From 4a5f188931b6f279e94661182a1b181ed295ae2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lan Dam <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:26:38 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Read mseed and log data

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 sohstationviewer/controller/core/ |   77 ++
 sohstationviewer/controller/     |   22 +
 sohstationviewer/model/core/       |   64 +
 sohstationviewer/model/          |  203 +++
 sohstationviewer/view/           |   15 +-
 6 files changed, 1506 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sohstationviewer/controller/core/
 create mode 100644 sohstationviewer/controller/core/
 create mode 100755 sohstationviewer/controller/
 create mode 100755 sohstationviewer/model/core/
 create mode 100755 sohstationviewer/model/

diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/core/ b/sohstationviewer/controller/core/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74e9df879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@
+Processing time  functions that are derived exactly from qpeek/logpeek
+from time import gmtime, localtime, sleep, strftime, time
+from struct import pack, unpack
+from sohstationviewer.controller.core.utils import intt, floatt, rtnPattern
+from obspy import UTCDateTime
+# First day of the month for each non-leap year month MINUS 1. This will get
+# subtracted from the DOY, so a DOY of 91, minus the first day of April 90
+# (91-90) will leave the 1st of April. The 365 is the 1st of Jan of the next
+# year.
+PROG_FDOM = (0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365)
+# Max days per month.
+PROG_MAXDPMNLY = (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
+PROG_MAXDPMLY = (0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
+# Not very friendly to other countries, but...
+               "JULY", "AUGUST", "SEPTEMBER", "OCTOBER", "NOVEMBER",
+               "DECEMBER")
+PROG_CALMONS = ("", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG",
+                "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC")
+PROG_MONNUM = {"JAN": 1, "FEB": 2, "MAR": 3, "APR": 4, "MAY": 5, "JUN": 6,
+               "JUL": 7, "AUG": 8, "SEP": 9, "OCT": 10, "NOV": 11, "DEC": 12}
+# For use with the return of the calendar module weekday function.
+PROG_DOW = ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
+def formatTime(parent, time, dateMode, timeMode=None):
+    """
+    timeMode
+    """
+    # print((parent, time, dateMode, timeMode))
+    if isinstance(time, UTCDateTime):
+        t = time
+    else:
+        t = UTCDateTime(time)
+    #
+    # strftime-and-strptime-format-codes
+    format = ''
+    if dateMode == 'YYYY-MM-DD':
+        format = '%Y-%m-%d'
+    elif dateMode == 'YYYYMMDD':
+        format = '%Y%m%d'
+    elif dateMode == 'YYYY:DOY':
+        format = '%Y:%j'
+    elif parent is not None:
+        parent.displayTrackingInfo("not defined format:'%s'" % dateMode,
+                                   "error")
+    if timeMode == 'HH:MM:SS':
+        format += " %H:%M:%S"
+    # print("newTime:", t)
+    ret = t.strftime(format)
+    return ret
+# #######################
+# # BEGIN: getGMT(Format)
+# # LIB:getGMT():2015.007
+# #   Gets the time in various forms from the system.
+# def getGMT(Format):
+#     # YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS (GMT)
+#     if Format == 0:
+#         return strftime("%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     elif Format == 1:
+#         return strftime("%Y%j%H%M%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 2:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 3:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY, MM and DD (GMT) returned as ints
+#     elif Format == 4:
+#         GMT = gmtime(time())
+#         return (GMT[0], GMT[1], GMT[2])
+#     # YYYY-Jan-01 (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 5:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%b-%d", gmtime(time()))
+#     elif Format == 6:
+#         return strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # Reftek Texan (year-1984) time stamp in BBBBBB format (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 7:
+#         GMT = gmtime(time())
+#         return pack(">BBBBBB", (GMT[0] - 1984), 0, 1, GMT[3], GMT[4], GMT[5])
+#     # Number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 from the system.
+#     elif Format == 8:
+#         return time()
+#     elif Format == 9:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%j %H:%M:%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD/DOY (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 10:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%j", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS (GMT) returned as ints
+#     elif Format == 11:
+#         GMT = gmtime(time())
+#         return (GMT[0], GMT[7], GMT[3], GMT[4], GMT[5])
+#     # HH:MM:SS (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 12:
+#         return strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS (LT)
+#     elif Format == 13:
+#         return strftime("%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()))
+#     # HHMMSS (GMT)
+#     elif Format == 14:
+#         return strftime("%H%M%S", gmtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD (LT)
+#     elif Format == 15:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD/DOY Day (LT)
+#     elif Format == 16:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%j %A", localtime(time()))
+#     # MM-DD (LT)
+#     elif Format == 17:
+#         return strftime("%m-%d", localtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY, MM and DD (LT) returned as ints
+#     elif Format == 18:
+#         LT = localtime(time())
+#         return (LT[0], LT[1], LT[2])
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD/DOY HH:MM:SS Day (LT)
+#     elif Format == 19:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%j %H:%M:%S %A", localtime(time()))
+#     # Return GMT-LT difference.
+#     elif Format == 20:
+#         Secs = time()
+#         LT = localtime(Secs)
+#         GMT = gmtime(Secs)
+#         return dt2Timeymddhms(-1, LT[0], -1, -1, LT[7], LT[3], LT[4],
+#                               LT[5]) - dt2Timeymddhms(-1, GMT[0], -1, -1,
+#                                                       GMT[7], GMT[3], GMT[4],
+#                                                       GMT[5])
+#     elif Format == 21:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d/%j %H:%M:%S", localtime(time()))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (LT)
+#     elif Format == 22:
+#         return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time()))
+#     return ""
+# # END: getGMT
+# ####################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Timeverify(Which, Parts)
+# # FUNC:dt2Timeverify():2015.048
+# #   This could figure out what to check just by passing [Y,M,D,D,H,M,S], but
+# #   that means the splitters() in dt2Time would need to work much harder to
+# #   make sure all of the Parts were there, thus it needs a Which value.
+# def dt2Timeverify(Which, Parts):
+#     if Which.startswith("ydhms"):
+#         YYYY = intt(Parts[0])
+#         MMM = -1
+#         DD = -1
+#         DOY = intt(Parts[1])
+#         HH = intt(Parts[2])
+#         MM = intt(Parts[3])
+#         SS = floatt(Parts[4])
+#     elif Which.startswith("ymdhms") or Which.startswith("xymdhms"):
+#         YYYY = intt(Parts[0])
+#         MMM = intt(Parts[1])
+#         DD = intt(Parts[2])
+#         DOY = -1
+#         HH = intt(Parts[3])
+#         MM = intt(Parts[4])
+#         SS = floatt(Parts[5])
+#     elif Which.startswith("hms"):
+#         YYYY = -1
+#         MMM = -1
+#         DD = -1
+#         DOY = -1
+#         HH = intt(Parts[0])
+#         MM = intt(Parts[1])
+#         SS = floatt(Parts[2])
+#     if YYYY != -1 and (YYYY < 1000 or YYYY > 9999):
+#         return (1, "RW", "Bad year value: %d" % YYYY, 2, "")
+#     # Normally do the normal checking.
+#     if Which.startswith("x") is False:
+#         if MMM != -1 and (MMM < 1 or MMM > 12):
+#             return (1, "RW", "Bad month value: %d" % MMM, 2, "")
+#         if DD != -1:
+#             if DD < 1 or DD > 31:
+#                 return (1, "RW", "Bad day value: %d" % DD, 2, "")
+#             if YYYY % 4 != 0:
+#                 if DD > PROG_MAXDPMNLY[MMM]:
+#                     return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                             (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#             elif YYYY % 100 != 0 or YYYY % 400 == 0:
+#                 if DD > PROG_MAXDPMLY[MMM]:
+#                     return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                             (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#             else:
+#                 if DD > PROG_MAXDPMNLY[MMM]:
+#                     return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                             (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#         if DOY != -1:
+#             if DOY < 1 or DOY > 366:
+#                 return (1, "RW", "Bad day of year value: %d" % DOY, 2, "")
+#             if YYYY % 4 != 0 and DOY > 365:
+#                 return (1, "RW" "Too many days for non-leap year: %d" % DOY,
+#                         2, "")
+#         if HH < 0 or HH >= 24:
+#             return (1, "RW", "Bad hour value: %d" % HH, 2, "")
+#         if MM < 0 or MM >= 60:
+#             return (1, "RW", "Bad minute value: %d" % MM, 2, "")
+#         if SS < 0 or SS >= 60:
+#             return (1, "RW", "Bad seconds value: %06.3f" % SS, 2, "")
+#     # "x" checks.
+#     # Here if Which starts with "x" then it is OK if month and day values are
+#     # missing. This is for checking an entry like  2013-7  for example. If the
+#     # portion of the date(/time) that was passed looks OK then (0,) will be
+#     # returned. If it is something like  2013-13  then that will be bad.
+#     else:
+#         # If the user entered just the year, then we are done, etc.
+#         if MMM != -1:
+#             if MMM < 1 or MMM > 12:
+#                 return (1, "RW", "Bad month value: %d" % MMM, 2, "")
+#             if DD != -1:
+#                 if DD < 1 or DD > 31:
+#                     return (1, "RW", "Bad day value: %d" % DD, 2, "")
+#                 if YYYY % 4 != 0:
+#                     if DD > PROG_MAXDPMNLY[MMM]:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                                 (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#                 elif YYYY % 100 != 0 or YYYY % 400 == 0:
+#                     if DD > PROG_MAXDPMLY[MMM]:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                                 (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#                 else:
+#                     if DD > PROG_MAXDPMNLY[MMM]:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Too many days for month %d: %d" %
+#                                 (MMM, DD), 2, "")
+#                 if DOY != -1:
+#                     if DOY < 1 or DOY > 366:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Bad day of year value: %d" % DOY, 2,
+#                                 "")
+#                     if YYYY % 4 != 0 and DOY > 365:
+#                         return (1, "RW"
+#                                 "Too many days for non-leap year: %d" % DOY,
+#                                 2, "")
+#                 if HH != -1:
+#                     if HH < 0 or HH >= 24:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Bad hour value: %d" % HH, 2, "")
+#                     if MM != -1:
+#                         if MM < 0 or MM >= 60:
+#                             return (1, "RW", "Bad minute value: %d" % MM, 2,
+#                                     "")
+#                         # Checking these special values are usually from user
+#                         # input and are date/time values and not timing values,
+#                         # so the seconds part here will just be an int.
+#                         if SS != -1:
+#                             if SS < 0 or SS >= 60:
+#                                 return (1, "RW", "Bad seconds value: %d" % SS,
+#                                         2, "")
+#     return (0,)
+# ##################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Timeydoy2md(YYYY, DOY)
+# # FUNC:dt2Timeydoy2md():2013.030
+# #   Does no values checking, so make sure you stuff is in one sock before
+# #   coming here.
+# def dt2Timeydoy2md(YYYY, DOY):
+#     if DOY < 32:
+#         return 1, DOY
+#     elif DOY < 60:
+#         return 2, DOY - 31
+#     if YYYY % 4 != 0:
+#         Leap = 0
+#     elif YYYY % 100 != 0 or YYYY % 400 == 0:
+#         Leap = 1
+#     else:
+#         Leap = 0
+#     # Check for this special day.
+#     if Leap == 1 and DOY == 60:
+#         return 2, 29
+#     # The PROG_FDOM values for Mar-Dec are set up for non-leap years. If it is
+#     # a leap year and the date is going to be Mar-Dec (it is if we have made it
+#     # this far), subtract Leap from the day.
+#     DOY -= Leap
+#     # We start through PROG_FDOM looking for dates in March.
+#     Month = 3
+#     for FDOM in PROG_FDOM[4:]:
+#         # See if the DOY is less than the first day of next month.
+#         if DOY <= FDOM:
+#             # Subtract the DOY for the month that we are in.
+#             return Month, DOY - PROG_FDOM[Month]
+#         Month += 1
+#     # If anything goes wrong...
+#     return 0, 0
+# ######################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD)
+# # FUNC:dt2Timeymd2doy():2013.030
+# def dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD):
+#     if YYYY % 4 != 0:
+#         return (PROG_FDOM[MMM] + DD)
+#     elif (YYYY % 100 != 0 or YYYY % 400 == 0) and MMM > 2:
+#         return (PROG_FDOM[MMM] + DD + 1)
+#     else:
+#         return (PROG_FDOM[MMM] + DD)
+# ##################################################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Timeymddhms(outFormat, YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+# # FUNC:dt2Timeymddhms():2018.235
+# #   The general-purpose time handler for when the time is already split up into
+# #   it's parts.
+# #   Make MMM, DD -1 if passing DOY and DOY -1 if passing MMM, DD.
+# def dt2Timeymddhms(outFormat, YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY, HH, MM, SS):
+#     global Y2EPOCH
+#     # Returns a float Epoch is SS is a float, otherwise an int value.
+#     if outFormat == -1:
+#         Epoch = 0
+#         if YYYY < 70:
+#             YYYY += 2000
+#         if YYYY < 100:
+#             YYYY += 1900
+#         try:
+#             Epoch = Y2EPOCH[YYYY]
+#         except KeyError:
+#             for YYY in range(1970, YYYY):
+#                 if YYY % 4 != 0:
+#                     Epoch += 31536000
+#                 elif YYY % 100 != 0 or YYY % 400 == 0:
+#                     Epoch += 31622400
+#                 else:
+#                     Epoch += 31536000
+#             Y2EPOCH[YYYY] = Epoch
+#         if DOY == -1:
+#             DOY = dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#         return Epoch + ((DOY - 1) * 86400) + (HH * 3600) + (MM * 60) + SS
+# ##########################################################
+# # BEGIN: dtHoursFromNow(ToFormat, outFormat, dateTime, TZ)
+# # FUNC:dtHoursFromNow():2018.264
+# #   Takes in a time (presumably in the future) and returns the decimal hours
+# #   from now until then.
+# #   ToFormat is the format of the time we are going to.
+# #   outFormat is how to format the return time, "H" for decimal hours, or "H:M"
+# #   for HH:MM (no seconds).
+# #   TZ is either "GMT" or "LT" pertaining to the input dateTime.
+# #   The current time it uses (in YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS) is also returned.
+# #       (decimal hours, current time used)
+# def dtHoursFromNow(ToFormat, outFormat, dateTime, TZ):
+#     InEpoch = dt2Time(ToFormat, -1, dateTime)
+#     if TZ == "GMT":
+#         NowdateTime = getGMT(0)
+#     elif TZ == "LT":
+#         NowdateTime = getGMT(13)
+#     NowEpoch = dt2Time(11, -1, NowdateTime)
+#     Diff = InEpoch - NowEpoch
+#     if outFormat == "H":
+#         return ("%.2f hours" % (Diff / 3600.0), NowdateTime)
+#     elif outFormat == "H:M":
+#         H = Diff / 3600.0
+#         M = int((H - int(H)) * 60.0)
+#         H = int(H)
+#         # Rounding may cause this.
+#         if M > 59:
+#             H += 1
+#             M = M - 60
+#         return ("%02d:%02d" % (H, M), NowdateTime)
+#     return ("0.00", "0000:000:00:00:00")
+# ############################
+# # BEGIN: dt2DateDiff(D1, D2)
+# # FUNC:dt2DateDiff():2018.238
+# #   Takes two dates in YYYY-MM-DD format and returns the number of whole days
+# #   between them. Dates must be proper format or there will be crashing.
+# #   Returned is D2-D1, so D2 should be later than D1, but doesn't have to be.
+# def dt2DateDiff(D1, D2):
+#     Parts = D1.split("-")
+#     D1Y = int(Parts[0])
+#     D1M = int(Parts[1])
+#     D1D = int(Parts[2])
+#     Parts = D2.split("-")
+#     D2Y = int(Parts[0])
+#     D2M = int(Parts[1])
+#     D2D = int(Parts[2])
+#     # Pick off the easy one.
+#     if D1Y == D2Y and D1M == D2M:
+#         return D2D - D1D
+#     # Almost easy.
+#     elif D1Y == D2Y:
+#         D1Doy = dt2Timeymd2doy(D1Y, D1M, D1D)
+#         D2Doy = dt2Timeymd2doy(D2Y, D2M, D2D)
+#         return D2Doy - D1Doy
+#     else:
+#         # The full monty.
+#         D1E = dt2Timeymddhms(-1, D1Y, D1M, D1D, -1, 0, 0, 0)
+#         D2E = dt2Timeymddhms(-1, D2Y, D2M, D2D, -1, 0, 0, 0)
+#         return int((D2E - D1E) / 86400)
+# # END: dt2Time
+# ###############################################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Time(inFormat, outFormat, dateTime, verify = False)
+# # LIB:dt2Time():2018.270
+# #   inFormat = -1 = An Epoch has been passed.
+# #               0 = Figure out what was passed.
+# #           other = Use if the caller knows exactly what they have.
+# #   outFormat = -1 = Epoch
+# #                0 = Y M D D H M S.s
+# #                1 = Uses OPTdateFormatRVar value.
+# #            other = whatever supported format the caller wants
+# #   The format of the time will always be HH:MM:SS.sss.
+# #   Returns (0/1, <answer or error msg>) if verify is True, or <answer/0/"">
+# #   if verify is False. Confusing, but most of the calls are with verify set
+# #   to False, and having to always put [1] at the end of each call was getting
+# #   old fast. This probably will cause havoc if there are other errors like
+# #   passing date/times that cannot be deciphered, or passing bad In/outFormat
+# #   codes (just "" will be returned), but that's the price of progress. You'll
+# #   still have to chop off the milliseconds if they are not wanted ([:-4]).
+# #   Needs option_add(), intt(), floatt(), rtnPattern()
+# def dt2Time(inFormat, outFormat, dateTime, dateFormat, verify=False):
+#     """
+#     :param inFormat:
+#     :param outFormat:
+#     :param dateTime:
+#     :param dateFormat: YYYY:DOY, YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMMDD
+#     :param verify:
+#     :return:
+#     """
+#     global Y2EPOCH
+#     if inFormat == -1:
+#         YYYY = 1970
+#         while True:
+#             if YYYY % 4 != 0:
+#                 if dateTime >= 31536000:
+#                     dateTime -= 31536000
+#                 else:
+#                     break
+#             elif YYYY % 100 != 0 or YYYY % 400 == 0:
+#                 if dateTime >= 31622400:
+#                     dateTime -= 31622400
+#                 else:
+#                     break
+#             else:
+#                 if dateTime >= 31536000:
+#                     dateTime -= 31536000
+#                 else:
+#                     break
+#             YYYY += 1
+#         DOY = 1
+#         while dateTime >= 86400:
+#             dateTime -= 86400
+#             DOY += 1
+#         HH = 0
+#         while dateTime >= 3600:
+#             dateTime -= 3600
+#             HH += 1
+#         MM = 0
+#         while dateTime >= 60:
+#             dateTime -= 60
+#             MM += 1
+#         SS = dateTime
+#         MMM, DD = dt2Timeydoy2md(YYYY, DOY)
+#     else:
+#         dateTime = dateTime.strip().upper()
+#         # The caller will have to decide if these returns are OK or not.
+#         if len(dateTime) == 0:
+#             if outFormat - 1:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return 0.0
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, 0.0)
+#             elif outFormat == 0:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0)
+#             elif inFormat == 5:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "00:00:00:00"
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "00:00:00:00")
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "")
+#         # The overall goal of the decode will be to get the passed string time
+#         # into YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY, HH, MM integers and SS.sss float values
+#         # then proceed to the encoding section ready for anything.
+#         # These will try and figure out what the date is between the usual
+#         # formats.
+#         # Checks first to see if the date and time are together (like with a :)
+#         # or if there is a space between them.
+#         if inFormat == 0:
+#             Parts = dateTime.split()
+#             if len(Parts) == 1:
+#                 # YYYY:DOY:... - 71:2 will pass.
+#                 if dateTime.find(":") != -1:
+#                     Parts = dateTime.split(":")
+#                     # There has to be something that looks like YYYY:DOY.
+#                     if len(Parts) >= 2:
+#                         inFormat = 11
+#                 # YYYY-MM-DD:HH:...
+#                 # If there was only one thing and there are dashes then it
+#                 # could be Y-M-D or Y-M-D:H:M:S. Either way there must be 3
+#                 # parts.
+#                 elif dateTime.find("-") != -1:
+#                     Parts = dateTime.split("-")
+#                     if len(Parts) == 3:
+#                         inFormat = 21
+#                 # YYYYMMMDD:HH:... - 68APR3 will pass.
+#                 elif (dateTime.find("A") != -1 or dateTime.find("E") != -1 or
+#                       dateTime.find("O") != -1 or dateTime.find("U") != -1):
+#                     inFormat = 31
+#                 # YYYYDOYHHMMSS - Date/time must be exactly like this.
+#                 elif len(dateTime) == 13:
+#                     if rtnPattern(dateTime) == "0000000000000":
+#                         inFormat = 41
+#                 # YYYYMMDDHHMMSS - Date/time must be exactly like this.
+#                 elif len(dateTime) == 14:
+#                     if rtnPattern(dateTime) == "00000000000000":
+#                         inFormat = 51
+#             # (There is no 1974JAN23235959 that I know of, but the elif for
+#             # it would be here. ->
+#             # There were two parts.
+#             else:
+#                 Date = Parts[0]
+#                 Time = Parts[1]
+#                 # YYYY:DOY HH:MM...
+#                 if Date.find(":") != -1:
+#                     # Must have at least YYYY:DOY.
+#                     Parts = Date.split(":")
+#                     if len(Parts) >= 2:
+#                         inFormat = 12
+#                 # May be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM...
+#                 elif Date.find("-") != -1:
+#                     Parts = Date.split("-")
+#                     if len(Parts) == 3:
+#                         inFormat = 22
+#                 # YYYYMMMDD - 68APR3 will pass.
+#                 elif (Date.find("A") != -1 or Date.find("E") != -1 or
+#                       Date.find("O") != -1 or Date.find("U") != -1):
+#                     inFormat = 32
+#             # If it is still 0 then something is wrong.
+#             if inFormat == 0:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "RW", "Bad date/time(%d): '%s'" %
+#                             (inFormat, dateTime), 2, "")
+#         # These can be fed from the Format 0 stuff above, or called directly
+#         # if the caller knows what dateTime is.
+#         if inFormat < 20:
+#             # YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             # Sometimes this comes as  YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS:sss. We'll look for
+#             # that here. (It's a Reftek thing.)
+#             if inFormat == 11:
+#                 DT = dateTime.split(":")
+#                 DT += (5 - len(DT)) * ["0"]
+#                 if len(DT) == 6:
+#                     DT[4] = "%06.3f" % (intt(DT[4]) + intt(DT[5]) / 1000.0)
+#                     DT = DT[:-1]
+#             # YYYY:DOY HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             elif inFormat == 12:
+#                 Parts = dateTime.split()
+#                 Date = Parts[0].split(":")
+#                 Date += (2 - len(Date)) * ["0"]
+#                 Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                 Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#                 DT = Date + Time
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown inFormat code (%d)." %
+#                             inFormat, 3, "")
+#             # Two-digit years shouldn't happen a lot, so this is kinda
+#             # inefficient.
+#             if DT[0] < "100":
+#                 YYYY = intt(Date[0])
+#                 if YYYY < 70:
+#                     YYYY += 2000
+#                 else:
+#                     YYYY += 1900
+#                 DT[0] = str(YYYY)
+#             # After we have all of the parts then do the check if the caller
+#             # wants.
+#             if verify is True:
+#                 Ret = dt2Timeverify("ydhms", DT)
+#                 if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                     return Ret
+#             # I'm using intt() and floatt() throughout just because it's safer
+#             # than the built-in functions.
+#             # This trick makes it so the Epoch for a year only has to be
+#             # calculated once during a program's run.
+#             YYYY = intt(DT[0])
+#             DOY = intt(DT[1])
+#             MMM, DD = dt2Timeydoy2md(YYYY, DOY)
+#             HH = intt(DT[2])
+#             MM = intt(DT[3])
+#             SS = floatt(DT[4])
+#         elif inFormat < 30:
+#             # YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             if inFormat == 21:
+#                 Parts = dateTime.split(":", 1)
+#                 Date = Parts[0].split("-")
+#                 Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["0"]
+#                 # Just the date must have been supplied.
+#                 if len(Parts) == 1:
+#                     Time = ["0", "0", "0"]
+#                 else:
+#                     Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                     Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#                 DT = Date + Time
+#             # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             elif inFormat == 22:
+#                 Parts = dateTime.split()
+#                 Date = Parts[0].split("-")
+#                 Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["0"]
+#                 Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                 Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#                 DT = Date + Time
+#             # If parts of 23 are missing we will fill them in with Jan, 1st,
+#             # or 00:00:00.
+#             # If parts of 24 are missing we will format to the missing item
+#             # then stop and return what we have.
+#             elif inFormat == 23 or inFormat == 24:
+#                 # The /DOY may or may not be there.
+#                 if dateTime.find("/") == -1:
+#                     Parts = dateTime.split()
+#                     Date = Parts[0].split("-")
+#                     if inFormat == 23:
+#                         Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["1"]
+#                     else:
+#                         # The -1's will stand in from the missing items.
+#                         # outFormat=24 will figure it out from there.
+#                         Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["-1"]
+#                     if len(Parts) == 2:
+#                         Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                         if inFormat == 23:
+#                             Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#                         else:
+#                             Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["-1"]
+#                     else:
+#                         if inFormat == 23:
+#                             Time = ["0", "0", "0"]
+#                         else:
+#                             Time = ["-1", "-1", "-1"]
+#                 # Has a /. We'll only use the YYYY-MM-DD part and assume
+#                 # nothing about the DOY part.
+#                 else:
+#                     Parts = dateTime.split()
+#                     Date = Parts[0].split("-")
+#                     if inFormat == 23:
+#                         Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["0"]
+#                     elif inFormat == 24:
+#                         Date += (3 - len(Date)) * ["-1"]
+#                     Date[2] = Date[2].split("/")[0]
+#                     if len(Parts) == 2:
+#                         Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                         if inFormat == 23:
+#                             Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#                         else:
+#                             Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["-1"]
+#                     else:
+#                         if inFormat == 23:
+#                             Time = ["0", "0", "0"]
+#                         else:
+#                             Time = ["1-", "-1", "-1"]
+#                 DT = Date + Time
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown inFormat code (%d)." %
+#                             inFormat, 3, "")
+#             if DT[0] < "100":
+#                 YYYY = intt(DT[0])
+#                 if YYYY < 70:
+#                     YYYY += 2000
+#                 else:
+#                     YYYY += 1900
+#                 DT[0] = str(YYYY)
+#             if verify is True:
+#                 if inFormat != 24:
+#                     Ret = dt2Timeverify("ymdhms", DT)
+#                 else:
+#                     Ret = dt2Timeverify("xymdhms", DT)
+#                 if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                     return Ret
+#             YYYY = intt(DT[0])
+#             MMM = intt(DT[1])
+#             DD = intt(DT[2])
+#             # This will get done in outFormat=24.
+#             if inFormat != 24:
+#                 DOY = dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#             else:
+#                 DOY = -1
+#             HH = intt(DT[3])
+#             MM = intt(DT[4])
+#             SS = floatt(DT[5])
+#         elif inFormat < 40:
+#             # YYYYMMMDD:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             if inFormat == 31:
+#                 Parts = dateTime.split(":", 1)
+#                 Date = Parts[0]
+#                 if len(Parts) == 1:
+#                     Time = ["0", "0", "0"]
+#                 else:
+#                     Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                     Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#             # YYYYMMMDD HH:MM:SS.sss
+#             elif inFormat == 32:
+#                 Parts = dateTime.split()
+#                 Date = Parts[0]
+#                 Time = Parts[1].split(":")
+#                 Time += (3 - len(Time)) * ["0"]
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown inFormat code (%d)." %
+#                             inFormat, 3, "")
+#             # Date is still "YYYYMMMDD", so just make place holders.
+#             DT = ["0", "0", "0"] + Time
+#             YYYY = intt(Date)
+#             if YYYY < 100:
+#                 if YYYY < 70:
+#                     YYYY += 2000
+#                 else:
+#                     YYYY += 1900
+#             MMM = 0
+#             DD = 0
+#             M = 1
+#             for Month in PROG_CALMONS[1:]:
+#                 try:
+#                     i = Date.index(Month)
+#                     MMM = M
+#                     DD = intt(Date[i + 3:])
+#                     break
+#                 except Exception:
+#                     pass
+#                 M += 1
+#             if verify is True:
+#                 # DT values need to be strings for the dt2Timeverify() intt()
+#                 # call. It's assumed the values would come from split()'ing
+#                 # something, so they would normally be strings to begin with.
+#                 DT[0] = str(YYYY)
+#                 DT[1] = str(MMM)
+#                 DT[2] = str(DD)
+#                 Ret = dt2Timeverify("ymdhms", DT)
+#                 if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                     return Ret
+#             DOY = dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#             HH = intt(Time[0])
+#             MM = intt(Time[1])
+#             SS = intt(Time[2])
+#         elif inFormat < 50:
+#             # YYYYDOYHHMMSS
+#             if inFormat == 41:
+#                 if dateTime.isdigit() is False:
+#                     if verify is False:
+#                         return ""
+#                     else:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Non-digits in value.", 2)
+#                 YYYY = intt(dateTime[:4])
+#                 DOY = intt(dateTime[4:7])
+#                 HH = intt(dateTime[7:9])
+#                 MM = intt(dateTime[9:11])
+#                 SS = floatt(dateTime[11:])
+#                 if verify is True:
+#                     DT = []
+#                     DT.append(str(YYYY))
+#                     DT.append(str(DOY))
+#                     DT.append(str(HH))
+#                     DT.append(str(MM))
+#                     DT.append(str(SS))
+#                     Ret = dt2Timeverify("ydhms", DT)
+#                     if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                         return Ret
+#                 MMM, DD = dt2Timeydoy2md(YYYY, DOY)
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown inFormat code (%d)." %
+#                             inFormat, 3, "")
+#         elif inFormat < 60:
+#             # YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
+#             if inFormat == 51:
+#                 if dateTime.isdigit() is False:
+#                     if verify is False:
+#                         return ""
+#                     else:
+#                         return (1, "RW", "Non-digits in value.", 2)
+#                 YYYY = intt(dateTime[:4])
+#                 MMM = intt(dateTime[4:6])
+#                 DD = intt(dateTime[6:8])
+#                 HH = intt(dateTime[8:10])
+#                 MM = intt(dateTime[10:12])
+#                 SS = floatt(dateTime[12:])
+#                 if verify is True:
+#                     DT = []
+#                     DT.append(str(YYYY))
+#                     DT.append(str(MMM))
+#                     DT.append(str(DD))
+#                     DT.append(str(HH))
+#                     DT.append(str(MM))
+#                     DT.append(str(SS))
+#                     Ret = dt2Timeverify("ymdhms", DT)
+#                     if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                         return Ret
+#                 DOY = dt2Timeymd2doy(YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#             else:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return ""
+#                 else:
+#                     return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown inFormat code (%d)." %
+#                             inFormat, 3, "")
+#         # If the caller just wants to work with the seconds we'll split it up
+#         # and return the number of seconds into the day. In this case the
+#         # outFormat value will not be used.
+#         elif inFormat == 100:
+#             Parts = dateTime.split(":")
+#             Parts += (3 - len(Parts)) * ["0"]
+#             if verify is True:
+#                 Ret = dt2Timeverify("hms", Parts)
+#                 if Ret[0] != 0:
+#                     return Ret
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return (intt(Parts[0]) * 3600) + \
+#                        (intt(Parts[1]) * 60) + float(Parts[2])
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, (intt(Parts[0]) * 3600) + (intt(Parts[1]) * 60) +
+#                         float(Parts[2]))
+#     # Now that we have all of the parts do what the caller wants and return the
+#     # result.
+#     # Return the Epoch.
+#     if outFormat == -1:
+#         try:
+#             Epoch = Y2EPOCH[YYYY]
+#         except KeyError:
+#             Epoch = 0.0
+#             for YYY in range(1970, YYYY):
+#                 if YYY % 4 != 0:
+#                     Epoch += 31536000.0
+#                 elif YYY % 100 != 0 or YYY % 400 == 0:
+#                     Epoch += 31622400.0
+#                 else:
+#                     Epoch += 31536000.0
+#             Y2EPOCH[YYYY] = Epoch
+#         Epoch += ((DOY - 1) * 86400.0) + (HH * 3600.0) + (MM * 60.0) + SS
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return Epoch
+#         else:
+#             return (0, Epoch)
+#     elif outFormat == 0:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY, HH, MM, SS
+#         else:
+#             return (0, YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+#     elif outFormat == 1:
+#         Format = dateFormat
+#         if Format == "YYYY:DOY":
+#             outFormat = 11
+#         elif Format == "YYYY-MM-DD":
+#             outFormat = 22
+#         elif Format == "YYYYMMMDD":
+#             outFormat = 32
+#         # Usually used for troubleshooting.
+#         elif len(Format) == 0:
+#             try:
+#                 Epoch = Y2EPOCH[YYYY]
+#             except KeyError:
+#                 for YYY in range(1970, YYYY):
+#                     if YYY % 4 != 0:
+#                         Epoch += 31536000.0
+#                     elif YYY % 100 != 0 or YYY % 400 == 0:
+#                         Epoch += 31622400.0
+#                     else:
+#                         Epoch += 31536000.0
+#                 Y2EPOCH[YYYY] = Epoch
+#             Epoch += ((DOY - 1) * 86400.0) + (HH * 3600.0) + (MM * 60.0) + SS
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return Epoch
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, Epoch)
+#     # This is the easiest way I can think of to keep an SS of 59.9999 from
+#     # being rounded and formatted to 60.000. Some stuff at some point may slip
+#     # into the microsecond realm. Then this whole library of functions may have
+#     # to be changed.
+#     if SS % 1 > .999:
+#         SS = int(SS) + .999
+#     # These outFormat values are the same as inFormat values, plus others.
+#     # YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     if outFormat == 11:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS))
+#     # YYYY:DOY HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 12:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d:%03d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d:%03d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS))
+#     # YYYY:DOY - just because it's popular (for LOGPEEK) and it saves having
+#     # the caller always doing  .split()[0]
+#     elif outFormat == 13:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d:%03d" % (YYYY, DOY)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d:%03d" % (YYYY, DOY))
+#     # YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS - just because it's really popular in POCUS and other
+#     # programs.
+#     elif outFormat == 14:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, int(SS))
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, int(SS)))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 21:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d-%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH, MM,
+#                                                       SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH,
+#                                                           MM, SS))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 22:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH, MM,
+#                                                       SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH,
+#                                                           MM, SS))
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD/DOY HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 23:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d-%02d-%02d/%03d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, DOY,
+#                                                            HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d/%03d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD,
+#                                                                DOY, HH, MM,
+#                                                                SS))
+#     # Some portion of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Returns integer seconds.
+#     # In that this is a human-entered thing (programs don't store partial
+#     # date/times) we'll return whatever was entered without the /DOY, since the
+#     # next step would be to do something like look it up in a database.
+#     elif outFormat == 24:
+#         dateTime = "%d" % YYYY
+#         if MMM != -1:
+#             dateTime += "-%02d" % MMM
+#         else:
+#             # Return what we have if this item was not provided, same on down.
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return dateTime
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, dateTime)
+#         if DD != -1:
+#             dateTime += "-%02d" % DD
+#         else:
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return dateTime
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, dateTime)
+#         if HH != -1:
+#             dateTime += " %02d" % HH
+#         else:
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return dateTime
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, dateTime)
+#         if MM != "-1":
+#             dateTime += ":%02d" % MM
+#         else:
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return dateTime
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, dateTime)
+#         # Returns integer second since the caller has no idea what is coming
+#         # back.
+#         if SS != "-1":
+#             dateTime += ":%02d" % SS
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return dateTime
+#         else:
+#             return (0, dateTime)
+#     # YYYY-MM-DD
+#     elif outFormat == 25:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d-%02d-%02d" % (YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d" % (YYYY, MMM, DD))
+#     # YYYYMMMDD:HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 31:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d%s%02d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM], DD,
+#                                                   HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d%s%02d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM],
+#                                                       DD, HH, MM, SS))
+#     # YYYYMMMDD HH:MM:SS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 32:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d%s%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM], DD,
+#                                                   HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d%s%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM],
+#                                                       DD, HH, MM, SS))
+#     # YYYYDOYHHMMSS.sss
+#     elif outFormat == 41:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d%03d%02d%02d%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d%03d%02d%02d%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS))
+#     elif outFormat == 51:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return "%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH, MM, SS)
+#         else:
+#             return (0, "%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD, HH, MM,
+#                                                      SS))
+#     # Returns what ever OPTdateFormatRVar is set to.
+#     # 80 is dt, 81 is d and 82 is t.
+#     elif outFormat == 80 or outFormat == 81 or outFormat == 82:
+#         if dateFormat == "YYYY:DOY":
+#             if outFormat == 80:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, DOY, HH, MM,
+#                                                              SS))
+#             elif outFormat == 81:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d:%03d" % (YYYY, DOY)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d:%03d" % (YYYY, DOY))
+#             elif outFormat == 82:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS))
+#         elif dateFormat == "YYYY-MM-DD":
+#             if outFormat == 80:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM, DD,
+#                                                               HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY, MMM,
+#                                                                   DD, HH, MM,
+#                                                                   SS))
+#             elif outFormat == 81:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d-%02d-%02d" % (YYYY, MMM, DD)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d-%02d-%02d" % (YYYY, MMM, DD))
+#             elif outFormat == 82:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS))
+#         elif dateFormat == "YYYYMMMDD":
+#             if outFormat == 80:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d%s%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (YYYY,
+#                                                           PROG_CALMONS[MMM],
+#                                                           DD, HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d%s%02d %02d:%02d:%06.3f" %
+#                             (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM], DD, HH, MM, SS))
+#             elif outFormat == 81:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%d%s%02d" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM], DD)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%d%s%02d" % (YYYY, PROG_CALMONS[MMM], DD))
+#             elif outFormat == 82:
+#                 if verify is False:
+#                     return "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS)
+#                 else:
+#                     return (0, "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" % (HH, MM, SS))
+#         elif len(dateFormat) == 0:
+#             if verify is False:
+#                 return str(dateTime)
+#             else:
+#                 return (0, str(dateTime))
+#     else:
+#         if verify is False:
+#             return ""
+#         else:
+#             return (1, "MWX", "dt2Time: Unknown outFormat code (%d)." %
+#                     outFormat, 3, "")
+# ################################
+# # BEGIN: dt2Timedhms2Secs(InStr)
+# # FUNC:dt2Timedhms2Secs():2018.235
+# #   Returns the number of seconds in strings like 1h30m.
+# def dt2Timedhms2Secs(InStr):
+#     InStr = InStr.replace(" ", "").lower()
+#     if len(InStr) == 0:
+#         return 0
+#     Chars = list(InStr)
+#     Value = 0
+#     SubValue = ""
+#     for Char in Chars:
+#         if Char.isdigit():
+#             SubValue += Char
+#         elif Char == "s":
+#             Value += intt(SubValue)
+#             SubValue = ""
+#         elif Char == "m":
+#             Value += intt(SubValue) * 60
+#             SubValue = ""
+#         elif Char == "h":
+#             Value += intt(SubValue) * 3600
+#             SubValue = ""
+#         elif Char == "d":
+#             Value += intt(SubValue) * 86400
+#             SubValue = ""
+#     # Must have just been passed a number with no s m h or d or 1h30 which will
+#     # be treated as 1 hour, 30 seconds.
+#     if len(SubValue) != 0:
+#         Value += intt(SubValue)
+#     return Value
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/core/ b/sohstationviewer/controller/core/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..510bb05b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# BEGIN: intt(In)
+# LIB:intt():2018.257
+#   Handles all of the annoying shortfalls of the int() function (vs C).
+def intt(In):
+    In = str(In).strip()
+    if len(In) == 0:
+        return 0
+    # Let the system try it first.
+    try:
+        return int(In)
+    except ValueError:
+        Number = ""
+        for c in In:
+            if c.isdigit():
+                Number += c
+            elif (c == "-" or c == "+") and len(Number) == 0:
+                Number += c
+            elif c == ",":
+                continue
+            else:
+                break
+        try:
+            return int(Number)
+        except ValueError:
+            return 0
+# END: intt
+# BEGIN: floatt(In)
+# LIB:floatt():2018.256
+#    Handles all of the annoying shortfalls of the float() function (vs C).
+#    Does not handle scientific notation numbers.
+def floatt(In):
+    In = str(In).strip()
+    if len(In) == 0:
+        return 0.0
+    # At least let the system give it the ol' college try.
+    try:
+        return float(In)
+    except Exception:
+        Number = ""
+        for c in In:
+            if c.isdigit() or c == ".":
+                Number += c
+            elif (c == "-" or c == "+") and len(Number) == 0:
+                Number += c
+            elif c == ",":
+                continue
+            else:
+                break
+        try:
+            return float(Number)
+        except ValueError:
+            return 0.0
+# END: floatt
+# BEGIN: rtnPattern(In, Upper = False)
+# this may need to be moved to another place
+# LIB:rtnPattern():2006.114
+def rtnPattern(In, Upper=False):
+    Rtn = ""
+    for c in In:
+        if c.isdigit():
+            Rtn += "0"
+        elif c.isupper():
+            Rtn += "A"
+        elif c.islower():
+            Rtn += "a"
+        else:
+            Rtn += c
+    # So the A/a chars will always be A, so the caller knows what to look for.
+    if Upper is True:
+        return Rtn.upper()
+    return Rtn
+# END: rtnPattern
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/controller/ b/sohstationviewer/controller/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..14281dbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from sohstationviewer.model.mseed_text import MSeed_Text
+def loadData(parent, listOfDir, reqInfoChans):
+    """
+    Go through root dir and read all files in that dir and its subdirs
+    """
+    dataObject = None
+    for d in listOfDir:
+        if dataObject is None:
+            # dataObject = Reftek.Reftek(parent, d)
+            # if dataObject.hasData():
+            #    continue
+            dataObject = MSeed_Text(parent, d, reqInfoChans)
+            if dataObject.hasData():
+                continue
+            # If no data can be read from the first dir, throw exception
+            raise Exception("No data can be read from ", d)
+        else:
+            dataObject.readDir(d)
+    return dataObject.plottingData
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/core/ b/sohstationviewer/model/core/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a7be3da3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import os
+class WrongDataTypeError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.args = (args, kwargs)
+class DataType:
+    def __init__(self, parent, dir, reqInfoChans=[]):
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.reqInfoChans = reqInfoChans
+        self.noneReqChans = set()
+        self.curNetStatLoc = ('_', '_', '_')
+        self.processingLog = []     # [(message, type)]
+        self.logData = {}
+        self.plottingData = {}
+        self.streams = {}
+        self.readDir(dir)
+    def readFile(self, pathToFile):
+        pass
+    def combineData(self):
+        """
+        Merge channels in each stream
+        """
+        pass
+    def readDir(self, dir):
+        count = 0
+        for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir):
+            for fileName in files:
+                if fileName.startswith('._'):
+                    # skip mac's info file
+                    continue
+                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, fileName)):
+                    continue
+                self.readFile(path, fileName)
+                count += 1
+                if count % 50 == 0:
+                    self.displayTrackingInfo("Reading file %s" % count,
+                                             'info')
+        self.combineData()
+    def hasData(self):
+        if len(self.logData) == 0 and len(self.plottingData) == 0:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def displayTrackingInfo(self, text, type):
+        """
+        :param text: text to be displayed
+        :param type: info/warning/error
+        """
+        print("displayTrackingInfo:", text)
+        self.parent.displayTrackingInfo(text, type)
+    def trackInfo(self, text, type):
+        self.displayTrackingInfo(text, type)
+        self.processingLog.append((text, type))
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/model/ b/sohstationviewer/model/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7218004d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sohstationviewer/model/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+import os
+from obspy.core import Stream, read as read_ms
+from obspy import UTCDateTime
+from struct import unpack
+from sohstationviewer.model.core.dataType import DataType
+class MSeed_Text(DataType):
+    def __init__(self, *kwarg):
+        self.readBlkt = {500: self.readBlkt500}
+        super().__init__(*kwarg)
+    def readFile(self, path, fileName):
+        if not self.readMiniseed(path, fileName):
+            self.readText(path, fileName)
+    def combineData(self):
+        for k in self.streams:           # k=netID, statID, locID
+            stream = self.streams[k]
+            stream.merge()
+            # gaps is list of [network, station, location, channel, starttime,
+            # endtime, duration, number of missing samples]
+            gaps = stream.get_gaps()
+            # stream.print_gaps()
+            gaps = self.squashGaps(gaps)
+            self.plottingData[k] = {'gaps': gaps,
+                                    'channels': {}}
+            maxEndtime = UTCDateTime(0)
+            minStarttime = UTCDateTime(20E10)
+            for trace in stream:
+                startTm, endTm = self.readTrace(
+                    trace, self.plottingData[k]['channels'])
+                if startTm < minStarttime:
+                    minStarttime = startTm
+                if endTm > maxEndtime:
+                    maxEndtime = endTm
+            self.plottingData[k]['earliestUTC'] = minStarttime
+            self.plottingData[k]['latestUTC'] = maxEndtime
+    def addLog(self, chan, logText):
+        if chan not in self.logData[self.curNetStatLoc].keys():
+            self.logData[self.curNetStatLoc][chan] = []
+        self.logData[self.curNetStatLoc][chan].append(logText)
+    def readText(self, path, fileName):
+        """
+        Read log file and add to logData under channel TEXT
+        """
+        with open(os.path.join(path, fileName), 'r') as file:
+            try:
+                content =
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                self.trackInfo("Can't process file: %s" % fileName, 'error')
+                return
+            logText = "\n\n** STATE OF HEALTH: %s\n" % fileName
+            logText += content
+            self.addLog('TEXT', logText)
+    def readMiniseed(self, path, fileName):
+        """
+        Read ms and add trace in self.streams to merge later
+        Or read log wrap in ms and add to logData under channel in ms header
+        """
+        try:
+            stream = read_ms(os.path.join(path, fileName))
+        except TypeError:
+            return False
+        file = None
+        for trace in stream:
+            chanID = trace.stats['channel']
+            if chanID not in self.reqInfoChans:
+                self.noneReqChans.add(chanID)
+                continue
+            netID = trace.stats['network']
+            statID = trace.stats['station']
+            locID = trace.stats['location']
+            self.curNetStatLoc = k = (netID, statID, locID)
+            if trace.stats.mseed['encoding'] == 'ASCII':
+                file = self.readASCII(path, fileName, file, trace, k)
+            else:
+                if k not in self.streams.keys():
+                    self.streams[k] = Stream()
+                self.streams[k].append(trace)
+        if file is not None:
+            file.close()
+        return True
+    def readASCII(self, path, fileName, file, trace, k):
+        byteorder = trace.stats.mseed['byteorder']
+        h = trace.stats
+        logText = "\n\n**** STATE OF HEALTH: "
+        logText += ("From:%s  To:%s\n" % (h.starttime, h.endtime))
+        textFromData =
+        if textFromData != '':
+            logText += textFromData
+        else:
+            recLen = h.mseed['record_length']
+            if file is None:
+                file = open(os.path.join(path, fileName), 'rb')
+            databytes =
+            followingBlktNum = unpack('%s%s' % (byteorder, 'B'),
+                                      databytes[39:40])[0]
+            if followingBlktNum > 1:
+                # skip blockette 1000
+                nextBlocketteType = unpack('%s%s' % (byteorder, 'H'),
+                                           databytes[56:58])[0]
+                try:
+                    logText += self.readBlkt[nextBlocketteType](databytes,
+                                                                byteorder)
+                except KeyError:
+                    msg = ("Function to read blockette %s isn't implemented "
+                           "yet. Implementer needs to write and add the "
+                           "function to the dict self.readBlkt in Mseed_Text."
+                           "__init__()" % nextBlocketteType)
+                    self.trackInfo(msg, 'error')
+                    return file
+        if k not in self.logData:
+            self.logData[k] = {}
+        if not in self.logData[k]:
+            self.logData[k][] = []
+        self.logData[k][].append(logText)
+        return file
+    def readBlkt500(self, databytes, byteorder):
+        t = {}
+        (vcocorr, t['year'], t['doy'], t['hour'], t['min'], t['sec'],
+         junk, t['micro'], t['micro2'], qual, cnt, type, mod, stat
+         ) = unpack('%s%s' % (byteorder, 'fHHBBBBHBBI16s32s128s'),
+                    databytes[60:256])
+        logText = "\nVCO Correction: %s" % vcocorr
+        logText += ("\nTime of exception: %(year)s:%(doy)s:%(hour)s:%(min)s:"
+                    "%(sec)s:%(micro)s:%(micro2)s" % t)
+        logText += "\nReception Quality: %s" % qual
+        logText += "\nException Count: %s" % cnt
+        logText += "\nException Type: %s" % type.strip()
+        logText += "\nClock Model: %s" % mod.strip()
+        logText += "\nClock Status: %s" % stat.strip()
+        return logText
+    def readTrace(self, trace, channels):
+        chan = {}
+        chan['netID'] = trace.stats['network']
+        chan['statID'] = trace.stats['station']
+        chan['locID'] = trace.stats['location']
+        chanID = chan['chanID'] = trace.stats['channel']
+        chan['samplerate'] = trace.stats['sampling_rate']
+        chan['startTmEpoch'] = trace.stats['starttime'].timestamp
+        chan['endTmEpoch'] = trace.stats['endtime'].timestamp
+        """
+        trace time start with 0 => need to add with epoch starttime
+        """
+        chan['times'] = trace.times() + trace.stats['starttime'].timestamp
+        chan['data'] =
+        if chanID not in channels.keys():
+            channels[chanID] = chan
+        else:
+            msg = ("Something wrong with code logic."
+                   "After stream is merged there should be only one trace "
+                   "for channel %s: %s" % (chanID, trace))
+            self.trackInfo(msg, "error")
+        return trace.stats['starttime'], trace.stats['endtime']
+    def squashGaps(self, gaps):
+        """
+        Squash different lists of gaps for all channels to be one list of
+        (minStarttime, maxEndtime) gaps
+        : param gaps: list of [network, station, location, channel, starttime,
+        endtime, duration, number of missing samples]
+        : return squashedGaps
+        """
+        if len(gaps) == 0:
+            return gaps
+        # create dict consist of list of gaps for each channel
+        gaps_dict = {}
+        for g in gaps:
+            if g[3] not in gaps_dict:
+                gaps_dict[g[3]] = []
+            gaps_dict[g[3]].append((g[4].timestamp, g[5].timestamp))
+        firstLen = len(gaps_dict[gaps[0][3]])
+        diffLenList = [len(gaps_dict[k]) for k in gaps_dict.keys()
+                       if len(gaps_dict[k]) != firstLen]
+        if len(diffLenList) > 0:
+            msg = "Number of Gaps for different channel are not equal.\n"
+            for k in gaps_dict.keys():
+                msg += "%s: %s\n" % (k, len(gaps_dict[k]))
+            self.displayTrackingInfo(msg, 'error')
+            return []
+        squashedGaps = []
+        for i in range(firstLen):
+            maxEndtime = 0
+            minStarttime = 1E100
+            for val in gaps_dict.values():
+                if val[i][0] < minStarttime:
+                    minStarttime = val[i][0]
+                if val[i][1] > maxEndtime:
+                    maxEndtime = val[i][1]
+            squashedGaps.append((minStarttime, maxEndtime))
+        return squashedGaps
diff --git a/sohstationviewer/view/ b/sohstationviewer/view/
index a1a2fe96f..30b7c7856 100755
--- a/sohstationviewer/view/
+++ b/sohstationviewer/view/
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
         # Connect slots to change the date format displayed
         # by the QDateEdit widgets
-        # self.showYYYYDOYDates.triggered.connect(lambda:
-        #                                         self.setDateFormat('yyyy:D'))
-        self.showYYYY_MM_DDDates.triggered.connect(lambda:
-                                                   self.setDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
-        self.showYYYYMMMDDDates.triggered.connect(lambda:
-                                                  self.setDateFormat('yyyyMMMdd'))
+        # self.showYYYYDOYDates.triggered.connect(
+        # lambda: self.setDateFormat('yyyy:D'))
+        self.showYYYY_MM_DDDates.triggered.connect(
+            lambda: self.setDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd'))
+        self.showYYYYMMMDDDates.triggered.connect(
+            lambda: self.setDateFormat('yyyyMMMdd'))
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
         # self.showYYYYDOYDates.triggered.emit()
-        self.openFilesList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.openFilesListItemDoubleClicked)
+        self.openFilesList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(
+            self.openFilesListItemDoubleClicked)
         pal = self.openFilesList.palette()
         pal.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Highlight, QtGui.QColor(128, 255, 128))