diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data_reftek.py b/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data_reftek.py
index 33016a02a1c241a9e222a73312059f6232534f16..8524de7c6398b08f69cc78c9f3666dbbd4881414 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data_reftek.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/handling_data_reftek.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
 from obspy.core import Stream
 from obspy import UTCDateTime
-from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.from_rt2ms import core
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data import core
 from sohstationviewer.model.handling_data import read_mseed_trace
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
index 083cfe794949fabbf5bf91fb3c8460ac9b6a8204..69e549594b431fdb2bdaec3021d0a5979b14ec2c 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek.py
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ from typing import Tuple, List, Union
 import traceback
 import numpy as np
-from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.from_rt2ms import (
-    core, soh_packet, packet)
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data import core, soh_packet
 from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.log_info import LogInfo
 from sohstationviewer.model.data_type_model import (
     DataTypeModel, ThreadStopped, ProcessingDataError)
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
             cur_key = (d['unit_id'].decode(),
-            logs = soh_packet.Packet.from_data(d).__str__()
+            logs = soh_packet.SOHPacket.from_data(d).__str__()
             if 'SOH' not in self.log_data[cur_key]:
                 self.log_data[cur_key]['SOH'] = []
             self.log_data[cur_key]['SOH'].append((d['time'], logs))
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ class RT130(DataTypeModel):
         for index in ind_ehet:
             d = rt130._data[index]
-            logs = packet.EHPacket(d).eh_et_info(nbr_dt_samples)
+            logs = core.EHPacket(d).eh_et_info(nbr_dt_samples)
             if 'EHET' not in self.log_data[cur_key]:
                 self.log_data[cur_key]['EHET'] = []
             self.log_data[cur_key]['EHET'].append((d['time'], logs))
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/__init__.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/__init__.py
rename to sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/__init__.py
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/core.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/core.py
similarity index 50%
rename from sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/core.py
rename to sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/core.py
index c9e299d573434d6e95078d3f32b764caa3bfcd16..42b82dd9c0266e20dcd3ec00d849d4dfcb6783e9 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/core.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/core.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
 Suggested updates to obspy.io.reftek.core:
@@ -10,8 +9,10 @@ Suggested updates to obspy.io.reftek.core:
 Maeva Pourpoint IRIS/PASSCAL
 import copy
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Optional, Union
 import obspy.io.reftek.core as obspy_rt130_core
 import warnings
@@ -19,8 +20,49 @@ import numpy as np
 from obspy import Trace, Stream, UTCDateTime
 from obspy.core.util.obspy_types import ObsPyException
-from obspy.io.reftek.packet import _unpack_C0_C2_data
-from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.from_rt2ms.packet import EHPacket
+from obspy.io.reftek.packet import PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_data.record_reader_helper import Unpacker
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet import EHPacket
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.reftek_helper import (
+    read_rt130_file, convert_packet_to_obspy_format,
+class DiscontinuousTrace(Trace):
+    """
+    Extension of obspy.Trace that changes the way time data is handled when
+    reading data using the method from logpeek/qpeek.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, times: np.ndarray, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self._times = times
+    def times(self, type: str = "relative",
+              reftime: Optional[UTCDateTime] = None) -> np.ndarray:
+        """
+        Override Trace.times(). Returns a numpy array of stored times data,
+        modified based on the argument "type".
+        :param type: the type of times data to return. For more information,
+            refer to Trace.times(). Note: this method does not implement
+            types 'utcdatetime' and 'matplotlib' because they are not going
+            to be useful.
+        :param reftime: the time used as a reference point when getting
+            relative time. If None, the start time of the trace is used as
+            the reference point.
+        :return: the requested array of time data, modified based on the type
+            requested.
+        """
+        if type == 'utcdatetime' or type == 'matplotlib':
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        elif type == 'relative':
+            if reftime is None:
+                return self._times - self.stats.starttime.timestamp
+            else:
+                return self._times - reftime.timestamp
+        elif type == 'timestamp':
+            return self._times
 class Reftek130Exception(ObsPyException):
@@ -28,18 +70,41 @@ class Reftek130Exception(ObsPyException):
 class Reftek130(obspy_rt130_core.Reftek130):
+    """
+    Child class of obspy.Reftek that reads waveform data similar to logpeek for
+    better performance.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_file(file: Union[str, Path]) -> Reftek130:
+        """
+        Read data from an RT130 file and save it in a Reftek130 object.
+        :param file: the RT130 file to read
+        :return: a Reftek130 object that stores the data in file
+        """
+        # RT130 data is all big-endian
+        rt130_unpacker = Unpacker('>')
+        rt = Reftek130()
+        rt._filename = file
+        packets_in_file = read_rt130_file(file, rt130_unpacker)
+        converted_packets = []
+        for packet in packets_in_file:
+            converted_packets.append(
+                convert_packet_to_obspy_format(packet, rt130_unpacker))
+        rt._data = np.array(converted_packets, dtype=PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE)
+        return rt
-    def to_stream(self, network="", location="", component_codes=None,
-                  include_mp123=False, include_mp456=False,
-                  headonly=False, verbose=False,
-                  sort_permuted_package_sequence=False):
+    def to_stream(self, network: str = "", location: str = "",
+                  include_mp123: bool = False, include_mp456: bool = False,
+                  headonly: bool = False, verbose: bool = False,
+                  sort_permuted_package_sequence: bool = False) -> Stream:
+        Create an obspy.Stream object that holds the data stored in this
+            Reftek130 object.
         :type headonly: bool
         :param headonly: Determines whether or not to unpack the data or just
             read the headers.
-        if verbose:
-            print(self)
         if not len(self._data):
             msg = "No packet data in Reftek130 object (file: {})"
             raise Reftek130Exception(msg.format(self._filename))
@@ -81,20 +146,6 @@ class Reftek130(obspy_rt130_core.Reftek130):
                 eh = EHPacket(eh_packets[0])
                 eh = EHPacket(et_packets[0])
-            # only C0, C2, 16, 32 encodings supported right now
-            if eh.data_format == b"C0":
-                encoding = 'C0'
-            elif eh.data_format == b"C2":
-                encoding = 'C2'
-            elif eh.data_format == b"16":
-                encoding = '16'
-            elif eh.data_format == b"32":
-                encoding = '32'
-            else:
-                msg = ("Reftek data encoding '{}' not implemented yet. Please "
-                       "open an issue on GitHub and provide a small (< 50kb) "
-                       "test file.").format(eh.data_format)
-                raise NotImplementedError(msg)
             header = {
                 "unit_id": self._data['unit_id'][0],
                 "experiment_number": self._data['experiment_number'][0],
@@ -140,74 +191,33 @@ class Reftek130(obspy_rt130_core.Reftek130):
                         sample_data = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
                         npts = packets_["number_of_samples"].sum()
-                        if encoding in ('C0', 'C2'):
-                            sample_data = _unpack_C0_C2_data(packets_,
-                                                             encoding)
-                        elif encoding in ('16', '32'):
-                            # rt130 stores in big endian
-                            dtype = {'16': '>i2', '32': '>i4'}[encoding]
-                            # just fix endianness and use correct dtype
-                            sample_data = np.require(
-                                packets_['payload'],
-                                requirements=['C_CONTIGUOUS'])
-                            # either int16 or int32
-                            sample_data = sample_data.view(dtype)
-                            # account for number of samples, i.e. some packets
-                            # might not use the full payload size but have
-                            # empty parts at the end that need to be cut away
-                            number_of_samples_max = sample_data.shape[1]
-                            sample_data = sample_data.flatten()
-                            # go through packets starting at the back,
-                            # otherwise indices of later packets would change
-                            # while looping
-                            for ind, num_samps in reversed([
-                                    (ind, num_samps) for ind, num_samps in
-                                    enumerate(packets_["number_of_samples"])
-                                    if num_samps != number_of_samples_max]):
-                                # looping backwards we can easily find the
-                                # start of each packet, since the earlier
-                                # packets are still untouched and at maximum
-                                # sample length in our big array with all
-                                # packets
-                                start_of_packet = ind * number_of_samples_max
-                                start_empty_part = start_of_packet + num_samps
-                                end_empty_part = (start_of_packet +
-                                                  number_of_samples_max)
-                                sample_data = np.delete(
-                                    sample_data,
-                                    slice(start_empty_part, end_empty_part))
-                        npts = len(sample_data)
-                    tr = Trace(data=sample_data, header=copy.deepcopy(header))
+                        # The payload stores the first data point of each
+                        # packet, encoded as a numpy array of 4 1-byte numbers.
+                        # Due to the way the payload is encoded during the
+                        # reading process and a quirk of 2-complement binary
+                        # numbers (namely, appending a negative number with 1s
+                        # does not change its value), we do not have to care
+                        # about the actual encoding type of the stored packets.
+                        sample_data = np.asarray(packets_['payload'][:, :4])
+                        sample_data = sample_data.view(np.dtype('>i4'))
+                        sample_data = sample_data.squeeze(axis=-1)
+                        npts = sample_data.size
+                    tr = DiscontinuousTrace(
+                        data=sample_data, header=copy.deepcopy(header),
+                        times=(packets_['time'] / 10**9).round(3)
+                    )
+                    # The plotting process needs to know about the number of
+                    # points stored in the trace. However, tr.stats use the
+                    # stored npts to calculate some other metadata, so we can't
+                    # store that information there. As a compromise, we keep
+                    # tr.stats.npts the same, while storing the actual number
+                    # of data points in the trace in another part of tr.stats.
+                    tr.stats.npts = packets_['number_of_samples'].sum()
+                    tr.stats.actual_npts = npts
                     # channel number is not included in the EH/ET packet
                     # payload, so add it to stats as well..
                     tr.stats.reftek130['channel_number'] = channel_number
-                    if headonly:
-                        tr.stats.npts = npts
                     tr.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(ns=starttime)
-                    """
-                    if component codes were explicitly provided, use them
-                    together with the stream label
-                    if component_codes is not None:
-                        tr.stats.channel = (eh.stream_name.strip() +
-                                            component_codes[channel_number])
-                    # otherwise check if channel code is set for the given
-                    # channel (seems to be not the case usually)
-                    elif eh.channel_code[channel_number] is not None:
-                        tr.stats.channel = eh.channel_code[channel_number]
-                    # otherwise fall back to using the stream label together
-                    # with the number of the channel in the file (starting with
-                    # 0, as Z-1-2 is common use for data streams not oriented
-                    # against North)
-                    else:
-                        msg = ("No channel code specified in the data file "
-                               "and no component codes specified. Using "
-                               "stream label and number of channel in file as "
-                               "channel codes.")
-                        warnings.warn(msg)
-                        tr.stats.channel = (
-                            eh.stream_name.strip() + str(channel_number))
-                    """
                     DS = self._data['data_stream_number'][0] + 1
                     if DS != 9:
                         tr.stats.channel = "DS%s-%s" % (DS, channel_number + 1)
@@ -218,22 +228,5 @@ class Reftek130(obspy_rt130_core.Reftek130):
                         tr.stats.channel = "MassPos%s" % (channel_number + 1)
                         # check if endtime of trace is consistent
-                    t_last = packets_[-1]['time']
-                    npts_last = packets_[-1]['number_of_samples']
-                    try:
-                        if not headonly:
-                            assert npts == len(sample_data)
-                        if npts_last:
-                            assert tr.stats.endtime == UTCDateTime(
-                                ns=t_last) + (npts_last - 1) * delta
-                        if npts:
-                            assert tr.stats.endtime == (
-                                tr.stats.starttime + (npts - 1) * delta)
-                    except AssertionError:
-                        msg = ("Reftek file has a trace with an inconsistent "
-                               "endtime or number of samples. Please open an "
-                               "issue on GitHub and provide your file for"
-                               "testing.")
-                        raise Reftek130Exception(msg)
                     st += tr
         return st
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/header.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/header.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dafb944fb11d57f1ae11bc043e170a26fe4b91ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import dataclasses
+from obspy import UTCDateTime
+class NotRT130FileError(Exception):
+    """
+    Error to raise when there is a problem with parsing RT130 data.
+    """
+    pass
+class PacketHeader:
+    """
+    The decoded header of an RT130 packet.
+    """
+    packet_type: str
+    experiment_number: int
+    unit_id: str
+    time: UTCDateTime
+    byte_count: int
+    packet_sequence: int
+def parse_rt130_time(year: int, time_bytes: bytes) -> UTCDateTime:
+    """
+    Convert BCD-encoded RT130 time into UTCDateTime.
+    :param year: the year of the time. RT130's header store the year separate
+        from the time, so we have to pass it as an argument.
+    :param time_bytes: the BCD-encoded time.
+    :return: an UTCDateTime object that stores the decoded time.
+    """
+    time_string = time_bytes.hex()
+    # The time string has the format of DDDHHMMSSTTT, where
+    # D = day of year
+    # H = hour
+    # M = minute
+    # S = second
+    # T = millisecond
+    day_of_year, hour, minute, second, millisecond = (
+        int(time_string[0:3]),
+        int(time_string[3:5]),
+        int(time_string[5:7]),
+        int(time_string[7:9]),
+        int(time_string[9:12])
+    )
+    # RT130 only stores the last two digits of the year. Because the
+    # documentation for RT130 does not define a way to retrieve the full year,
+    # we use Obspy's method. Accordingly, we convert 0-49 to 2000-2049 and
+    # 50-99 to 1950-1999.
+    if 0 <= year <= 49:
+        year += 2000
+    elif 50 <= year <= 99:
+        year += 1900
+    converted_time = UTCDateTime(year=year, julday=day_of_year, hour=hour,
+                                 minute=minute, second=second,
+                                 microsecond=millisecond * 1000)
+    return converted_time
+def get_rt130_packet_header(rt130_packet: bytes) -> PacketHeader:
+    """
+    Get the packet header stored in the first 16 bits of an RT130 packet.
+    :param rt130_packet: the RT130 packet to process
+    :return: a PacketHeader object containing the header of rt130_packet
+    """
+    try:
+        # Because RT130 data is always big-endian, it is more convenient to
+        # use str.decode() than the unpacker.
+        packet_type = rt130_packet[:2].decode('ASCII')
+    except UnicodeError:
+        print('Cannot decode packet type.')
+        print('The given file does not appear to be a valid RT130 file.')
+        raise NotRT130FileError
+    valid_packet_types = ['AD', 'CD', 'DS', 'DT', 'EH', 'ET', 'OM', 'SH', 'SC',
+                          'FD']
+    if packet_type not in valid_packet_types:
+        print(f'Invalid packet type found: {packet_type}')
+        print('The given file does not appear to be a valid RT130 file.')
+        raise NotRT130FileError
+    experiment_number = int(rt130_packet[2:3].hex())
+    year = int(rt130_packet[3:4].hex())
+    # A call to str.upper() is needed because bytes.hex() makes any
+    # hexadecimal letter (i.e. ABCDEF) lowercase, while we want them to be
+    # uppercase for display purpose.
+    unit_id = rt130_packet[4:6].hex().upper()
+    time_bytes = rt130_packet[6:12]
+    packet_time = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+    byte_count = int(rt130_packet[12:14].hex())
+    packet_sequence = int(rt130_packet[14:16].hex())
+    return PacketHeader(packet_type, experiment_number, unit_id, packet_time,
+                        byte_count, packet_sequence)
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/packet.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet.py
similarity index 59%
rename from sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/packet.py
rename to sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet.py
index c3ddb8865c877ef54805ca1bf72277623fe88f44..75d2ec27095a90fe26d1c081b4a219aeae1a2bf5 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/packet.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet.py
@@ -9,24 +9,46 @@ Suggested updates to obspy.io.reftek.packet:
 Maeva Pourpoint IRIS/PASSCAL
+from typing import List
+import numpy
 import obspy.io.reftek.packet as obspy_rt130_packet
 from obspy import UTCDateTime
-from obspy.io.reftek.util import (_decode_ascii,
-                                  _parse_long_time,
-                                  _16_tuple_ascii,
-                                  _16_tuple_int,
-                                  _16_tuple_float)
-from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.from_rt2ms.soh_packet import Packet
+from obspy.io.reftek.util import (
+    _decode_ascii, _parse_long_time, _16_tuple_ascii, _16_tuple_float,
+    _16_tuple_int,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.soh_packet import SOHPacket
 class Reftek130UnpackPacketError(ValueError):
+eh_et_payload_last_field_start = 88
+eh_et_payload_last_field_size = 16
+# The payload start is based on the start of the payload, so we have to add 24
+# to compensate for the size of the header and extended header.
+eh_et_payload_end_in_packet = (
+        eh_et_payload_last_field_start + eh_et_payload_last_field_size + 24
 # name, offset, length (bytes) and converter routine for EH/ET packet payload
+# Trimmed to only include the parts used elsewhere for the sake of better
+# performance.
+    "station_name_extension": (35, 1, _decode_ascii),
+    "station_name": (36, 4, _decode_ascii),
+    "sampling_rate": (64, 4, float),
+    "trigger_time": (72, 16, _parse_long_time),
+    "first_sample_time": (
+        eh_et_payload_last_field_start, eh_et_payload_last_field_size,
+        _parse_long_time),
+obspy_rt130_packet.EH_PAYLOAD = {
     "trigger_time_message": (0, 33, _decode_ascii),
     "time_source": (33, 1, _decode_ascii),
     "time_quality": (34, 1, _decode_ascii),
@@ -57,21 +79,37 @@ EH_PAYLOAD = {
     "position": (894, 26, _decode_ascii),
     "reftek_120": (920, 80, None)}
-obspy_rt130_packet.EH_PAYLOAD = EH_PAYLOAD
 class EHPacket(obspy_rt130_packet.EHPacket):
-    def __str__(self, compact=False):
+    def __init__(self, data: numpy.ndarray) -> None:
+        """
+        Reimplement __init__ to change a different value for EH_PAYLOAD.
+        This should be the cleanest way to do it, seeing as any other way I
+        can think of modify EH_PAYLOAD in the original file, which can have
+        consequences that are not readily apparent.
+        :param data: the data of an EH packet. For more information, refer to
+            obspy.io.reftek.packet.PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE.
+        """
+        self._data = data
+        payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
+        for name, (start, length, converter) in EH_PAYLOAD.items():
+            data = payload[start:start + length]
+            if converter is not None:
+                data = converter(data)
+            setattr(self, name, data)
+    def __str__(self, compact: bool = False) -> str:
         if compact:
             sta = (self.station_name.strip() +
             info = ("{:04d} {:2s} {:4s} {:2d} {:4d} {:4d} {:2d} {:2s} "
                     "{:5s}  {:4s}        {!s}").format(
-                        self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(),
-                        self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number,
-                        self.byte_count, self.event_number,
-                        self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(),
-                        sta, str(self.sampling_rate)[:4], self.time)
+                self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(),
+                self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number,
+                self.byte_count, self.event_number,
+                self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(),
+                sta, str(self.sampling_rate)[:4], self.time)
             info = []
             for key in self._headers:
@@ -91,40 +129,16 @@ class EHPacket(obspy_rt130_packet.EHPacket):
         return info
-    def eh_et_info(self, nbr_DT_samples):
+    def eh_et_info(self, nbr_DT_samples: int) -> List[str]:
         Compile EH and ET info to write to log file.
         Returns list of strings.
         Formatting of strings is based on earlier version of rt2ms.
         info = []
-        # packet_tagline1 = ("\n\n{:s} exp {:02d} bytes {:04d} {:s} ID: {:s} "
-        #                    "seq {:04d}".format(self.type.decode(),
-        #                                        self.experiment_number,
-        #                                        self.byte_count,
-        #                                        Packet.time_tag(self.time),
-        #                                        self.unit_id.decode(),
-        #                                        self.packet_sequence))
-        # info.append(packet_tagline1)
-        # if self.type.decode('ASCII') == 'EH':
-        #     nbr_DT_samples = 0
-        #     info.append("\nEvent Header")
-        # else:
-        #     info.append("\nEvent Trailer")
-        # info.append("\n  event = " + str(self.event_number))
-        # info.append("\n  stream = " + str(self.data_stream_number + 1))
-        # info.append("\n  format = " + self.data_format.decode('ASCII'))
-        # info.append("\n  stream name = " + self.stream_name)
-        # info.append("\n  sample rate = " + str(self.sampling_rate))
-        # info.append("\n  trigger type = " + self.trigger_type)
-        trigger_time = Packet.time_tag(UTCDateTime(ns=self.trigger_time))
-        # info.append("\n  trigger time = " + trigger_time)
-        first_sample_time = Packet.time_tag(UTCDateTime(ns=self.first_sample_time))  # noqa: E501
-        # info.append("\n  first sample = " + first_sample_time)
-        # if self.last_sample_time:
-        #     info.append("\n  last sample = " + Packet.time_tag(UTCDateTime(ns=self.last_sample_time)))  # noqa: E501
-        # info.append("\n  bit weights = " + " ".join([val for val in self.channel_adjusted_nominal_bit_weights if val]))  # noqa: E501
-        # info.append("\n  true weights = " + " ".join([val for val in self.channel_true_bit_weights if val]))  # noqa: E501
+        trigger_time = SOHPacket.time_tag(UTCDateTime(ns=self.trigger_time))
+        first_sample_time = SOHPacket.time_tag(
+            UTCDateTime(ns=self.first_sample_time))  # noqa: E501
         packet_tagline2 = ("\nDAS: {:s} EV: {:04d} DS: {:d} FST = {:s} TT = "
                            "{:s} NS: {:d} SPS: {:.1f} ETO: 0"
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet_readers.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet_readers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4df12515647a3d13a65547ad332ad3f7cb7fb248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packet_readers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from typing import Tuple, Any
+import numpy
+from obspy.io.reftek.util import bcd
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_data.record_reader_helper import Unpacker
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet import \
+    eh_et_payload_end_in_packet
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packets import (
+    DTExtendedHeader,
+    EHETExtendedHeader, SOHExtendedHeader,
+def decode_uncompressed(packet: bytes, data_format: str, unpacker: Unpacker
+                        ) -> int:
+    """
+    Grab the first data point in a packet that contains uncompressed RT130 data
+    (aka packets with data format 16, 32, or 33_.
+    :param packet: the bytes that make up the given packet.
+    :param data_format: the data format of the given packet, can be one of 16,
+        32, or 33.
+    :param unpacker: the unpacker to use to decode the data.
+    :return: the first data point in the given packet
+    """
+    data = packet[24:]
+    # For uncompressed RT130 data, the data format is also the size of a data
+    # point in bit (aside from data format 33, which uses the same size as data
+    # format 32).
+    point_size = int(data_format)
+    if point_size == 33:
+        point_size = 32
+    # Convert the size of a data point to byte because the data is stored
+    # as a byte string.
+    point_size = point_size // 8
+    # struct.unpack uses different format characters for different point sizes.
+    format_char = {2: 'h', 4: 'i'}[point_size]
+    first_data_point = data[:point_size]
+    return unpacker.unpack(f'{format_char}', first_data_point)[0]
+def decode_compressed(packet: bytes, data_format: str, unpacker: Unpacker
+                      ) -> int:
+    """
+    Grab the stop point in a packet that contains compressed RT130 data (aka
+    packets with data format C0, C1, C2, or C3).
+    We get the stop point in this case because that is what logpeek did. It
+    also looks a lot better than using the start point, so that is a plus.
+    :param packet: the bytes that make up the given packet.
+    :param data_format: the data format of the given packet, can be one of C0,
+        C1, C2, or C3. Exist only to have the same signature as
+        decode_uncompressed
+    :param unpacker: the unpacker to use to decode the data.
+    :return: the first data point in the given packet
+    """
+    # The data in a compressed data packet starts at byte 64, with bytes
+    # between byte 24 and 64 being fillers.
+    data = packet[64:]
+    first_data_point = data[8:12]
+    return unpacker.unpack('i', first_data_point)[0]
+def read_dt_packet(packet: bytes, unpacker: Unpacker
+                   ) -> Tuple[DTExtendedHeader, Any]:
+    """
+    Process a DT packet and get its extended header and first data point.
+    :param packet: the bytes that make up the given DT packet.
+    :param unpacker: the unpacker to use to decode the data.
+    :return: the extended header and first data point of the given DT packet.
+    """
+    decoders = {
+        **dict.fromkeys(['16', '32', '33'], decode_uncompressed),
+        **dict.fromkeys(['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'], decode_compressed)
+    }
+    event_number = int(packet[16:18].hex())
+    data_stream_number = int(packet[18:19].hex())
+    channel_number = int(packet[19:20].hex())
+    number_of_samples = int(packet[20:22].hex())
+    flags = unpacker.unpack('B', packet[22:23])[0]
+    data_format = packet[23:24].hex().upper()
+    extended_header = DTExtendedHeader(event_number, data_stream_number,
+                                       channel_number, number_of_samples,
+                                       flags, data_format)
+    first_data_point = decoders[data_format](packet, data_format, unpacker)
+    return extended_header, first_data_point
+def read_eh_et_packet(packet: bytes, unpacker: Unpacker
+                      ) -> Tuple[EHETExtendedHeader, bytes]:
+    """
+    Process an EH/ET packet and get its extended header and required part of
+    the payload.
+    :param packet: the bytes that make up the given EH/ET packet.
+    :param unpacker: the unpacker to use to decode the data.
+    :return: the extended header and truncated payload of the given EH/ET
+        packet.
+    """
+    event_number = int(packet[16:18].hex())
+    data_stream_number = int(packet[18:19].hex())
+    flags = unpacker.unpack('B', packet[22:23])[0]
+    data_format = packet[23:24].hex().upper()
+    extended_header = EHETExtendedHeader(event_number, data_stream_number,
+                                         flags, data_format)
+    # The largest possible data point has a size of 4  bytes, so we need to
+    # grab at least data.
+    payload = packet[24:eh_et_payload_end_in_packet]
+    return extended_header, payload
+def bcd_16bit_int(_i) -> int:
+    """
+    Reimplement a private function of the same name in obspy. Kept here in case
+    the private function is removed in a future obspy version.
+    :param _i: the byte string to convert into a 16-bite integer
+    :return: a 16-bit integer
+    """
+    _i = bcd(_i)
+    return _i[0] * 100 + _i[1]
+def read_soh_packet(packet: bytes, unpacker: Unpacker
+                    ) -> Tuple[SOHExtendedHeader, bytes]:
+    """
+    Process an SOH packet and get its extended header and poyload.
+    :param packet: the bytes that make up the given SOH packet.
+    :param unpacker: the unpacker to use to decode the data.
+    :return: the extended header and payload of the given SOH packet.
+    """
+    event_number = bcd_16bit_int(numpy.frombuffer(packet[16:18], numpy.uint8))
+    data_stream_number = bcd(numpy.frombuffer(packet[18:19], numpy.uint8))
+    channel_number = bcd(numpy.frombuffer(packet[19:20], numpy.uint8))
+    number_of_samples = bcd_16bit_int(
+        numpy.frombuffer(packet[20:22], numpy.uint8)
+    )
+    flags = unpacker.unpack('B', packet[22:23])[0]
+    data_format = packet[23:24].hex().upper()
+    extended_header = SOHExtendedHeader(event_number, data_stream_number,
+                                        channel_number, number_of_samples,
+                                        flags, data_format)
+    payload = packet[24:]
+    return extended_header, payload
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packets.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5272ecb35f6f88bd641b370bccef0f04055d6cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/packets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import dataclasses
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.header import PacketHeader
+class DTExtendedHeader:
+    """
+    The extended header of a DT packet.
+    """
+    event_number: int
+    data_stream_number: int
+    channel_number: int
+    number_of_samples: int
+    flags: int
+    data_format: str
+class DTPacket:
+    """
+    The decoded data of a DT packet.
+    """
+    header: PacketHeader
+    extended_header: DTExtendedHeader
+    data: int
+class EHETExtendedHeader:
+    """
+    A collection of some useful information about an EH/ET packet. Technically,
+    EH/ET packets do not have extended headers. We name this class what it is
+    due to the way obspy.Reftek130 (and consequently, core.Reftek130) stores
+    the data of processed packets. For more information, refer to
+    Reftek130._data.
+    """
+    event_number: int
+    data_stream_number: int
+    flags: int
+    data_format: str
+    def __post_init__(self):
+        self.channel_number = 0
+        self.number_of_samples = 0
+class EHETPacket:
+    """
+    The decoded data of an EH/ET packet. The extended_header field is to ensure
+    compatibility with dt_packet.DTPacket. EH/ET packets do not have an
+    extended header otherwise.
+    """
+    header: PacketHeader
+    extended_header: EHETExtendedHeader
+    data: bytes
+class SOHExtendedHeader:
+    """
+    A collection of dummy data for some information needed so that
+    core.Reftek130 can understand SOH packets.
+    core.Reftek130 focuses on reading waveform data, so it wants information
+    available in the waveform packets (EH/ET/DT). However, core.Reftek130 also
+    supports SOH packets, which does not contain the required information. As
+    a result, we need to store dummy data in its place.
+    """
+    event_number: int
+    data_stream_number: int
+    channel_number: int
+    number_of_samples: int
+    flags: int
+    data_format: str
+class SOHPacket:
+    """
+    The decoded data of an SOH packet. The extended_header field is to ensure
+    compatibility with dt_packet.DTPacket. SOH packets do not have an
+    extended header otherwise.
+    """
+    header: PacketHeader
+    extended_header: SOHExtendedHeader
+    data: bytes
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/reftek_helper.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/reftek_helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7b1ed24f706081f6655f67d9e428648ec4dad81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/reftek_helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import os
+from typing import Any, Dict, Callable, Union, List, Tuple
+import numpy
+import numpy as np
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_data.record_reader_helper import Unpacker
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet import \
+    eh_et_payload_end_in_packet
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet_readers import (
+    read_dt_packet, read_eh_et_packet, read_soh_packet,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packets import (
+    DTPacket, EHETPacket, SOHPacket,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.header import \
+    get_rt130_packet_header
+def packet_reader_placeholder(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
+    """
+    Placeholder function to be used in place of an RT130 packet reader
+    function. This function immediately returns None.
+    """
+    return None, None
+def read_rt130_file(file_name: str, unpacker: Unpacker
+                    ) -> List[Union[EHETPacket, DTPacket, SOHPacket]]:
+    """
+    Read an RT130 file and stores the data in a list of RT130 packets.
+    :param file_name: the name of the file to read.
+    :param unpacker: the decoder used to decode the data.
+    :return: a list of processed RT130 packets.
+    """
+    # RT130 data looks to be all big-endian (logpeek assumes this, and it has
+    # been working pretty well), so we don't have to do any endianness check.
+    packets = []
+    with open(file_name, 'rb') as rt130_file:
+        # Each packet is exactly 1024 bytes, so we can rely on that to know
+        # when we have finished reading.
+        for i in range(os.path.getsize(file_name) // 1024):
+            packet = rt130_file.read(1024)
+            packet_header = get_rt130_packet_header(packet)
+            waveform_handlers: Dict[str, Callable] = {
+                'EH': read_eh_et_packet,
+                'ET': read_eh_et_packet,
+                'DT': read_dt_packet,
+            }
+            soh_handlers: Dict[str, Callable] = dict.fromkeys(
+                ['AD', 'CD', 'DS', 'FD', 'OM', 'SC', 'SH'],
+                read_soh_packet
+            )
+            packet_handlers = {
+                **waveform_handlers, **soh_handlers
+            }
+            packet_handler = packet_handlers.get(
+                packet_header.packet_type, packet_reader_placeholder
+            )
+            return_val = packet_handler(packet, unpacker)
+            if packet_header.packet_type == 'DT':
+                packet_type = DTPacket
+            elif packet_header.packet_type in ['EH', 'ET']:
+                packet_type = EHETPacket
+            else:
+                packet_type = SOHPacket
+            extended_header, data = return_val
+            current_packet = packet_type(packet_header, extended_header, data)
+            packets.append(current_packet)
+    return packets
+def convert_packet_to_obspy_format(packet: Union[EHETPacket, DTPacket,
+                                                 SOHPacket],
+                                   unpacker: Unpacker) -> Tuple:
+    """
+    Convert an RT130 packet into a numpy array of type PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE
+    :param packet: an RT130 packet.
+    :param unpacker: the decoder used to decode the data.
+    :return: a tuple that can be converted into an object of type
+        PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE that contains the data stored in packet.
+    """
+    # We want to convert the packet to a tuple. In order to make it easier to
+    # maintain, we first convert the packet to a dictionary. Then, we grab the
+    # values of the dictionary as tuple to get the final result.
+    converted_packet = {}
+    converted_packet['packet_type'] = packet.header.packet_type
+    converted_packet['experiment_number'] = packet.header.experiment_number
+    # Obspy only stores the last two digits of the year.
+    converted_packet['year'] = packet.header.time.year % 100
+    converted_packet['unit_id'] = packet.header.unit_id
+    converted_packet['time'] = packet.header.time.ns
+    converted_packet['byte_count'] = packet.header.byte_count
+    converted_packet['packet_sequence'] = packet.header.packet_sequence
+    converted_packet['event_number'] = packet.extended_header.event_number
+    converted_packet[
+        'data_stream_number'] = packet.extended_header.data_stream_number
+    converted_packet['channel_number'] = packet.extended_header.channel_number
+    converted_packet[
+        'number_of_samples'] = packet.extended_header.number_of_samples
+    converted_packet['flags'] = packet.extended_header.flags
+    converted_packet['data_format'] = packet.extended_header.data_format
+    if converted_packet['packet_type'] == 'DT':
+        # Obspy stores the data as list of 1-byte integers. We store the
+        # data as an arbitrary length integer, so we need to do some
+        # conversion. To make encoding and decoding the data point easier, we
+        # store it in 4 bytes no matter what the data format is. This only
+        # has an effect on data with format 16. Thanks to a quirk with
+        # 2-complement binary encoding, however, this does not cause any
+        # problem.
+        data_size = 4
+        format_char = 'B'
+        converted_packet['payload'] = numpy.empty(1000, np.uint8)
+        packet_data = list(unpacker.unpack(
+            f'{data_size}{format_char}',
+            packet.data.to_bytes(data_size, 'big', signed=True)
+        ))
+        converted_packet['payload'][:4] = packet_data
+    elif converted_packet['packet_type'] in ['EH', 'ET']:
+        eh_et_payload_size = eh_et_payload_end_in_packet - 24
+        converted_packet['payload'] = numpy.empty(1000, np.uint8)
+        packet_data = numpy.frombuffer(packet.data, np.uint8)
+        converted_packet['payload'][:eh_et_payload_size] = packet_data
+    else:
+        converted_packet['payload'] = numpy.frombuffer(packet.data, np.uint8)
+    return tuple(converted_packet.values())
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/soh_packet.py b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/soh_packet.py
similarity index 95%
rename from sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/soh_packet.py
rename to sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/soh_packet.py
index ff54fe1539c53d352b8efa036bc66ed0f6c7eb0b..7900f68abf02a98e7ea0e572ed132703d2bb11f6 100644
--- a/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/from_rt2ms/soh_packet.py
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/reftek/reftek_data/soh_packet.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Optional, List
 Routines building upon obspy.io.reftek.packet.
 Redefine packet header (PACKET) based on rt130 manual.
@@ -268,14 +270,14 @@ FD_INFO = {
     "_coeff": (984, None)}
-class Packet(obspy_rt130_packet.Packet):
+class SOHPacket(obspy_rt130_packet.Packet):
     """Class used to define shared tools for the SOH packets"""
     _headers = ('experiment_number', 'unit_id', 'byte_count',
                 'packet_sequence', 'time')
-    def from_data(data):
+    def from_data(data: np.ndarray) -> SOHPacket:
         Checks for valid packet type identifier and returns appropriate
         packet object
@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ class Packet(obspy_rt130_packet.Packet):
             raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(packet_type))
-    def time_tag(time, implement_time=None):
+    def time_tag(time: UTCDateTime, implement_time: Optional[int] = None):
         if implement_time is not None and time > UTCDateTime(ns=implement_time):  # noqa: E501
             time = UTCDateTime(ns=implement_time)
         return "{:04d}:{:03d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}:{:03d}".format(time.year,
@@ -311,20 +313,14 @@ class Packet(obspy_rt130_packet.Packet):
                                                                   time.microsecond)  # noqa: E501
-    def packet_tagline(self):
+    def packet_tagline(self) -> str:
         return "\n"
-        # return "\n\n{:s} exp {:02d} bytes {:04d} {:s} ID: {:s} seq {:04d}".format(self.type.decode(),  # noqa: E501
-        #                                                                           self.experiment_number,  # noqa: E501
-        #                                                                           self.byte_count,  # noqa: E501
-        #                                                                           self.time_tag(self.time),  # noqa: E501
-        #                                                                           self.unit_id.decode(),  # noqa: E501
-        #                                                                           self.packet_sequence)  # noqa: E501
-class SHPacket(Packet):
+class SHPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for SH packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
         start_sh = 0
@@ -341,7 +337,7 @@ class SHPacket(Packet):
             setattr(self, name, data)
             start_sh = start_sh + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
         packet_soh_string = ("\nState of Health  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -352,10 +348,10 @@ class SHPacket(Packet):
         return info
-class SCPacket(Packet):
+class SCPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for SC packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         # Station/Channel payload
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
@@ -389,12 +385,8 @@ class SCPacket(Packet):
                 setattr(self, name, data)
                 start_info = start_info + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
-        # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
-        # packet_soh_string = ("\nStation Channel Definition  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
-        #                      .format(self.time_tag(self.time, implement_time=self.implement_time),  # noqa: E501
-        #                              self.unit_id.decode()))
         packet_soh_string = ("\nStation Channel Definition  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -430,7 +422,7 @@ class SCPacket(Packet):
                 info.append("\n     Comments - " + getattr(self, 'sc' + str(ind_sc) + '_comments'))  # noqa: E501
         return info
-    def get_info(self, infos):
+    def get_info(self, infos: List[List]) -> List[List]:
         Compile relevant information - unit id, reference channel, network
         code, station code, component code, gain and implementation time - for
@@ -461,10 +453,10 @@ class SCPacket(Packet):
         return infos
-class OMPacket(Packet):
+class OMPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for OM packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
         start_om = 0
@@ -481,7 +473,7 @@ class OMPacket(Packet):
             setattr(self, name, data)
             start_om = start_om + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
         packet_soh_string = ("\nOperating Mode Definition  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -503,10 +495,10 @@ class OMPacket(Packet):
         return info
-class DSPacket(Packet):
+class DSPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for DS packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         # Data Stream payload
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
@@ -561,7 +553,7 @@ class DSPacket(Packet):
                 msg = ("Trigger type {:s} not found".format(trigger_type))
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         packet_soh_string = ("\nData Stream Definition  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -597,7 +589,7 @@ class DSPacket(Packet):
                                     info.append(" ".join(["\n     Trigger", key, trigger_info]))  # noqa: E501
         return info
-    def get_info(self, infos):
+    def get_info(self, infos: List[List]) -> List[List]:
         Compile relevant information - reference data stream, band and
         instrument codes, sample rate and implementation time - for given DS
@@ -624,10 +616,10 @@ class DSPacket(Packet):
         return infos
-class ADPacket(Packet):
+class ADPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for AD packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
         start_ad = 0
@@ -644,7 +636,7 @@ class ADPacket(Packet):
             setattr(self, name, data)
             start_ad = start_ad + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
         packet_soh_string = ("\nAuxiliary Data Parameter  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -664,10 +656,10 @@ class ADPacket(Packet):
         return info
-class CDPacket(Packet):
+class CDPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for CD packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         # Calibration parameter payload
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes()
@@ -736,7 +728,7 @@ class CDPacket(Packet):
                 setattr(self, name, data)
                 start_info_seq = start_info_seq + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
         packet_soh_string = ("\nCalibration Definition  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -790,10 +782,10 @@ class CDPacket(Packet):
         return info
-class FDPacket(Packet):
+class FDPacket(SOHPacket):
     """Class used to parse and generate string representation for FD packets"""
-    def __init__(self, data):
+    def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
         # Filter description payload
         self._data = data
         payload = self._data["payload"]
@@ -845,7 +837,7 @@ class FDPacket(Packet):
                 setattr(self, name, data)
                 start_info = start_info + length
-    def __str__(self):
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         info = []
         # info.append(self.packet_tagline)
         packet_soh_string = ("\nFilter Description  {:s}   ST: {:s}"
@@ -873,7 +865,7 @@ class FDPacket(Packet):
         return info
-    def twosCom_bin2dec(bin_, digit):
+    def twosCom_bin2dec(bin_: str, digit: int):
         while len(bin_) < digit:
             bin_ = '0' + bin_
         if bin_[0] == '0':
@@ -882,7 +874,7 @@ class FDPacket(Packet):
             return -1 * (int(''.join('1' if x == '0' else '0' for x in bin_), 2) + 1)  # noqa: E501
-    def twosCom_dec2bin(dec, digit):
+    def twosCom_dec2bin(dec: int, digit: int):
         if dec >= 0:
             bin_ = bin(dec).split("0b")[1]
             while len(bin_) < digit:
@@ -893,7 +885,7 @@ class FDPacket(Packet):
             return bin(dec - pow(2, digit)).split("0b")[1]
-def _initial_unpack_packets_soh(bytestring):
+def _initial_unpack_packets_soh(bytestring: bytes) -> np.ndarray:
     First unpack data with dtype matching itemsize of storage in the reftek
     file, than allocate result array with dtypes for storage of python
diff --git a/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_core.py b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_core.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff05396c02a3cbf743f8a96b57dd2b5cd705f24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy
+import obspy.core
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.core import (
+    DiscontinuousTrace,
+    Reftek130,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.header import NotRT130FileError
+class TestDiscontinuousTrace(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        data = numpy.arange(1024)
+        stub_stats = obspy.core.Stats()
+        times = numpy.arange(1024)
+        self.trace = DiscontinuousTrace(data, stub_stats, times=times)
+    def test_times_argument_is_stored(self):
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.trace, '_times'))
+    def test_times_utcdatetime(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
+            self.trace.times('utcdatetime')
+    def test_times_matplotlib(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
+            self.trace.times('matplotlib')
+    def test_times_relative(self):
+        with self.subTest('test_relative_to_start_time'):
+            # The default start time of a trace is 0 anyhow, but we write that
+            # down explicitly for clarity.
+            self.trace.stats.starttime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(0)
+            expected = numpy.arange(1024)
+            assert_array_equal(self.trace.times('relative'), expected)
+        with self.subTest('test_relative_to_given_reftime'):
+            reftime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(0)
+            expected = numpy.arange(1024)
+            assert_array_equal(self.trace.times('relative', reftime),
+                               expected)
+            reftime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(1024)
+            expected = numpy.arange(-1024, 0)
+            assert_array_equal(self.trace.times('relative', reftime),
+                               expected)
+            reftime = obspy.core.UTCDateTime(-1024)
+            expected = numpy.arange(1024, 2048)
+            assert_array_equal(self.trace.times('relative', reftime),
+                               expected)
+    def test_times_timestamp(self):
+        expected = numpy.arange(1024)
+        assert_array_equal(self.trace.times('timestamp'), expected)
+class TestReftek130FromFile(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        self.TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(os.getcwd()).joinpath('tests/test_data')
+        self.rt130_dir = self.TEST_DATA_DIR.joinpath(
+            'RT130-sample/2017149.92EB/2017150/92EB'
+        )
+    def test_rt130_file(self):
+        file = self.rt130_dir.joinpath('0/000000000_00000000')
+        rt130 = Reftek130.from_file(file)
+        self.assertIsInstance(rt130, Reftek130)
+    def test_rt130_soh_file(self):
+        file = self.rt130_dir.joinpath('0/000000000_00000000')
+        rt130 = Reftek130.from_file(file)
+        # The most common SOH packet type looks to be SH, so we use that as
+        # the default.
+        self.assertIn(b'SH', rt130._data['packet_type'])
+    def test_rt130_raw_data_file(self):
+        file = self.rt130_dir.joinpath('1/000000015_0036EE80')
+        rt130 = Reftek130.from_file(file)
+        assert_array_equal(
+            numpy.unique(numpy.sort(rt130._data['packet_type'])),
+            numpy.sort([b'EH', b'DT', b'ET'])
+        )
+    def test_non_rt130_file(self):
+        with self.subTest('test_file_exist'):
+            test_file = self.TEST_DATA_DIR.joinpath(
+                'Q330-sample/day_vols_AX08/AX08.XA..HHE.2021.186'
+            )
+            with self.assertRaises(NotRT130FileError):
+                Reftek130.from_file(test_file)
+        with self.subTest('test_file_does_not_exist'):
+            test_file = ''
+            with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
+                Reftek130.from_file(test_file)
diff --git a/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_header.py b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_header.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0058679bd536a1b7febbf2165c02b096f8624feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import unittest
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.header import (
+    parse_rt130_time,
+    get_rt130_packet_header, NotRT130FileError,
+class TestParseRT130Time(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_time_bytes_parsed_correctly(self):
+        time_bytes = b'\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35'
+        year = 15
+        result = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+        self.assertEqual(result.julday, 360)
+        self.assertEqual(result.day, 26)
+        self.assertEqual(result.month, 12)
+        self.assertEqual(result.hour, 11)
+        self.assertEqual(result.minute, 51)
+        self.assertEqual(result.second, 35)
+        self.assertEqual(result.microsecond, 135000)
+        self.assertEqual(result.ns, 1451130695135000000)
+    def test_year_1900s(self):
+        time_bytes = b'\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35'
+        year = 71
+        result = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+        self.assertEqual(result.year, 1971)
+    def test_year_2000s(self):
+        time_bytes = b'\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35'
+        year = 12
+        result = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+        self.assertEqual(result.year, 2012)
+    def test_year_threshold(self):
+        with self.subTest('test_year_is_49'):
+            time_bytes = b'\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35'
+            year = 49
+            result = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+            self.assertEqual(result.year, 2049)
+        with self.subTest('test_year_is_50'):
+            time_bytes = b'\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35'
+            year = 50
+            result = parse_rt130_time(year, time_bytes)
+            self.assertEqual(result.year, 1950)
+class TestGetRT130PacketHeader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_header_extracted_correctly(self):
+        header = b'DT\x12\x15\x98\xe1\x36\x01\x15\x13\x51\x35\x05\x12\x01\x11'
+        packet = header + b' ' * 1008
+        result = get_rt130_packet_header(packet)
+        self.assertEqual(result.packet_type, 'DT')
+        self.assertEqual(result.experiment_number, 12)
+        self.assertEqual(result.unit_id, '98E1')
+        self.assertEqual(result.time.ns, 1451130695135000000)
+        self.assertEqual(result.byte_count, 512)
+        self.assertEqual(result.packet_sequence, 111)
+    def test_packet_type_cannot_be_parsed(self):
+        packet_type = b'\x01\x02'
+        header = packet_type + b'\x11' * 14
+        packet = header + b' ' * 1008
+        with self.assertRaises(NotRT130FileError):
+            get_rt130_packet_header(packet)
+    def test_packet_type_is_not_valid(self):
+        packet_type = b'AB'
+        header = packet_type + b'\x11' * 14
+        packet = header + b' ' * 1008
+        with self.assertRaises(NotRT130FileError):
+            get_rt130_packet_header(packet)
diff --git a/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_packet_readers.py b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_packet_readers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..686ac4528873c88c8e01f9320b6a8860bd106bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_packet_readers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_data.record_reader_helper import Unpacker
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet import \
+    eh_et_payload_end_in_packet
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet_readers import (
+    decode_uncompressed, decode_compressed, read_dt_packet, read_eh_et_packet,
+    read_soh_packet,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packets import SOHExtendedHeader
+unpacker = Unpacker('>')
+class TestDecodeFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        self.header = b' ' * 24
+    def test_decode_uncompressed_format_16(self):
+        data_format = '16'
+        with self.subTest('test_positive_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\x06\x19'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 998
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = 1561
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+        with self.subTest('test_negative_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\xf9\xe4'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 998
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = -1564
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+    def test_decode_uncompressed_format_32(self):
+        data_format = '32'
+        with self.subTest('test_positive_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\x03\xc5\x4e\x9a'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 996
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = 63262362
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+        with self.subTest('test_negative_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\xf6\xac\xba\x00'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 996
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = -156452352
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+    def test_decode_uncompressed_format_33(self):
+        data_format = '33'
+        with self.subTest('test_positive_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\x03\xc5\x4e\x9a'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 996
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = 63262362
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+        with self.subTest('test_negative_number'):
+            first_data_point_byte = b'\xf6\xac\xba\x00'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 996
+            packet = self.header + first_data_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_uncompressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = -156452352
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+    def test_decode_compressed(self):
+        data_format = 'C0'
+        filler = b' ' * 40
+        first_frame_code = b'\x00\x11\x11\x11'
+        start_data_point_byte = b'0000'
+        header = self.header + filler
+        bytes_before_data = header + first_frame_code + start_data_point_byte
+        with self.subTest('test_positive_number'):
+            end_point_byte = b'\x03\xc5\x4e\x9a'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 952
+            packet = bytes_before_data + end_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_compressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = 63262362
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+        with self.subTest('test_negative_number'):
+            end_point_byte = b'\xf6\xac\xba\x00'
+            data_filler = b' ' * 952
+            packet = bytes_before_data + end_point_byte + data_filler
+            actual = decode_compressed(packet, data_format, unpacker)
+            expected = -156452352
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+class TestReadDTPacket(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        self.header = b' ' * 16
+        # We only test if the correct method is used to extract the data point,
+        # so the data can be anything we want.
+        self.data = b' ' * 1000
+        uncompressed_patcher = patch(
+            'sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet_readers.'
+            'decode_uncompressed'
+        )
+        compressed_patcher = patch(
+            'sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet_readers.'
+            'decode_compressed'
+        )
+        self.mock_uncompressed = uncompressed_patcher.start()
+        self.mock_compressed = compressed_patcher.start()
+        self.addCleanup(uncompressed_patcher.stop)
+        self.addCleanup(compressed_patcher.stop)
+    def test_extended_header_is_extracted_correctly(self):
+        extended_header_bytes = b'\x01\x11\x01\x02\x05\x00\x00\xc0'
+        packet = self.header + extended_header_bytes + self.data
+        extended_header, _ = read_dt_packet(packet, unpacker)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.event_number, 111)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.data_stream_number, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.channel_number, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.number_of_samples, 500)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.flags, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.data_format, 'C0')
+    def test_data_point_extracted_with_correct_method(self):
+        with self.subTest('test_uncompressed_packet'):
+            extended_header_bytes = b'\x01\x11\x01\x02\x05\x00\x00\x16'
+            packet = self.header + extended_header_bytes + self.data
+            read_dt_packet(packet, unpacker)
+            self.assertTrue(self.mock_uncompressed.called)
+            self.assertFalse(self.mock_compressed.called)
+        self.mock_uncompressed.reset_mock()
+        self.mock_compressed.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('test_compressed_packet'):
+            extended_header_bytes = b'\x01\x11\x01\x02\x05\x00\x00\xc0'
+            packet = self.header + extended_header_bytes + self.data
+            read_dt_packet(packet, unpacker)
+            self.assertTrue(self.mock_compressed.called)
+            self.assertFalse(self.mock_uncompressed.called)
+class TestReadEHETPacket(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        header = b' ' * 16
+        extended_header_bytes = b'\x01\x11\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0'
+        # We only care about the length of the payload (the content is dealt
+        # with somewhere else), and so it can contain dummy data.
+        payload = b' ' * 1000
+        self.packet = header + extended_header_bytes + payload
+    def test_extended_header_is_extracted_correctly(self):
+        extended_header, _ = read_eh_et_packet(self.packet, unpacker)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.event_number, 111)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.data_stream_number, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.channel_number, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.number_of_samples, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.flags, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(extended_header.data_format, 'C0')
+    def test_payload_extracted_correctly(self):
+        _, payload = read_eh_et_packet(self.packet, unpacker)
+        self.assertEqual(len(payload), eh_et_payload_end_in_packet - 24)
+class TestReadSOHPacket(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Test suite for packet_readers.read_soh_packet. We only test that the
+    function has the correct interface, seeing as the intended purpose of this
+    method is to be compatible with packet_readers.read_dt_packet and
+    packet_readers.read_eh_et_packet interface-wise.
+    """
+    def test_correct_interface(self):
+        packet = b' ' * 1024
+        extended_header, payload = read_soh_packet(packet, unpacker)
+        self.assertIsInstance(extended_header, SOHExtendedHeader)
+        self.assertIsInstance(payload, bytes)
+    def test_payload_has_correct_length(self):
+        packet = b' ' * 1024
+        extended_header, payload = read_soh_packet(packet, unpacker)
+        self.assertEqual(len(payload), 1000)
diff --git a/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_reftek_helper.py b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_reftek_helper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4410699448e5b6a14ca48656dbbfbc80c5b8201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_model/test_reftek/test_reftek_helper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from obspy.io.reftek.packet import PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_data.record_reader_helper import Unpacker
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.header import NotRT130FileError
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packet_readers import (
+    read_eh_et_packet, read_dt_packet, read_soh_packet,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.packets import (
+    SOHPacket,
+    EHETPacket, DTPacket,
+from sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.reftek_helper import (
+    read_rt130_file, convert_packet_to_obspy_format,
+unpacker = Unpacker('>')
+class TestReadRT130File(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        self.TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(os.getcwd()).joinpath('tests/test_data')
+        self.rt130_dir = self.TEST_DATA_DIR.joinpath(
+            'RT130-sample/2017149.92EB/2017150/92EB'
+        )
+        eh_et_patcher = patch(
+            'sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.reftek_helper.'
+            'read_eh_et_packet',
+            wraps=read_eh_et_packet
+        )
+        self.mock_read_eh_et = eh_et_patcher.start()
+        self.addCleanup(eh_et_patcher.stop)
+        dt_patcher = patch(
+            'sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.reftek_helper.'
+            'read_dt_packet',
+            wraps=read_dt_packet
+        )
+        self.mock_read_dt = dt_patcher.start()
+        self.addCleanup(dt_patcher.stop)
+        soh_patcher = patch(
+            'sohstationviewer.model.reftek.reftek_data.reftek_helper.'
+            'read_soh_packet',
+            wraps=read_soh_packet
+        )
+        self.mock_read_soh = soh_patcher.start()
+        self.addCleanup(soh_patcher.stop)
+    def test_rt130_soh_file(self):
+        file = self.rt130_dir.joinpath('0/000000000_00000000')
+        packets = read_rt130_file(file, unpacker)
+        self.assertTrue(
+            all(isinstance(packet, SOHPacket) for packet in packets)
+        )
+        self.assertTrue(self.mock_read_soh.called)
+        self.assertFalse(self.mock_read_dt.called)
+        self.assertFalse(self.mock_read_eh_et.called)
+    def test_rt130_raw_data_file(self):
+        file = self.rt130_dir.joinpath('1/000000015_0036EE80')
+        packets = read_rt130_file(file, unpacker)
+        self.assertTrue(all(
+            isinstance(packet, EHETPacket) or isinstance(packet, DTPacket)
+            for packet in packets)
+        )
+        self.assertFalse(self.mock_read_soh.called)
+        self.assertTrue(self.mock_read_dt.called)
+        self.assertTrue(self.mock_read_eh_et.called)
+    def test_non_rt130_file(self):
+        with self.subTest('test_file_exist'):
+            file = self.TEST_DATA_DIR.joinpath(
+                'Q330-sample/day_vols_AX08/AX08.XA..HHE.2021.186'
+            )
+            with self.assertRaises(NotRT130FileError):
+                read_rt130_file(file, unpacker)
+        with self.subTest('test_file_does_not_exist'):
+            file = ''
+            with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
+                read_rt130_file(file, unpacker)
+class TestConvertPacketToObspyFormat(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self) -> None:
+        TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(os.getcwd()).joinpath('tests/test_data')
+        rt130_dir = TEST_DATA_DIR.joinpath(
+            'RT130-sample/2017149.92EB/2017150/92EB'
+        )
+        file = rt130_dir.joinpath('1/000000015_0036EE80')
+        self.packet = read_rt130_file(file, unpacker)[0]
+    def test_all_needed_fields_are_available(self):
+        converted_packet = convert_packet_to_obspy_format(
+            self.packet, unpacker
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(len(converted_packet), len(PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE))