diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 6524a3fd7cb85e8093c49e99c381fdbc7c0230c9..a9cec3ab955abb24899d481d6e036ef0e4f1211d 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -20,17 +20,35 @@ stages:
 - pip install -e .[dev]
-  image: python:2.7
+  image: python:3.6
   - passoft
   stage: test
-  script: tox -e py27
+  script:
+  - flake8 --ignore=F405,F403 coverplot
+  - flake8 tests
   image: python:3.6
   - passoft
   stage: test
-  script: tox -e py36
+  script:
+  - python -m unittest
+  image: python:3.7
+  tags:
+  - passoft
+  stage: test
+  script:
+  - python -m unittest
+  image: python:3.8
+  tags:
+  - passoft
+  stage: test
+  script:
+  - python -m unittest
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index 9edc9264a0b4a1fa9f2822cfc028235e5db87059..410c7d6c1c469734a83f67dbe5834575c5efe124 100644
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ articles, and such.
 Submit Feedback
-The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at https://git.passcal.nmt.edu/passoft/coverplot/issues.
+The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at
 If you are proposing a feature:
@@ -94,13 +95,13 @@ Before you submit a merge request, check that it meets these guidelines:
 2. If the merge request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put
    your new functionality into a function with a docstring, and add the
    feature to the list in README.rst.
-3. The pull request should work for Python 2.7
+3. The pull request should work for Python3.[6,7,8]
 To run a subset of tests::
-    $ python -m unittest tests.test_coverplot
+    $ python -m unittest
@@ -111,4 +112,3 @@ Then run::
 $ git push
 $ git push --tags
diff --git a/HISTORY.rst b/HISTORY.rst
index 4d2d29f8a74c4abb53ec1fb41eb3f792bfa332b1..f5277fdd99519747be1131d887a8d3d1ca2a1329 100644
--- a/HISTORY.rst
+++ b/HISTORY.rst
@@ -17,3 +17,15 @@ History
 * Updated Pto be python 2/3 compatible
+2020.191 (2020-07-09)
+* Updated to work with Python 3
+* Added a unit test to ensure basic functionality of
+  coverplot.get_command_args()
+* Updated list of platform specific dependencies to be installed when
+  installing coverplot in dev mode (see setup.py)
+* Installed and tested coverplot against Python3.[6,7,8] using tox
+* Formatted Python code to conform to the PEP8 style guide
+* Created conda packages for coverplot that can run on Python3.[6,7,8]
+* Updated .gitlab-ci.yml to run a linter and unit tests for Python3.[6,7,8]
+  in GitLab CI pipeline
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 965b2dda7db7c49f68857dc3aea9af37e30a745e..2387d6e279b924229fa0c8c485eeeebf49784996 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -5,7 +5,5 @@ include LICENSE
 include README.rst
 recursive-include tests *
-recursive-exclude * __pycache__
-recursive-exclude * *.py[co]
-recursive-include docs *.rst conf.py Makefile make.bat *.jpg *.png *.gif
+recursive-include docs *.rst conf.py
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7648a81a97106c533cff7465d8cf92b8fcf4db44..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: clean clean-test clean-pyc clean-build docs help
-.DEFAULT_GOAL := help
-import os, webbrowser, sys
-	from urllib import pathname2url
-	from urllib.request import pathname2url
-webbrowser.open("file://" + pathname2url(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])))
-import re, sys
-for line in sys.stdin:
-	match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line)
-	if match:
-		target, help = match.groups()
-		print("%-20s %s" % (target, help))
-clean: clean-build clean-pyc clean-test ## remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
-clean-build: ## remove build artifacts
-	rm -fr build/
-	rm -fr dist/
-	rm -fr .eggs/
-	find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} +
-	find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -f {} +
-clean-pyc: ## remove Python file artifacts
-	find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
-	find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
-	find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
-	find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} +
-clean-test: ## remove test and coverage artifacts
-	rm -fr .tox/
-	rm -f .coverage
-	rm -fr htmlcov/
-	rm -fr .pytest_cache
-lint: ## check style with flake8
-	flake8 coverplot tests
-test: ## run tests quickly with the default Python
-	python setup.py test
-test-all: ## run tests on every Python version with tox
-	tox
-coverage: ## check code coverage quickly with the default Python
-	coverage run --source coverplot setup.py test
-	coverage report -m
-	coverage html
-	$(BROWSER) htmlcov/index.html
-docs: ## generate Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs
-	rm -f docs/coverplot.rst
-	rm -f docs/modules.rst
-	sphinx-apidoc -o docs/ coverplot
-	$(MAKE) -C docs clean
-	$(MAKE) -C docs html
-	$(BROWSER) docs/_build/html/index.html
-servedocs: docs ## compile the docs watching for changes
-	watchmedo shell-command -p '*.rst' -c '$(MAKE) -C docs html' -R -D .
-release: dist ## package and upload a release
-	twine upload dist/*
-dist: clean ## builds source and wheel package
-	python setup.py sdist
-	python setup.py bdist_wheel
-	ls -l dist
-install: clean ## install the package to the active Python's site-packages
-	python setup.py install
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 62e120b9f8daea55d4c1649fffa89d813f2e8f06..20a212e05b0c45b469a4e035f107f61e4629a0ad 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -3,22 +3,10 @@ coverplot
-Plot time coverage of a dataless and MiniSEED from syncs.
+* Description: plot time coverage of a dataless and MiniSEED from syncs.
+* Usage:
+- $ coverplot -m mseed_sync_file
+- $ coverplot -m mseed_sync_file -d dataless
 * Free software: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
-This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the `passoft/cookiecutter`_ project template.
-.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
-.. _`passoft/cookiecutter`: https://git.passcal.nmt.edu/passoft/cookiecutter
diff --git a/conda.recipe/conda_build_config.yaml b/conda.recipe/conda_build_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c449f80106299bb255b54e49b37f44bedb67775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conda.recipe/conda_build_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - 3.6
+  - 3.7
+  - 3.8
+target_platform: osx-64
diff --git a/conda.recipe/meta.yaml b/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
index 70ae56059d77ed4446967debafd8e9f9317e3ff5..3eb313fc7e1641cd5fea023466ae444a61520043 100644
--- a/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
+++ b/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
   name: coverplot
-  version: 2013.295
+  version: 2020.191
-  path: ..
+  path: ../
-  # If the installation is complex, or different between Unix and Windows, use
-  # separate bld.bat and build.sh files instead of this key.  Add the line
-  # "skip: True  # [py<35]" (for example) to limit to Python 3.5 and newer, or
-  # "skip: True  # [not win]" to limit to Windows.
+  number: 0
   script: python setup.py install --single-version-externally-managed --record=record.txt
+  entry_points:
+    - coverplot = coverplot.coverplot:main
@@ -18,7 +17,16 @@ requirements:
     - setuptools
     - python
+    - matplotlib
+  source_files:
+    - tests
+  commands:
+    - python -m unittest
   home: https://git.passcal.nmt.edu/passoft/coverplot
-  summary: Plot time coverage of a dataless.
+  license: GPLv3
+  license_file: LICENSE
+  summary: Plot time coverage of a dataless and MiniSEED from syncs
diff --git a/coverplot/Makefile b/coverplot/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a4bbb9c95e35ab43425006279da90399fb72b21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/coverplot/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-	@echo "Nothing to be done"
-	./install.py
-	./install.py ${PASSOFT}
-		@$(PASSINSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(PASSCAL)/tar
-		@$(PASSCP) $(PASSOFT)/src/setup_passoft .
-		@$(PASSTAR) cf $(EXEC)src.tar  * 
-		@$(PASSCP) $(EXEC)src.tar $(PASSCAL)/tar
-		@$(PASSRM) setup_passoft
-		@$(PASSINSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(PASSCAL)/tar
-		@$(PASSCP) $(PASSOFT)/src/setup_passoft .
-		@$(PASSTAR) cf $(EXEC)bin.tar *
-		@$(PASSCP) $(EXEC)bin.tar $(PASSCAL)/tar
-		@$(PASSRM) setup_passoft
-	@$(PASSRM) *.pyc *.tar
-	@$(PASSRM) $(PASSCAL)/bin/neo
-	@$(PASSRM) $(PASSCAL)/lib/python/neo
diff --git a/coverplot/__init__.py b/coverplot/__init__.py
index e55333c02ad750b8c0e1f0bc327295c0664afb49..cc2a31968ed58f2d1b50966df349cd169ba982fb 100644
--- a/coverplot/__init__.py
+++ b/coverplot/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
 __author__ = """IRIS PASSCAL"""
 __email__ = 'software-support@passcal.nmt.edu'
-__version__ = '2018.228'
+__version__ = '2020.191'
diff --git a/coverplot/coverplot.py b/coverplot/coverplot.py
index 3c5191e6adeafca6d0587a1fb555a6b98e6807b2..a5096e898f177ed2baaade4d7c5989f811d34a61 100644
--- a/coverplot/coverplot.py
+++ b/coverplot/coverplot.py
@@ -6,93 +6,107 @@ Graphical tool to plot seismic waveform, and dataless coverage
 Shannen Lowe
 August 2018
 Python 3 conversion
+Maeva Pourpoint
+July 2020
+Updates to work under Python 3.
+Unit tests to ensure basic functionality.
+Code cleanup to conform to the PEP8 style guide.
+Directory cleanup (remove unused files introduced by Cookiecutter).
+Packaged with conda.
-from __future__ import print_function
+import io
+import itertools
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.dates as mdates
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import argparse
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
-    #for Python2
-    from Tkinter import *
-except ImportError:
-    #for Python3
-    from tkinter import *
+from calendar import timegm
+from math import ceil
+from tkinter import *
+from time import localtime, strptime, gmtime, strftime
-import itertools
+WINDOW_WIDTH = 2000  # 1000
+WINDOW_HEIGHT = 1200  # 800
-#from flowlib import synclib
+# debug
+TEST_SYNC = "tests/test.sync"
+TEST_DL = "tests/1B.13.AAA.20181231031.dataless"
-import sys
-import time
-TEST_SYNC = "/Users/lloyd/work/test_data/X2.2009.2011.dmc.sync.mshd.cshd"
-TEST_DL = "/Users/lloyd/work/test_data/X2.2010.264.X2.10.SAHKE_db.20102570910.dataless"
-#TEST_SYNC = "/Volumes/flow/AUTO/EXPS/Z9.2010/DATA/SYNC/Z9.2010.2012,340.dmc.sync"
-#TEST_DL = "/Volumes/flow/AUTO/EXPS/Z9.2010/DATA/DATALESS/Z9.12.SESAME_S71_db.20123260846.dataless"
 class CoverPlot(Frame):
-    #constants
-    def __init__(self, master, ms_syncs, dl_syncs) :
-        #superclass init
+    # constants
+    def __init__(self, master, ms_syncs, dl_syncs):
+        # superclass init
         Frame.__init__(self, master)
         self.master = master
-        #self.ms_sum_list = ms_sum_list
-        #self.dl_sum_list = dl_sum_list
+        # self.ms_sum_list = ms_sum_list
+        # self.dl_sum_list = dl_sum_list
-        #Menubar do we need?
-        #self.menubar = Menu(self.master)
-        #self.filemenu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
-        #self.menubar.add_cascade(label='File', menu=self.filemenu)
-        #self.master.config(menu=self.menubar)
+        # Menubar do we need?
+        # self.menubar = Menu(self.master)
+        # self.filemenu = Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0)
+        # self.menubar.add_cascade(label='File', menu=self.filemenu)
+        # self.master.config(menu=self.menubar)
         self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
-        self.leftFrame = Frame(self, width=LEFTFRAME_WIDTH, borderwidth=2, relief=RIDGE)
-        #test button
-        self.ButtonPlot = Button(self.leftFrame, text="Plot", command=self.make_plot)
+        self.leftFrame = Frame(self, width=LEFTFRAME_WIDTH, borderwidth=2,
+                               relief=RIDGE)
+        # test button
+        self.ButtonPlot = Button(self.leftFrame, text="Plot",
+                                 command=self.make_plot)
-        self.ButtonSave = Button(self.leftFrame, text='Save', command = self.save)
+        self.ButtonSave = Button(self.leftFrame, text='Save',
+                                 command=self.save)
-        self.plotFrame = Frame(self, bg='blue', borderwidth=2,  relief=RIDGE)
-        self.bottomFrame = Frame(self, height=BOTTOMFRAME_HEIGHT, borderwidth=2,  relief=RIDGE)
+        self.plotFrame = Frame(self, bg='blue', borderwidth=2, relief=RIDGE)
+        self.bottomFrame = Frame(self, height=BOTTOMFRAME_HEIGHT,
+                                 borderwidth=2, relief=RIDGE)
         self.bottomFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=NO, fill=X)
-        self.leftFrame.pack( side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=Y)
-        self.plotFrame.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
-        #def mouse_wheel_down(event) :
-            #''' Button 4
-            #scroll up like new mac style dragging the canvas down'''
-            #self.canvas.yview_scroll(-1,'units')
-        #def mouse_wheel_up(event) :
-            #''' Button 5
-            #scroll down like new mac style dragging the canvas up'''
-            #self.canvas.yview_scroll(1,'units')
-       #plot canvas
-##        "plotFrame:", self.plotFrame
+        self.leftFrame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=Y)
+        self.plotFrame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
+        # def mouse_wheel_down(event):
+        #     ''' Button 4
+        #     scroll up like new mac style dragging the canvas down'''
+        #     self.canvas.yview_scroll(-1,'units')
+        # def mouse_wheel_up(event):
+        #     ''' Button 5
+        #     scroll down like new mac style dragging the canvas up'''
+        #     self.canvas.yview_scroll(1,'units')
+        # plot canvas
+        # "plotFrame:", self.plotFrame
         self.canvas = self.PlotCanvas(self.plotFrame, zoom_func=self.make_plot)
-        #self.canvas = Canvas(self.plotFrame, bg='black', yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set)
+        # self.canvas = Canvas(self.plotFrame, bg='black',
+        #                      yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set)
         self.canvas.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
-        #self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-4>', func=lambda e: self.canvas.yview_scroll(-1, 'units'))
-        #self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-4>', func=mouse_wheel_down)
-        #self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-5>', func=mouse_wheel_up)
-        #May need to put this somewhere
-        #self.canvas.config(scrollregion=(0,0,X,Y)
-        #??? debug
+        # self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-4>',
+        #                  func=lambda e: self.canvas.yview_scroll(-1,
+        #                                                          'units'))
+        # self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-4>', func=mouse_wheel_down)
+        # self.canvas.bind(sequence='<Button-5>', func=mouse_wheel_up)
+        # May need to put this somewhere
+        # self.canvas.config(scrollregion=(0,0,X,Y)
+        # ??? debug
         self.ms_syncs = ms_syncs
         self.dl_syncs = dl_syncs
     # PlotCavas class encompasses all and only the plottying things
     class PlotCanvas(Canvas):
-        #subclass of canvas to add other info to
-        #margins
+        # subclass of canvas to add other info to
+        # margins
         MLEFT = 10
         MRIGHT = 80
         MTOP = 10
@@ -102,460 +116,529 @@ class CoverPlot(Frame):
         THIN_ROW = 5
         MIN_LINE_WIDTH = 1
         # X value plottable area left and right
-        X0 = MLEFT +200
-        def __init__ (self, master, zoom_func):
+        X0 = MLEFT + 200
+        def __init__(self, master, zoom_func):
             self.masterFrame = master
             self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(self.masterFrame)
-            Canvas.__init__(self, self.masterFrame, bg='black', yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set)
+            Canvas.__init__(self, self.masterFrame, bg='black',
+                            yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set)
             self.scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
-            #scrolling
-            self.bind(sequence='<Button-4>', func=lambda e: self.yview_scroll(-1, 'units'))
-            self.bind(sequence='<Button-5>', func=lambda e: self.yview_scroll(1, 'units'))
-            #initialize
-            #Scale on top
-            self.timecanvas = Canvas(self.masterFrame, bg='black', height=self.ROW_HEIGHT *2)
+            # scrolling
+            self.bind(sequence='<Button-4>',
+                      func=lambda e: self.yview_scroll(-1, 'units'))
+            self.bind(sequence='<Button-5>',
+                      func=lambda e: self.yview_scroll(1, 'units'))
+            # initialize
+            # Scale on top
+            self.timecanvas = Canvas(self.masterFrame, bg='black',
+                                     height=self.ROW_HEIGHT * 2)
             self.timecanvas.pack(side=TOP, expand=False, fill=X)
-            #dict of sncl : index (order of sncl in plot
+            # dict of sncl: index (order of sncl in plot
             self.master_index = None
             self.earliest = None
             self.latest = None
-            #zooming shift click
-            self.bind(sequence='<Shift-Button-1>',  func=self.zoom)
+            # zooming shift click
+            self.bind(sequence='<Shift-Button-1>', func=self.zoom)
             self.Zclick1 = None
             self.zoom_func = zoom_func
-            #info clicking ctrl-click
+            # info clicking ctrl-click
             self.bind(sequence='<Control-Button-1>', func=self.display_time)
-        def zoom(self, event) :
+        def zoom(self, event):
             if not self.Zclick1:
-                #first click save, and draw a yellow line
+                # first click save, and draw a yellow line
                 self.Zclick1 = self.canvasx(event.x)
-                self.create_line(self.Zclick1, 0, self.Zclick1, self.canvas_height, fill='yellow', width=2)
+                self.create_line(self.Zclick1, 0, self.Zclick1,
+                                 self.canvas_height, fill='yellow', width=2)
-                #second click ->zoom
+                # second click ->zoom
                 click1 = self.x2epoch(self.Zclick1)
-                #start = ( self.Zclick1 - self.X0 ) / self.pixelsPERsecond + self.earliest
+                # start = (self.Zclick1 - self.X0) / self.pixelsPERsecond +
+                #         self.earliest
                 click2 = self.x2epoch(self.canvasx(event.x))
                 self.Zclick1 = None
                 start = min(click1, click2)
                 end = max(click1, click2)
                 self.zoom_func(start, end)
-        def display_time(self, event) :
-                # for ctrl-click shows vert bar and time
-                x = self.canvasx(event.x)
-                y = self.canvasy(event.y)
-                self.create_line(x, 0, x, self.canvas_height, fill='white', width=2)
-                display_time = Sync.epoch2string(self.x2epoch(x))
-                self.create_text(x, y, text=display_time, fill='white', anchor='w')
-        def x2epoch(self, x) :
-            #returns the epoch time of an x value e.g. convert clicks to time
-            return ( x -self.X0 ) / self.pixelsPERsecond + self.earliest
+        def display_time(self, event):
+            # for ctrl-click shows vert bar and time
+            x = self.canvasx(event.x)
+            y = self.canvasy(event.y)
+            self.create_line(x, 0, x, self.canvas_height, fill='white',
+                             width=2)
+            display_time = Sync.epoch2string(self.x2epoch(x))
+            self.create_text(x, y, text=display_time, fill='white', anchor='w')
+        def x2epoch(self, x):
+            # returns the epoch time of an x value e.g. convert clicks to time
+            return (x - self.X0) / self.pixelsPERsecond + self.earliest
         def setup_canvas(self, start=None, end=None):
             # run this once before each plot  after a window resize etc.
             self.canvas_width = self.winfo_width()
-            #self.canvas_width = self.masterFrame.winfo_width()
+            # self.canvas_width = self.masterFrame.winfo_width()
             self.XN = self.canvas_width - self.MRIGHT
             self.Xlen = self.XN - self.X0
-##            print "XLen, X0, XN:", self.Xlen, self.X0, self.XN
-            #build list of all sncls from all sums
-            #masterlist = itertools.chain(*(s for s in list_sumdicts))
-            ##uniquify and sort list
-            #masterlist = sorted({}.fromkeys(masterlist).keys())
-            ## index of row for a given sncl to be plotted
-            #self.sncl_index = dict(zip(masterlist, itertools.count()))
-            #setup  scale
+            # print "XLen, X0, XN:", self.Xlen, self.X0, self.XN
+            # build list of all sncls from all sums
+            # masterlist = itertools.chain(*(s for s in list_sumdicts))
+            # uniquify and sort list
+            # masterlist = sorted({}.fromkeys(masterlist).keys())
+            # index of row for a given sncl to be plotted
+            # self.sncl_index = dict(zip(masterlist, itertools.count()))
+            # setup  scale
             if start is not None:
                 self.earliest = start
             if end is not None:
                 self.latest = end
-            #else:
-                ## ?? temp just the first sumdict
-                #self.earliest = min( ( x[0][0] for x in list_sumdicts[0].values() ) )
-                #self.latest = max( ( x[-1][-1] for x in list_sumdicts[0].values() ) )
-            self.pixelsPERsecond = float(self.Xlen) / (self.latest - self.earliest)
-            #setup time scaleplot_time_axes
+            # # else:
+            #     # ?? temp just the first sumdict
+            #     self.earliest = min((x[0][0] for x in
+            #                          list_sumdicts[0].values()))
+            #     self.latest = max((x[-1][-1] for x in
+            #                        list_sumdicts[0].values()))
+            self.pixelsPERsecond = float(self.Xlen) / (self.latest - self.earliest)  # noqa: E501
+            # setup time scaleplot_time_axes
         def fmt_jul_time(self, epoch):
-            #returns a julian string with enough detail for plot zoom level
-            return time.strftime(self.timeformat_jul, time.gmtime(epoch) )
+            # returns a julian string with enough detail for plot zoom level
+            return strftime(self.timeformat_jul, gmtime(epoch))
         def fmt_greg_time(self, epoch):
-            return time.strftime(self.timeformat_jul, time.gmtime(epoch) )
-        def fmt_jul_date(self,epoch):
-            return time.strftime("%Y : %j", time.gmtime(epoch) )
-        def fmt_greg_date(self,epoch):
-            return time.strftime("%m / %d", time.gmtime(epoch) )
+            return strftime(self.timeformat_jul, gmtime(epoch))
+        def fmt_jul_date(self, epoch):
+            return strftime("%Y : %j", gmtime(epoch))
+        def fmt_greg_date(self, epoch):
+            return strftime("%m / %d", gmtime(epoch))
         def fmt_time(self, epoch):
-            return time.strftime("%H : %M : %S", time.gmtime(epoch) )
+            return strftime("%H : %M : %S", gmtime(epoch))
         def setup_time_axes(self):
-##            print "Hola from setup_time_axes"
-            #shorthand
+            # print("Hola from setup_time_axes")
+            # shorthand
             tc = self.timecanvas
-            #some constants
+            # some constants
             MIN = 60
-            HOUR = MIN*60
-            DAY = HOUR*24
-            canvas_width = tc.winfo_width()
+            HOUR = MIN * 60
+            DAY = HOUR * 24
+            # canvas_width = tc.winfo_width()
             canvas_height = tc.winfo_height()
-##            print "196, time axes, canvas_height=", canvas_height
+            # print("196, time axes, canvas_height=", canvas_height)
             barY = canvas_height - 5
-            #date time formater depends on zoom scale
-            #default (very zoomed out only show day
+            # date time formater depends on zoom scale
+            # default (very zoomed out only show day)
             self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j"
-            #show hour
+            # show hour
             if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / (HOUR):
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H"
-            #show min
-            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / ( MIN):
+            # show min
+            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / (MIN):
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H:%M"
-            #show seconds
-            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 :
+            # show seconds
+            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0:
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S"
-            #clear the scale
+            # clear the scale
-##            print "MLEFT, MTOP, MBOTTOM:", self.MLEFT, self.MTOP, self.MBOTTOM
-##            print "self.latest, self.earliest, diff_secs, diff_days:", self.latest, self.earliest, self.latest - self.earliest, (self.latest - self.earliest)/86400.
-            tc.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP, text='%0.2f days' % ((float(self.latest) - self.earliest) / DAY ), fill='white', anchor='w' )
-            #Display pixels per second debug
-            #tc.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP*3, text="%f pix/sec" % self.pixelsPERsecond, fill='white', anchor='w' )
-            #draw horizontal line
+            # print("MLEFT, MTOP, MBOTTOM:", self.MLEFT, self.MTOP,
+            #       self.MBOTTOM)
+            # print("self.latest, self.earliest, diff_secs, diff_days:",
+            #       self.latest, self.earliest, self.latest - self.earliest,
+            #       (self.latest - self.earliest)/86400.)
+            tc.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP, text='%0.2f days'
+                           % ((float(self.latest) - self.earliest) / DAY),
+                           fill='white', anchor='w')
+            # Display pixels per second debug
+            # tc.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP * 3, text="%f pix/sec"
+            #                % self.pixelsPERsecond, fill='white', anchor='w')
+            # draw horizontal line
             tc.create_line(self.X0, barY, self.XN, barY, fill='white', width=1)
-            #test? show start and end time
-            #start
-            #Ylabel = self.MTOP + 15
-            #startlabel = tc.create_text(self.X0, Ylabel, text=self.fmt_jul_time(self.earliest), fill='white', anchor='s')
-            #end
-            #tc.create_text(self.XN, Ylabel, text=self.fmt_jul_time(self.latest), fill='yellow', anchor='s')
-            #real labels
+            # test? show start and end time
+            # start
+            # Ylabel = self.MTOP + 15
+            # startlabel = tc.create_text(self.X0, Ylabel,
+            #                             text=self.fmt_jul_time(self.earliest),
+            #                             fill='white', anchor='s')
+            # end
+            # tc.create_text(self.XN, Ylabel,
+            #                text=self.fmt_jul_time(self.latest),
+            #                fill='yellow', anchor='s')
+            # real labels
             num_labels = self.Xlen // 150
             label_width = self.Xlen // num_labels
-##            print "Xlen, # labels:", self.Xlen,  num_labels
-##            print "X0, XN, width:", self.X0, self.XN, label_width
-            for x in range(self.X0, self.XN, label_width):
-##                print "self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR:" , self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR ## "x, epoch, Julian, Gregorian, Time:", x, "**", self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x))
-##                print "x, self.x2epoch(x):", x, self.x2epoch(x)
-                tc.create_text( x, self.MTOP +10 , text=self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='white', anchor='s')
-                tc.create_text( x, self.MTOP + 22, text=self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='white', anchor='s')
+            # print("Xlen, # labels:", self.Xlen,  num_labels)
+            # print("X0, XN, width:", self.X0, self.XN, label_width)
+            for x in range(self.X0, int(self.XN), label_width):
+                # print("self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR:", self.pixelsPERsecond,
+                #       HOUR)  # "x, epoch, Julian, Gregorian, Time:", x, "**", self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x))  # noqa: E501
+                # print("x, self.x2epoch(x):", x, self.x2epoch(x))
+                tc.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 10,
+                               text=self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                               fill='white', anchor='s')
+                tc.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 22,
+                               text=self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                               fill='white', anchor='s')
                 if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / HOUR:
-                    tc.create_text( x, self.MTOP + 34, text=self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='white', anchor='s')
-                tc.create_line(x,barY, x, barY - 5, fill='white', width=1 )
-##            print "tc:", tc
+                    tc.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 34,
+                                   text=self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                                   fill='white', anchor='s')
+                tc.create_line(x, barY, x, barY - 5, fill='white', width=1)
+            # print("tc:", tc)
             self.timecanvas = tc
         def update_after_plot(self):
-            self.config(scrollregion=( (0,0) + self.bbox(ALL)[2:4] ) )
-            self.canvas_height = self.bbox(ALL)[3] + 100 ## adding 100 px to make room for time annotations
-##            print "249, canvas_height, bbox(ALL):", self.canvas_height, self.bbox(ALL)
-        def plot_labels(self, color = 'cyan' ):
-            '''Plots channel names on left from self.master_index)
-            call setup_canvas first once before plotting and after changes i.e. window resize'''
+            self.config(scrollregion=((0, 0) + self.bbox(ALL)[2:4]))
+            # adding 100 px to make room for time annotations
+            self.canvas_height = self.bbox(ALL)[3] + 100
+            # print("249, canvas_height, bbox(ALL):", self.canvas_height,
+            #       self.bbox(ALL))
+        def plot_labels(self, color='cyan'):
+            '''
+            Plots channel names on left from self.master_index)
+            call setup_canvas first once before plotting and after
+            changes i.e. window resize
+            '''
             for sncl in self.sncl_index:
                 Y = self.sncl_index[sncl] * self.ROW_HEIGHT + self.MTOP
-                self.create_text(self.MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl), fill=color, anchor='w')
-                #self.create_line(self.X0, Y, self.X0, Y, fill=color, width=15)
-                #self.create_line(self.X0+2, Y, self.X0+3, Y, fill=color, width=15)
-                #self.create_line(self.X0+5, Y, self.X0+7, Y, fill=color, width=15)
-        def plot_time_axes(self, color = 'red'):
-##            print "Hola from plot_time_axes"
-            #some constants
-            offset = self.bbox(ALL)[3] ## height of regular data plot
+                self.create_text(self.MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl),
+                                 fill=color, anchor='w')
+                # self.create_line(self.X0, Y, self.X0, Y, fill=color,
+                #                  width=15)
+                # self.create_line(self.X0 + 2, Y, self.X0 + 3, Y, fill=color,
+                #                  width=15)
+                # self.create_line(self.X0 + 5, Y, self.X0 + 7, Y, fill=color,
+                #                  width=15)
+        def plot_time_axes(self, color='red'):
+            # print("Hola from plot_time_axes")
+            # some constants
+            offset = self.bbox(ALL)[3]  # height of regular data plot
             MIN = 60
-            HOUR = MIN*60
-            DAY = HOUR*24
-            canvas_width = self.canvas_width
+            HOUR = MIN * 60
+            DAY = HOUR * 24
+            # canvas_width = self.canvas_width
             canvas_height = self.canvas_height
-            barY = canvas_height - 30 ## + offset
-##            print "272, plot time axes, canvas_width, canvas_height, barY =", canvas_width, canvas_height, barY
-            #date time formater depends on zoom scale
-            #default (very zoomed out only show day
+            barY = canvas_height - 30  # + offset
+            # print("272, plot time axes, canvas_width, canvas_height, barY =",
+            #       canvas_width, canvas_height, barY)
+            # date time formater depends on zoom scale
+            # default (very zoomed out only show day
             self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j"
-            #show hour
+            # show hour
             if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / (HOUR):
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H"
-            #show min
-            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / ( MIN):
+            # show min
+            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / (MIN):
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H:%M"
-            #show seconds
-            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 :
+            # show seconds
+            if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0:
                 self.timeformat_jul = "%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S"
-##            print "MLEFT, MTOP, MBOTTOM, offset:", self.MLEFT, self.MTOP, self.MBOTTOM, offset
-##            print "plot_time_axes: self.latest, self.earliest, diff_secs, diff_days:", self.latest, self.earliest, self.latest - self.earliest, (self.latest - self.earliest)/86400.
-            self.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP+offset, text='%0.2f days' % ((float(self.latest) - self.earliest) / DAY ), fill='black', anchor='w' )
-            self.create_line(self.X0, barY, self.XN, barY, fill='black', width=1)
-            #real labels
-            num_labels = self.Xlen / 150
-            label_width = self.Xlen / num_labels
-##            print "Xlen, # labels, width:", self.Xlen,  num_labels, label_width
-##            print "X0, XN:", self.X0, self.XN
-            for x in range(int(self.X0), int(self.XN), int(label_width)):
-##                print "self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR:" , self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR ## "x, epoch, Julian, Gregorian, Time:", x, "**", self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x))
-##                print "plot_time_axes: x, self.x2epoch(x):", x, self.x2epoch(x), self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x))
-                self.create_text( x, self.MTOP +10 + offset, text=self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='black', anchor='s')
-                self.create_text( x, self.MTOP + 22 + offset, text=self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='black', anchor='s')
+            # print("MLEFT, MTOP, MBOTTOM, offset:", self.MLEFT, self.MTOP,
+            #       self.MBOTTOM, offset)
+            # print("plot_time_axes: self.latest, self.earliest, diff_secs,
+            #       diff_days:", self.latest, self.earliest,
+            #       self.latest - self.earliest,
+            #       (self.latest - self.earliest)/86400.)
+            self.create_text(self.MLEFT, self.MTOP + offset,
+                             text='%0.2f days'
+                             % ((float(self.latest) - self.earliest) / DAY),
+                             fill='black', anchor='w')
+            self.create_line(self.X0, barY, self.XN, barY, fill='black',
+                             width=1)
+            # real labels
+            num_labels = self.Xlen // 150
+            label_width = self.Xlen // num_labels
+            print("Xlen, # labels, width:", self.Xlen, num_labels, label_width)
+            print("X0, XN:", self.X0, self.XN)
+            for x in range(self.X0, int(self.XN), label_width):
+                # print("self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR:",
+                #       self.pixelsPERsecond, HOUR) # "x, epoch, Julian, Gregorian, Time:", x, "**", self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)), "**", self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x))  # noqa: E501
+                # print("plot_time_axes: x, self.x2epoch(x):",
+                #       x, self.x2epoch(x), self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                #       self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                #       self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x)))
+                self.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 10 + offset,
+                                 text=self.fmt_jul_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                                 fill='black', anchor='s')
+                self.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 22 + offset,
+                                 text=self.fmt_greg_date(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                                 fill='black', anchor='s')
                 if self.pixelsPERsecond > 1.0 / HOUR:
-                    self.create_text( x, self.MTOP + 34 + offset, text=self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x)), fill='black', anchor='s')
-                self.create_line(x,barY, x, barY - 5, fill='black', width=1 )
+                    self.create_text(x, self.MTOP + 34 + offset,
+                                     text=self.fmt_time(self.x2epoch(x)),
+                                     fill='black', anchor='s')
+                self.create_line(x, barY, x, barY - 5, fill='black', width=1)
         def plot_single_sum_dict(self, sum_dict, width, color):
             '''Plots a single sum_dict on self'''
             for sncl in sum_dict:
                 Y = self.sncl_index[sncl] * self.ROW_HEIGHT + self.MTOP
-##                print "sncl, self.sncl_index[sncl], Y", sncl, self.sncl_index[sncl], Y
+                # print("sncl, self.sncl_index[sncl], Y", sncl,
+                #       self.sncl_index[sncl], Y)
                 for start, end in sum_dict[sncl]:
-                    #is off canvas?
+                    # is off canvas?
                     if end <= self.earliest or start >= self.latest:
                     if start < self.earliest:
                         start = self.earliest
                     if end > self.latest:
                         end = self.latest
-                    #X1 = max (1, (start - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0 )
-                    #X2 = max (1, (end - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0 )
+                    # X1 = max (1, (start - self.earliest) *
+                    #      self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0)
+                    # X2 = max (1, (end - self.earliest) *
+                    #      self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0)
                     # was not plotting min size lines
-                    X1 = (start - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0
-                    X2 = max ( X1+ self.MIN_LINE_WIDTH, (end - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0 )
+                    X1 = (start - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0  # noqa: E501
+                    X2 = max(X1 + self.MIN_LINE_WIDTH, (end - self.earliest) * self.pixelsPERsecond + self.X0)  # noqa: E501
                     self.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill=color, width=width)
     # End PlotCanvas
     def load_data(self):
         # loads from 2 synclists ms and dl
-        #this is a list of tuples ( coverage_dict, gap_dict ) of epoch dicts
+        # this is a list of tuples (coverage_dict, gap_dict) of epoch dicts
         earlylate = [sys.maxsize, 0]
         self.ms_dicts = list()
-        for sync in self.ms_syncs :
+        for sync in self.ms_syncs:
             gd = dict()
             sd = sync.mk_sum_dict(1, gap_dict=gd, earlylate=earlylate)
-            self.ms_dicts.append((sd,gd))
+            self.ms_dicts.append((sd, gd))
         self.dl_dicts = list()
-        for sync in self.dl_syncs :
+        for sync in self.dl_syncs:
             gd = dict()
-            sd = sync.mk_sum_dict(1, gap_dict=gd, earlylate = earlylate)
-            self.dl_dicts.append((sd,gd))
+            sd = sync.mk_sum_dict(1, gap_dict=gd, earlylate=earlylate)
+            self.dl_dicts.append((sd, gd))
         self.earliest, self.latest = earlylate
         masterlist = list()
-        for l in self.ms_dicts, self.dl_dicts:
-            for t in l:
-                masterlist.extend( list(t[0].keys()) )
-        #list_sumdicts = [ s[0].keys() for s in( d for d in ( l for l in (self.dl_dicts, self.ms_dicts) ) ) if len(s) > 0 ]
-        ##masterlist = itertools.chain(*)
-        #masterlist = itertools.chain( * ( s[0] for s in ( d for d in ( l for l in (self.dl_dicts, self.ms_dicts) ) ) if len( s) > 0 ) )
-        ##masterlist = itertools.chain(*(s for s in list_sumdicts))
-        #uniquify and sort list
+        for ls in self.ms_dicts, self.dl_dicts:
+            for t in ls:
+                masterlist.extend(list(t[0].keys()))
+        # list_sumdicts = [s[0].keys() for s in (d for d in (l for l
+        #                  in (self.dl_dicts, self.ms_dicts))) if len(s) > 0]
+        # masterlist = itertools.chain(*)
+        # masterlist = itertools.chain(* (s[0] for s in (d for d in (l for l in
+        #                              (self.dl_dicts, self.ms_dicts)))
+        #                              if len(s) > 0))
+        # masterlist = itertools.chain(*(s for s in list_sumdicts))
+        # uniquify and sort list
         masterlist = sorted({}.fromkeys(masterlist).keys())
         # index of row for a given sncl to be plotted
-        self.sncl_index = dict(list(zip(masterlist, itertools.count())))
+        self.sncl_index = dict(zip(masterlist, itertools.count()))
         self.canvas.sncl_index = self.sncl_index
     def make_plot(self, start=None, end=None):
-        #button was pressed
+        # button was pressed
         thin = 13
         thick = 17
         start = start or self.earliest
         end = end or self.latest
         self.canvas.setup_canvas(start=start, end=end)
-##        print "Start, End = ", start, end
+        # print("Start, End = ", start, end)
-##        print "self.ms_dicts:", self.ms_dicts
-        for sd in ( s[0] for s in self.ms_dicts):
-            #wide data in red will only show when no dl plotted over # print "sd = ", sd
+        # print("self.ms_dicts:", self.ms_dicts)
+        for sd in (s[0] for s in self.ms_dicts):
+            # wide data in red will only show when no dl plotted over
+            # print("sd = ", sd)
             self.canvas.plot_single_sum_dict(sd, thick, 'red')
         for dl_sd in (d[0] for d in self.dl_dicts):
-            #wide DL plotted
+            # wide DL plotted
             self.canvas.plot_single_sum_dict(dl_sd, thick, 'deep sky blue')
-        for dl_gd in ( d[1] for d in self.dl_dicts):
+        for dl_gd in (d[1] for d in self.dl_dicts):
             # black out DL gap to cover ms gap == no dl and no MS = black
             self.canvas.plot_single_sum_dict(dl_gd, thin, 'black')
         for sd in (s[0] for s in self.ms_dicts):
             # wf coverage
             self.canvas.plot_single_sum_dict(sd, thin, 'dark blue')
         for gd in (s[1] for s in self.ms_dicts):
-            #waveform gap
+            # waveform gap
             self.canvas.plot_single_sum_dict(gd, thin, 'deep pink')
-    def save( self, filename='plot.eps'):
-        print ("Saving plot to %s ... " % filename)
-##        print "save(). self.canvas.canvas_width, self.canvas.canvas_height=", self.canvas.canvas_width, self.canvas.canvas_height
+    def save(self, filename='plot.eps'):
+        print("Saving plot to %s ... " % filename)
+        # print("save(). self.canvas.canvas_width, self.canvas.canvas_height=",
+        #       self.canvas.canvas_width, self.canvas.canvas_height)
-        self.canvas.postscript(file=filename, width=self.canvas.canvas_width, height=self.canvas.canvas_height, x=0, y=0 ) # height = self.canvas.canvas_height
-##        self.timecanvas.postscript(file=filename, width=self.canvas.canvas_width, height=self.canvas.canvas_height, x=0, y=0 ) # height = self.canvas.canvas_height
-        print ("Complete.")
-        self.canvas.plot_labels() ## keep, refreshes display on-screen
-        self.canvas.create_text( 200, self.canvas.canvas_height - 50, text="Saving file to " + filename, fill='white', anchor='s')
+        self.canvas.postscript(file=filename, width=self.canvas.canvas_width,
+                               height=self.canvas.canvas_height, x=0, y=0)
+        # self.timecanvas.postscript(file=filename,
+        #                            width=self.canvas.canvas_width,
+        #                            height=self.canvas.canvas_height, x=0,
+        #                            y=0)
+        print("Complete.")
+        self.canvas.plot_labels()  # keep, refreshes display on-screen
+        self.canvas.create_text(200, self.canvas.canvas_height - 50,
+                                text="Saving file to " + filename,
+                                fill='white', anchor='s')
     def save_png(self, filename='plot.png'):
-        print ("Saving plot to %s ... " % filename ,)
+        print("Saving plot to %s ... " % filename)
-    def plot_sum_dict(self) :
+    def plot_sum_dict(self):
         '''Plots sum_dict from Sync on self.canvas'''
-        #setup for CANVAS
-        #?????????? this doesn't shrink after the first plot!!!! use the frame and subtract!!!
+        # setup for CANVAS
+        # ?????????? this doesn't shrink after the first plot!!!!
+        # use the frame and subtract!!!
         canvas_width = self.plotFrame.winfo_width()
-        #canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width()
-        #canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height()
-        #margins
+        # canvas_width = self.canvas.winfo_width()
+        # canvas_height = self.canvas.winfo_height()
+        # margins
         MLEFT = 10
         MRIGHT = 10
         MTOP = 10
-        MBOTTOM = 10
+        # MBOTTOM = 10
         ROW_HEIGHT = 30
-        WIDE_ROW = 15
-        THIN_ROW = 5
+        # WIDE_ROW = 15
+        # THIN_ROW = 5
         # X value plottable area left and right
         X0 = MLEFT + 150
         XN = canvas_width - MRIGHT
-        #----------test stuff------------------#
-        #make a sync sum_dict
-        from flowlib import synclib
+        # ----------test stuff------------------#
+        # make a sync sum_dict
         s = Sync()
         gd = dict()
-        sd = s.mk_sum_dict(1,gap_dict=gd)
-        #lets dry a dl
+        sd = s.mk_sum_dict(1, gap_dict=gd)
+        # lets dry a dl
         sdl = Sync()
         dl_gd = dict()
         dl_sd = sdl.mk_sum_dict(1, gap_dict=dl_gd)
-        #build a master set of all keys
+        # build a master set of all keys
         master_keys = list()
         for sum in itertools.chain(sd, dl_sd):
-            #master_keys.extend(sum)
-            #these aren't lists of sum_dicts just sum_dicts
+            # master_keys.extend(sum)
+            # these aren't lists of sum_dicts just sum_dicts
         master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-        master_index = dict(list(zip(master_keys, list(range(len(master_keys))))))
-        #setup
-        earliest = min( ( x[0][0] for x in list(sd.values()) ) )
-        latest = max( ( x[-1][-1] for x in list(sd.values()) ) )
-        pixelsPERsecond =float(XN - X0) / (latest - earliest)
+        master_index = dict(zip(master_keys, range(len(master_keys))))
+        # setup
+        earliest = min((x[0][0] for x in list(sd.values())))
+        latest = max((x[-1][-1] for x in list(sd.values())))
+        pixelsPERsecond = float(XN - X0) / (latest - earliest)
-        #plot dl
+        # plot dl
         for sncl in list(dl_sd.keys()):
             Y = master_index[sncl] * ROW_HEIGHT + MTOP
-            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text = ':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan', anchor='w')
-            for start, end in  dl_sd[sncl]:
+            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan',
+                                    anchor='w')
+            for start, end in dl_sd[sncl]:
                 X1 = (start - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                X2 = max(X1+1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
-                #X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                #print X1, X2
-                #draw coverage line
-                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='blue', width=15 )
-        #plot dl gaps
+                X2 = max(X1 + 1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
+                # X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
+                # print(X1, X2)
+                # draw coverage line
+                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='blue', width=15)
+        # plot dl gaps
         for sncl in list(dl_gd.keys()):
             Y = master_index[sncl] * ROW_HEIGHT + MTOP
-            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text = ':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan', anchor='w')
-            for start, end in  dl_gd[sncl]:
+            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan',
+                                    anchor='w')
+            for start, end in dl_gd[sncl]:
                 X1 = (start - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                X2 = max(X1+1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
-                #X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                #print X1, X2
-                #draw coverage line
-                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='orange', width=18 )
-        #plot wf
+                X2 = max(X1 + 1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
+                # X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
+                # print(X1, X2)
+                # draw coverage line
+                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='orange', width=18)
+        # plot wf
         for sncl in list(sd.keys()):
             Y = master_index[sncl] * ROW_HEIGHT + MTOP
-            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text = ':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan', anchor='w')
-            for start, end in  sd[sncl]:
+            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan',
+                                    anchor='w')
+            for start, end in sd[sncl]:
                 X1 = (start - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                X2 = max(X1+1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
-                #X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                #print X1, X2
-                #draw coverage line
-                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='darkblue', width=5 )
-        #plot gap
+                X2 = max(X1 + 1, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
+                # X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
+                # print(X1, X2)
+                # draw coverage line
+                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='darkblue', width=5)
+        # plot gap
         for sncl in list(gd.keys()):
             Y = master_index[sncl] * ROW_HEIGHT + MTOP
-            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text = ':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan', anchor='w')
-            for start, end in  gd[sncl]:
+            self.canvas.create_text(MLEFT, Y, text=':'.join(sncl), fill='cyan',
+                                    anchor='w')
+            for start, end in gd[sncl]:
                 X1 = (start - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                X2 = max(X1+3, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
-                #X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
-                #print X1, X2
-                #draw coverage line
-                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='red', width=7 )
+                X2 = max(X1 + 3, (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0)
+                # X2 = (end - earliest) * pixelsPERsecond + X0
+                # print(X1, X2)
+                # draw coverage line
+                self.canvas.create_line(X1, Y, X2, Y, fill='red', width=7)
 def get_command_args():
     '''get ms_sum_list and dl_sum_list from command line'''
-    import optparse
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options]", version=VERSION)
-    parser.add_option('-m', '--ms', action='append',
-                      help= 'MiniSEED sync file' )
-    parser.add_option('-d', '--dl', action='append',
-                      help = 'DatalessSEED file. If given will be compared with MSEED sync given, and a summary of the MSEED sync will not be produced.' )
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-##    print options
-##    print args
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='coverplot')
+    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=VERSION)
+    parser.add_argument('-m', '--ms', action='append',
+                        help='MiniSEED sync file')
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--dl', action='append',
+                        help='DatalessSEED file. If given will be compared '
+                             'with MSEED sync given, and a summary of the '
+                             'MSEED sync will not be produced.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # print(args)
     dl_syncs = list()
     ms_syncs = list()
-    for dl in options.dl or ():
-        '''Dataless sync given: compare'''
-        '''tolerance command line arg is not used for dataless, always use zero and print day gran'''
-        print ("Reading DL %s" % (dl))
+    for dl in args.dl or ():
+        '''
+        Dataless sync given: compare
+        tolerance command line arg is not used for dataless,
+        always use zero and print day gran
+        '''
+        print("Reading DL %s" % (dl))
         dl_sync = Sync()
-    for ms in options.ms or ():
+    for ms in args.ms or ():
         '''no dataless sync given: produce summary'''
         insync = Sync()
             ms_crshd = "%s.crshd" % ms
-            print ("Attempting to read %s ..." % ms_crshd ,)
+            print("Attempting to read %s ..." % ms_crshd)
-            print ("Success")
-        except:
-            print() #Print what??????????????
-            print  ("%s doesn't exist. Reading original sync %s" % (ms_crshd, ms))
+            print("Success")
+        except Exception:
+            print("%s doesn't exist. Reading original sync %s" % (ms_crshd,
+                                                                  ms))
-            print ("Crushing nonwf channels out of sync...")
+            print("Crushing nonwf channels out of sync...")
-            print ("Writing crushed sync %s" % ms_crshd)
-            insync.write_file( ms_crshd)
+            print("Writing crushed sync %s" % ms_crshd)
+            insync.write_file(ms_crshd)
     return ms_syncs, dl_syncs
+# END of coverplot.py
-### END of coverplot.py
+# BEGIN synclib.py
-### BEGIN synclib.py
 synclib.py :: All things related to dmc sync files
@@ -563,49 +646,41 @@ references http://www.iris.washington.edu/SeismiQuery/goat/syncformat.html
 --Lloyd Carothers
 VERSION = "2013.022"
-import re
-import os.path
-import sys
-from math import ceil
-import itertools
-from time import localtime, mktime, strptime, gmtime, strftime
-from calendar import timegm
-import subprocess
-#Log crushing tolerance 1/2 a day
-LOGTOLERANCE = 60*60*24/2
-#define sync fields
-NET = 0     #Network
-STA = 1     #Station
-LOC = 2     #Location
-CHAN = 3    #Channel
-ST = 4      #Start time
-ET = 5      #End time
-MCD = 6     #Max clock drift
-SR = 7      #Sample rate
-NS = 8      #Number of samples
-CF = 9      #Channel flag
-SV = 10     #Station volume
-TN = 11     #DCC tape number
-VN = 12     #DMC volume number
-COM = 13    #Comment
-DLMDMC = 14 #Date line modified by DMC
-DLMDCC = 15 #Date line modified by DCC
-#define time fields
+# Log crushing tolerance 1/2 a day
+LOGTOLERANCE = 60 * 60 * 24 / 2
+# define sync fields
+NET = 0  # Network
+STA = 1  # Station
+LOC = 2  # Location
+CHAN = 3  # Channel
+ST = 4  # Start time
+ET = 5  # End time
+MCD = 6  # Max clock drift
+SR = 7  # Sample rate
+NS = 8  # Number of samples
+CF = 9  # Channel flag
+SV = 10  # Station volume
+TN = 11  # DCC tape number
+VN = 12  # DMC volume number
+COM = 13  # Comment
+DLMDMC = 14  # Date line modified by DMC
+DLMDCC = 15  # Date line modified by DCC
+# define time fields
 YEAR = 0
 DAY = 1
 HOUR = 2
 MIN = 3
 SEC = 4
-#indexes for keys
+# indexes for keys
 kNET = 0
 kSTA = 1
 kLOC = 2
 kCHAN = 3
 kSR = 4
-#indexes for keys with date
+# indexes for keys with date
 kdNET = 0
 kdSTA = 1
 kdLOC = 2
@@ -613,23 +688,24 @@ kdCHAN = 3
 kdST = 4
 kdSR = 5
-class Sync (object):
+class Sync(object):
     syncfile object
     can be read, altered and writen out
     subclassed list:
         list of tuplesc
-    dl_times
-    functions that end in _dlt are for using dl_times output to create a sync output
+    dl_times functions that end in _dlt are for using dl_times output to
+    create a sync output
     dl_times has not sample rate so comparisons and keys don't use it
     STP = '%Y,%j,%H:%M:%S'
     def __init__(self, string=None):
-        #list of self is a list of tuples of sync fields
+        # list of self is a list of tuples of sync fields
         self.slist = None
-        #can be called with a string that will populate self
+        # can be called with a string that will populate self
         if string is not None:
         # epochdict can be made once and reused
@@ -637,12 +713,12 @@ class Sync (object):
         self.epochdict_dlt = None
     def __eq__(self, other):
-        #are the types the same
-        if type(self) is type(other):
-            #are the lengths of the list the same
+        # are the types the same
+        if isinstance(self, type(other)):
+            # are the lengths of the list the same
             if len(self. slist) != len(other.slist):
                 return False
-            #is each line the same
+            # is each line the same
             for index, line in enumerate(self.slist):
                 if line[:6] != other.slist[index][:6]:
                     return False
@@ -653,164 +729,199 @@ class Sync (object):
     def show_head(self):
         for line in self.slist[:30]:
-            print (line)
+            print(line)
     def populate(self, iterable):
-        #iteralble should give a string line on .next()
-        #print "\tReading"
-        self.slist = [ t for t in (line.strip().split('|') for line in iterable) if len(t)>=16 ]
+        # iterable should give a string line on next()
+        # print("\tReading")
+        self.slist = [t for t in (line.strip().split('|')
+                      for line in iterable) if len(t) >= 16]
     def populate_dlt(self, iterable, net):
         '''Populate from dl_times output, NOT a DatalessSEED volume'''
         self.slist = list()
         sta = None
-        #line is either STA: or {wspace}CHAN:LOC {wspace} start_time {wspace} end_time
+        # line is either STA: or {wspace}CHAN:LOC {wspace} start_time
+        # {wspace} end_time
         for line in iterable:
-            if len(line) < 1 :continue
+            if len(line) < 1:
+                continue
             assert isinstance(line, str)
             if not line[0].isspace():
-                #station line
-                #remove colon
+                # station line
+                # remove colon
                 sta = line.strip()[:-1]
-                #channel line
+                # channel line
                 if sta is None:
                     raise RuntimeError("Channel line has no station %s" % line)
                 fields = line.strip().split()
-                #gives (CHAN:LOC, start, end)
-                #channel and loc
-                #gives (chan, loc) loc may be ''
+                # gives (CHAN:LOC, start, end)
+                # channel and loc
+                # gives (chan, loc) loc may be ''
                 chan, loc = fields[0].split(':')
-                #start and end times, remove fraction of second
+                # start and end times, remove fraction of second
                 st = fields[1].split('.')[0]
                 et = fields[2].split('.')[0]
-                self.slist.append( [net, sta, loc, chan, st, et] )
+                self.slist.append([net, sta, loc, chan, st, et])
     def sort_mash(self):
-        #print "\tSorting"
+        # print("\tSorting")
-        #print "\tRemoving dups"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoving dups")
+        # tot = len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tMashing non_wf"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist))
+        # print("\tMashing non_wf")
+        # tot = len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist))
+        # print("\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist))
     def sort_crush(self):
-        #print "\tSorting"
+        # print("\tSorting")
-        #print "\tRemoving dups"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoving dups")
+        # tot = len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tMashing non_wf"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist))
+        # print("\tMashing non_wf")
+        # tot = len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist)
+        # print("\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist))
+        # print("\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist))
     def sort_mash_keep_dups(self):
+    # READERS
     def read_file(self, filename):
-        #print "Using", filename
-        infh = open(filename, 'r')
+        # print("Using", filename)
+        infh = io.open(filename, 'r')
     def read_dl_file(self, filename):
-        '''Read a datalessSEED volume NOT a dl_times output
-        This means we can get the sample rate and network code, 2 things which dl_times drops'''
-        #These are the SEED packet that print in the beginning of rdseeds output grepping boost performance significantly
-        PACKETS = ( "B050F03", "B052F03", "B052F04", "B052F22", "B052F23", "B052F18", "B050F16" )
+        '''
+        Read a datalessSEED volume NOT a dl_times output
+        This means we can get the sample rate and network code, 2 things which
+        dl_times drops
+        '''
+        # These are the SEED packet that print in the beginning of rdseeds
+        # output grepping boost performance significantly
+        PACKETS = ("B050F03", "B052F03", "B052F04", "B052F22", "B052F23",
+                   "B052F18", "B050F16")
         rdseed_args = ["rdseed", '-s', '-f', filename]
         grep_args = ["grep", "-E", '|'.join(PACKETS)]
-        #print os.environ['PATH']
+        # print(os.environ['PATH'])
-            process1 = subprocess.Popen(rdseed_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-            process2 = subprocess.Popen(grep_args, stdin=process1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+            process1 = subprocess.Popen(rdseed_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                        shell=False)
+            process2 = subprocess.Popen(grep_args, stdin=process1.stdout,
+                                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                        shell=False)
         except OSError as e:
             sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not run rdseed\n%s\n" % e)
         out, err = process2.communicate()
         if process2.returncode != 0:
-            sys.stderr.write("Could not run rdseed: %s\n" % args)
+            sys.stderr.write("Could not run rdseed: %s\n" % filename)
         self.slist = list()
-        #sentinel for channels that have no end times
+        # sentinel for channels that have no end times
         null_end_time = False
         for line in out.splitlines():
+            if not isinstance(line, str):
+                line = line.decode()
             if re.match('B050F03', line):
-                #Station Code:
+                # Station Code:
                 sta = line.split()[3]
             if re.match('B050F16', line):
-                #Network Code
+                # Network Code
                 net = line.split()[3]
             if re.match('B052F04', line):
-                #Channel:
+                # Channel:
                 chan = line.split()[2]
             if re.match('B052F03', line):
-                #Location:
+                # Location:
                 words = line.split()
-                if len(words) >2:
+                if len(words) > 2:
                     loc = line.split()[2]
                     loc = ''
             if re.match('B052F18', line):
-                #Sample rate:
+                # Sample rate:
                 sr = line.split()[3]
             if re.match('B052F22', line):
-                #Start date:
+                # Start date:
                 start = line.split()[3]
             if re.match('B052F23', line):
-                #End date:
+                # End date:
                 end = line.split()[3]
                 if end == "(null)":
-                    sys.stderr.write("No end time for %(net)s.%(sta)s.%(loc)s.%(chan)s.%(start)s\n" % locals() )
+                    sys.stderr.write("No end time for %(net)s.%(sta)s."
+                                     "%(loc)s.%(chan)s.%(start)s\n" % locals())
                     null_end_time = True
-                self.slist.append( [net, sta, loc, chan, start, end, '', sr, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ])
-        #print len(self.slist)
-        #exit if any channels do no contain end times
-        if  null_end_time:
-            sys.stderr.write("Exiting since some stations have no end time...\n")
-            #should return false for automated flow system
-            #caller can exit it needs
-            #sys.exit(2)
+                self.slist.append([net, sta, loc, chan, start, end, '', sr,
+                                   '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ])
+        process1.kill()
+        process1.wait()
+        process2.stdout.close()
+        process2.kill()
+        process2.wait()
+        # print(len(self.slist))
+        # exit if any channels do no contain end times
+        if null_end_time:
+            sys.stderr.write("Exiting since some stations have no end "
+                             "time...\n")
+            # should return false for automated flow system
+            # caller can exit it needs
+            # sys.exit(2)
             return False
     def read_stdin(self):
-        #print "Using stdin"
+        # print("Using stdin")
         infh = sys.stdin
     def read_string(self, str):
         it = (line for line in str.split('\n'))
     def read_string_dlt(self, str, netcode):
         it = (line for line in str.split('\n'))
         self.populate_dlt(it, netcode)
     def read_stream(self, stream):
+    # WRITERS
     def __str__(self):
         return '\n'.join(['|'.join(line) for line in self.slist])
     def line2str(self, line):
-        return  '|'.join(line)
+        return '|'.join(line)
     def write(self, outfh):
         for line in self.slist:
             outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
     def write_file(self, filename):
-        outfh = open(filename, 'w')
+        outfh = io.open(filename, 'w')
-    def write_files_split(self, filename, max_lines= 500000):
-        #doesn't work!! out of memory building inital sync use synclib.split_and_write
+    def write_files_split(self, filename, max_lines=500000):
+        # doesn't work!! out of memory building inital sync use
+        # synclib.split_and_write
         '''With large syncs processes can run out of memory i.e. confirming
         returns list of filenames that have been written too
@@ -819,16 +930,16 @@ class Sync (object):
         end = max_lines
         currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
         fileswritten = [currentfile]
-        outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
+        outfh = io.open(currentfile, 'w')
         while True:
             for line in self.slist[start:end]:
                 outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
             laststa = self.get_sncl(line)[1]
                 line = self.slist[end]
-            except:
+            except Exception:
-            while  self.get_sncl(line)[1] == laststa:
+            while self.get_sncl(line)[1] == laststa:
                 outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
                 end += 1
                 line = self.slist[end]
@@ -838,163 +949,197 @@ class Sync (object):
             filenum += 1
             currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-            outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
+            outfh = io.open(currentfile, 'w')
         return fileswritten
     def write_stdout(self):
-    def print_ms_summary(self, tolerance = 86400):
+    def print_ms_summary(self, tolerance=86400):
         if tolerance >= 129600:
             format_ts = format_day_granularity
             format_ts = format_second_granularity
         sum_dict = self.mk_sum_dict(tolerance)
-        keys = list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
         for key in keys:
-            print ("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
+            print("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print (format_ts(ts))
+                print(format_ts(ts))
     def get_sncl(line):
         '''Note not sncl but
         net, sta, chan, loc, year, day
         for comparing to filenames
-        #print self.slist
-        #line = self.slist[0]
+        # print(self.slist)
+        # line = self.slist[0]
         date = line[ST].split(',')
         year = int(date[YEAR])
         day = int(date[DAY])
         return line[NET], line[STA], line[CHAN], line[LOC], year, day
     def iter_sncl(self):
-        ''' returns an iterater of all sncls 1 for each sync line'''
-        return map(self.get_sncl, self.slist)
+        '''returns an iterater of all sncls 1 for each sync line'''
+        return list(map(self.get_sncl, self.slist))
     def get_today():
         lt = localtime()
         return "%d,%d" % (lt.tm_year, lt.tm_yday)
     def keyer(self, line):
         '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan
         STA, CHAN, LOC, SR
-        return tuple( line[:4] + [str(float(line[SR]))] )
+        return tuple(line[:4] + [str(float(line[SR]))])
     def keyer_by_sta(self, line):
         '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta
         return line[STA]
     def keyer_dlt(self, line):
         '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan NO SR
         STA, CHAN, LOC
-        return tuple( line[:4] )
+        return tuple(line[:4])
     def keyer_with_day(self, line):
         '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan day
         STA, CHAN, LOC, "(start)YEAR,DAY", SR
         sy, sd, st = line[ST].split(',')
-        return tuple( line[:4] + ["%s,%s" %(sy,sd) ,str(float(line[SR]))] )
+        return tuple(line[:4] + ["%s,%s" % (sy, sd), str(float(line[SR]))])
     def mk_group(self):
         '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer)
+        return itertools.groupby(self.slist, self.keyer)
     def mk_sta_group(self):
-        '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed for all channels in station'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_by_sta)
+        '''
+        Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed for all channels in
+        station
+        '''
+        return itertools.groupby(self.slist, self.keyer_by_sta)
     def mk_group_dlt(self):
         '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_dlt)
+        return itertools.groupby(self.slist, self.keyer_dlt)
     def mk_group_with_day(self):
         '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_with_day)
+        return itertools.groupby(self.slist, self.keyer_with_day)
     def mk_dict(self):
         '''returns a dict of {key:[syncline, syncline],..}
         in the same for as the mk_group above'''
-        return dict( ( (k, list(g)) for k,g in self.mk_group()) )
-    #speed testing
+        return dict(((k, list(g)) for k, g in self.mk_group()))
+    # speed testing
     def mk_epochdict_old(self):
         d = dict()
         for key, group in self.mk_group():
             if key in d:
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
+                d[key].extend([self.list2epochs(line) for line in group])
+            # update
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
+                d[key] = [self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_epochdict(self):
         d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
+        # make a local copy for speed up dget
         dget = d.get
         for key, group in self.mk_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
+            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [self.list2epochs(line)
+                                          for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_store_epochdict(self):
-        ''' Creates an epochdict as above but stores it in self.epochdict for reuse.
-        Created for confirming may files agains 1 dmc sync. '''
+        '''
+        Creates an epochdict as above but stores it in self.epochdict for
+        reuse.
+        Created for confirming may files agains 1 dmc sync.
+        '''
         d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
+        # make a local copy for speed up dget
         dget = d.get
         for key, group in self.mk_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
+            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [self.list2epochs(line)
+                                          for line in group]
         self.epochdict = d
     def mk_sta_epochdict_old(self):
         d = dict()
         for key, group in self.mk_sta_group():
             if key in d:
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
+                d[key].extend([self.list2epochs(line) for line in group])
+            # update
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
+                d[key] = [self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_sta_epochdict(self):
         d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
+        # make a local copy for speed up dget
         dget = d.get
         for key, group in self.mk_sta_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
+            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [self.list2epochs(line)
+                                          for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_epochdict_dlt_old(self):
         d = dict()
         for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            #print key, group
+            # print(key, group)
             if key in d:
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
+                d[key].extend([self.list2epochs(line) for line in group])
+            # update
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
+                d[key] = [self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_epochdict_dlt(self):
         d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
+        # make a local copy for speed up dget
         dget = d.get
         for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
+            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [self.list2epochs(line)
+                                          for line in group]
         return d
     def mk_store_epochdict_dlt(self):
         d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
+        # make a local copy for speed up dget
         dget = d.get
         for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
+            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [self.list2epochs(line)
+                                          for line in group]
         self.epochdict_dlt = d
     def mk_sum_dict(self, tolerance, gap_dict=None, earlylate=None):
-        '''returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps less than tolerance are merged
+        '''
+        returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps
+        less than tolerance are merged
         sorting and mashing should be done before calling!
-        if gapdict is given it will be populated with gaps same format as the returned summary dict
-        if earliest is given it will be updated with the earliest start time seen or earliest provided, likewise
-        for latest'''
+        if gapdict is given it will be populated with gaps same format as the
+        returned summary dict
+        if earliest is given it will be updated with the earliest start time
+        seen or earliest provided, likewise for latest
+        '''
         if earlylate is None:
-            earlylate = [ 0,0]
+            earlylate = [0, 0]
         earliest, latest = earlylate
         epochdict = self.mk_epochdict()
-        if not isinstance(gap_dict, dict) :
+        if not isinstance(gap_dict, dict):
             gap_dict = dict()
-        keys = list(epochdict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
+        keys = sorted(epochdict.keys())
         for key in keys:
             tslist = epochdict[key]
             gaplist = list()
@@ -1005,12 +1150,15 @@ class Sync (object):
             latest = max(tslist[-1][-1], latest or 0)
         earlylate[:] = [earliest, latest]
         return epochdict
     def mk_sta_sum_dict(self, tolerance):
-        '''returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps less than tolerance are merged
-        sorting and mashing should be done before calling!'''
+        '''
+        returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps
+        less than tolerance are merged
+        sorting and mashing should be done before calling!
+        '''
         epochdict = self.mk_sta_epochdict()
-        keys = list(epochdict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
+        keys = sorted(epochdict.keys())
         for key in keys:
             tslist = epochdict[key]
             self.merge_tslist(tslist, tolerance)
@@ -1019,43 +1167,44 @@ class Sync (object):
     def list2epochs(self, list):
         '''from a syncline returns tuple [start, end] time as epochs'''
-        return ( self.synctime2epoch(list[ST]) , self.synctime2epoch(list[ET]) )
+        return (self.synctime2epoch(list[ST]), self.synctime2epoch(list[ET]))
     def synctime2epoch(self, s):
         '''returns epoch time from string s which is of the format
         YYYY,JJJ,HH:MM:SS or
-        #print s
-        #return int(mktime(strptime(s.split('.')[0],Sync.STP)))
-        return int(timegm(strptime(s.split('.')[0],Sync.STP)))
+        # print(s)
+        # return int(mktime(strptime(s.split('.')[0],Sync.STP)))
+        return int(timegm(strptime(s.split('.')[0], Sync.STP)))
     def epoch2string(epoch):
         FMT = '%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S'
-        subsec = ('%0.4f' % (epoch % 1.0) )[1:]
-        timestring = strftime(FMT,  gmtime(epoch)) + subsec
+        subsec = ('%0.4f' % (epoch % 1.0))[1:]
+        timestring = strftime(FMT, gmtime(epoch)) + subsec
         return timestring
     def merge_tslist(self, tslist, m=1, gaplist=None):
         '''merges tslist to a tslist of overlapping time spans with margin m.
         operateds on tslist in place, no return
         if gaplist is supplied a list of tuple epochs of gaps is populated'''
         i = 0
-        while i+1 < len(tslist):
-            #theres and overlap with margin
-            #merge
-            if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i+1][0]:
-                #merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of end time
-                tslist[i] = ( tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][1]) )
-                del tslist[i+1]
-            #No overlap with margin == gap record it
+        while i + 1 < len(tslist):
+            # theres and overlap with margin
+            # merge
+            if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i + 1][0]:
+                # merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of
+                # end time
+                tslist[i] = (tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1], tslist[i + 1][1]))
+                del tslist[i + 1]
+            # No overlap with margin == gap record it
                 if isinstance(gaplist, list):
-                    gaplist.append( ( tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][0] ) )
+                    gaplist.append((tslist[i][1], tslist[i + 1][0]))
                 i += 1
     def contains(self, ts, tslist):
         '''is ts in tslist?
         ts= time span; tuple of epochs
@@ -1063,28 +1212,31 @@ class Sync (object):
         m = self.m
         self.merge_tslist(tslist, m)
-        #first sort the list
-        #tslist.sort()
-        ##Merge overlaping timespans with margin
-        #i = 0
-        #while i+1 < len(tslist):
-            ##theres and overlap with margin
-            #if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i+1][0]:
-                ##merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of end time
-                #tslist[i] = ( tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][1]) )
-                #del tslist[i+1]
-            #else:
-                #i += 1
-        #add margin to start and subtract from end
+        # first sort the list
+        # tslist.sort()
+        # Merge overlaping timespans with margin
+        # i = 0
+        # while i + 1 < len(tslist):
+        #     # theres and overlap with margin
+        #     if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i + 1][0]:
+        #         # merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of
+        #         # end time
+        #        tslist[i] = (tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1],
+        #                     tslist[i + 1][1]))
+        #         del tslist[i + 1]
+        #     else:
+        #         i += 1
+        # add margin to start and subtract from end
         tsstart = ts[0] + m
         tsend = ts[1] - m
-        #compare
+        # compare
         for herets in tslist:
             if tsstart >= herets[0] and tsend <= herets[1]:
-                #print tsstart, tsend
-                #print herets
+                # print(tsstart, tsend)
+                # print(herets)
                 return True
         return False
     def overlaps(ts, tslist, margin=0):
         '''returns true if ts overlaps with any in tslist'''
@@ -1092,63 +1244,69 @@ class Sync (object):
         tsstart = ts[0]
         tsend = ts[1]
         for herets in tslist:
-            if not ( tsend - margin <= herets[0] or  herets[1] - margin <= tsstart) :
-                #overlap
+            if not (tsend - margin <= herets[0] or herets[1] - margin <= tsstart):  # noqa: E501
+                # overlap
                 return True
         return False
     def has_duplicates(self):
-        #sort first!
-        #returns true if duplicate lines i.e. exact same!
-        #return True in itertools.ifilter( lambda x: len(x) >1, itertools.groupby(self.slist) )
-        for k,g in itertools.groupby(self.slist):
-            if len( list(g) ) > 1:
+        # sort first!
+        # returns true if duplicate lines i.e. exact same!
+        # return True in itertools.ifilter(lambda x: len(x) >1,
+        #                                  itertools.groupby(self.slist))
+        for k, g in itertools.groupby(self.slist):
+            if len(list(g)) > 1:
                 return True
         return False
     def has_1SNCLSR(self):
-            # returns true if all lines are for the same SNCL-SR
+        # returns true if all lines are for the same SNCL-SR
         return 1 == len(self.mk_dict())
     def remove_duplicates(self):
-        self.slist =  [ grp[0] for grp in itertools.groupby(self.slist) ]
+        self.slist = [grp[0] for grp in itertools.groupby(self.slist)]
     def crush_nonwf(self):
-        '''should be sorted first
-        really mashes logs from syncs :: 1 line per multiple days as long as no missing days
+        '''
+        should be sorted first
+        really mashes logs from syncs :: 1 line per multiple days as long as
+        no missing days
         today = self.get_today()
         g = self.mk_group()
         self.slist = list()
-        for key,group in g:
-            #nonwf base on sample rate
-            #convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
-            #sr =  key[kSR].split('.')[0] or 1
-            #sr = int(sr)
-            sr = ceil(float( key[kSR]))
+        for key, group in g:
+            # nonwf base on sample rate
+            # convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
+            # sr =  key[kSR].split('.')[0] or 1
+            # sr = int(sr)
+            sr = ceil(float(key[kSR]))
             if sr == 0:
                 # Non wf start crushing group
                 current = next(group)
                 current_start, current_end = self.list2epochs(current)
-                for next in group:
-                    next_start, next_end = self.list2epochs(next)
+                for next_ in group:
+                    next_start, next_end = self.list2epochs(next_)
                     if next_start - current_end < LOGTOLERANCE:
-                        #gap less than a day MERGE!
-                        current[ET] = next[ET]
+                        # gap less than a day MERGE!
+                        current[ET] = next_[ET]
                         current[NS] = '0'
                         current[COM] = 'Modified'
                         current[DLMDCC] = today
-                        #update current
+                        # update current
                         current_end = next_end
-                        #Gap is larger than a day close current and reset
+                        # Gap is larger than a day close current and reset
-                        current = next
+                        current = next_
                         current_start, current_end = self.list2epochs(current)
-                #group is empty write out last current
+                # group is empty write out last current
                 # sr > 0 wf don't crush just add back
     def mash_nonwf(self):
         '''Should be sorted first
         mashes 1ogs 1 line per day
@@ -1156,28 +1314,31 @@ class Sync (object):
         today = self.get_today()
         g = self.mk_group_with_day()
         self.slist = list()
-        for key,group in g:
-            #nonwf base on sample rate
-            #convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
-            sr =  ceil(float(key[kdSR]))
+        for key, group in g:
+            # nonwf base on sample rate
+            # convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
+            sr = ceil(float(key[kdSR]))
             if sr == 0:
-                next = next(group)
-                small = next[ST]
-                large = next[ET]
+                next_ = next(group)
+                small = next_[ST]
+                large = next_[ET]
                 for line in group:
-                    if small > line[ST]: small = line[ST]
-                    if large < line[ET]: large = line[ET]
-                next[ST] = small
-                next[ET] = large
-                next[NS] = '0'
-                next[COM] = "Modified"
-                next[DLMDCC] = today
-                self.slist.append( next )
-            #wf
+                    if small > line[ST]:
+                        small = line[ST]
+                    if large < line[ET]:
+                        large = line[ET]
+                next_[ST] = small
+                next_[ET] = large
+                next_[NS] = '0'
+                next_[COM] = "Modified"
+                next_[DLMDCC] = today
+                self.slist.append(next_)
+            # wf
-    def has(self, os, m=1, badlist= None):
+    def has(self, os, m=1, badlist=None):
         '''os is other sync
         !!!!!RETURNS TRUE IF ALL OS IS IN SYNC!!!!!!!!!!
         returns true if ALL os is in this sync
@@ -1190,52 +1351,53 @@ class Sync (object):
             badlist = list()
         if not isinstance(os, Sync):
             raise "%s is not a 'Sync' type instance. Is a %s" % (os, type(os))
-        #make dict of self
+        # make dict of self
         if not self.epochdict:
         heredict = self.epochdict
-        #testdict = self.mk_dict()
+        # testdict = self.mk_dict()
-        #iterator for other
+        # iterator for other
         othergrp = os.mk_group()
-        for key,group in othergrp:
-            #print key
-            #if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
+        for key, group in othergrp:
+            # print(key)
+            # if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
             if key not in heredict:
-                #print "<<< NOT FOUND: No day record"
+                # print("<<< NOT FOUND: No day record")
                 notfound = [self.line2str(g) for g in group]
-                #for g in notfound: print  '\t' + g
+                # for g in notfound: print('\t' + g)
-                #print '\n'
+                # print('\n')
                 ret = False
-            #check each line
+            # check each line
             hereepochlist = heredict[key]
             for line in group:
-                #print line
+                # print(line)
                 epochs = self.list2epochs(line)
-                #print epochs
-                #for i in hereepochlist:
-                #    print i
-                #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                #print "\n"
+                # print(epochs)
+                # for i in hereepochlist:
+                #     print(i)
+                # for ps in testdict[key]:
+                #     print(self.line2str(ps))
+                # print("\n")
                 if self.contains(epochs, hereepochlist):
-                    #print "<<< NOT FOUND"
-                    #print "Looking for:"
-                    #print key
-                    #print self.line2str(line)
-                    #print "not found in:"
-                    #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                    #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                    #print "\n"
+                    # print("<<< NOT FOUND")
+                    # print("Looking for:")
+                    # print(key)
+                    # print(self.line2str(line))
+                    # print("not found in:")
+                    # for ps in testdict[key]:
+                    #    print(self.line2str(ps))
+                    # print("\n")
                     ret = False
         return ret
-    def has_overlap(self, os, margin = 0):
+    def has_overlap(self, os, margin=0):
         returns True if self and os have any overlap
@@ -1244,9 +1406,9 @@ class Sync (object):
         heredict = self.epochdict
         othergrp = os.mk_group()
         for key, group in othergrp:
-            #if no sncl match quick fail
+            # if no sncl match quick fail
             if key not in heredict:
-                #print "No SNCL", key
+                # print("No SNCL", key)
             hereepochlist = heredict[key]
             for line in group:
@@ -1255,9 +1417,7 @@ class Sync (object):
                     return True
         return False
-    def has_dlt(self, os, m=1, badlist= None):
+    def has_dlt(self, os, m=1, badlist=None):
         '''os is other sync
         this sync is made from dl_times from a dataless file
         so no sample rate comparisons
@@ -1272,331 +1432,354 @@ class Sync (object):
             badlist = list()
         if not isinstance(os, Sync):
             raise "%s is not a 'Sync' type instance. Is a %s" % (os, type(os))
-        #make dict of self
+        # make dict of self
         if not self.epochdict_dlt:
         heredict = self.epochdict_dlt
-        #testdict = self.mk_dict()
+        # testdict = self.mk_dict()
-        #iterator for other
+        # iterator for other
         othergrp = os.mk_group_dlt()
-        for key,group in othergrp:
-            #print key
-            #if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
+        for key, group in othergrp:
+            # print(key)
+            # if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
             if key not in heredict:
-                #print "<<< NOT FOUND: No day record"
+                # print("<<< NOT FOUND: No day record")
                 notfound = [self.line2str(g) for g in group]
-                #for g in notfound: print  '\t' + g
+                # for g in notfound: print('\t' + g)
-                #print '\n'
+                # print('\n')
                 ret = False
-            #check each line
+            # check each line
             hereepochlist = heredict[key]
             for line in group:
-                #print line
+                # print(line)
                 epochs = self.list2epochs(line)
-                #print epochs
-                #for i in hereepochlist:
-                #    print i
-                #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                #print "\n"
+                # print(epochs)
+                # for i in hereepochlist:
+                #    print(i)
+                # for ps in testdict[key]:
+                #    print(self.line2str(ps))
+                # print("\n")
                 if self.contains(epochs, hereepochlist):
-                    #print "<<< NOT FOUND"
-                    #print "Looking for:"
-                    #print key
-                    #print self.line2str(line)
-                    #print "not found in:"
-                    #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                    #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                    #print "\n"
+                    # print("<<< NOT FOUND")
+                    # print("Looking for:")
+                    # print(key)
+                    # print(self.line2str(line))
+                    # print("not found in:")
+                    # for ps in testdict[key]:
+                    #    print(self.line2str(ps))
+                    # print("\n")
                     ret = False
         return ret
 def c():
     a = [x for x in sys.argv]
     s1 = Sync()
-    #s1.write_file(a[1] + ".msh")
+    # s1.write_file(a[1] + ".msh")
     s2 = Sync()
-    #s2.write_file(a[2] + '.msh')
+    # s2.write_file(a[2] + '.msh')
     badlist = list()
-    print (s2.has(s1, m=1, badlist = badlist))
-    print (badlist)
-    #print s1.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')]
-    #print s2.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')]
+    print(s2.has(s1, m=1, badlist=badlist))
+    print(badlist)
+    # print(s1.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')])
+    # print(s2.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')])
 def cbl():
     a = [x for x in sys.argv]
     s2 = Sync()
-    fh = open(a[1], 'r')
-    print ("comparing")
-    synclines = ( Sync(l) for l in fh)
+    fh = io.open(a[1], 'r')
+    print("comparing")
+    synclines = (Sync(val) for val in fh)
     for s1 in synclines:
         if not s2.has(s1):
-            print ("NOT FOUND >>>")
+            print("NOT FOUND >>>")
 def mash():
     s = Sync()
     s.write_file(sys.argv[1] + ".mshd")
 def crush():
     s = Sync()
     s.write_file(sys.argv[1] + ".cshd")
 def mash_print():
     s = Sync()
-    print (str(s))
+    print(str(s))
 def has_dups():
     s = Sync()
-    print ("File has duplicates?",  s.has_duplicates())
+    print("File has duplicates?", s.has_duplicates())
 def dl_times2sync():
     s = Sync()
-    dl_file = open(sys.argv[1])
+    dl_file = io.open(sys.argv[1])
     s.populate_dlt(dl_file, 'XA')
-    print (s)
+    print(s)
 def dl_has_ms():
     net = 'ZW'
     badlist = list()
     dls = Sync()
-    dl_file = open(sys.argv[1])
+    dl_file = io.open(sys.argv[1])
     dls.populate_dlt(dl_file, net)
-    #dls.sort_mash_keep_dups()
-    print (dls)
+    # dls.sort_mash_keep_dups()
+    print(dls)
     mss = Sync()
-    ms_file = open(sys.argv[2])
+    ms_file = io.open(sys.argv[2])
-    print ("dl has ms", dls.has_dlt(mss, badlist=badlist))
-    print ("Not found", badlist)
+    print("dl has ms", dls.has_dlt(mss, badlist=badlist))
+    print("Not found", badlist)
 def ds_sum():
-    '''This is the function when call from the command line.
+    '''
+    This is the function when call from the command line.
     summarizes a datasync similar to ds_times.
-    -t is the tolerance of a 'continious' block of data defaults to 1 day == 86400 seconds
+    -t is the tolerance of a 'continious' block of data defaults to
+    1 day == 86400 seconds
-    import optparse
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] datasync", version=VERSION)
-    parser.add_option('-t', '--tolerance', action='store', type='int', dest='tolerance',
-                      help='Maximum size (in seconds) of gaps to ignore',
-                      default=86400  )
-    parser.add_option('-m', '--ms', action='append',
-                      help= 'MiniSEED sync file' )
-    parser.add_option('-d', '--dl', action='append',
-                      help = 'DatalessSEED file. If given will be compared with MSEED sync given, and a summary of the MSEED sync will not be produced.' )
-    parser.add_option('-p', '--plot', action='store_true',
-                      help = 'Plot summaries' )
-    parser.add_option('-s', '--station',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot only stations matching STATION.')
-    parser.add_option('-c', '--channel',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot only channels matching CHANNEL.')
-    parser.add_option('-C', '--excludechannel',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot all channels excluding CHANNEL.')
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    print (options)
-    print (args)
-    tolerance = options.tolerance
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=VERSION)
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tolerance', action='store', type='int',
+                        dest='tolerance',
+                        help='Maximum size (in seconds) of gaps to ignore',
+                        default=86400)
+    parser.add_argument('-m', '--ms', action='append',
+                        help='MiniSEED sync file')
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--dl', action='append',
+                        help='DatalessSEED file. If given will be compared '
+                             'with MSEED sync given, and a summary of the '
+                             'MSEED sync will not be produced.')
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot', action='store_true',
+                        help='Plot summaries')
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--station', action="append",
+                        help='Plot only stations matching STATION.')
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', action="append",
+                        help='Plot only channels matching CHANNEL.')
+    parser.add_argument('-C', '--excludechannel', action="append",
+                        help='Plot all channels excluding CHANNEL.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    print(args)
+    tolerance = args.tolerance
     if tolerance >= 129600:
         format_ts = format_day_granularity
         format_ts = format_second_granularity
     dl_sums = list()
     ms_sums = list()
-    for dl in options.dl or ():
-        '''Dataless sync given: compare'''
-        '''tolerance command line arg is not used for dataless, always use zero and print day gran'''
+    for dl in args.dl or ():
+        '''
+        Dataless sync given: compare
+        tolerance command line arg is not used for dataless,
+        always use zero and print day gran'''
         dl_sync = Sync()
         sum_dict = dl_sync.mk_sum_dict(0)
-        keys = list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
         for key in keys:
-            #this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums probably a Sync class method to filter
-            if options.excludechannel:
-                if key[CHAN] in options.excludechannel :
+            # this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums
+            # probably a Sync class method to filter
+            if args.excludechannel:
+                if key[CHAN] in args.excludechannel:
-            if options.channel:
-                if key[CHAN] not in  options.channel:
+            if args.channel:
+                if key[CHAN] not in args.channel:
-            if options.station:
-                if key[STA] not in options.station:
+            if args.station:
+                if key[STA] not in args.station:
-            print ("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
+            print("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print (format_ts(ts))
+                print(format_ts(ts))
-    for ms in options.ms or ():
+    for ms in args.ms or ():
         '''no dataless sync given: produce summary'''
         insync = Sync()
         sum_dict = insync.mk_sum_dict(tolerance)
-        keys = list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
         for key in keys:
-            #this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums probably a Sync class method to filter
-            if options.excludechannel:
-                if key[CHAN] in options.excludechannel :
+            # this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums
+            # probably a Sync class method to filter
+            if args.excludechannel:
+                if key[CHAN] in args.excludechannel:
-            if options.channel:
-                if key[CHAN] not in options.channel:
+            if args.channel:
+                if key[CHAN] not in args.channel:
-            if options.station:
-                if key[STA] not in options.station:
+            if args.station:
+                if key[STA] not in args.station:
-            print ("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
+            print("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4]))
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print (format_ts(ts))
-    if options.plot:
-        #plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
+                print(format_ts(ts))
+    if args.plot:
+        # plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
         plot_big_detailed(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
-        #plot_sums(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
+        # plot_sums(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
-def plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=None, dl_sums= None):
+def plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=None, dl_sums=None):
     '''Plots all summaries with 1 line per station'''
     if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
     fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
+    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    # First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
     master_keys = list()
     for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
+    # uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
     master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(list(zip(master_keys,list(range(len(master_keys))))))
+    # key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys, range(len(master_keys))))
 def plot_sums(ms_sums=None, dl_sums=None):
     '''plots  all dl_sums and ms_sums
     sums are an iterable (list or tuple) of sum_dicts'''
     if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-    import matplotlib
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
     fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
+    # First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
     master_keys = list()
     for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
+    # uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
     master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(list(zip(master_keys,list(range(len(master_keys))))))
-    print ("plotting dl_sums")
+    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys, range(len(master_keys))))
+    print("plotting dl_sums")
     for sum_dict in dl_sums:
-        keys =  list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
+        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
             i = key_loc_dict[key]
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts)) ))
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-', alpha=.8, color='orange')
-    #ms_sums next
-    print ("plotting ms_sums")
+                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts))))
+                ax.plot_date(x, (i, i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-',
+                             alpha=.8, color='orange')
+    # ms_sums next
+    print("plotting ms_sums")
     for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
+        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
             i = key_loc_dict[key]
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts)) ))
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
+                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts))))
+                ax.plot_date(x, (i, i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-',
+                             alpha=.5, color='purple')
+    # labels
     ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in list(key_loc_dict.values())])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='x-small')
+    ax.set_yticklabels([':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in
+                        list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='x-small')
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
+    # defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
+    # fig.set_size_inches((defaultsize[0], len(master_keys) * 1))
-    #max_pix = 32768
-    #dpi = 100
-    #num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    #print num_chans
-    #size = num_chans/5.0
-    #print "size %(size)s" % locals()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( ( size, size) )
-    #fig.savefig("test.png", dpi=(dpi))
+    # max_pix = 32768
+    # dpi = 100
+    # num_chans = len(master_keys)
+    # print(num_chans)
+    # size = num_chans/5.0
+    # print("size %(size)s" % locals())
+    # fig.set_size_inches((size, size))
+    # fig.savefig("test.png", dpi=(dpi))
 def plot_big_detailed(ms_sums=None, dl_sums=None):
     '''plots  all dl_sums and ms_sums
     sums are an iterable (list or tuple) of sum_dicts'''
     if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-    import matplotlib
-    matplotlib.use("Agg")
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
     fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
+    # First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
     master_keys = list()
     for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
+    # uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
     master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(list(zip(master_keys,list(range(len(master_keys))))))
+    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys, range(len(master_keys))))
-    print ("plotting dl_sums")
+    print("plotting dl_sums")
     for sum_dict in dl_sums:
-        keys =  list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
+        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
             i = key_loc_dict[key]
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts)) ))
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-', alpha=.8, color='orange')
-    #ms_sums next
-    print ("plotting ms_sums")
+                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts))))
+                ax.plot_date(x, (i, i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-',
+                             alpha=.8, color='orange')
+    # ms_sums next
+    print("plotting ms_sums")
     for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
+        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
             i = key_loc_dict[key]
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts)) ))
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
+                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts))))
+                ax.plot_date(x, (i, i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-',
+                             alpha=.5, color='purple')
+    # labels
     ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in list(key_loc_dict.values())])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='xx-small')
+    ax.set_yticklabels([':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in
+                        list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='xx-small')
-    #plt.show()
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
+    # plt.show()
+    # defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
+    # fig.set_size_inches((defaultsize[0], len(master_keys) * 1))
     max_pix = 32768
     dpi = 50
     num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    print (num_chans)
-    size = num_chans/5.0
-    print ("size %(size)s" % locals())
-    fig.set_size_inches( ( size, size) )
+    print(num_chans)
+    size = num_chans / 5.0
+    print("size %(size)s" % locals())
+    fig.set_size_inches((size, size))
     fig.savefig("test.png", dpi=(dpi))
-    fig.savefig("test.pdf", dpi =(dpi))
+    fig.savefig("test.pdf", dpi=(dpi))
+    plt.close()
 def web_plot(syncstr=None):
     '''Returns a plot for web viewing. called from view'''
@@ -1604,92 +1787,103 @@ def web_plot(syncstr=None):
     insync = Sync()
-    ms_sums = [insync.mk_sum_dict(0),]
-    import matplotlib
-    matplotlib.use("Agg")
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
+    ms_sums = [insync.mk_sum_dict(0)]
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
     fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
+    if False:
+        assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
+    # First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
     master_keys = list()
     for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums):
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
+    # uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
     master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(list(zip(master_keys,list(range(len(master_keys))))))
-    #ms_sums next
+    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys, range(len(master_keys))))
+    # ms_sums next
     for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  list(sum_dict.keys())
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
+        keys = sorted(sum_dict.keys())
+        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
             i = key_loc_dict[key]
             for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts)) ))
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
+                x = list(map(mdates.num2date, list(map(mdates.epoch2num, ts))))
+                ax.plot_date(x, (i, i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-',
+                             alpha=.5, color='purple')
+    # labels
     ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in list(key_loc_dict.values())])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='small')
+    ax.set_yticklabels([':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in
+                        list(key_loc_dict.keys())], size='small')
-    #plt.show()
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
-    max_pix = 32768
+    # plt.show()
+    # defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
+    # fig.set_size_inches((defaultsize[0], len(master_keys) * 1))
+    # max_pix = 32768
     dpi = 60
     num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    #print num_chans
-    size = num_chans*2.0
-    #print "size %(size)s" % locals()
-    fig.set_size_inches( ( size*10, size) )
-    import io
+    # print(num_chans)
+    size = num_chans * 2.0
+    # print("size %(size)s" % locals())
+    fig.set_size_inches((size * 10, size))
     memfile = io.StringIO()
     fig.savefig(memfile, dpi=(dpi))
+    plt.close()
     return memfile.getvalue()
 def format_day_granularity(ts):
     '''Returns a formated string for a time span with year and julian day'''
     start = gmtime(ts[0])
     end = gmtime(ts[1])
-    return '\t%0.4d:%0.3d        %0.4d:%0.3d' % ( start.tm_year, start.tm_yday, end.tm_year, end.tm_yday)
+    return '\t%0.4d:%0.3d        %0.4d:%0.3d' % (start.tm_year, start.tm_yday,
+                                                 end.tm_year, end.tm_yday)
 def format_second_granularity(ts):
     start = gmtime(ts[0])
     end = gmtime(ts[1])
-    s1 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (start.tm_year, start.tm_yday, start.tm_hour, start.tm_min, start.tm_sec )
-    s2 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (end.tm_year, end.tm_yday, end.tm_hour, end.tm_min, end.tm_sec )
+    s1 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (start.tm_year, start.tm_yday,
+                                            start.tm_hour, start.tm_min,
+                                            start.tm_sec)
+    s2 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (end.tm_year, end.tm_yday,
+                                            end.tm_hour, end.tm_min,
+                                            end.tm_sec)
     return '\t%s        %s' % (s1, s2)
-def split_and_write( filename, fh, max_size = 3 * 50 * 1024**2):
-    '''Takes a fh: file or stream and writes max_lines size files
-    returns list of filenames'''
+def split_and_write(filename, fh, max_size=3 * 50 * 1024 ** 2):
+    '''
+    Takes a fh: file or stream and writes max_lines size files
+    returns list of filenames
+    '''
     assert isinstance(fh, file)
     filenum = 0
     currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
     fileswritten = [currentfile]
-    outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
+    outfh = io.open(currentfile, 'w')
     while True:
         line = fh.readline()
-        #EOF
+        # EOF
         if line == '':
         sta = line.split('|')[STA]
-        while sta == line.split('|')[STA] :
+        while sta == line.split('|')[STA]:
             line = fh.readline()
         if line == '':
-        filenum  += 1
+        filenum += 1
         currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-        outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
+        outfh = io.open(currentfile, 'w')
     return fileswritten
-### END of synclib
+# END of synclib
 def main():
     ms_syncs, dl_syncs = get_command_args()
     root = Tk()
@@ -1698,5 +1892,6 @@ def main():
     cp = CoverPlot(root, ms_syncs, dl_syncs)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/coverplot/synclib.py b/coverplot/synclib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e1caf0e4ef9bfe34f4c5f16d3e4e3a0f349c26e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/coverplot/synclib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1131 +0,0 @@
-synclib.py :: All things related to dmc sync files
-references http://www.iris.washington.edu/SeismiQuery/goat/syncformat.html
---Lloyd Carothers
-VERSION = "2013.022"
-import re
-import os.path
-import sys
-from math import ceil
-import itertools
-from time import localtime, mktime, strptime, gmtime, strftime
-from calendar import timegm
-import subprocess
-#Log crushing tolerance 1/2 a day
-LOGTOLERANCE = 60*60*24/2
-#define sync fields
-NET = 0     #Network
-STA = 1     #Station
-LOC = 2     #Location
-CHAN = 3    #Channel
-ST = 4      #Start time
-ET = 5      #End time
-MCD = 6     #Max clock drift
-SR = 7      #Sample rate
-NS = 8      #Number of samples
-CF = 9      #Channel flag
-SV = 10     #Station volume
-TN = 11     #DCC tape number
-VN = 12     #DMC volume number
-COM = 13    #Comment
-DLMDMC = 14 #Date line modified by DMC
-DLMDCC = 15 #Date line modified by DCC
-#define time fields
-YEAR = 0
-DAY = 1
-HOUR = 2
-MIN = 3
-SEC = 4
-#indexes for keys
-kNET = 0
-kSTA = 1
-kLOC = 2
-kCHAN = 3
-kSR = 4
-#indexes for keys with date
-kdNET = 0
-kdSTA = 1
-kdLOC = 2
-kdCHAN = 3
-kdST = 4
-kdSR = 5
-class Sync (object):
-    '''
-    syncfile object
-    can be read, altered and writen out
-    subclassed list:
-        list of tuplesc
-    dl_times
-    functions that end in _dlt are for using dl_times output to create a sync output
-    dl_times has not sample rate so comparisons and keys don't use it
-    '''
-    STP = '%Y,%j,%H:%M:%S'
-    def __init__(self, string=None):
-        #list of self is a list of tuples of sync fields
-        self.slist = None
-        #can be called with a string that will populate self
-        if string is not None:
-            self.read_string(string)
-        # epochdict can be made once and reused
-        self.epochdict = None
-        self.epochdict_dlt = None
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        #are the types the same
-        if type(self) is type(other):
-            #are the lengths of the list the same
-            if len(self. slist) != len(other.slist):
-                return False
-            #is each line the same
-            for index, line in enumerate(self.slist):
-                if line[:6] != other.slist[index][:6]:
-                    return False
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def show_head(self):
-        for line in self.slist[:30]:
-            print line
-    def populate(self, iterable):
-        #iteralble should give a string line on .next()
-        #print "\tReading"
-        self.slist = [ t for t in (line.strip().split('|') for line in iterable) if len(t)>=16 ]
-    def populate_dlt(self, iterable, net):
-        '''Populate from dl_times output, NOT a DatalessSEED volume'''
-        self.slist = list()
-        sta = None
-        #line is either STA: or {wspace}CHAN:LOC {wspace} start_time {wspace} end_time
-        for line in iterable:
-            if len(line) < 1 :continue
-            assert isinstance(line, (str, unicode))
-            if not line[0].isspace():
-                #station line
-                #remove colon
-                sta = line.strip()[:-1]
-                continue
-            else:
-                #channel line
-                if sta is None:
-                    raise RuntimeError, "Channel line has no station %s" % line
-                fields = line.strip().split()
-                #gives (CHAN:LOC, start, end)
-                #channel and loc
-                #gives (chan, loc) loc may be ''
-                chan, loc = fields[0].split(':')
-                #start and end times, remove fraction of second
-                st = fields[1].split('.')[0]
-                et = fields[2].split('.')[0]
-                self.slist.append( [net, sta, loc, chan, st, et] )
-    def sort_mash(self):
-        #print "\tSorting"
-        self.slist.sort()
-        #print "\tRemoving dups"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
-        self.remove_duplicates()
-        #print "\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tMashing non_wf"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
-        self.mash_nonwf()
-        #print "\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist)
-    def sort_crush(self):
-        #print "\tSorting"
-        self.slist.sort()
-        #print "\tRemoving dups"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
-        self.remove_duplicates()
-        #print "\tRemoved ", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tMashing non_wf"
-        tot = len(self.slist)
-        self.crush_nonwf()
-        #print "\tRemoved", tot - len(self.slist)
-        #print "\tLines Remaining", len(self.slist)
-    def sort_mash_keep_dups(self):
-        self.slist.sort()
-        self.mash_nonwf()
-    def read_file(self, filename):
-        #print "Using", filename
-        infh = open(filename, 'r')
-        self.populate(infh)
-        infh.close()
-    def read_dl_file(self, filename):
-        '''Read a datalessSEED volume NOT a dl_times output
-        This means we can get the sample rate and network code, 2 things which dl_times drops'''
-        #These are the SEED packet that print in the beginning of rdseeds output grepping boost performance significantly
-        PACKETS = ( "B050F03", "B052F03", "B052F04", "B052F22", "B052F23", "B052F18", "B050F16" )
-        rdseed_args = ["rdseed", '-s', '-f', filename]
-        grep_args = ["grep", "-E", '|'.join(PACKETS)]
-        #print os.environ['PATH']
-        try:
-            process1 = subprocess.Popen(rdseed_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-            process2 = subprocess.Popen(grep_args, stdin=process1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        except OSError, e:
-            sys.stderr.write("Error: Could not run rdseed\n%s\n" % e)
-            sys.exit(-1)
-        out, err = process2.communicate()
-        if process2.returncode != 0:
-            sys.stderr.write("Could not run rdseed: %s\n" % args)
-            sys.exit(-1)
-        self.slist = list()
-        #sentinel for channels that have no end times
-        null_end_time = False
-        for line in out.splitlines():
-            if re.match('B050F03', line):
-                #Station Code:
-                sta = line.split()[3]
-                continue
-            if re.match('B050F16', line):
-                #Network Code
-                net = line.split()[3]
-                continue
-            if re.match('B052F04', line):
-                #Channel:
-                chan = line.split()[2]
-                continue
-            if re.match('B052F03', line):
-                #Location:
-                words = line.split()
-                if len(words) >2:
-                    loc = line.split()[2]
-                else:
-                    loc = ''
-                continue
-            if re.match('B052F18', line):
-                #Sample rate:
-                sr = line.split()[3]
-                continue
-            if re.match('B052F22', line):
-                #Start date:
-                start = line.split()[3]
-                continue
-            if re.match('B052F23', line):
-                #End date:
-                end = line.split()[3]
-                if end == "(null)":
-                    sys.stderr.write("No end time for %(net)s.%(sta)s.%(loc)s.%(chan)s.%(start)s\n" % locals() )
-                    null_end_time = True
-                self.slist.append( [net, sta, loc, chan, start, end, '', sr, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ])
-        #print len(self.slist)
-        #exit if any channels do no contain end times
-        if  null_end_time:
-            sys.stderr.write("Exiting since some stations have no end time...\n")
-            #should return false for automated flow system
-            #caller can exit it needs
-            #sys.exit(2)
-            return False
-    def read_stdin(self):
-        #print "Using stdin"
-        infh = sys.stdin
-        self.populate(infh)
-    def read_string(self, str):
-        it = (line for line in str.split('\n'))
-        self.populate(it)
-    def read_string_dlt(self, str, netcode):
-        it = (line for line in str.split('\n'))
-        self.populate_dlt(it, netcode)
-    def read_stream(self, stream):
-        self.populate(stream)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '\n'.join(['|'.join(line) for line in self.slist])
-    def line2str(self, line):
-        return  '|'.join(line)
-    def write(self, outfh):
-        for line in self.slist:
-            outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
-    def write_file(self, filename):
-        outfh = open(filename, 'w')
-        self.write(outfh)
-        outfh.close()
-    def write_files_split(self, filename, max_lines= 500000):
-        #doesn't work!! out of memory building inital sync use synclib.split_and_write
-        '''With large syncs processes can run out of memory i.e. confirming
-        returns list of filenames that have been written too
-        '''
-        filenum = 0
-        start = 0
-        end = max_lines
-        currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-        fileswritten = [currentfile]
-        outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
-        while True:
-            for line in self.slist[start:end]:
-                outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
-            laststa = self.get_sncl(line)[1]
-            try:
-                line = self.slist[end]
-            except:
-                break
-            while  self.get_sncl(line)[1] == laststa:
-                outfh.write('|'.join(line) + '\n')
-                end += 1
-                line = self.slist[end]
-            outfh.close()
-            start = end
-            end = start + max_lines
-            filenum += 1
-            currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-            fileswritten.append(currentfile)
-            outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
-        outfh.close()
-        return fileswritten
-    def write_stdout(self):
-        self.write(sys.stdout)
-    def print_ms_summary(self, tolerance = 86400):
-        self.sort_mash()
-        if tolerance >= 129600:
-            format_ts = format_day_granularity
-        else:
-            format_ts = format_second_granularity
-        sum_dict = self.mk_sum_dict(tolerance)
-        keys = sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            print "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4])
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print format_ts(ts)
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_sncl(line):
-        '''Note not sncl but
-        net, sta, chan, loc, year, day
-        for comparing to filenames
-        '''
-        #print self.slist
-        #line = self.slist[0]
-        date = line[ST].split(',')
-        year = int(date[YEAR])
-        day = int(date[DAY])
-        return line[NET], line[STA], line[CHAN], line[LOC], year, day
-    def iter_sncl(self):
-        ''' returns an iterater of all sncls 1 for each sync line'''
-        return itertools.imap(self.get_sncl, self.slist)
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_today():
-        lt = localtime()
-        return "%d,%d" % (lt.tm_year, lt.tm_yday)
-    def keyer(self, line):
-        '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan
-        STA, CHAN, LOC, SR
-        '''
-        return tuple( line[:4] + [str(float(line[SR]))] )
-    def keyer_by_sta(self, line):
-        '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta
-        STA
-        '''
-        return line[STA]
-    def keyer_dlt(self, line):
-        '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan NO SR
-        STA, CHAN, LOC
-        '''
-        return tuple( line[:4] )
-    def keyer_with_day(self, line):
-        '''returns a key for grouping synclines by sta loc chan day
-        STA, CHAN, LOC, "(start)YEAR,DAY", SR
-        '''
-        sy, sd, st = line[ST].split(',')
-        return tuple( line[:4] + ["%s,%s" %(sy,sd) ,str(float(line[SR]))] )
-    def mk_group(self):
-        '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer)
-    def mk_sta_group(self):
-        '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed for all channels in station'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_by_sta)
-    def mk_group_dlt(self):
-        '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_dlt)
-    def mk_group_with_day(self):
-        '''Returns and itertools grouby with keyer keyed'''
-        return itertools.groupby( self.slist , self.keyer_with_day)
-    def mk_dict(self):
-        '''returns a dict of {key:[syncline, syncline],..}
-        in the same for as the mk_group above'''
-        return dict( ( (k, list(g)) for k,g in self.mk_group()) )
-    #speed testing
-    def mk_epochdict_old(self):
-        d = dict()
-        for key, group in self.mk_group():
-            if d.has_key(key):
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
-            else:
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
-        return d
-    def mk_epochdict(self):
-        d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
-        dget = d.get
-        for key, group in self.mk_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
-        return d
-    def mk_store_epochdict(self):
-        ''' Creates an epochdict as above but stores it in self.epochdict for reuse.
-        Created for confirming may files agains 1 dmc sync. '''
-        d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
-        dget = d.get
-        for key, group in self.mk_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
-        self.epochdict = d
-    def mk_sta_epochdict_old(self):
-        d = dict()
-        for key, group in self.mk_sta_group():
-            if d.has_key(key):
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
-            else:
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
-        return d
-    def mk_sta_epochdict(self):
-        d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
-        dget = d.get
-        for key, group in self.mk_sta_group():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
-        return d
-    def mk_epochdict_dlt_old(self):
-        d = dict()
-        for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            #print key, group
-            if d.has_key(key):
-                d[key].extend( [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group] )
-            #update
-            else:
-                d[key] = [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group ]
-        return d
-    def mk_epochdict_dlt(self):
-        d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
-        dget = d.get
-        for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
-        return d
-    def mk_store_epochdict_dlt(self):
-        d = dict()
-        #make a local copy for speed up dget
-        dget = d.get
-        for key, group in self.mk_group_dlt():
-            d[key] = dget(key, list()) + [ self.list2epochs(line) for line in group]
-        self.epochdict_dlt = d
-    def mk_sum_dict(self, tolerance, gap_dict=None, earlylate=None):
-        '''returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps less than tolerance are merged
-        sorting and mashing should be done before calling!
-        if gapdict is given it will be populated with gaps same format as the returned summary dict
-        if earliest is given it will be updated with the earliest start time seen or earliest provided, likewise
-        for latest'''
-        if earlylate is None:
-            earlylate = [ 0,0]
-        earliest, latest = earlylate
-        epochdict = self.mk_epochdict()
-        if not isinstance(gap_dict, dict) :
-            gap_dict = dict()
-        keys = epochdict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            tslist = epochdict[key]
-            gaplist = list()
-            self.merge_tslist(tslist, tolerance, gaplist=gaplist)
-            epochdict[key] = tslist
-            gap_dict[key] = gaplist
-            earliest = min(tslist[0][0], earliest or sys.maxint)
-            latest = max(tslist[-1][-1], latest or 0)
-        earlylate[:] = [earliest, latest]
-        return epochdict
-    def mk_sta_sum_dict(self, tolerance):
-        '''returns a dict similar to mk epoch dict where timspans with a gaps less than tolerance are merged
-        sorting and mashing should be done before calling!'''
-        epochdict = self.mk_sta_epochdict()
-        keys = epochdict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            tslist = epochdict[key]
-            self.merge_tslist(tslist, tolerance)
-            epochdict[key] = tslist
-        return epochdict
-    def list2epochs(self, list):
-        '''from a syncline returns tuple [start, end] time as epochs'''
-        return ( self.synctime2epoch(list[ST]) , self.synctime2epoch(list[ET]) )
-    def synctime2epoch(self, s):
-        '''returns epoch time from string s which is of the format
-        YYYY,JJJ,HH:MM:SS or
-        YYYY,JJJ,HH:MM:SS.ssss
-        '''
-        #print s
-        #return int(mktime(strptime(s.split('.')[0],Sync.STP)))
-        return int(timegm(strptime(s.split('.')[0],Sync.STP)))
-    @staticmethod
-    def epoch2string(epoch):
-        FMT = '%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S'
-        subsec = ('%0.4f' % (epoch % 1.0) )[1:]
-        timestring = strftime(FMT,  gmtime(epoch)) + subsec
-        return timestring
-    def merge_tslist(self, tslist, m=1, gaplist=None):
-        '''merges tslist to a tslist of overlapping time spans with margin m.
-        operateds on tslist in place, no return
-        if gaplist is supplied a list of tuple epochs of gaps is populated'''
-        tslist.sort()
-        i = 0
-        while i+1 < len(tslist):
-            #theres and overlap with margin
-            #merge
-            if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i+1][0]:
-                #merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of end time
-                tslist[i] = ( tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][1]) )
-                del tslist[i+1]
-            #No overlap with margin == gap record it
-            else:
-                if isinstance(gaplist, list):
-                    gaplist.append( ( tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][0] ) )
-                i += 1
-    def contains(self, ts, tslist):
-        '''is ts in tslist?
-        ts= time span; tuple of epochs
-        tslist list of time spans; List of tuples of epochs
-        '''
-        m = self.m
-        self.merge_tslist(tslist, m)
-        #first sort the list
-        #tslist.sort()
-        ##Merge overlaping timespans with margin
-        #i = 0
-        #while i+1 < len(tslist):
-            ##theres and overlap with margin
-            #if tslist[i][1] + m >= tslist[i+1][0]:
-                ##merge the 2 with start of first(ok cuz sorted) and max of end time
-                #tslist[i] = ( tslist[i][0], max(tslist[i][1], tslist[i+1][1]) )
-                #del tslist[i+1]
-            #else:
-                #i += 1
-        #add margin to start and subtract from end
-        tsstart = ts[0] + m
-        tsend = ts[1] - m
-        #compare
-        for herets in tslist:
-            if tsstart >= herets[0] and tsend <= herets[1]:
-                #print tsstart, tsend
-                #print herets
-                return True
-        return False
-    @staticmethod
-    def overlaps(ts, tslist, margin=0):
-        '''returns true if ts overlaps with any in tslist'''
-        tslist.sort()
-        tsstart = ts[0]
-        tsend = ts[1]
-        for herets in tslist:
-            if not ( tsend - margin <= herets[0] or  herets[1] - margin <= tsstart) :
-                #overlap
-                return True
-        return False
-    def has_duplicates(self):
-        #sort first!
-        #returns true if duplicate lines i.e. exact same!
-        #return True in itertools.ifilter( lambda x: len(x) >1, itertools.groupby(self.slist) )
-        for k,g in itertools.groupby(self.slist):
-            if len( list(g) ) > 1:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def has_1SNCLSR(self):
-            # returns true if all lines are for the same SNCL-SR
-        return 1 == len(self.mk_dict())
-    def remove_duplicates(self):
-        self.slist =  [ grp[0] for grp in itertools.groupby(self.slist) ]
-    def crush_nonwf(self):
-        '''should be sorted first
-        really mashes logs from syncs :: 1 line per multiple days as long as no missing days
-        '''
-        today = self.get_today()
-        g = self.mk_group()
-        self.slist = list()
-        for key,group in g:
-            #nonwf base on sample rate
-            #convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
-            #sr =  key[kSR].split('.')[0] or 1
-            #sr = int(sr)
-            sr = ceil(float( key[kSR]))
-            if sr == 0:
-                # Non wf start crushing group
-                current = group.next()
-                current_start, current_end = self.list2epochs(current)
-                for next in group:
-                    next_start, next_end = self.list2epochs(next)
-                    if next_start - current_end < LOGTOLERANCE:
-                        #gap less than a day MERGE!
-                        current[ET] = next[ET]
-                        current[NS] = '0'
-                        current[COM] = 'Modified'
-                        current[DLMDCC] = today
-                        #update current
-                        current_end = next_end
-                    else:
-                        #Gap is larger than a day close current and reset
-                        self.slist.append(current)
-                        current = next
-                        current_start, current_end = self.list2epochs(current)
-                #group is empty write out last current
-                self.slist.append(current)
-            else:
-                # sr > 0 wf don't crush just add back
-                self.slist.extend(list(group))
-    def mash_nonwf(self):
-        '''Should be sorted first
-        mashes 1ogs 1 line per day
-        '''
-        today = self.get_today()
-        g = self.mk_group_with_day()
-        self.slist = list()
-        for key,group in g:
-            #nonwf base on sample rate
-            #convoluted for a machine with limited floating performance
-            sr =  ceil(float(key[kdSR]))
-            if sr == 0:
-                next = group.next()
-                small = next[ST]
-                large = next[ET]
-                for line in group:
-                    if small > line[ST]: small = line[ST]
-                    if large < line[ET]: large = line[ET]
-                next[ST] = small
-                next[ET] = large
-                next[NS] = '0'
-                next[COM] = "Modified"
-                next[DLMDCC] = today
-                self.slist.append( next )
-            #wf
-            else:
-                self.slist.extend(list(group))
-    def has(self, os, m=1, badlist= None):
-        '''os is other sync
-        !!!!!RETURNS TRUE IF ALL OS IS IN SYNC!!!!!!!!!!
-        returns true if ALL os is in this sync
-        m = is margin of error
-        badlist is a list of lines that failed
-        '''
-        ret = True
-        self.m = m
-        if not isinstance(badlist, list):
-            badlist = list()
-        if not isinstance(os, Sync):
-            raise "%s is not a 'Sync' type instance. Is a %s" % (os, type(os))
-        #make dict of self
-        if not self.epochdict:
-            self.mk_store_epochdict()
-        heredict = self.epochdict
-        #testdict = self.mk_dict()
-        #iterator for other
-        othergrp = os.mk_group()
-        for key,group in othergrp:
-            #print key
-            #if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
-            if not heredict.has_key(key):
-                #print "<<< NOT FOUND: No day record"
-                notfound = [self.line2str(g) for g in group]
-                #for g in notfound: print  '\t' + g
-                badlist.extend(notfound)
-                #print '\n'
-                ret = False
-                continue
-            #check each line
-            hereepochlist = heredict[key]
-            for line in group:
-                #print line
-                epochs = self.list2epochs(line)
-                #print epochs
-                #for i in hereepochlist:
-                #    print i
-                #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                #print "\n"
-                if self.contains(epochs, hereepochlist):
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    #print "<<< NOT FOUND"
-                    #print "Looking for:"
-                    #print key
-                    #print self.line2str(line)
-                    #print "not found in:"
-                    #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                    #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                    #print "\n"
-                    badlist.append(self.line2str(line))
-                    ret = False
-        return ret
-    def has_overlap(self, os, margin = 0):
-        '''
-        returns True if self and os have any overlap
-        '''
-        if not self.epochdict:
-            self.mk_store_epochdict()
-        heredict = self.epochdict
-        othergrp = os.mk_group()
-        for key, group in othergrp:
-            #if no sncl match quick fail
-            if not heredict.has_key(key):
-                #print "No SNCL", key
-                continue
-            hereepochlist = heredict[key]
-            for line in group:
-                epochs = self.list2epochs(line)
-                if self.overlaps(epochs, hereepochlist, margin):
-                    return True
-        return False
-    def has_dlt(self, os, m=1, badlist= None):
-        '''os is other sync
-        this sync is made from dl_times from a dataless file
-        so no sample rate comparisons
-        !!!!!RETURNS TRUE IF ALL OS IS IN SYNC!!!!!!!!!!
-        returns true if ALL os is in this sync
-        m = is margin of error
-        badlist is a list of lines that failed
-        '''
-        ret = True
-        self.m = m
-        if not isinstance(badlist, list):
-            badlist = list()
-        if not isinstance(os, Sync):
-            raise "%s is not a 'Sync' type instance. Is a %s" % (os, type(os))
-        #make dict of self
-        if not self.epochdict_dlt:
-            self.mk_store_epochdict_dlt()
-        heredict = self.epochdict_dlt
-        #testdict = self.mk_dict()
-        #iterator for other
-        othergrp = os.mk_group_dlt()
-        for key,group in othergrp:
-            #print key
-            #if it doesn't have the key::quick failure
-            if not heredict.has_key(key):
-                #print "<<< NOT FOUND: No day record"
-                notfound = [self.line2str(g) for g in group]
-                #for g in notfound: print  '\t' + g
-                badlist.extend(notfound)
-                #print '\n'
-                ret = False
-                continue
-            #check each line
-            hereepochlist = heredict[key]
-            for line in group:
-                #print line
-                epochs = self.list2epochs(line)
-                #print epochs
-                #for i in hereepochlist:
-                #    print i
-                #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                #print "\n"
-                if self.contains(epochs, hereepochlist):
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    #print "<<< NOT FOUND"
-                    #print "Looking for:"
-                    #print key
-                    #print self.line2str(line)
-                    #print "not found in:"
-                    #for ps in testdict[key]:
-                    #    print self.line2str(ps)
-                    #print "\n"
-                    badlist.append(self.line2str(line))
-                    ret = False
-        return ret
-def c():
-    a = [x for x in sys.argv]
-    s1 = Sync()
-    s1.read_file(a[1])
-    s1.sort_mash()
-    #s1.write_file(a[1] + ".msh")
-    s2 = Sync()
-    s2.read_file(a[2])
-    s2.sort_mash()
-    #s2.write_file(a[2] + '.msh')
-    badlist = list()
-    print s2.has(s1, m=1, badlist = badlist)
-    print badlist
-    #print s1.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')]
-    #print s2.mk_dict()[('ZO', 'HVU4', '', 'BDF', '2007', '218', '100.0')]
-def cbl():
-    a = [x for x in sys.argv]
-    s2 = Sync()
-    s2.read_file(a[2])
-    fh = open(a[1], 'r')
-    print "comparing"
-    synclines = ( Sync(l) for l in fh)
-    for s1 in synclines:
-        if not s2.has(s1):
-            print "NOT FOUND >>>"
-def mash():
-    s = Sync()
-    s.read_file(sys.argv[1])
-    s.sort_mash()
-    s.write_file(sys.argv[1] + ".mshd")
-def crush():
-    s = Sync()
-    s.read_file(sys.argv[1])
-    s.sort_crush()
-    s.write_file(sys.argv[1] + ".cshd")
-def mash_print():
-    s = Sync()
-    s.read_file(sys.argv[1])
-    s.sort_mash()
-    print str(s)
-def has_dups():
-    s = Sync()
-    s.read_file(sys.argv[1])
-    s.sort_mash_keep_dups()
-    print "File has duplicates?",  s.has_duplicates()
-def dl_times2sync():
-    s = Sync()
-    dl_file = open(sys.argv[1])
-    s.populate_dlt(dl_file, 'XA')
-    print s
-def dl_has_ms():
-    net = 'ZW'
-    badlist = list()
-    dls = Sync()
-    dl_file = open(sys.argv[1])
-    dls.populate_dlt(dl_file, net)
-    #dls.sort_mash_keep_dups()
-    print dls
-    mss = Sync()
-    ms_file = open(sys.argv[2])
-    mss.populate(ms_file)
-    mss.sort_mash()
-    print "dl has ms", dls.has_dlt(mss, badlist=badlist)
-    print "Not found", badlist
-def ds_sum():
-    '''This is the function when call from the command line.
-    summarizes a datasync similar to ds_times.
-    -t is the tolerance of a 'continious' block of data defaults to 1 day == 86400 seconds
-    '''
-    import optparse
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] datasync", version=VERSION)
-    parser.add_option('-t', '--tolerance', action='store', type='int', dest='tolerance',
-                      help='Maximum size (in seconds) of gaps to ignore',
-                      default=86400  )
-    parser.add_option('-m', '--ms', action='append',
-                      help= 'MiniSEED sync file' )
-    parser.add_option('-d', '--dl', action='append',
-                      help = 'DatalessSEED file. If given will be compared with MSEED sync given, and a summary of the MSEED sync will not be produced.' )
-    parser.add_option('-p', '--plot', action='store_true',
-                      help = 'Plot summaries' )
-    parser.add_option('-s', '--station',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot only stations matching STATION.')
-    parser.add_option('-c', '--channel',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot only channels matching CHANNEL.')
-    parser.add_option('-C', '--excludechannel',  action="append",
-                      help = 'Plot all channels excluding CHANNEL.')
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    print options
-    print args
-    tolerance = options.tolerance
-    if tolerance >= 129600:
-        format_ts = format_day_granularity
-    else:
-        format_ts = format_second_granularity
-    dl_sums = list()
-    ms_sums = list()
-    for dl in options.dl or ():
-        '''Dataless sync given: compare'''
-        '''tolerance command line arg is not used for dataless, always use zero and print day gran'''
-        dl_sync = Sync()
-        dl_sync.read_dl_file(dl)
-        sum_dict = dl_sync.mk_sum_dict(0)
-        dl_sums.append(sum_dict)
-        keys = sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            #this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums probably a Sync class method to filter
-            if options.excludechannel:
-                if key[CHAN] in options.excludechannel :
-                    continue
-            if options.channel:
-                if key[CHAN] not in  options.channel:
-                    continue
-            if options.station:
-                if key[STA] not in options.station:
-                    continue
-            print "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4])
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print format_ts(ts)
-    for ms in options.ms or ():
-        '''no dataless sync given: produce summary'''
-        insync = Sync()
-        insync.read_file(ms)
-        sum_dict = insync.mk_sum_dict(tolerance)
-        ms_sums.append(sum_dict)
-        keys = sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for key in keys:
-            #this works but wont work for plot needs to come out of dl_sums probably a Sync class method to filter
-            if options.excludechannel:
-                if key[CHAN] in options.excludechannel :
-                    continue
-            if options.channel:
-                if key[CHAN] not in options.channel:
-                    continue
-            if options.station:
-                if key[STA] not in options.station:
-                    continue
-            print "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3], key[4])
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                print format_ts(ts)
-    if options.plot:
-        #plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
-        plot_big_detailed(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
-        #plot_sums(ms_sums=ms_sums, dl_sums=dl_sums)
-def plot_exp_sum(ms_sums=None, dl_sums= None):
-    '''Plots all summaries with 1 line per station'''
-    if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-        return
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, matplotlib.pyplot.figure)
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
-    master_keys = list()
-    for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-        master_keys.extend(sums.keys())
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
-    master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys,range(len(master_keys))))
-def plot_sums(ms_sums=None, dl_sums=None):
-    '''plots  all dl_sums and ms_sums
-    sums are an iterable (list or tuple) of sum_dicts'''
-    if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-        return
-    import matplotlib
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
-    master_keys = list()
-    for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-        master_keys.extend(sums.keys())
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
-    master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys,range(len(master_keys))))
-    print "plotting dl_sums"
-    for sum_dict in dl_sums:
-        keys =  sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
-            i = key_loc_dict[key]
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = map(mdates.num2date, map(mdates.epoch2num, ts) )
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-', alpha=.8, color='orange')
-    #ms_sums next
-    print "plotting ms_sums"
-    for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
-            i = key_loc_dict[key]
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = map(mdates.num2date, map(mdates.epoch2num, ts) )
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
-    ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in key_loc_dict.values()])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in key_loc_dict.keys()], size='x-small')
-    ax.grid(False)
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
-    plt.show()
-    #max_pix = 32768
-    #dpi = 100
-    #num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    #print num_chans
-    #size = num_chans/5.0
-    #print "size %(size)s" % locals()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( ( size, size) )
-    #fig.savefig("test.png", dpi=(dpi))
-def plot_big_detailed(ms_sums=None, dl_sums=None):
-    '''plots  all dl_sums and ms_sums
-    sums are an iterable (list or tuple) of sum_dicts'''
-    if not (ms_sums or dl_sums):
-        return
-    import matplotlib
-    matplotlib.use("Agg")
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
-    master_keys = list()
-    for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums, dl_sums):
-        master_keys.extend(sums.keys())
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
-    master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys,range(len(master_keys))))
-    print "plotting dl_sums"
-    for sum_dict in dl_sums:
-        keys =  sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
-            i = key_loc_dict[key]
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = map(mdates.num2date, map(mdates.epoch2num, ts) )
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=6, ls='-', alpha=.8, color='orange')
-    #ms_sums next
-    print "plotting ms_sums"
-    for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
-            i = key_loc_dict[key]
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = map(mdates.num2date, map(mdates.epoch2num, ts) )
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
-    ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in key_loc_dict.values()])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in key_loc_dict.keys()], size='xx-small')
-    ax.grid(False)
-    #plt.show()
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
-    max_pix = 32768
-    dpi = 50
-    num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    print num_chans
-    size = num_chans/5.0
-    print "size %(size)s" % locals()
-    fig.set_size_inches( ( size, size) )
-    fig.savefig("test.png", dpi=(dpi))
-    fig.savefig("test.pdf", dpi =(dpi))
-def web_plot(syncstr=None):
-    '''Returns a plot for web viewing. called from view'''
-    if not syncstr:
-        return
-    insync = Sync()
-    insync.read_string(syncstr)
-    ms_sums = [insync.mk_sum_dict(0),]
-    import matplotlib
-    matplotlib.use("Agg")
-    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
-    if False: assert isinstance(plt, matplotlib.pyplot)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    if False: assert isinstance(fig, plt.figure)
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    #First build a comprehensive set of channel keys
-    master_keys = list()
-    for sums in itertools.chain(ms_sums):
-        master_keys.extend(sums.keys())
-    #uniquify the list (no dups) and sort it
-    master_keys = sorted({}.fromkeys(master_keys).keys())
-    key_loc_dict = dict(zip(master_keys,range(len(master_keys))))
-    #ms_sums next
-    for sum_dict in ms_sums:
-        keys =  sum_dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for i, key  in enumerate(keys):
-            i = key_loc_dict[key]
-            for ts in sum_dict[key]:
-                x = map(mdates.num2date, map(mdates.epoch2num, ts) )
-                ax.plot_date(x, (i,i), xdate=True, ydate=False, lw=3, ls='-', alpha=.5, color='purple')
-    #labels
-    ax.set_yticks([float(index) for index in key_loc_dict.values()])
-    ax.set_yticklabels([ ':'.join([str(x) for x in key]) for key in key_loc_dict.keys()], size='small')
-    ax.grid(False)
-    #plt.show()
-    #defaultsize = fig.get_size_inches()
-    #fig.set_size_inches( (defaultsize[0], len(master_keys)*1))
-    max_pix = 32768
-    dpi = 60
-    num_chans = len(master_keys)
-    #print num_chans
-    size = num_chans*2.0
-    #print "size %(size)s" % locals()
-    fig.set_size_inches( ( size*10, size) )
-    import StringIO
-    memfile = StringIO.StringIO()
-    fig.savefig(memfile, dpi=(dpi))
-    return memfile.getvalue()
-def format_day_granularity(ts):
-    '''Returns a formated string for a time span with year and julian day'''
-    start = gmtime(ts[0])
-    end = gmtime(ts[1])
-    return '\t%0.4d:%0.3d        %0.4d:%0.3d' % ( start.tm_year, start.tm_yday, end.tm_year, end.tm_yday)
-def format_second_granularity(ts):
-    start = gmtime(ts[0])
-    end = gmtime(ts[1])
-    s1 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (start.tm_year, start.tm_yday, start.tm_hour, start.tm_min, start.tm_sec )
-    s2 = "%0.4d:%0.3d:%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d" % (end.tm_year, end.tm_yday, end.tm_hour, end.tm_min, end.tm_sec )
-    return '\t%s        %s' % (s1, s2)
-def split_and_write( filename, fh, max_size = 3 * 50 * 1024**2):
-    '''Takes a fh: file or stream and writes max_lines size files
-    returns list of filenames'''
-    assert isinstance(fh, file)
-    filenum = 0
-    currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-    fileswritten = [currentfile]
-    outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
-    while True:
-        outfh.writelines(fh.readlines(max_size))
-        line = fh.readline()
-        #EOF
-        if line == '':
-            break
-        sta = line.split('|')[STA]
-        while sta == line.split('|')[STA] :
-            outfh.write(line)
-            line = fh.readline()
-        if line == '':
-            break
-        outfh.close()
-        filenum  += 1
-        currentfile = filename + '.%d' % filenum
-        fileswritten.append(currentfile)
-        outfh = open(currentfile, 'w')
-        outfh.write(line)
-    outfh.close()
-    return fileswritten
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 83afd8505fe5bf031301d30b4528985a0914f42c..a4865ce0bc71406337a38f46bb13529ec16120d4 100755
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
 master_doc = 'index'
 # General information about the project.
-project = u'coverplot'
-copyright = u"2018, Lloyd Carothers"
-author = u"Lloyd Carothers"
+project = 'coverplot'
+copyright = "2018, Lloyd Carothers"
+author = "Lloyd Carothers"
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement
 # for |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ latex_elements = {
 # [howto, manual, or own class]).
 latex_documents = [
     (master_doc, 'coverplot.tex',
-     u'coverplot Documentation',
-     u'IRIS PASSCAL', 'manual'),
+     'coverplot Documentation',
+     'IRIS PASSCAL', 'manual'),
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ latex_documents = [
 # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
 man_pages = [
     (master_doc, 'coverplot',
-     u'coverplot Documentation',
+     'coverplot Documentation',
      [author], 1)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ man_pages = [
 #  dir menu entry, description, category)
 texinfo_documents = [
     (master_doc, 'coverplot',
-     u'coverplot Documentation',
+     'coverplot Documentation',
      'One line description of project.',
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 113fa91aef276dfa3ffcd9d72b5202570aab4355..3e16c9aa4de92883ce48eebabea3688a4ead6f10 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,22 +1,5 @@
-current_version = 2018.228
-commit = True
-tag = True
-search = version='{current_version}'
-replace = version='{new_version}'
-search = __version__ = '{current_version}'
-replace = __version__ = '{new_version}'
-universal = 1
 exclude = docs
 # Define setup.py command aliases here
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 5eee18f6f87f8dbb70df0f0556f87fd4d9cc7fe0..1b755ab3ddef7f12ccb6bc036905a63ba9c7e7d4 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
 """The setup script."""
+import io
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-with open('README.rst') as readme_file:
+with io.open('README.rst', 'rt') as readme_file:
     readme = readme_file.read()
-with open('HISTORY.rst') as history_file:
+with io.open('HISTORY.rst', 'rt') as history_file:
     history = history_file.read()
@@ -20,7 +22,9 @@ setup(
         'Intended Audience :: Developers',
         'License :: OSI Approved ::  GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)',
         'Natural Language :: English',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
     description="Plot time coverage of a dataless.",
@@ -28,19 +32,12 @@ setup(
-    install_requires=[],
-    setup_requires = [],
+    install_requires=['matplotlib'],
+    setup_requires=[],
         'dev': [
-            'pip',
-            'bumpversion',
-            'wheel',
-            'watchdog',
-            'tox',
-            'coverage',
-            'Sphinx',
-            'twine',
+            'tox'
     license="GNU General Public License v3",
@@ -49,8 +46,7 @@ setup(
-    test_suite='tests',
-    version='2018.228',
+    version='2020.191',
diff --git a/tests/test_coverplot.py b/tests/test_coverplot.py
index c13ee5e1bcc8f05eb52eb19376ac4d343188357f..a7e70723259503e49d0905db38dc51962420ca25 100644
--- a/tests/test_coverplot.py
+++ b/tests/test_coverplot.py
@@ -3,26 +3,43 @@
 """Tests for `coverplot` package."""
+import argparse
+import os
 import unittest
-import sys
-    import coverplot
-except ImportError:
-     pass
+from unittest.mock import patch
+from coverplot.coverplot import get_command_args
-class TestCoverplot(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for `coverplot` package."""
+MS = ['tests/test.sync']
+DL = ['tests/1B.13.AAA.20181231031.dataless']
-    def setUp(self):
-        """Set up test fixtures, if any."""
+if os.path.isfile('test.sync.crshd'):
+    os.remove('test.sync.crshd')
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """Tear down test fixtures, if any."""
-    def test_import(self):
-        if 'coverplot' in sys.modules:
-            self.assert_(True, "coverplot loaded")
-        else:
-            self.fail()
+class TestCoverplot(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for `coverplot` package."""
+    @patch('argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args', autospec=True)
+    def test_get_command_args(self, mock_parser):
+        """Test basic functionality of get_command_args"""
+        mock_parser.return_value = argparse.Namespace(ms=[], dl=[])
+        res = get_command_args()
+        self.assertEqual(len(res[0]), 0,
+                         "Error! No mseed file should have been read!")
+        self.assertEqual(len(res[1]), 0,
+                         "Error! No datalass file should have been read!")
+        mock_parser.return_value = argparse.Namespace(ms=MS, dl=[])
+        res = get_command_args()
+        self.assertEqual(len(res[0]), 1,
+                         "No crushed sync written. get_command_args() failed!")
+        self.assertEqual(len(res[1]), 0,
+                         "Error! No datalass file should have been read!")
+        self.assertIn('test.sync.crshd', os.listdir('tests'),
+                      "Crushing nonwf channels failed!")
+        mock_parser.return_value = argparse.Namespace(ms=MS, dl=DL)
+        res = get_command_args()
+        self.assertEqual(len(res[1]), 1, "Error! No datalass file read!")
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 98696134996ac5866a78e2589f200d3c9c2c9e1e..f5ef307fbebdbd996a1cb725b6132e052497f715 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
-envlist = py27, py36 flake8
-python =
-    2.7: py27
-    3.6: py36
+envlist = py36, py37, py38, flake8
 basepython = python
 deps = flake8
-commands = flake8 coverplot
+commands = flake8 --ignore=F405,F403 coverplot
+           flake8 tests
-setenv =
-    PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
-commands=python setup.py test
+commands = python -m unittest