEnd: int - requested end time to read
+        """
         self.trackingBox = trackingBox
         self.dir = folder
         self.reqSOHChans = reqSOHChans
         self.reqWFChans = reqWFChans
         self.readChanOnly = readChanOnly
+        self.readStart = readStart
+        self.readEnd = readEnd
-        self.readStart = readStart      # start time to read in epoch
-        self.readEnd = readEnd          # end time to read in epoch
-        self.processingLog = []     # [(message, type)]
-        self.logData = {'TEXT': []}     # 'TEXT': for text only file
+        """
+        processingLog: [(message, type)] - record the progress of processing
+        """
+        self.processingLog = []
+        """
+        Log data: info from log channels, soh messages, text file in dict:
+        {chan_id: list of log strings}
+        'TEXT': is the chan_id given by sohview for text only file.
+        """
+        self.logData = {'TEXT': []}
+        """
+        waveformData: data of waveform in dict:
+        {set_key: {
+            'files_info': {
+                chan_id - str: [{
+                    'path2file': absolute path to file - str,
+                    'file_name': name of file - str,
+                    'nets': list of network names in file - list of str
+                    'stats': list of station names in file - list of str
+                    'net_stats': list of (network, station)s in file - list of
+                        tuple of str
+                    'chan_ids': list of channel names in file - list of str
+                    'start_epoch': start time of file - float
+                    'end_epoch': end time of file - float
+                    'traces_total': length of data - int
+                    'spr': sample rate - float
+                    'read': file has been read or not - bool
+                    }]
+            }
+            'read_data': {
+                chan_id - str: {
+                    'samplerate': Sample rate of the data - float
+                    'tracesInfo': [{
+                        'samplerate': Sample rate of the data - float
+                        'start_tm_epoch': Start epoch time of the trace - float
+                        'end_tm_epoch': End epoch time of the trace - float
+                        'size': Size of data - int
+                        'times_f': np.memmap's file path for real epoch time
+                            - str
+                        'data_f': np.memmap's file path for data - str
+                        },]
+                    'ax': Axes for plotting channel data,
+                        added later when it is created - matplotlib.axes.Axes
+                    'chan_db_info': the plotting parameters got from database
+                        for this channel - dict
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        (np.memmap is used instead of data for waveform because waveform data
+        are too large and make system crashed when try to merge and process)
+        """
         self.waveformData = {}
+        """
+        SOHData: data for SOH info in dict:
+        {set_key - str or (str, str): {
+            chan_id - str: {
+                'org_trace': {
+                    'chan_id': channel name - str
+                    'samplerate': sample rate of the data - float
+                    'start_tm_epoch': start epoch time of the trace - float,
+                    'end_tm_epoch': end epoch time of the trace - float,
+                    'times': data's real time in epoch - np.array of float
+                    'data': data - np.array of float/int
+                }
+            }
+        }
+                times: times that has been trimmed and downsampled for plotting
+                    - np.array of float
+                data: data that has been trimmed and downsampled for plotting
+                    - np.array of float/int
+        """
         self.SOHData = {}
+        """
+        massPosData: data for mass position info in the format similar to
+        SOHData.
+        Channel name for mseed mass position: VP*
+        Channel name for reftek mass position: MP* (given by SOHView)
+        """
         self.massPosData = {}
-        self.dataTime = {}       # (earliestepoch,latestepoch) for each station
-        self.channels = set()
-        self.station = None
-        self.nets = set()
-        self.stats = set()
+        """
+        dataTime: time range of data sets:
+        {setKey: [earliestepoch, latestepoch]} - {str: [float, float],}
+        """
+        self.dataTime = {}
+        """
+        The given data may include more than one data set which is station_id
+        in mseed or (unit_id, exp_no) in reftek. User are allow to choose which
+        data set to be displayed
+        selectedKey: str - key of the data set to be displayed
+        """
+        self.selectedKey = None
+        """
+        gaps: gaps info in dict:
+        {set_key: [list of gaps]} - {str: [[float, float],],}
+        """
         self.gaps = {}
-        self.timeRanges = {}
-        self.selectedStaID = None
-        # # channel with the longest traces total for each station
-        # self.maxTraceTotalChan = {}
+        """
+         tmpDir: str - dir to keep memmap files.
+         Will be deleted when object is deleted
+        """
         self.tmpDir = mkdtemp()
-        # print("currentdir:", os.getcwd())
-        # tmpDirName = 'datatmp'
-        # self.tmpDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tmpDirName)
         except FileExistsError:
-        # self.readDir(folder, readChanOnly)
     def __del__(self):
         print("delete dataType Object")
@@ -65,12 +162,22 @@ class DataTypeModel():
         print("finish deleting")
     def hasData(self):
+        """
+        :return bool - True if there is any data can be read.
+                       False if there is no valid data
+        """
         if (len(self.logData) == 0 and len(self.SOHData) == 0 and
                 len(self.massPosData) == 0 and len(self.waveformData) == 0):
             return False
         return True
     def trackInfo(self, text, type):
+        """
+        Display tracking info in tracking_box.
+        Add all errors/warnings to processing_log.
+        :param text: str - message to display
+        :param type: str - type of message (error/warning/info)
+        """
         displayTrackingInfo(self.trackingBox, text, type)
         if type != 'info':
             self.processingLog.append((text, type))
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data.py b/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data.py
index 6b69db83424d107bd566c6c4421dbf9cc7ea18ac..3df98421b6932c831e6c5364d8329da8af112159 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-import os
+Functions that help processing model data
 import math
 from struct import unpack
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
 from obspy.core import Stream, read as read_ms
@@ -17,8 +19,20 @@ from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.from_rt2ms import core
 def readSOHMSeed(path2file, fileName,
                  SOHStreams, logData, netsProbInFile, trackInfo):
-    Read ms and add trace in self.streams to merge later
-    Or read log wrap in ms and add to logData under channel in ms header
+    Use read() from obspy.core to read miniseed file:
+       + if encoding is ASCII: log string will be added to log_data. The
+           following blockettes' data if available will be converted to string
+           to add to log_data as well.
+       + otherwise traces from stream will be add to soh_streams to be
+           merged later
+    :param path2file: str - absolute path of mseed file
+    :param fileName: str - name of mseed file
+    :param SOHStreams: dict - holder of SOH mseed streams
+    :param logData: dict - holder of info from log
+    :param netsProbInfile: {list of str: str} - holder of dict with key are
+        nets of file and  value is user-selected net so the rule will be
+        applied for other files if their nets is subset of a key
+    :param trackInfo: function - to display processing info
     stream = read_ms(path2file)
@@ -86,6 +100,12 @@ def readSOHMSeed(path2file, fileName,
 def readSOHTrace(trace):
+    """
+    Read SOH trace's info
+    :param trace: obspy.core.trace.Trace -  mseed trace
+    :return tr: dict - with trace's info
+        (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__.soh_ata[key][chan_id][orgTrace])
+    """
     tr = {}
     tr['chanID'] = trace.stats['channel']
     tr['samplerate'] = trace.stats['sampling_rate']
@@ -101,25 +121,38 @@ def readSOHTrace(trace):
 def readMPTrace(trace):
-    tr = {}
-    tr['chanID'] = trace.stats['channel']
-    tr['samplerate'] = trace.stats['sampling_rate']
-    tr['startTmEpoch'] = trace.stats['starttime'].timestamp
-    tr['endTmEpoch'] = trace.stats['endtime'].timestamp
-    trace time start with 0 => need to add with epoch starttime
-    times and data have type ndarray
-    """
-    tr['times'] = trace.times() + trace.stats['starttime'].timestamp
-    # TODO: MP only has 4 different values, data can be simplified if too big
-    tr['data'] = np.round_(trace.data / 3276.7, 1)
+    Read mass possition trace's info using readSOHTrace(), then calculate real
+        value for mass possition
+    :param trace: obspy.core.trace.Trace - mseed trace
+    :return tr: dict - with trace's info from readSOHTrace in which tr['data']
+        has been converted from 16-bit signed integer in which
+        32767= 2 ** 16/2 - 1 is the highest value of 16-bit two's complement
+        number. The value is also multiplied by 10 for readable display.
+        (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__.soh_data[key][chan_id][orgTrace])
+    (According to 130_theory.pdf: Each channel connects to a 12-bit A/D
+    converter with an input range of +/- 10V. These channel are read
+    once per second as left-justified, 2's-compliment, 16 bit values.)
+    """
+    tr = readSOHTrace(trace)
+    tr['data'] = np.round_(tr['data'] / 32767.0 * 10.0, 1)
     return tr
-def readWaveformTrace(trace, staID, chanID, tracesInfo, tmpDir):
+def readWaveformTrace(trace, sta_id, chan_id, traces_info, tmp_dir):
-    read data from Trace and save data to files to save mem for processing
-    since waveform data are big
+    read mseed waveform trace and save data to files to save mem for processing
+        since waveform data are big.
+    :param trace: obspy.core.trace.Trace - mseed trace
+    :param sta_id: str - station name
+    :param chan_id: str - channel name
+    :param traces_info: dict - holder of traces_info, refer
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.
+        waveform_data[key]['read_data'][chan_id]['traces_info']
+    :return tr: dict - with trace's info
+        (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__.
+         waveform_data[key][chan_id][traces_info])
     # gaps for SOH only for now
     tr = {}
@@ -134,19 +167,29 @@ def readWaveformTrace(trace, staID, chanID, tracesInfo, tmpDir):
     data = trace.data
     tr['size'] = times.size
-    trIdx = len(tracesInfo)
-    tr['times_zf'] = tr['times_f'] = saveData2File(
-        tmpDir, 'times', staID, chanID, times, trIdx, tr['size'])
-    tr['data_zf'] = tr['data_f'] = saveData2File(
-        tmpDir, 'data', staID, chanID, data, trIdx, tr['size'])
+    trIdx = len(traces_info)
+    tr['times_f'] = saveData2File(
+        tmp_dir, 'times', sta_id, chan_id, times, trIdx, tr['size'])
+    tr['data_f'] = saveData2File(
+        tmp_dir, 'data', sta_id, chan_id, data, trIdx, tr['size'])
     return tr
 def readWaveformMSeed(path2file, fileName, staID, chanID,
                       tracesInfo, dataTime, tmpDir):
-    Read ms and add trace in self.streams to merge later
-    Or read log wrap in ms and add to logData under channel in ms header
+    Read traces from waveform mseed file to append to tracesInfo.
+        data_time is update for new min and max time.
+    :param path2file: str - absolute path to waveform mseed file
+    :param fileName: str - name of waveform mseed file
+    :param staID: str - station ID from indexing
+    :param chanID: str - channel ID from indexing
+    :param tracesInfo: dict - holder of traces_info, refer
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.
+        waveform_data[key]['read_data'][chan_id]['traces_info']
+    :param dataTime: DataTypeModel.__init__.data_time[key] - holder for data
+        time of the current station
+    :param tmpDir: str - the folder to keep memmap files
     stream = read_ms(path2file)
     for trace in stream:
@@ -156,7 +199,18 @@ def readWaveformMSeed(path2file, fileName, staID, chanID,
-def readWaveformReftek(rt130, staID, readData, dataTime, tmpDir):
+def readWaveformReftek(rt130, key, read_data, dataTime, tmpDir):
+    """
+    Read traces from rt130 object to add to traces Info tracesInfo.
+    dataTime is update for new min and max time.
+    :param rt130: rt130 object
+    :param key: (str, str) - key of the data set
+    :param read_data: dict -holder of the readData refer
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.waveform_data[key]['read_data']
+    :param dataTime: DataTypeModel.__init__.data_time[key] - holder for data
+        time of the current station
+    :param tmpDir: str - the folder to keep memmap files
+    """
     stream = core.Reftek130.to_stream(
@@ -165,19 +219,30 @@ def readWaveformReftek(rt130, staID, readData, dataTime, tmpDir):
     for trace in stream:
         chanID = trace.stats['channel']
         samplerate = trace.stats['sampling_rate']
-        if chanID not in readData:
-            readData[chanID] = {
+        if chanID not in read_data:
+            read_data[chanID] = {
                 "tracesInfo": [],
                 "samplerate": samplerate}
-        tracesInfo = readData[chanID]['tracesInfo']
-        tr = readWaveformTrace(trace, staID, chanID, tracesInfo, tmpDir)
+        tracesInfo = read_data[chanID]['tracesInfo']
+        tr = readWaveformTrace(trace, key, chanID, tracesInfo, tmpDir)
         dataTime[0] = min(tr['startTmEpoch'], dataTime[0])
         dataTime[1] = max(tr['endTmEpoch'], dataTime[1])
-def readASCII(path2file, file, staID, chanID, trace, logData, trackInfo):
-    # TODO: read this in MSEED HEADER
+def readASCII(path2file, file, sta_id, chan_id, trace, log_data, track_info):
+    """
+    Read mseed trace with ASCII encoding to add to logData.
+    :param path2file: str- absolute path of mseed file
+    :param file: file object - to continue reading. Open new if file is None
+    :param sta_id: str - station ID got from mseed header
+    :param chaID: str - channel ID got from mseed header
+    :param trace: obspy.core.trace.Trace - mseed trace
+    :param log_data: dict - holder for log messages, refer to
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.log_data
+    :param track_info: function - to display processing info
+    :return file: file object - to close or continue to read
+    """
     byteorder = trace.stats.mseed['byteorder']
     h = trace.stats
     logText = "\n\n**** STATE OF HEALTH: "
@@ -203,19 +268,24 @@ def readASCII(path2file, file, staID, chanID, trace, logData, trackInfo):
                     nextBlktByteNo, databytes, byteorder)
                 logText += info
             except ReadBlocketteError as e:
-                trackInfo(f"{staID} - {chanID}: {e.msg}", 'error')
+                track_info(f"{sta_id} - {chan_id}: {e.msg}", 'error')
-    if staID not in logData:
-        logData[staID] = {}
-    if h.channel not in logData[staID]:
-        logData[staID][h.channel] = []
-    logData[staID][h.channel].append(logText)
+    if sta_id not in log_data:
+        log_data[sta_id] = {}
+    if h.channel not in log_data[sta_id]:
+        log_data[sta_id][h.channel] = []
+    log_data[sta_id][h.channel].append(logText)
     return file
 def readText(path2file, fileName, textLogs, ):
-    Read log file and add to logData under channel TEXT
+    Read text file and add to logData under channel TEXT. Raise exception
+        if the file isn't a text file
+    :param path2file: str - absolute path to text file
+    :param fileName: str - name of text file
+    :param textLogs: holder to keep log string, refer to
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.log_data['TEXT']
     with open(path2file, 'r') as file:
@@ -230,25 +300,23 @@ def readText(path2file, fileName, textLogs, ):
         return True
-def saveData2File(tmpDir, tm_data, staID, chanID,
-                  tr, trIdx, trSize, postfix=''):
+def saveData2File(tmp_dir, tm_data, sta_id, chanid,
+                  tr, tr_idx, tr_size):
-    save time/data to file to free memory for processing
-    :param tmpDir: the temp dir to save file in
-    :param tm_data: "times"/"data"
-    :param staID: station id
-    :param chaID: channel id
-    :param tr: numpy array of trace data
-    :param trIdx: trace index
-    :param trSize: trace size
-    :param postfix: in case of decimating for zooming,
-        add Z at the end of filename
+    Using np.memmap save time/data to file then free memory for processing
+    :param tmp_dir: str - the temporary dir to save file in
+    :param tm_data: str - "times"/"data"
+    :param sta_id: str - station ID
+    :param chaID: str - channel ID
+    :param tr: numpy array - of trace time or data
+    :param tr_idx: int - trace index
+    :param tr_size: int - trace size
+    :return memFileName: str - name of memmap file
-    memFileName = os.path.join(tmpDir,
-                               f"{staID}-{chanID}-{tm_data}-{trIdx}{postfix}")
-    # print("memFileName:%s - %s" % (memFileName, trSize))
+    memFileName = Path(tmp_dir).joinpath(
+        f"{sta_id}-{chanid}-{tm_data}-{tr_idx}")
     memFile = np.memmap(memFileName, dtype='int64', mode='w+',
-                        shape=trSize)
+                        shape=tr_size)
     memFile[:] = tr[:]
     del tr
     del memFile
@@ -257,8 +325,14 @@ def saveData2File(tmpDir, tm_data, staID, chanID,
 def checkChan(chanID, reqSOHChans, reqWFChans):
-    Check if chanID is required
-    return type if pass, False if not required
+    Check if chanID is a requested channel.
+    :param chanID: str - channel ID
+    :param reqSOHChans: list of str - requested SOH channels
+    :param reqWFChans: list of str - requested waveform channels
+    :return: str/bool -
+        'WF' if chanID is a requested waveform channel,
+        'SOH' if chanID is a requested SOH channel,
+        False otherwise.
     ret = checkWFChan(chanID, reqWFChans)
     if ret[0] == 'WF':
@@ -273,9 +347,13 @@ def checkChan(chanID, reqSOHChans, reqWFChans):
 def checkSOHChan(chanID, reqSOHChans):
-    check if chanID is an SOH channel or mass position (mseed channel)
-    check if it required by user
-    no reqSOHChans means read all
+    Check if chan_id is a requested SOH channel.
+    Mass position is always included.
+    This function is used for mseed only so mass position is 'VM'.
+    If there is no reqSOHChans, it means all SOH channels are requested
+    :param chanID: str - channel ID
+    :param reqSOHChans: list of str - requested SOH channels
+    :return: bool - True if chan_id is a requested SOH channel. False otherwise
     if reqSOHChans == []:
         return True
@@ -284,10 +362,7 @@ def checkSOHChan(chanID, reqSOHChans):
     if 'EX?' in reqSOHChans and chanID.startswith('EX'):
         if chanID[2] in ['1', '2', '3']:
             return True
-    # if 'VM?' in reqSOHChans and chanID.startswith('VM'):
     if chanID.startswith('VM'):
-        # always read mass position
-        # TODO: add reqMPChans
         if chanID[2] in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']:
             return True
     return False
@@ -295,8 +370,12 @@ def checkSOHChan(chanID, reqSOHChans):
 def checkWFChan(chanID, reqWFChans):
-    Check if chanID is a waveform data and is required by user
-    TODO: check with more wild card reqWFChans
+    Check if chanID is a waveform channel and is requested by user
+    :param chanID: str - channel ID
+    :param reqWFChans: list of str - requested waveform channels
+    :return wf: str - '' if chan_id is not a waveform channel.
+                      'WF' if chan_id is a waveform channel.
+    :return hasChan: bool - True if chan_id is a requested waveform channel.
     wf = ''
     hasChan = False
@@ -311,7 +390,8 @@ def checkWFChan(chanID, reqWFChans):
 def sortData(dataDict):
-    Sort data in 'tracesInfo' according to 'startTmEpoch'
+    Sort data in 'tracesInfo' in 'startTmEpoch' order
+    :param dataDict: DataTypeModel.__init__.waveformData
     for staID in dataDict:
         for chanID in dataDict[staID]['readData']:
@@ -322,9 +402,12 @@ def sortData(dataDict):
 def squash_gaps(gaps):
-    :param gaps: list of gaps: (start, end, length)
-    :return: squased_gaps: all related gaps are squashed extending to
-        min start and max end
+    Compress gaps from different channels that have time range related to
+    each other to the ones with outside boundary (min start, max end).
+    :param gaps: [[[float, float],], [[float, float],],] -
+        list of gaps of different channels: [[[start, end],], [[start, end],],]
+    :return: squashed_gaps: [[float, float],] - all related gaps are squashed
+        extending to min start and max end [[min start, max end],]
     squashed_gaps = []
     sgap_indexes = []
@@ -347,6 +430,18 @@ def squash_gaps(gaps):
 def downsample(times, data, rq_points):
+    """
+    Reduce sample rate of times and data so that times and data return has
+        the size around the rq_points.
+    Since the functions used for downsampling (chunk_minmax()/constant_rate)
+        are very slow, the values of data from mean to CUT_FROM_MEAN_FACTOR
+        will be removed first. If the size not meet the rq_points, then
+        continue to downsample.
+    :param times: numpy array - of a waveform channel's times
+    :param data: numpy array - of a waveform channel's data
+    :param rq_points: int - requested size to return.
+    :return np.array, np.array - new times and new data with the requested size
+    """
     if times.size <= rq_points:
         return times, data
     dataMax = max(abs(data.max()), abs(data.min()))
@@ -356,11 +451,19 @@ def downsample(times, data, rq_points):
         (dataMax - dataMean) * const.CUT_FROM_MEAN_FACTOR)
     times = times[indexes]
     data = data[indexes]
-    # return constant_rate(times, data, rq_points)
+    if times.size <= rq_points:
+        return times, data
     return chunk_minmax(times, data, rq_points)
 def constant_rate(times, data, rq_points):
+    """
+    Take sample with constant_rate regardless of the value of the data
+    :param times: numpy array of a waveform channel's times
+    :param data: numpy array of a waveform channel's data
+    :param rq_points: requested size to return.
+    :return times, data: new times and new data with the requested size
+    """
     if times.size <= rq_points:
         return times, data
     rate = int(times.size/rq_points)
@@ -375,6 +478,15 @@ def constant_rate(times, data, rq_points):
 def chunk_minmax(times, data, rq_points):
+    """
+    Split data into differen chunks, take the min, max of each chunk to add
+        to the data return
+    :param times: numpy array - of a waveform channel's times
+    :param data: numpy array - of a waveform channel's data
+    :param rq_points: int - requested size to return.
+    :return times, data: np.array, np.array - new times and new data with the
+        requested size
+    """
     x, y = times, data
     final_points = 0
     if x.size <= rq_points:
@@ -446,8 +558,16 @@ def chunk_minmax(times, data, rq_points):
 def trim_downsample_SOHChan(chan, startTm, endTm, firsttime):
-    trim off non-included time from chan[orgTrace], downsample, and save to
-    chan[times], chan[data] and [logIdx] if the key exist
+    When channel is zoomed in, times and data will be trimmed off to exclude
+        the non-included time. Then they will be downsampled to get to the
+        expected const.CHAN_SIZE_LIMIT, and save to chan[times], chan[data]
+        for plotting.
+    :param chan: dict - channel info from soh_data, refer
+        DataType_Model.__init_.soh_data[key][chan_id]
+    :param startTm: float - start time of zoomed section
+    :param endTm: float - end time of zoomed section
+    :param firsttime: bool True for original size when channel is not zoomed in
     # TODO, add logIdx to downsample if using reftex
     # zoom in to the given time
@@ -461,10 +581,26 @@ def trim_downsample_SOHChan(chan, startTm, endTm, firsttime):
 def trim_downsample_WFChan(chan, startTm, endTm, firsttime):
-    trim off all chans with non included time
-    if totalSize of the rest chans > RECAL_SIZE_LIMIT => need to be downsampled
-    Read data from tr's filename, downsample the data
-    Return data for plotting
+    When channel is zoomed in, times and data will be trimmed off to exclude
+        the non-included time.
+    Different with soh_data where times and data are each in one np.array,
+        in waveform_data, times and data are each kept in a list of np.memmap
+        files along with startTmEpoch and endTmEpoch.
+    chan['startIdx'] and chan['endIdx'] will be identify to exclude np.memmap
+        files that aren't in the zoom time range (startTm, endTm).
+    Data in np.memmap files will be trimmed again if there is still time
+        outside the zoom time range then downsampled and combined to get the
+        times and data with size closed to the expected const.CHAN_SIZE_LIMIT,
+        and save to chan[times], chan[data] for plotting.
+    chan['fulldata']: is a flag set at the firsttime when channel isn't
+        zoomed in and the data is small enough so it doesn't need to go through
+        the process when zoomed in.
+    :param chan: dict - channel info from soh_data, refer
+        DataType_Model.__init_.soh_data[key][chan_id]
+    :param startTm: float - start time of zoomed section
+    :param endTm: float - end time of zoomed section
+    :param firsttime: bool True for original size when channel is not zoomed in
     if 'fulldata' in chan:
         # data is small, already has full in the first trim
@@ -535,6 +671,14 @@ def trim_downsample_WFChan(chan, startTm, endTm, firsttime):
 def get_eachDay5MinList(startTm, endTm):
+    """
+    Get the list of all five minute for every day start from the day of startTm
+        and end at the day of endTm.
+    :param startTm: float - start time
+    :param endTm: float - end time
+    :return every_day_5_min_list: [[288 of floats], ] - the list of all start
+        of five minutes for every day in which each day has 288 of 5 minutes.
+    """
     exactDayTm = (startTm // const.SEC_DAY) * const.SEC_DAY
     exactDayTmList = []
@@ -545,21 +689,38 @@ def get_eachDay5MinList(startTm, endTm):
         exactDayTm += const.SEC_DAY
-    # list of start/end 5m in each day: eachDay5MinList
+    # list of start/end 5m in each day: every_day_5_min_list
     for idx, startDayTm in enumerate(exactDayTmList):
         aDay5Min = np.arange(startDayTm,
                              startDayTm + const.SEC_DAY,
         if idx == 0:
-            eachDay5MinList = np.array([aDay5Min])
+            every_day_5_min_list = np.array([aDay5Min])
-            eachDay5MinList = np.vstack((eachDay5MinList, aDay5Min))
-    return eachDay5MinList
+            every_day_5_min_list = np.vstack((every_day_5_min_list, aDay5Min))
+    return every_day_5_min_list
-def get_trimTPSData(chan, startTm, endTm, eachDay5MinList):
+def get_trimTPSData(chan, startTm, endTm, every_day_5_min_list):
+    """
+    Different with soh_data where times and data are each in one np.array,
+        in waveform_data, times and data are each kept in a list of np.memmap
+        files along with startTmEpoch and endTmEpoch.
+    chan['startIdx'] and chan['endIdx'] will be identify to exclude np.memmap
+        files that aren't in the zoom time range (startTm, endTm).
+    Data in np.memmap will be trimmed according to times then time-power-square
+        value for each 5 minutes will be calculated and saved in
+        chan['tps-data']: np.mean(np.square(5m data))
+    :param chan: dict - chan dictionary, refer to
+        DataTypeModel.__init__.waveformData[key]['readData'][chan_id]
+    :param startTm: float - start time of zoomed section
+    :param endTm: float - end time of zoomed section
+    :param every_day_5_min_list: [[288 of floats], ] - the list of all start
+        of five minutes for every day in which each day has 288 of 5 minutes.
+    """
     # preset all 0 for all 5 minutes for each day
-    tpsData = np.zeros((len(eachDay5MinList), const.NO_5M_DAY))
+    tpsData = np.zeros((len(every_day_5_min_list), const.NO_5M_DAY))
     # zoom in to the given range
     chan['startIdx'] = 0
@@ -610,8 +771,9 @@ def get_trimTPSData(chan, startTm, endTm, eachDay5MinList):
             startTPSTm = times[startIndex]
         # identify index in case of overlaps or gaps
-        index = np.where((eachDay5MinList <= times[startIndex]) &
-                         (eachDay5MinList + const.SEC_5M > times[startIndex]))
+        index = np.where((every_day_5_min_list <= times[startIndex]) &
+                         (every_day_5_min_list + const.SEC_5M >
+                          times[startIndex]))
         currRow = index[0][0]
         currCol = index[1][0]
         nextTPSTm = startTPSTm + const.SEC_5M
@@ -636,17 +798,16 @@ def get_trimTPSData(chan, startTm, endTm, eachDay5MinList):
                     currRow += 1
                     nextTPSTm += const.SEC_5M
     chan['tps_data'] = tpsData
-    chan['5m_each_day'] = eachDay5MinList
 def findTPSTm(given_tm, each_day_5_min_list):
     Find the position of the given time (given_tm) in time-power-squared plot
-    :param given_tm: given time
-    :param each_day_5_min_list: list of days in which each day includes
-                    a list of 288 times with 5 minutes apart
-    :return x_idx: index of time in the each_day_5_min_list
-    :return y_idx: index of day plotted
+    :param given_tm: float - given time
+    :param every_day_5_min_list: [[288 of floats], ] - the list of all start
+        of five minutes for every day in which each day has 288 of 5 minutes.
+    :return x_idx: int - index of time in the each_day_5_min_list
+    :return y_idx: int - index of day plotted
                    (look in TimePowerSquaredWidget.getZoomData())
     x_idx = None
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/blockettes_reader.py b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/blockettes_reader.py
index 71b96435928aaea4d51908d41f46196e19236479..83b37a436b1874cc9d3e3806807d71064f3416d7 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/blockettes_reader.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/blockettes_reader.py
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
-import os
+function for reading blockettes for ascii encodding
 from struct import unpack
+from pathlib import Path
 class ReadBlocketteError(Exception):
@@ -11,7 +15,7 @@ def readASCII(path, fileName, byteorder):
     test function
-    file = open(os.path.join(path, fileName), 'rb')
+    file = open(Path(path).joinpath(fileName), 'rb')
     databytes = file.read()
     followingBlktsTotal = unpack('%s%s' % (byteorder, 'B'),
@@ -34,14 +38,12 @@ def readASCII(path, fileName, byteorder):
 # SEED Manual V2.4 - Chapter 8 - Data Record
 def readNextBlkt(bNo, databytes, byteorder):
-    :param bNo: next blockette Byte Number
-    :param databytes: file's data in byte
-    :param byteorder: big/little endian
-    :param key: (net, stat, loc)
-    :param chanID: channel
+    :param bNo: int - next blockette Byte Number
+    :param databytes: bytes object - file's data in byte
+    :param byteorder: str - big/little endian
-        nextBNo: byte number of next blockette
-        info: info read from this blockette
+        nextBNo: int - byte number of next blockette
+        info: str - info read from this blockette
     blocketteType = unpack('%s%s' % (byteorder, 'H'),
                            databytes[bNo:bNo + 2])[0]
@@ -59,6 +61,13 @@ def readNextBlkt(bNo, databytes, byteorder):
 def readBlkt500(bNo, databytes, byteorder):
+    """
+    read blockette 500 (skip first 4 bytes (HH) as they are already read)
+    :param bNo: int - next blockette Byte Number
+    :param databytes: bytes object - file's data in byte
+    :param byteorder: str - big/little endian
+    :return logText: str - info of blockette 500 in string
+    """
     logText = "\nVCO Correction: %s" % unpack(
         '%s%s' % (byteorder, 'f'), databytes[bNo + 4:bNo + 8])[0]
     t = {}
@@ -83,6 +92,14 @@ def readBlkt500(bNo, databytes, byteorder):
 def readBlkt2000(bNo, databytes, byteorder):
+    """
+    read blockette 2000 (skip first 4 bytes (HH) as they are already read)
+    :param bNo: int - next blockette Byte Number
+    :param databytes: bytes object - file's data in byte
+    :param byteorder: str - big/little endian
+    :return logText: str - info of blockette 2000 in string
+    """
     blktLen = unpack(
         '%s%s' % (byteorder, 'H'), databytes[bNo + 4:bNo + 6])[0]
     logText = "\nTotal Blockette length: %s bytes" % blktLen
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/from_mseedpeek/mseed_header.py b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/from_mseedpeek/mseed_header.py
index 1033828d377c0a35021cadf26be8936060f9bc7f..9b4b606f68082c6e02829a5f18ee1a93c2fc0aeb 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/from_mseedpeek/mseed_header.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/from_mseedpeek/mseed_header.py
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+Most of functions/classes in this file are from mseedpeek.
+read_mseed_headers() is the only function added to make use of the reused
 import struct
 from sohstationviewer.controller.util import getTime6
 from sohstationviewer.model.handling_data import (
@@ -411,17 +417,30 @@ def readHdrs(path2file, fileName,
              netsProbInFile, trackInfo):
     read headers of a given file build dictionary for quick access
-    """
+    :param path2file: str - path to file
+    :param fileName: str - name of file
+    :param SOHStreams: dict - holder for different sets of soh mseed stream
+    :param logData: dict - holder for logging messages
+    :param reqSOHChans: list of string - requested SOH channels sent
+        from Main Window
+    :param reqWFChans: list of string - requested waveform channel sent from
+        Main Window
+    :param netsProbInFile: dict - holder for all network
+    :param trackInfo: function - to do process tracking
+    :return:
+        + if file is mseed but cannot read: raise error
+        + if file is mseed but chanType isn't requested, do nothing
+        + if file isn't mseed, try to read text file (raise Error if needed)
+        + is chanType is SOH, read data to soh_streams
+        + if chanType is waveform but there is no reqWFChans: do nothing
+        + if chanType is waveform, return header info
-    # create object (we've already tested all files for mseed)
-    # and get some base info
-    # print("fileName:", fileName)
+    """
     rdfile = MseedHeader(path2file)
     if rdfile.isMseed():
             filesize = rdfile.filesize
             blksize = rdfile.blksize
-            encode = rdfile.encode
             chanID = rdfile.FH.Chan.strip().decode()
             chanType = checkChan(chanID, reqSOHChans, reqWFChans)
             if not chanType:
@@ -450,7 +469,6 @@ def readHdrs(path2file, fileName,
     chanIDs = set()
     epochs = []
     startTms = []
-    gaps = []
     # looping over total number of blocks in files
     for n in range(numblocks):
         rdfile.fixedhdr(n * blksize)
@@ -482,8 +500,6 @@ def readHdrs(path2file, fileName,
             'stats': sorted(list(stats)),
             'netStats': sorted(list(netStats)),
             'chanIDs': sorted(list(chanIDs)),
-            'gaps': gaps,
-            'encode': encode,
             'startEpoch': epochs[0][0],
             'endEpoch': epochs[-1][1],
             'tracesTotal': len(epochs),
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/mseed.py b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/mseed.py
index b98670531de27ec30d63716c9826c1810e9deac7..0e0ec8ad44814f30d5f984073d4f68b1ed476af4 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/mseed.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/mseed/mseed.py
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
-waveform: + indexing and read only the files in selected time,
-          + apply saving memory
-          + down sample traces before combine data
-          + data not use for plotting is kept in files to free memory
-          for processing.
-SOH: merge all traces (with obspy stream) before down sample.
-gaps: for SOH only, can manually calc. gaps for waveform but takes time
+MSeed object to hold and process MSeed data
 import os
+from pathlib import Path
 from PySide2 import QtWidgets
@@ -27,21 +21,44 @@ from sohstationviewer.model.handling_data import (
 class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
+    """
+    read and process mseed file into object with properties can be used to
+    plot SOH data, mass position data, waveform data and gaps
+    """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        # keys: 1+ nets     values: net user choose
+        # channels: set - available channels got from files among
+        # requested channels
+        self.channels = set()
+        # nets: set - available nets got from files
+        self.nets = set()
+        # stats: set - available stats got from files
+        self.stats = set()
+        """
+        A file can have more than one experiment which only one of them should
+        be correct as selected by user (handling_data.py - read_soh_mseed())
+        netsProbInFile is the dictionary with key is the tuple of all nets
+        in a file, value is the selected net selected by user.
+        """
         self.netsProbInFile = {}
         self.selectedKey = self.selectStaID()
         if self.selectedKey is None:
         if len(self.reqWFChans) != 0:
-            # self.reselectTimeRange(self.selectedKey)
     def read_soh_and_index_waveform(self, folder):
-        read waveform data, soh data, mass position data, gaps from folder
+            + read waveform data for filename associate with time range
+            + read soh_stream for unmerged traces
+            + merge soh_stream into SOH data and mass position data
+            + squash gaps from different soh channels to one
+        :param folder: str - absolute path to data set folder
         self.waveformData, soh_stream = self.index_waveform(folder)
         self.SOHData, self.massPosData, self.gaps = self.merge_soh_streams(
@@ -49,15 +66,15 @@ class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
     def index_waveform(self, folder):
-        :param folder: the parent folder for the data set
-        :return waveform_data: a dict for waveform data including
-        {sta_id: {'filesInfo': {chan_id: {filepath, time range, trace's info}}
-                 'readData': { chan_id: {preset info for samplerate
-                         and traces_info which is a list of {info and
-                         np.memmap's file path of trace data}
+        :param folder: str - absolute path to data set folder
+        :return waveformData: a dict for waveform data including
+        {sta_id: {'filesInfo': {chan_id: [{filepath,time range,trace's info}]}
+                 'readData': { chan_id: {samplerate
+                         and preset traces_info which is a list of {info and
+                         np.memmap's file path of trace data and time}
-            (can't use stream of traces since data to large to be merged and
+            (use np.memmap because data are too large to be merged and
         :return soh_streams: a dict of soh channel streams
             {sta_id: {chan_id: mseed stream of traces}}
@@ -71,7 +88,7 @@ class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
         for path, sub_dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
             for file_name in files:
-                path2file = os.path.join(path, file_name)
+                path2file = Path(path).joinpath(file_name)
                 if not validateFile(path2file, file_name):
                 count += 1
@@ -141,6 +158,22 @@ class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
         return waveform_data, soh_streams
     def merge_soh_streams(self, soh_streams):
+        """
+        :param soh_streams: a dict of soh channel streams
+            {sta_id: {chan_id: mseed stream of traces}}
+        if there is more than one network for a station, user can either choose
+        data for one network for that station, or combine all networks related
+        to that station into one data set (by changing network name to the
+        selected network then merge again)
+        :return masspos_data: dict - merged data for chan_id with 'VM' prefixed
+            (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__.massPosData)
+        :return soh_data: dict - merged data for other soh chan_ids
+            (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__SOHData)
+        :return gaps: dict - start and end of gaps from all merged soh streams
+            are squashed to the largest gaps
+            (structure in DataTypeModel.__init__gaps)
+        """
         soh_data = {}
         masspos_data = {}
         gaps = {}
@@ -198,6 +231,13 @@ class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
         return soh_data, masspos_data, gaps
     def selectStaID(self):
+        """
+        :return selectedStaID: str - the selected station id from self.stats
+            + If there is only one station id, return it.
+            + If there is more than one, show all ids, let user choose one to
+                return.
+        """
         stats = list(self.stats)
         selectedStaID = stats[0]
         if len(stats) > 1:
@@ -219,55 +259,25 @@ class MSeed(DataTypeModel):
             selectedStaID = stats[selectedIdx]
         self.trackInfo(f'Select Station {selectedStaID}', 'info')
         return selectedStaID
-    #
-    # def reselectTimeRange(self, staID):
-    #     """
-    #     If there are no time ranges created for the station, create them
-    #     Provide a dialog for user to choose a time range. Each button is
-    #     a time range. User click one, time range will be changed in
-    #     MainWindow (TODO), the dialog will be closed. If necessary,
-    #     will change the way to do this later.
-    #     """
-    #     if staID not in self.timeRanges:
-    #         chanID = self.maxTraceTotalChan[staID]
-    #         filesInfo = self.waveformData[staID][chanID]['filesInfo']
-    #         cutTrace = [
-    #             tr for tr in filesInfo
-    #             if (self.readStart <= tr['startEpoch'] < self.readEnd) or
-    #                (self.readStart < tr['endEpoch'] <= self.readEnd)]
-    #         cutTraceTotal = len(cutTrace)
-    #         print(f"{chanID } cutTraceTotal: {cutTraceTotal}")
-    #         traceTotalDiv = int(
-    #             cutTraceTotal / constants.FILE_PER_CHAN_LIMIT)
-    #         if traceTotalDiv < 2:
-    #             # readStart, readEnd remain unchanged
-    #             return
-    #         self.timeRanges[staID] = []
-    #         FILE_LIM = constants.FILE_PER_CHAN_LIMIT
-    #         for i in range(traceTotalDiv):
-    #             startTm = cutTrace[i * FILE_LIM]['startEpoch']
-    #             if i < (traceTotalDiv - 1):
-    #                 endTm = cutTrace[i * FILE_LIM + FILE_LIM - 1]['endEpoch']
-    #             else:
-    #                 endTm = cutTrace[-1]['endEpoch']
-    #             self.timeRanges[staID].append((startTm, endTm))
-    #         msg = "Data in the selected time is too big to display.\n"
-    #     else:
-    #         msg = ""
-    #
-    #     msg += "Please choose one of the suggested time range below."
-    #     tmStrList = []
-    #     for tm in self.timeRanges[staID]:
-    #         startTm = UTCDateTime(int(tm[0])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
-    #         endTm = UTCDateTime(int(tm[1])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
-    #         tmStrList.append("%s-%s" % (startTm, endTm))
-    #     msgBox = SelectButtonDialog(message=msg, buttonLabels=tmStrList)
-    #     msgBox.exec_()
-    #
-    #     self.readStart, self.readEnd = self.timeRanges[staID][msgBox.ret]
-    #     self.trackInfo(f"Select time {self.readStart, self.readEnd}", "info")
     def readWFFiles(self, staID):
+        """
+        From filesInfo, read all waveform data of requested waveform channels
+        for given sta_id, in the selected time (from Main Window) to add
+        to waveformData[sat_id]['readData'][chan_id]['tracesInfo'].
+        'tracesInfo' includes list of traces' info dict in startTmEpoch order.
+        The keys of a trace's info dict:
+         {
+            'samplerate': sample rate of the data,
+            'startTmEpoch': start epoch time of the trace,
+            'endTmEpoch': end epoch time of the trace,
+            'size': size of data,
+            'times_f': np.memmap's file path for time
+            'data_f': np.memmap's file path for data
+        }
+        :param staID: str - station ID
+        """
         count = 0
         for chanID in self.waveformData[staID]['filesInfo']:
             # check chanID
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/logInfo.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/logInfo.py
index dd9f8caa9aabe7d3b78ac060e39d5e9b0a66b2d4..b8f1caf0727d1a41abe07e78cb50be0381f6e969 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/logInfo.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/logInfo.py
@@ -5,9 +5,19 @@ from sohstationviewer.controller.util import (
 class LogInfo():
-    def __init__(self, parent, trackInfo, logText, key, packetType, reqDSs,
+    def __init__(self, parent, trackInfo, logText, key, reqDSs,
-        self.packetType = packetType
+        """
+        Help to extract channel data from LogText which include SOH Message and
+        Event message.
+        :param parent: reftek object - that calls LogInfo
+        :param trackInfo: function - to track data processing
+        :param logText: str - SOH and Event messages in time order
+        :param key: (str, str) - ID of the data set including unitID and expNo
+        :param reqDSs: list of str - requested data stream ID
+        :param isLogFile: bool - flag indicate if this is a log file
+        """
         self.parent = parent
         self.trackInfo = trackInfo
         self.logText = logText
@@ -35,6 +45,15 @@ class LogInfo():
     def readEVT(self, line):
+        """
+        Read EVT info from line for a specific datastream (DS)
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float: epoch time of message
+        :return DS: int: index of data stream
+            for epoch, using trigger time (TT) if available or
+            first sample time (FST) if available, otherwise return 0, 0
+        minEpoch and maxEpoch are updated.
+        """
         # Ex: DAS: 0108 EV: 2632 DS: 2 FST = 2001:253:15:13:59:768
         #       TT =2001:253:15:13:59:768 NS: 144005 SPS: 40 ETO: 0
         parts = line.split()
@@ -59,6 +78,13 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch, DS
     def readSHHeader(self, line):
+        """
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time for state of health header
+        minEpoch and maxEpoch are updated.
+        yAdded is reset to false to allow adding 1 to trackYear
+        If different unitID is detected, give warning and skip reading.
+        """
         # Ex: State of Health  01:251:09:41:35:656   ST: 0108
         parts = line.split()
@@ -80,6 +106,13 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch
     def simpleRead(self, line):
+        """
+        Read parts and epoch from an SOH line
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return parts: list of str - parts of line with space delim
+        :return epoch: float - time when info is recorded
+        maxEpoch is updated with the epoch time.
+        """
         # Ex: 186:21:41:35 <content>
         parts = line.split()
@@ -92,19 +125,32 @@ class LogInfo():
         return parts, epoch
     def readIntClockPhaseErr(self, line):
+        """
+        Read internal clock phase error
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time when info is recorded
+        :return error: float - time of ICP error in microseconds
+        """
         # Ex: 253:19:41:42 INTERNAL CLOCK PHASE ERROR OF 4823 USECONDS
         ret = self.simpleRead(line)
         if not ret:
             return False
         parts, epoch = ret
         error = float(parts[-2])
-        # if parts[-1].startswith("USEC"): bc requested unit is us
-        #     error /= 1000.0
         if parts[-1].startswith("SEC"):
             error *= 1000000.0
         return epoch, error
     def readBatTemBkup(self, line):
+        """
+        Read battery voltage, temperature, backup voltage
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time when info is recorded
+        :return volts: float - battery voltage.
+        :return temp: float - temperature of battery in Celsius
+        :return bkupV: float - backup voltage.
+            Available for RT130. For 72A, 0.0 is assigned
+        """
         # 72A's:
         # Ex: 186:14:33:58 BATTERY VOLTAGE = 13.6V, TEMPERATURE = 26C
         # RT130:
@@ -124,6 +170,14 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch, volts, temp, bkupV
     def readDiskUsage(self, line):
+        """
+        Read disk usage
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time when info is recorded
+        :return disk: int -  disk number
+        :return val: int - memory used in disk
+            Available for RT130. For 72A, 0 is assigned
+        """
         # RT130:
         # Ex: 186:14:33:58 DISK 1: USED: 89744 AVAIL:...
         # Ex: 186:14:33:58 DISK 2* USED: 89744 AVAIL:...
@@ -137,6 +191,12 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch, disk, val
     def readDPS_ClockDiff(self, line):
+        """
+        Read DPS clock difference
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time when info is recorded
+        :return total: float - total difference time in milliseconds
+        """
         # Ex: 245:07:41:45 DSP CLOCK DIFFERENCE: 0 SECS AND -989 MSECS
         parts, epoch = self.simpleRead(line)
@@ -151,17 +211,21 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch, total
     def readDefs(self, line):
+        """
+        Read definitions' time. Currently, only read Station Channel Definition
+        Based on user requested, may use ["STATION", "DATA", "CALIBRATION"]
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return epoch: float - time of the definition
+        """
         # Ex: Station Channel Definition   01:330:19:24:42:978    ST: 7095
         # Ex: Data Stream Definition   01:330:19:24:42:978    ST: 7095
         # Ex: Calibration Definition   01:330:19:24:42:978    ST: 7095
         # Ex: STATION CHANNEL DEFINITION  2020:066:19:00:56:000   ST: 92E9
         parts = line.split()
         # Lines from a .log file may be just the first time the parameters were
-        # saved  until the DAS is reset, so if this is a log file then use the
+        # saved until the DAS is reset, so if this is a log file then use the
         # current SOH time for plotting the points, instead of what is in the
         # message line.
-        # if parts[0] in ["STATION", "DATA", "CALIBRATION"]:
-        # TODO: check if want to plot other def
         if parts[0] in ["STATION"]:
             if self.isLogFile is False:
@@ -181,6 +245,11 @@ class LogInfo():
         return epoch
     def readCPUVer(self, line):
+        """
+        Read version of CPU software
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return CPUVer: str - version of CPU software
+        """
         # Ex: 341:22:05:41 CPU SOFTWARE V03.00H  (72A and older 130 FW)
         # Ex: 341:22:05:41 REF TEK 130  (no version number at all)
         # Ex: 341:22:05:41 Ref Tek 130  2.8.8S (2007:163)
@@ -197,6 +266,11 @@ class LogInfo():
         return CPUVer
     def readGPSVer(self, line):
+        """
+        Read version of GPS firmware
+        :param line: str - a line of evt message
+        :return GPSVer: str - version of GPS firmware
+        """
         parts = line.split()
         verParts = [p.strip() for p in parts]
         if "GPS FIRMWARE VERSION:" in line:
@@ -207,21 +281,40 @@ class LogInfo():
             GPSVer = " ".join(verParts[2:])
         return GPSVer
-    def addChanInfo(self, chanName, t, d, idx):
-        if chanName not in self.chans:
-            self.chans[chanName] = {}
-            self.chans[chanName]['orgTrace'] = {
+    def addChanInfo(self, chan_id, t, d, idx):
+        """
+        Add information to field orgTrace of channel
+        {
+            unitID: serial number of device
+            expNo: experiment number
+            times: list of epoch time
+            data: list of channel's values
+            logIdx: list of indexes of SOH message line corresponding to
+                time and data
+        }
+        :param chan_id: str - ID of channel
+        :param t: float - epoch time of data
+        :param d: float - value of data
+        :param idx: int - index of SOH message line
+        """
+        if chan_id not in self.chans:
+            self.chans[chan_id] = {}
+            self.chans[chan_id]['orgTrace'] = {
                 'unitID': self.unitID,
                 'expNo': self.expNo,
                 'times': [],
                 'data': [],
                 'logIdx': []}
-        self.chans[chanName]['orgTrace']['times'].append(t)
-        self.chans[chanName]['orgTrace']['data'].append(d)
-        self.chans[chanName]['orgTrace']['logIdx'].append(idx)
+        self.chans[chan_id]['orgTrace']['times'].append(t)
+        self.chans[chan_id]['orgTrace']['data'].append(d)
+        self.chans[chan_id]['orgTrace']['logIdx'].append(idx)
     def extractInfo(self):
+        """
+        Extract data from each line of log string to add to
+        SOH channels's orgTrace using addChanInfo()
+        """
         lines = [ln.strip() for ln in self.logText.splitlines() if ln != '']
         sohEpoch = 0
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
index a2b15a1897001df7151f7eb144d9218cf7e8e766..2cf1d9024c66f7ff1e682740e0c992366e6dad77 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+RT130 object to hold and process RefTek data
 import os
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
 from PySide2 import QtWidgets
@@ -18,6 +22,10 @@ from sohstationviewer.controller.util import validateFile
 class RT130(DataTypeModel):
+    """
+    read and process reftek file into object with properties can be used to
+    plot SOH data, mass position data, waveform data and gaps
+    """
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwarg):
         self.EH = {}
         super().__init__(*args, **kwarg)
@@ -32,14 +40,19 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
         if len(self.reqWFChans) != 0:
-    def readSOH_indexWaveform(self, dir):
+    def readSOH_indexWaveform(self, folder):
+        """
+        Loop all files in dir to read for soh data, mass position data and
+            index waveform data with filename and corresponding time range
+        :param folder: str - absolute path to data set folder
+        """
         count = 0
-        for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir):
+        for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(folder):
             for fileName in files:
-                path2file = os.path.join(path, fileName)
+                path2file = Path(path).joinpath(fileName)
                 if not validateFile(path2file, fileName):
-                if not self.readReftek130(path2file, fileName):
+                if not self.readReftek130(path2file):
                     readText(path2file, fileName, self.logData['TEXT'])
                 count += 1
                 if count % 50 == 0:
@@ -49,6 +62,14 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
     def selectKey(self):
+        """
+        :return selectedKey: (str, str) -
+            (device's serial number, experiment_number)
+            the selected keys from self.keys.
+        + If there is only one key, return it.
+        + If there is more than one, show all keys, let user choose one to
+        return.
+        """
         self.keys = sorted(list(self.keys))
         selectedKey = self.keys[0]
         if len(self.keys) > 1:
@@ -71,11 +92,25 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
         self.trackInfo(f'Select Key {selectedKey}', 'info')
         return selectedKey
-    def readWFFiles(self, staID):
+    def readWFFiles(self, key):
+        """
+        :param key: (str, str) -
+            (device's serial number, experiment_number)
+            the selected keys from self.keys.
+        From filesInfo, read all waveform data of requested waveform DS
+            channels for given sta_id, in the selected time (from Main Window)
+            to append to DataTypeModel.__init__.
+            waveformData[sat_id]['readData'][chan_id]['tracesInfo'].
+        tracesInfo includes list of traces' info dict which is sorted in
+            startTmEpoch order by sort_data.
+            refer to DataTypeModel.__init__.
+            waveform_data[key]['read_data'][chan_id]['traces_info'].
+        """
         count = 0
-        for DS in self.waveformData[staID]['filesInfo']:
-            readData = self.waveformData[staID]['readData']
-            for fileInfo in self.waveformData[staID]['filesInfo'][DS]:
+        for DS in self.waveformData[key]['filesInfo']:
+            readData = self.waveformData[key]['readData']
+            for fileInfo in self.waveformData[key]['filesInfo'][DS]:
                 # file have been read
                 if fileInfo['read']:
@@ -87,8 +122,8 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
                     hasData = True
                 if not hasData:
-                readWaveformReftek(fileInfo['rt130'], staID, readData,
-                                   self.dataTime[staID], self.tmpDir)
+                readWaveformReftek(fileInfo['rt130'], key, readData,
+                                   self.dataTime[key], self.tmpDir)
                 fileInfo['read'] = True
                 count += 1
                 if count % 50 == 0:
@@ -100,7 +135,14 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
             self.logData[self.curKey][chan_pkt] = []
-    def readReftek130(self, path2file, fileName):
+    def readReftek130(self, path2file):
+        """
+        From the given file:
+            + Read SOH data from file with SH packets,
+            + read event info, mass position and index waveform (data stream)
+                file from file with EH or ET packets
+        :param path2file: str - absolute path to file
+        """
         rt130 = core.Reftek130.from_file(path2file)
         unique, counts = np.unique(rt130._data["packet_type"],
@@ -113,6 +155,11 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
         return True
     def readSH(self, path2file):
+        """
+        Use soh_packet library to read file with SH packet for soh data
+            to append tuple (time, log string) to log_data[self.curKey][SOH]
+        :param path2file: str - absolute path to file
+        """
         with open(path2file, "rb") as fh:
             str = fh.read()
         data = soh_packet._initial_unpack_packets_soh(str)
@@ -128,13 +175,24 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
             self.logData[self.curKey]['SOH'].append((d['time'], logs))
     def readEHET_MP_indexWF(self, rt130):
+        """
+        Files that contents EH or ET packets are data stream files.
+        There may be 1 - 9 data streams.
+        :param rt130: rt130 object - of a data stream file in which
+            + event info can be found in EH packet and save in self.logData
+            + mass position data can be found in data stream 9 and save in
+                self.masspos_stream
+            + waveform data can be found in data stream 1-8 which will be index
+                and save to self.waveformData[self.curKey]["filesInfo"] to
+                be processed later
+        """
         DS = rt130._data['data_stream_number'][0] + 1
         if DS not in self.reqDSs + [9]:
         ind_EHET = [ind for ind, val in
-                    if val in [b"EH"]]     # on ly need event header
+                    if val in [b"EH"]]     # only need event header
         nbr_DT_samples = sum(
              for ind in range(0, len(rt130._data))
@@ -159,8 +217,12 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
             self.indexWaveForm(rt130, DS)
     def readMassPos(self, rt130):
+        """
+        Append all traces of data stream 9 to self.massPosStream[self.currKey].
+        Update dataTime.
+        :param rt130: object rt130 - for data stream 9
+        """
         if self.curKey not in self.massPosStream:
             self.massPosStream[self.curKey] = Stream()
         stream = core.Reftek130.to_stream(
@@ -176,6 +238,12 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
                 tr.stats['endtime'].timestamp, self.dataTime[self.curKey][1])
     def indexWaveForm(self, rt130, DS):
+        """
+        Indexing by adding rt130 object along with time range to
+            self.waveformData[self.currKey]['filesInfo']
+        :param rt130: object rt130 - for data stream DS
+        :param DS: int - data stream index
+        """
         if self.curKey not in self.waveformData:
             self.waveformData[self.curKey] = {"filesInfo": {},
                                               "readData": {}}
@@ -195,6 +263,24 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
              'read': False})
     def combineData(self):
+        """
+        + SOH and event logData will be processed to create SOHdata:
+            {Key of set:
+                {chan_id:
+                    {orgTrace: {
+                        times: list of epoch time
+                        data: list of channel's values
+                        logIdx: list of indexes of SOH message line
+                            corresponding to time and data
+                    }}
+                }
+            }
+        + massPossStream for each data set will be merged and save to
+        massPossData according to chan_ids
+        + Gaps will be calculate and squash for mass position only since
+        currently there is no way to calculate SOH gaps, and data for waveform
+        is too big to consider calculating gaps.
+        """
         for k in self.logData:
             if k == 'TEXT':
@@ -218,7 +304,7 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
             logStr = ''.join(logs)
             self.logData[k][pktType] = logStr
             logObj = LogInfo(
-                self, self.trackInfo, logStr, k, pktType, self.reqDSs)
+                self, self.trackInfo, logStr, k, self.reqDSs)
             self.dataTime[k][0] = min(logObj.minEpoch, self.dataTime[k][0])
             self.dataTime[k][1] = max(logObj.maxEpoch, self.dataTime[k][1])
             for cName in self.SOHData[k]: