From 85349673305b942d7ce3714c942981a2d07d6e27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derick Hess <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:07:02 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Update

 bline/ | 227 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 161 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bline/ b/bline/
index 7a75f8e..0115ed9 100755
--- a/bline/
+++ b/bline/
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
 # By: Bob Greschke
 # Started: 2016.105
 #   Baler Offloading Program
-from __future__ import print_function
 from sys import argv, exit, platform, stdout
 PROGSystem = platform[:3].lower()
 PROG_NAMELC = "bline"
-PROG_VERSION = "2018.232"
+PROG_VERSION = "2017.020"
 PROG_LONGNAME = "Command Line Baler Offload Program"
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == "-i":
 if len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == "-U":
     ArgUCheck = True
 elif len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == "-UD":
-    ArgUDown = True
+    ArgUDown = True    
     if len(argv) == 1 or argv[1] == "-h":
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ offloading of everything on the baler you just enter\n\
 address> is the address you assigned to the baler using BaleAddr. The\n\
 offloading should start. A sub-directory like 6003.sdr will be created\n\
 and the data files from the baler will be in there. The file\n\
-6003log.txt will be created in the directory where you started the\n\
+6003.msg will be created in the directory where you started the\n\
 program from. It will have a copy of the messages that get written to\n\
-the treminal window as the program is working. There will be a\n\
+the terminal window as the program is working. There will be a\n\
 6003files.txt. This will just be a list of all of the data files that\n\
 were found on the baler.\n\
@@ -266,13 +266,13 @@ Not supplying any file list is the same as using \"*\".\n"
 # You don't have to supply the file(s) list.
             x = argv[3]
-            for I in range(3, len(argv)):
+            for I in xrange(3, len(argv)):
         except IndexError:
         IPAddr = argv[2]
-        for Index in range(3, len(argv)):
+        for Index in xrange(3, len(argv)):
             Arg = argv[Index]
             if Arg == "-c":
                 ArgCheck = True
@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@ Not supplying any file list is the same as using \"*\".\n"
             if Arg == "-E":
                 ArgSkip = True
-                for I in range(Index+1, len(argv)):
+                for I in xrange(Index+1, len(argv)):
             if Arg == "-F":
                 ArgSpec = True
-                for I in range(Index+1, len(argv)):
+                for I in xrange(Index+1, len(argv)):
             stdout.write("What??: '%s'\n\n"%Arg)
@@ -332,11 +332,17 @@ from struct import unpack
 # For putting Python 3 support in.
 from sys import version_info
 PROG_PYVERSION = "%d.%d.%d"%(version_info[0], version_info[1], version_info[2])
+if version_info[0] != 2:
+    stdout.write("%s only runs on Python 2.\n"%PROG_NAME)
+    if version_info[1] < 4:
+# The isinstance(X, *tuple*) stuff requires this.
+        stdout.write("%s only runs on Python 2.4 and above.\n"%PROG_NAME)
+    exit()
 # basestring covers ASCII and Unicode str's and showed up in v2.4.
-    isinstance(PROG_NAME, str)
+    isinstance(PROG_NAME, basestring)
 except NameError:
-    str = str
+    basestring = str
 # I think float_info showed up in 2.6.
     from sys import float_info
@@ -354,12 +360,12 @@ from inspect import stack
 if PROGSystem == "dar" or PROGSystem == "lin" or PROGSystem == "sun":
     from os import getuid
 from os import makedirs, listdir, sep, umask
-from os.path import abspath, basename, exists, getsize
+from os.path import abspath, basename, exists, getsize, isdir
 from socket import setdefaulttimeout, gethostbyname, gethostname
 #setdefaulttimeout(20) for now. Seems to work better.
-#from string import rstrip, strip
+from string import rstrip, strip
 from time import gmtime, localtime, sleep, strftime, time
-from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve
+from urllib import urlopen, urlretrieve
 # All files will be created with u=rw g=rw o=rw.
@@ -401,7 +407,7 @@ def checkForUpdates(What):
         stdout.write( \
        "There was an error obtaining the version information from PASSCAL.\n")
         return 1
-    Parts = list(map(str.strip, Line.split(";")))
+    Parts = map(strip, Line.split(";"))
     Parts += (VERS_PARTS-len(Parts))*[""]
     if What == "check":
         if PROG_VERSION < Parts[VERS_VERS]:
@@ -426,7 +432,7 @@ def checkForUpdates(What):
             DLSize = 0
             Buffer =
-        except Exception as e:
+        except Exception, e:
 # The Fp's may not exist.
@@ -500,7 +506,7 @@ def fmti(Value):
         Offset = 0
     CountDigits = 0
-    for i in range(len(Value)-1, -1+Offset, -1):
+    for i in xrange(len(Value)-1, -1+Offset, -1):
         NewValue = Value[i]+NewValue
         CountDigits += 1
         if CountDigits == 3 and i != 0:
@@ -552,7 +558,7 @@ def getBalerHtm(Msg, TagID, IPAddr):
         Fp = urlopen("http://%s/baler.htm"%IPAddr)
         Lines = readFileLines(Fp, True)
-    except IOError as e:
+    except IOError, e:
         return (2, "MW", "Error getting baler.htm:\n%s\nStopped."%e, 3)
 # Set by hitting the Check button when it is already checking.
     if BState == STATE_STOP:
@@ -619,7 +625,7 @@ def getFilesHtm(Msg, TagID, IPAddr):
         Fp = urlopen("http://%s/files.htm"%IPAddr)
         Lines = readFileLines(Fp, True)
-    except IOError as e:
+    except IOError, e:
         return (1, "MW", "Error getting files.htm:\n%s\nStopped. (%s)"%(e, \
                 getGMT(3)), 3)
     if BState == STATE_STOP:
@@ -634,16 +640,15 @@ def getFilesHtm(Msg, TagID, IPAddr):
 # things. The files.htm I got from v2.26 that looks like
 #    <A http="DT000200.HHZ">DT000200.HHZ</A>
 #            16777216 bytes, from 2011-10-28 11:07:58 to 2011-10-30 00:54:16
         if Line.find("<A HREF=\"") == -1:
         Parts = Line.split()
-        if Parts[0].find("<A") == -1:
+        if Parts[0] != "<A":
 # The filename is the only thing surrounded by quotes.
         Filename = Parts[1][Parts[1].index("\"")+1:Parts[1].rindex("\"")]
 # Eliminate any IP addresses or other stuff that may get prepended to the
-# Filenames.)
+# Filenames.
         Filename = basename(Filename)
         if Parts[3] == "BYTES," and Parts[7] == "TO":
             Size = int(Parts[2])
@@ -818,14 +823,14 @@ def listSort(InList, Index, How, Direction = ""):
     if len(InList) == 0:
         return InList
     if How == "n":
-        if isinstance(InList[0], str):
+        if isinstance(InList[0], basestring):
 # Use floatt() here since we don't know if the string will be representing an
 # int or a float.
             Temp = [(floatt(Item), Item) for Item in InList]
-        elif isinstance(InList[0], (int, float)):
+        elif isinstance(InList[0], (int, long, float)):
             Temp = [(Item, Item) for Item in InList]
         elif isinstance(InList[0], (list, tuple)):
-            if isinstance(InList[0][Index], str):
+            if isinstance(InList[0][Index], basestring):
                 Temp = [(floatt(Item[Index]), Item) for Item in InList]
                 Temp = [(Item[Index], Item) for Item in InList]
@@ -850,7 +855,7 @@ def logIt(Msg):
 # also need to work with Split those up. Some messages will come
 # with (date time) at the end (again, for Strip those off.
     Lines = Msg.split("\n")
-    for Index in range(0, len(Lines)):
+    for Index in xrange(0, len(Lines)):
 # If we happen to go over UT midnight this won't be caught. I'll risk it.
             I = Lines[Index].index(" (%s "%getGMT(2))
@@ -900,8 +905,6 @@ def readFileLines(Fp, Strip = False, N = 0):
             RawLines = []
     Lines = []
-    RawLines= list(map(str,RawLines))
 # In case the file was empty.
         if RawLines[0].find("\r\n") != -1:
@@ -911,9 +914,9 @@ def readFileLines(Fp, Strip = False, N = 0):
 # clean off the ends of the lines.
             if Count == 1:
                 if Strip == False:
-                    Lines += list(map(str.rstrip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(rstrip, RawLines)
-                    Lines += list(map(str.strip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(strip, RawLines)
 # If there is more than one \r\n in the string then it could mean that all of
 # the file lines are all jammed together into one long string. In that case
 # split the line up first then add the parts to Lines, but leave off the
@@ -924,37 +927,37 @@ def readFileLines(Fp, Strip = False, N = 0):
                     if Strip == False:
                         Lines += Parts[:-1]
-                        Lines += list(map(str.strip, Parts[:-1]))
+                        Lines += map(strip, Parts[:-1])
 # Same as \r\n.
         elif RawLines[0].find("\r") != -1:
             Count = RawLines[0].count("\r")
             if Count == 1:
                 if Strip == False:
-                    Lines += list(map(str.rstrip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(rstrip, RawLines)
-                    Lines += list(map(str.strip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(strip, RawLines)
                 for Line in RawLines:
                     Parts = Line.split("\r")
                     if Strip == False:
                         Lines += Parts[:-1]
-                        Lines += list(map(str.strip, Parts[:-1]))
+                        Lines += map(strip, Parts[:-1])
 # Same as \r.
         elif RawLines[0].find("\n") != -1:
             Count = RawLines[0].count("\n")
             if Count == 1:
                 if Strip == False:
-                    Lines += list(map(str.rstrip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(rstrip, RawLines)
-                    Lines += list(map(str.strip, RawLines))
+                    Lines += map(strip, RawLines)
                 for Line in RawLines:
                     Parts = Line.split("\n")
                     if Strip == False:
                         Lines += Parts[:-1]
-                        Lines += list(map(str.strip, Parts[:-1]))
+                        Lines += map(strip, Parts[:-1])
 # What else can we do?
             Lines += RawLines
@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ def writeFilesTxt(Msg, Filesspec, Files):
                     File[FH_FROM], File[FH_TO], File[FH_SIZE]))
             FilesBytes += File[FH_SIZE]
-    except Exception as e:
+    except Exception, e:
         return (1, "MW", "Error writing file list.\n%s\nStopped. (%s)"%( e, \
                 getGMT(3)), 3)
     if BState == STATE_STOP:
@@ -1063,29 +1066,35 @@ def q330yd2md(YYYY, DOY):
 # BEGIN: checkDTFile(Filespec)
-# FUNC:checkDTFile():2017.006
+# FUNC:checkDTFile():2017.020
 #   Reads the mini-seed file block headers to see if they are corrupted.
+#   Note Ret[0] values, so the caller can keep tabs. Also the return value
+#   has the file timerange added to the end.
 def checkDTFile(Filespec):
     Iam = stack()[0][3]
 # Keep a list of station IDs that we come across. Should be just one.
     StationIDs = []
 # Keep a list of the channel names we find (should be just one for balers).
     Channels = []
+# The caller should be smater than this...but maybe not.
+    if isdir(Filespec):
+        return (8, "RW", "File %s is a directory."%basename(Filespec), 2, "", \
+                "")
         Fp = open(Filespec, "rb")
-    except Exception as e:
-        return (1, "MW", str(e).strip(), 3)
+    except Exception, e:
+        return (1, "MW", str(e).strip(), 3, "", "")
 # Determine the record size of the seed/miniseed file. This will chew up a
 # little time, but different systems (like Nanometrics) uses different record
 # sizes for different files for different sample rates. The balers may always
 # be the same size, but you never know.
     RecordSize = 0
-    for i in range(0, 17):
+    for i in xrange(0, 17):
         Record =
 # If the file is too small to determine it's record size then just go on.
         if len(Record) < 256:
-            return (1, "RW", "File too small.", 2)
+            return (2, "RW", "File too small.", 2, "", "")
         if i == 0:
             StaID = Record[8:13]
@@ -1103,7 +1112,7 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
     if RecordSize == 0:
-        return (1, "MW", "Could not determine record size.", 3)
+        return (3, "MW", "Could not determine record size.", 3, "", "")
 # Read the file in 10 record chunks to make it faster.
     RecordsSize = RecordSize*10
@@ -1112,13 +1121,13 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
     LastTime = ""
 # Some may use this for messages.
     NoOfRecords = int(getsize(Filespec)/RecordSize)
-    while True:
+    while 1:
         Records =
 # We're done with this file.
         if len(Records) == 0:
         RecordsRead += 10
-        for i in range(0, 10):
+        for i in xrange(0, 10):
             Ptr = RecordSize*i
             Record = Records[Ptr:Ptr+RecordSize]
 # Need another set of Records.
@@ -1138,9 +1147,10 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
                 Chans = list2Str(Channels)
                 if len(Chans) > 12:
                     Chans = Chans[:12]+"..."
-                return (1, "YB", \
+                return (4, "YB", \
         "FILE ENDS EMPTY. Times: %s to %s\n   Recs: %d  Stas: %s  Chans: %s"% \
-                     (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 2)
+                     (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 2, \
+                     FirstTime, LastTime)
             if ChanID not in Channels:
             StaID = Record[8:13].strip()
@@ -1156,7 +1166,7 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
                 LastTime = DateTime
     if RecordsRead == 0:
-        return (0, "YB", "NO DATA.", 2)
+        return (5, "YB", "NO DATA.", 2, "", "")
 # Same as above.
     Stas = list2Str(StationIDs)
     if len(Stas) > 12:
@@ -1165,17 +1175,20 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
     if len(Chans) > 12:
         Chans = Chans[:12]+"..."
     if len(StationIDs) > 1:
-        return (1, "MB", \
+        return (6, "MB", \
       "MULTIPLE STATIONS. Times: %s to %s\n   Recs: %d  Stas: %s  Chans: %s"% \
-                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 3)
+                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 3, \
+                FirstTime, LastTime)
     elif len(Channels) > 1:
-        return (1, "MB", \
+        return (7, "MB", \
       "MULTIPLE CHANNELS. Times: %s to %s\n   Recs: %d  Stas: %s  Chans: %s"% \
-                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 3)
+                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 3, \
+                FirstTime, LastTime)
         return (0, "GB", \
                 "FILE OK. Times: %s to %s\n   Recs: %d  Stas: %s  Chans: %s"% \
-                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 1)
+                (FirstTime, LastTime, RecordsRead, Stas, Chans), 1, \
+                FirstTime, LastTime)
 # END: checkDTFile
@@ -1183,7 +1196,7 @@ def checkDTFile(Filespec):
 # BEGIN: main()
-# FUNC:main():2017.005
+# FUNC:main():2017.020
 #   All of the action takes place here in one pass using if()'s.
 FH_NAME = 0
 FH_SIZE = 1
@@ -1220,34 +1233,116 @@ else:
     logIt("Working directory: %s"%AbsDirspec)
     logIt("Using %s"%Msgspec)
-# This just works with offloaded files so check for it first.
+# Hijack and detour the program for this.
 if ArgBadBlocks == True:
     if exists(DirspecSDR) == False:
         logIt("Done checking. No files have been offloaded.")
-    DFiles = sorted(listdir(DirspecSDR))
+    DFiles = listdir(DirspecSDR)
+    DFiles.sort()
+    FilesChecked = 0
+    FilesOK = 0
+# These get loaded with the file names depending on the Ret[0] value coming
+# from checkDTFile() for a summary.
+    FilesOpenErrors1 = []
+    FilesTooSmall2 = []
+    FilesRecSize3 = []
+    FilesEndEmpty4 = []
+    FilesNoData5 = []
+    FilesMultStas6 = []
+    FilesMultChans7 = []
+    FilesIsDir8 = []
+# For an overall baler time range.
+    FirstFilesTime = "Z"
+    LastFilesTime = ""
 # Loop through all of the file(s) the user specified, then loop through DFiles
 # looking for matches.
     for ArgSpecFile in ArgSpecFiles:
 # Go through DFiles and turn each file into "" if it is checked, so we don't
 # do it more than once if it matches more than one ArgSpecFile.
         Checked = 0
-        for Index in range(0, len(DFiles)):
+        for Index in xrange(0, len(DFiles)):
             DFile = DFiles[Index]
             if len(DFile) == 0:
             if fnmatch(DFile, ArgSpecFile):
                 DFilespec = DirspecSDR+DFile
+# checkDTFile() will also catch this. We'll still look for Rec[0]==8. Non-data
+# files will probably come back with a Rec Size error.
+                if isdir(DFilespec):
+                    continue
                 logIt("Checking %s..."%DFilespec)
+                FilesChecked += 1
                 Ret = checkDTFile(DFilespec)
                 logIt("   "+Ret[2])
+                FirstTime = Ret[4]
+                LastTime = Ret[5]
+# If something goes wrong the returned times will be "".
+                if FirstTime != "" and FirstTime < FirstFilesTime:
+                    FirstFilesTime = FirstTime
+                if LastTime != "" and LastTime > LastFilesTime:
+                    LastFilesTime = LastTime
+                if Ret[0] == 0:
+                    FilesOK += 1
+                elif Ret[0] == 1:
+                    FilesOpenErrors1.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 2:
+                    FilesTooSmall2.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 3:
+                    FilesRecSize3.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 4:
+                    FilesEndEmpty4.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 5:
+                    FilesNoData5.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 6:
+                    FilesMultStas6.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 7:
+                    FilesMultChans7.append(DFile)
+                elif Ret[0] == 8:
+                    FilesIsDir8.append(DFile)
                 DFiles[Index] = ""
     logIt("Done checking.")
+    logIt("Summary:")
+    logIt("   Date range: %s to %s"%(FirstFilesTime, LastFilesTime))
+    logIt("Files checked: %d"%FilesChecked)
+    logIt("     Files OK: %d"%FilesOK)
+    if len(FilesOpenErrors1) != 0:
+        logIt("File opening errors: %d"%len(FilesOpenErrors1))
+        for File in FilesOpenErrors1:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesTooSmall2) != 0:
+        logIt("Files too small: %d"%len(FilesTooSmall2))
+        for File in FilesTooSmall2:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesRecSize3) != 0:
+        logIt("Unknown record size: %d"%len(FilesRecSize3))
+        for File in FilesRecSize3:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesEndEmpty4) != 0:
+        logIt("Ending empty: %d"%len(FilesEndEmpty4))
+        for File in FilesEndEmpty4:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesNoData5) != 0:
+        logIt("No data: %d"%len(FilesNoData5))
+        for File in FilesNoData5:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesMultStas6) != 0:
+        logIt("Multiple stations: %d"%len(FilesMultStas6))
+        for File in FilesMultStas6:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    if len(FilesMultChans7) != 0:
+        logIt("Multiple channels: %d"%len(FilesMultChans7))
+        for File in FilesMultChans7:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    elif len(FilesIsDir8) != 0:
+        logIt("Directories: %d"%len(FilesIsDir8))
+        for File in FilesIsDir8:
+            logIt("    "+File)
+    logIt("")
+# All other commands.
 # Get the basic info and make sure we are all on the same page. Do this each
 # time we do anything.
 Ret = getBalerHtm("bl", TagID, IPAddr)
@@ -1308,7 +1403,7 @@ if ArgList == True:
 if ArgVerify == True:
     Here = 0
     NotHere = 0
-    for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
+    for Index in xrange(0, len(FHFiles)):
         Name = FHFiles[Index][FH_NAME]
         Size = FHFiles[Index][FH_SIZE]
         if exists(DirspecSDR+Name) and getsize(DirspecSDR+Name) == Size:
@@ -1341,7 +1436,7 @@ logIt("Offloading from baler %s @ %s"%(TagID, IPAddr))
 if ArgSpec == True:
     logIt("Only offloading: %s"%list2Str(ArgSpecFiles))
     for ArgSpecFile in ArgSpecFiles:
-        for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
+        for Index in xrange(0, len(FHFiles)):
 # For entries that are already [].
                 if fnmatch(FHFiles[Index][FH_NAME], ArgSpecFile) == False:
@@ -1352,14 +1447,14 @@ if ArgSpec == True:
 elif ArgSkip == True:
     logIt("Excluding: %s"%list2Str(ArgSkipFiles))
     for ArgSkipFile in ArgSkipFiles:
-        for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
+        for Index in xrange(0, len(FHFiles)):
                 if fnmatch(FHFiles[Index][FH_NAME], ArgSkipFile):
                     FHFiles[Index] = []
             except IndexError:
 # For any of the offloads always throw out files that are already here.
-for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
+for Index in xrange(0, len(FHFiles)):
         Filename = FHFiles[Index][FH_NAME]
         Size = FHFiles[Index][FH_SIZE]
@@ -1370,7 +1465,7 @@ for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
 if ArgLSROffload == True:
     logIt("Offloading low sample rate files.")
-    for Index in range(0, len(FHFiles)):
+    for Index in xrange(0, len(FHFiles)):
             Filename = FHFiles[Index][FH_NAME]
             if Filename.find(".H") != -1 or Filename.find(".S") != -1:
@@ -1421,7 +1516,7 @@ for File in BFiles:
         urlretrieve("http://%s/%s"%(IPAddr, Filename), "%s%s"%(DirspecSDR, \
                 Filename), fileBlockRetrieved)
-    except Exception as e:
+    except Exception, e:
         if Offloaded10 > 0:
         logIt("ERROR: Retrieving file %s:"%Filename)