diff --git a/sohstationviewer/conf/constants.py b/sohstationviewer/conf/constants.py
index 0d53139ae6799e804d66dfd7c1a257ac2fb423e6..a22967c58363f036b5dfa57d4691549069e8e523 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/conf/constants.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/conf/constants.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ HIGHEST_INT = 1E100
 # warn user if file bigger than this size
 BIG_FILE_SIZE = 10**8
-# Perfomance will be slow if data point total > than this limit
-# => downsampled
+# Matplotlib's performance be slow if data point total > than this limit
 # If total waveform datapoint > than this limit, not recalculate
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/plottingData.py b/sohstationviewer/controller/plottingData.py
index c6900d424a9d6a02ad363d9ee708c96471180906..76fa3cb18100190b45ce640782fadd08169095b6 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/controller/plottingData.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/plottingData.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-Functions that process data before plotting
+Functions that process data for plotting
 import math
-import numpy as np
 from obspy import UTCDateTime
 from sohstationviewer.conf import constants as const
@@ -19,25 +18,32 @@ MassPosColorPallets = {"B": ["C", "G", "Y", "R", "M"],
                        "W": ["B", "B", "B", "B", "B"]}
-def getMassposValueColors(rangeOpt, chan, cMode, errors, retType='str'):
+def getMassposValueColors(rangeOpt, chan_id, cMode, errors, retType='str'):
+    """
+    Create a map between value and color based on given rangeOpt and cMode to
+    display mass possition plots.
+    :param rangeOpt: massPosVoltRangeOpt got from Options Menu - MP coloring
+        in Main Window to define different values for mass position.
+        (regular/trillium)
+    :param chan_id: str - ID of the channel
+    :param cMode: str - color mode (B/W)
+    :param errors: list of str - error list
+    :param retType: str - request return type
+    :return: [(float, str), ] - [(value, color), (value, color) ...]
+        if retType is 'str', return "value:color|value:color"
+    """
     if rangeOpt.lower() not in MassPosVoltRanges.keys():
         errors.append("%s: The current selected Mass Position color range "
                       "is '%s' isn't allowable. The accept ranges are:  %s"
-                      % (chan, rangeOpt, ', '.join(MassPosVoltRanges.keys())))
+                      % (chan_id, rangeOpt,
+                         ', '.join(MassPosVoltRanges.keys())))
         print("ERRORS:", errors)
     massPosVoltRange = MassPosVoltRanges[rangeOpt]
     massPosColorPallet = MassPosColorPallets[cMode]
-    mul = -1
     valueColors = []
-    """
-    remove size for masspos because there are two many points for one plot
-    which make the line thicks
-    TODO: show something to let user know that it is clickable.
-    """
     for i in range(len(massPosVoltRange)):
-        if i % 2 == 0:
-            mul += 1
         if retType == 'str':
                 "%s:%s" % (massPosVoltRange[i], massPosColorPallet[i]))
@@ -57,11 +63,11 @@ def getMassposValueColors(rangeOpt, chan, cMode, errors, retType='str'):
 def formatTime(time, dateMode, timeMode=None):
-    :param parent: parent GUI to display tracking info
+    Format time according to date_mode and time_mode
     :param time: time to be format, can be UTCDateTime or epoch time
-    :param dateMode: the format of date
-    :param timeMode: the format of time
-    :return: the formated time string
+    :param dateMode: str - the format of date
+    :param timeMode: str - the format of time
+    :return: the formatted time string - str
     if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
         t = time
@@ -84,21 +90,19 @@ def formatTime(time, dateMode, timeMode=None):
     return ret
-def getTitle(staID, minTime, maxTime, dateMode):
+def getTitle(key, minTime, maxTime, dateMode):
-    :param setID: (netID, statID, locID)
-    :param plottingData: a ditionary including:
-        { gaps: [(t1,t2),(t1,t2),...]   (in epoch time)
-          channels:[cha: {netID, statID, locID, chanID, times, data,
-                          startTmEpoch, endTmEpoch}
-          earliestUTC: the earliest time of all channels
-          latestUTC: the latest time of all channels
-    :return: title for the plot
+    Create title for the plot.
+    :param key: str or (str, str) sta_id for mseed, (unit_id, exp_no) for rt130
+    :param minTime: float - start time of the plot
+    :param maxTime: float - end time of the plot
+    :param dateMode: str - format of date
+    :return: title for the plot - str
     diff = maxTime - minTime
     hours = diff/3600
-    return ("Station: %s  %s  to  %s  (%s)" %
-            (staID,
+    return ("%s  %s  to  %s  (%s)" %
+            (key,
              formatTime(minTime, dateMode, "HH:MM:SS"),
              formatTime(maxTime, dateMode, "HH:MM:SS"),
              round(hours, 2))
@@ -107,8 +111,8 @@ def getTitle(staID, minTime, maxTime, dateMode):
 def getGaps(gaps, gapMin):
-    :param gaps: list of gaps
-    :param gapMin: minimum of gaps count in minutes
+    :param gaps: [[float, float],] - list of gaps
+    :param gapMin: int - minimum of gaps count in minutes
     return list of gaps of which gaps smaller than gapMin have been removed
     gapMinSec = gapMin * 60
@@ -117,17 +121,18 @@ def getGaps(gaps, gapMin):
 def getTimeTicks(earliest, latest, dateFormat, labelTotal):
-    split time range into parts to use for tick labels
+    split time range to use for tick labels
     Ex: getTimeTicks(1595542860.0, 1595607663.91, 'YYYY-MM-DD', 3)
-    :param earliest: earliest epoch time
-    :param latest: latest epoch time
-    :param dateFormat: YYYY:DOY, YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMMDD
-    :param labelTotal: number of time label to be displayed,
-     others will show as ticks oly
+    :param earliest: float - earliest epoch time
+    :param latest: float - latest epoch time
+    :param dateFormat: str - (YYYY:DOY, YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMMDD)
+        (selected in Menu Options - Date Format)
+    :param labelTotal: int - number of time label to be displayed,
+        others will show as ticks oly
-        times: list of times
-        majorTimes: list of time of lables to be displayed
-        majorTimelabels: list of labels displayed
+        times: [float,] - list of times to show ticks
+        majorTimes: [float,] - list of times for displayed labels
+        majorTimelabels: [str,] - list of labels displayed
     timeRange = latest - earliest
     if timeRange >= 2592000.0:
@@ -176,6 +181,15 @@ def getTimeTicks(earliest, latest, dateFormat, labelTotal):
 def getDayTicks():
+    """
+    Get information for displaying time on plotting widget.
+    :return:
+        times: [int,] - list of indexes of every hour in each_day_5_min_list
+        majorTimes: [int,] - list of indexes of every 4 hours in
+            each_day_5_min_list
+        majorTimeLabels: [str,] - 2 digit numbers of every 4 hours in a day
+    """
     times = list(range(const.NO_5M_1H, const.NO_5M_DAY, const.NO_5M_1H))
     majorTimes = list(range(4*const.NO_5M_1H,
@@ -184,15 +198,17 @@ def getDayTicks():
     return times, majorTimes, majorTimeLabels
-def getUnitBitweight(chanDB, bitweightOpt, isWF=False):
+def getUnitBitweight(chanDB, bitweightOpt):
-    :param chanDB: channel's info got from database
-    :param bitweightOpt: qpeek's OPTBitWeightRVar
-        Commands: Show Seismic Data In Counts - None
-                  Use Q330 Low Gain - Low
-                  Use Q330 High Gain - High
-    :return: unit with fixed point decimal and bitweight if applicable
+    Get the format to diplay value including fixed point decimal and unit based
+    on the information from the database.
+    :param chanDB: dict - channel's info got from database
+    :param bitweightOpt: str - option for bitweight (none, low, high)
+        (Menu Options - Q330 Gain)
+    :return unitBitweight: str - format for displayed value on the left of each
+        plot with fixed point decimal and unit
     plotType = chanDB['plotType']
     # Not all channels use/have this field.
     unit = chanDB['unit']
@@ -217,14 +233,3 @@ def getUnitBitweight(chanDB, bitweightOpt, isWF=False):
                 unitBitweight = "{}%s" % unit
     return unitBitweight
-def convertWFactor(cData, convertFactor):
-    """
-    convertFactor = 150mV/count = 150V/1000count
-    => unit data * convertFactor= data *150/1000 V
-    convert data in numpy arrays to a reduced list
-    according to max number of datapoint needed
-    """
-    cData['decData'] = np.multiply(cData['data'], [convertFactor])
-    return cData
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/processing.py b/sohstationviewer/controller/processing.py
index 09ebab228c9fb53534efe779b3c18a2d5e82e1ce..b9a89925031175924a4ca59807902509e8308378 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/controller/processing.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/processing.py
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
+Function that ignite from MainWindow, Dialogs to read data files for data,
+channels, datatype
 import os
 import json
 import re
+from pathlib import Path
 from obspy.core import read as read_ms
 from obspy.io.reftek.core import Reftek130Exception
@@ -11,29 +17,37 @@ from sohstationviewer.database.extractData import signatureChannels
 from sohstationviewer.controller.util import validateFile, displayTrackingInfo
-def loadData(dataType, parent, listOfDir, reqWFChans=[], reqSOHChans=[],
+def loadData(dataType, tracking_box, listOfDir, reqWFChans=[], reqSOHChans=[],
              readStart=None, readEnd=None):
     Go through root dir and read all files in that dir and its subdirs
+    :param dataType: str - type of data read
+    :param tracking_box: QTextBrowser - widget to display tracking info
+    :param listOfDir: [str,] - list of directories selected by users
+    :param reqWFChans: [str,] - requested waveform channel list
+    :param reqSOHChans: [str,] - requested soh channel list
+    :param readStart: [float,] - start time of read data
+    :param readEnd: [float,] - finish time of read data
+    :return dataObject: DataTypeModel - object that keep the data read from
+        listOfDir
-    print("dataType:", dataType)
     dataObject = None
     for d in listOfDir:
         if dataObject is None:
             if dataType == 'RT130':
                 dataObject = RT130(
-                    parent, d, reqWFChans=reqWFChans, reqSOHChans=reqSOHChans,
+                    tracking_box, d,
+                    reqWFChans=reqWFChans, reqSOHChans=reqSOHChans,
                     readStart=readStart, readEnd=readEnd)
-                print("dataObject:", dataObject)
                     dataObject = MSeed(
-                        parent, d, reqWFChans=reqWFChans,
+                        tracking_box, d, reqWFChans=reqWFChans,
                         readStart=readStart, readEnd=readEnd)
                 except Exception as e:
                     msg = f"Dir {d} can't be read due to error: {str(e)}"
-                    displayTrackingInfo(parent, msg, "Warning")
+                    displayTrackingInfo(tracking_box, msg, "Warning")
             # if dataObject.hasData():
             #     continue
@@ -47,10 +61,14 @@ def loadData(dataType, parent, listOfDir, reqWFChans=[], reqSOHChans=[],
     return dataObject
-def readChannels(parent, listOfDir):
+def readChannels(tracking_box, listOfDir):
-    TODO: have to solve this later for changes of data type
-    Scan available channels for channel prefer dialog
+    Scan available channels (to be used in channel preferences dialog). Since
+        channels for RT130 is hard code, this function won't be applied for it.
+    :param tracking_box: QTextBrowser - widget to display tracking info
+    :param listOfDir: [str,] - list of directories selected by users
+    :return dataObject: DataTypeModel - object that keep the data read from
+        listOfDir
     dataObject = None
     for d in listOfDir:
@@ -60,7 +78,7 @@ def readChannels(parent, listOfDir):
             #     continue
             # dataObject = MSeed_Text(parent, d, readChanOnly=True)
-            dataObject = MSeed(parent, d, readChanOnly=True)
+            dataObject = MSeed(tracking_box, d, readChanOnly=True)
             if len(dataObject.channels) == 0:
                 # If no data can be read from the first dir, throw exception
                 raise Exception("No data can be read from ", d)
@@ -69,14 +87,19 @@ def readChannels(parent, listOfDir):
     return dataObject.channels
-def detectDataType(parent, listOfDir):
+def detectDataType(tracking_box, listOfDir):
-    For each dir in listOfDir,  use getDataTypeFromFile to identify the type
-    of data for that dir if find a signature channel
-    return:
-        + None if there are more than one types of data detected
-        + dataType found, Unknown data maybe return
+    Detect data type for the given directories using getDataTypeFromFile
+    :param tracking_box: QTextBrowser - widget to display tracking info
+    :param listOfDir: [str,] - list of directories selected by users
+    :return: None/str -
+        + if there are more than one data types detected,
+            return None with a warning message
+        + if only Unknown data type detected,
+            return None with a warning message
+        + if data type found, return data_type,
     sign_chan_dataType_dict = signatureChannels()
     dirDataTypeDict = {}
@@ -84,7 +107,7 @@ def detectDataType(parent, listOfDir):
         dataType = "Unknown"
         for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(d):
             for fileName in files:
-                path2file = os.path.join(path, fileName)
+                path2file = Path(path).joinpath(fileName)
                 if not validateFile(path2file, fileName):
                 ret = getDataTypeFromFile(path2file, sign_chan_dataType_dict)
@@ -105,18 +128,32 @@ def detectDataType(parent, listOfDir):
         msg = (f"There are more than one types of data detected:\n"
                f"Please have only data that related to each other.")
-        displayTrackingInfo(parent, msg, "error")
+        displayTrackingInfo(tracking_box, msg, "error")
+        return
+    elif dataTypeList == [('Unknown', '_')]:
+        msg = ("There are no known data detected.\n"
+               "Please select different folder(s).")
+        displayTrackingInfo(tracking_box, msg, "error")
-    # elif list(dirDataTypeDict.values())[0] == "Can't be identified.":
-    #     msg = (f"There are no known data detected.\n"
-    #            f"Please select different folder(s).")
-    #     displayTrackingInfo(parent, msg, "error")
-    #     return
     return list(dirDataTypeDict.values())[0]
-def getDataTypeFromFile(path2file, sign_chan_dataType_dict):
-    stream = None
+def getDataTypeFromFile(path2file, sign_chan_data_type_dict):
+    """
+    + Try to read mseed data from given file
+        if catch TypeError: no data type detected => return None
+        if catch Reftek130Exception: data type => return data type RT130
+        otherwise data type is mseed which includes: q330, pegasus, centaur
+    + Continue to identify data type for a file by checking if the channel
+    in that file is a unique channel of a data type.
+    :param path2file: str - absolute path to processed file
+    :param sign_chan_data_type_dict: {str: str} - dict of unique chan for data
+        type
+    :return: str, str - detected data type, channel from which data type is
+        detected
+    """
         stream = read_ms(path2file)
     except TypeError:
@@ -126,5 +163,5 @@ def getDataTypeFromFile(path2file, sign_chan_dataType_dict):
     for trace in stream:
         chan = trace.stats['channel']
-        if chan in sign_chan_dataType_dict.keys():
-            return sign_chan_dataType_dict[chan], chan
+        if chan in sign_chan_data_type_dict.keys():
+            return sign_chan_data_type_dict[chan], chan
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py b/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
index acd18017bcac211556c4e3cb4ee565f2825f6213..8a21a9905d30e3ada1fe646ad2d00937dd422f29 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/util.py
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+basic functions: format, validate, display tracking
 import os
 import re
 from datetime import datetime
@@ -5,16 +9,31 @@ from obspy import UTCDateTime
 def validateFile(path2file, fileName):
+    """
+    Check if fileName given is a file and not info file
+    :param path2file: str - absolute path to file
+    :param fileName: str - name of the file
+    :return: bool - True if pass checking, False if not.
+    """
     if fileName.strip() == '.DS_Store' or fileName.startswith('._'):
         # skip mac's info file
         return False
-    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path2file)):
+    if not os.path.isfile(path2file):
         return False
     return True
 def displayTrackingInfo(trackingBox, text, type='info'):
+    """
+    Display text in the given widget with different background and text colors
+    :param trackingBox: QTextBrowser - widget to display tracking info
+    :param text: str - info to be displayed
+    :param type: str - (info/warning/error) type of info to be displayed in
+        different color
+    """
     if trackingBox is None:
         print(f"{type}: {text}")
@@ -40,6 +59,14 @@ def displayTrackingInfo(trackingBox, text, type='info'):
 def getDirSize(dir):
+    """
+    Get size of directory and size of file.
+    :param dir: str - absolute path to directory
+    :return:
+        totalSize: int - total size of the directory
+        totalFile: int - total file of the directory
+    """
     totalSize = 0
     totalFile = 0
     for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir):
@@ -55,7 +82,11 @@ def getDirSize(dir):
 def getTime6(timeStr):
-    Get time from 6 parts string.Ex: 01:251:09:41:35:656/2001:251:09:41:35:656
+    Get time from 6 parts string.
+    (year:day of year:hour:minute:second:millisecond)
+    Ex: 01:251:09:41:35:656/ 2001:251:09:41:35:656
+    in which year in the first part can be 2 digits or 6 digits
+    :param timeStr: str - 6 part time string
     year = timeStr.split(':')[0]
     if len(year) == 2:
@@ -66,7 +97,9 @@ def getTime6(timeStr):
 def getTime6_2y(timeStr):
-    Get time from 6 parts string.Ex: 01:251:09:41:35:656
+    Get time from 6 parts string in which year has 2 digits.
+    Ex: 01:251:09:41:35:656
+    :param timeStr: str - 6 part time string with 2 digits for year
     # pad 0 so the last part has 6 digits to match with the format str
     timeStr = timeStr.ljust(22, "0")
@@ -77,7 +110,9 @@ def getTime6_2y(timeStr):
 def getTime6_4y(timeStr):
-    Get time from 6 parts string.Ex: 2001:251:09:41:35:656
+    Get time from 6 parts string in which year has 4 digits.
+    Ex: 2001:251:09:41:35:656
+    :param timeStr: str - 6 part time string with 4 digits for year
     # pad 0 so the last part has 6 digits to match with the format str
     timeStr = timeStr.ljust(24, "0")
@@ -88,7 +123,15 @@ def getTime6_4y(timeStr):
 def getTime4(timeStr, trackingYear, yAdded):
-    Get time from 4 parts string. Ex: 253:19:41:42
+    Get time from 4 parts string. (day of year:hour:minute:second)
+    Ex: 253:19:41:42
+    :param timeStr: str - time string
+    :param trackingYear: int - year that has been detected
+    :param yAdded: bool - flag to tell if year has been plussed 1 or not
+    :return:
+        + utcTime.timestamp: float: epoch time
+        + time.year: int: year
+        + yAdded: bool - flag to tell if year has been plussed 1 or not
     if not yAdded:
         # first day => move to next year
@@ -104,26 +147,33 @@ def getTime4(timeStr, trackingYear, yAdded):
 def getVal(text):
-    return value part including +/-, remove str that follows
+    Get the value part of a string with non-number substring following.
+    :param text: str - value string including unit
+    :return: value part including +/-, remove str that follows - float
     REVal = '^\+?\-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]?'            # noqa: W605
     return float(re.search(REVal, text).group())
 def isBinaryStr(text):
+    """
+    :param text: str: text to check
+    :return: bool - True if text is a binary string or False if not
+    """
     return lambda b: bool(b.translate(None, text))
-# BEGIN: rtnPattern(In, Upper = False)
-# LIB:rtnPattern():2006.114 - Logpeek
 def rtnPattern(text, upper=False):
-    return format of the string with:
+    This function is from logpeek's rtnPattern.
+    return routine pattern of the string with:
      + 0 for digit
      + a for lowercase
      + A for upper case
      + remain special character
+    :param text: str - text to get format
+    :return rtn: str - routine pattern of the string
     rtn = ""
     for c in text:
@@ -139,15 +189,15 @@ def rtnPattern(text, upper=False):
     if upper is True:
         return rtn.upper()
     return rtn
-# END: rtnPattern
-# BEGIN: fmti(Value)
-# LIB:fmti():2018.235
-#   Just couldn't rely on the system to do this, although this won't handle
-#   European-style numbers.
 def fmti(Value):
+    """
+    This function is from logpeek's fmti
+    Given Value will be convert to a string integer with thousand separators
+    :param Value: str - string of value with unit
+    :return NewValue: str - new value with no unit and with thousand separators
+    """
     Value = int(Value)
     if Value > -1000 and Value < 1000:
         return str(Value)
@@ -170,4 +220,3 @@ def fmti(Value):
             NewValue = NewValue[1:]
         NewValue = Value[0] + NewValue
     return NewValue
-# END: fmti
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/database/extractData.py b/sohstationviewer/database/extractData.py
index affffad6a432923e7ae9c5e4385b36f9542f5cbd..f12209bc00bf7cf9410b8d87efd25323cc13dcb2 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/database/extractData.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/database/extractData.py
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
+Read DB for necessary information
 from sohstationviewer.database.proccessDB import executeDB_dict, executeDB
 from sohstationviewer.conf.dbSettings import dbConf
-def getChanPlotInfo(orgChan, dataType):
+def getChanPlotInfo(orgChan, data_type):
-    Given chanID read from raw data file and detected dataType
-    Return plotting info from DB for that channel
+     Given chanID read from raw data file and detected dataType
+     Return plotting info from DB for that channel
+    :param orgChan: str - channel ID from raw data file
+    :param data_type: str - data type detected
+    :return chanInfo: dict - plotting info from DB for that channel
     chan = orgChan
     if orgChan.startswith('EX'):
@@ -27,11 +34,11 @@ def getChanPlotInfo(orgChan, dataType):
     o_sql = ("SELECT channel, plotType, height, unit, linkedChan,"
              " convertFactor, label, fixPoint, valueColors "
              "FROM Channels as C, Parameters as P")
-    if dataType == 'Unknown':
+    if data_type == 'Unknown':
         sql = f"{o_sql} WHERE channel='{chan}' and C.param=P.param"
         sql = (f"{o_sql} WHERE channel='{chan}' and C.param=P.param"
-               f" and dataType='{dataType}'")
+               f" and dataType='{data_type}'")
     # print("SQL:", sql)
     chanInfo = executeDB_dict(sql)
@@ -60,15 +67,27 @@ def getChanPlotInfo(orgChan, dataType):
 def getWFPlotInfo(orgChan):
+    """
+    Similar to getChanPlotInfo but for waveform channel (param=Seismic data)
+    :param orgChan: str - channel ID from raw data file
+    :return chanInfo: dict - plotting info from DB for that waveform channel
+    """
     chanInfo = executeDB_dict(
-        "SELECT * FROM Parameters WHERE param='Seismic data'")
-    chanInfo[0]['label'] = getChanLabel(orgChan)
-    chanInfo[0]['unit'] = ''
-    chanInfo[0]['channel'] = 'SEISMIC'
-    return chanInfo[0]
+        "SELECT * FROM Parameters WHERE param='Seismic data'")[0]
+    chanInfo['label'] = getChanLabel(orgChan)
+    chanInfo['unit'] = ''
+    chanInfo['channel'] = 'SEISMIC'
+    return chanInfo
 def getChanLabel(chanID):
+    """
+    Get waveform channel label for the given chan_id in which:
+        + RT130's start with DS, remain unchanged
+        + MSEED's need to change last character according to dbConf[seisLabel]
+    :param chanID: str - channel name
+    :return label: str - plot's label for the channel
+    """
     if chanID.startswith("DS"):
         label = chanID
@@ -78,7 +97,9 @@ def getChanLabel(chanID):
 def signatureChannels():
-    return the dict {channel: dataType} in which channel is unique for dataType
+    Get channels that are unique for datatype.
+    :return: {str: str,} - the dict {channel: dataType,}
+        in which channel is unique for dataType
     sql = ("SELECT channel, dataType FROM Channels where channel in"
            "(SELECT channel FROM Channels GROUP BY channel"
@@ -89,12 +110,23 @@ def signatureChannels():
 def getColorDef():
+    """
+    Get TPS Color definition from DB
+    :return [str,]: list of color names
+    """
     sql = "SELECT color FROM TPS_ColorDefinition ORDER BY name ASC"
     rows = executeDB(sql)
     return [r[0] for r in rows]
 def getColorRanges():
+    """
+    Get TPS color range from DB
+    :return rangeNames: [str,] - 'antarctica'/'low'/'med'/'high'
+    :return allSquareCounts: [[int,],] - time-power-squared range
+        (base_count * 10 ** (level-1)) ** 2
+    :return clrLabels: [str,] - labels that define count range for colors
+    """
     sql = "SELECT name, baseCounts FROM TPS_ColorRange"
     rows = executeDB(sql)
     rangeNames = [r[0] for r in rows]
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/database/proccessDB.py b/sohstationviewer/database/proccessDB.py
index 6533e82b16ef00d438b5c485851d05aa42ac090a..b28756639950b3d7c7adf0d8b5880c35d31aafb0 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/database/proccessDB.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/database/proccessDB.py
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+basic executing database functions
 import sqlite3
 from sohstationviewer.conf.dbSettings import dbConf
@@ -5,7 +8,9 @@ from sohstationviewer.conf.dbSettings import dbConf
 def executeDB(sql):
-    used for both execute and query data
+    Execute or fetch data from DB
+    :param sql: str - request string to execute or fetch data from database
+    :return rows: [(str/int,] - result of querying DB
     conn = sqlite3.connect(dbConf['dbpath'])
     cur = conn.cursor()
@@ -22,7 +27,9 @@ def executeDB(sql):
 def executeDB_dict(sql):
-    query data and return rows in dictionary with fields as keys
+    Fetch data and return rows in dictionary with fields as keys
+    :param sql: str - request string to fetch data from database
+    :return: [dict,] - result of fetching DB in which each row is a dict
     conn = sqlite3.connect(dbConf['dbpath'])
     conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
@@ -39,7 +46,11 @@ def executeDB_dict(sql):
 def trunc_addDB(table, sqls):
-    truncate table and refill with new data
+    Truncate table and refill with new data
+    :param table: str - name of data table to process
+    :param sqls: [str, ] - list of INSERT query to add values to table
+    :return: str: error message if not successful
+        or bool(True): if successful
         conn = sqlite3.connect(dbConf['dbpath'])
@@ -47,7 +58,6 @@ def trunc_addDB(table, sqls):
         cur.execute(f'DELETE FROM {table}')
         for sql in sqls:
-            print("sql:", sql)
     except sqlite3.Error as e: