From 51887f107504c30b7ef64f91c71ecd521c4a7350 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Greschke <>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 08:42:10 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Enhanced -G concatenation routine and added -GD command.

 HISTORY.rst            |   8 +-
 bline/         | 175 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 conda.recipe/meta.yaml |   2 +-
 setup.cfg              |   2 +-               |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HISTORY.rst b/HISTORY.rst
index 6047cf9..6c2566e 100644
--- a/HISTORY.rst
+++ b/HISTORY.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ History
 2019.064 (2019-03-05)
 * Converted for Python 2 or 3.
 * Added -vl command that lists the files that have not been fully
   offloaded from the baler. -v just shows how many there are.
@@ -38,9 +38,15 @@ History
 * Fixed up the long version of the Help a bit.
 2019.289 (2019-10-16)
 * Added the -A command that will combine all of the offloaded files
   into a .ALL file.
 * Added the -G command that will combine all of the files for a
   channel into one file. The file names are close to the miniseed
   file names produced by sdrsplit.
 * Changed the command line switch for a couple commands.
+2019.297 (2019-10-24)
+* Enhanced the -G command and added the -GD command for concatenating
+  the offloaded channel files.
diff --git a/bline/ b/bline/
index 3c9ca43..0a132e5 100755
--- a/bline/
+++ b/bline/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from sys import argv, exit, platform, stdout
 PROGSystem = platform[:3].lower()
 PROG_NAMELC = "bline"
-PROG_VERSION = "2019.289"
+PROG_VERSION = "2019.297"
 PROG_LONGNAME = "Command Line Baler Control Program"
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ def getSetSettings(SETspec, Cmd, Ieth = "", Iip = "", Iport = ""):
 # BEGIN: helpLong()
-# FUNC:helpLong():2019.289
+# FUNC:helpLong():2019.297
 def helpLong():
     HELPText = "USING BLINE.PY\n\
@@ -1872,11 +1872,19 @@ device on the control computer that the baler was detected on and returns\n\
 the IP address of that device. The -b command must have been used to set\n\
 the address of the baler for this command to function.\n\
-This reads the offloaded baler files and concatenates all of the file for\n\
+-G, -GD\n\
+These read the offloaded baler files and concatenate all of the files for\n\
 a channel into one channel file. Depending on the operating system this\n\
 may try to create a file larger than the OS can handle, but those days\n\
-are mostly gone. The original files are left in the .sdr directory.\n\
+are mostly gone. The original files are left in the baler's .sdr directory.\n\
+The -G version creates the new files in the baler's .sdr directory. The\n\
+-GD version creates the new files in the directory \"./DATA/\".\n\
+Providing a baler TagID will concatenate the files for that one baler.\n\
+Using a baler TagID of 9999 will tell BLINE to look for all of the\n\
+<baler>.sdr directories and perform the concatenation on the data files\n\
+in each baler's directory.\n\
 This command simply establishes a connection with the spcified baler and\n\
@@ -2034,7 +2042,7 @@ END\n"
 # BEGIN: helpShort()
-# FUNC:helpShort():2019.289
+# FUNC:helpShort():2019.297
 def helpShort():
     HELPshort = " <command>\n\
     -h = This help.\n\
@@ -2052,8 +2060,10 @@ <tagid> <command>\n\
     -A = Copies all of the offloaded files into <tagid>.ALL\n\
     -c = This is a second version of -c which uses the actual Ethernet\n\
          device that the -b command found for the <tagid> baler.\n\
-    -G = Copies all of the offloaded files for each channel into a file\n\
-         <tagid>.<chan>.\n\
+    -G = Copies all of the offloaded files for each channel into a single\n\
+         file in the baler's .sdr directory.\n\
+   -GD = Copies all of the offloaded files for each channel into a single\n\
+         file in the ./DATA directory.\n\
     -i = Gets basic information from the baler.\n\
     -l = (ell) Displays and saves the list of files on the baler.\n\
     -L = Displays the list of files in the baler's .sdr directory.\n\
@@ -2110,12 +2120,12 @@ Always leave a space after the command line switches:\n\
 # BEGIN: helpVShort()
-# FUNC:helpVShort():2019.289
+# FUNC:helpVShort():2019.297
 def helpVShort():
     logIt("", "%s %s\nPython %s"%(PROG_NAME, PROG_VERSION, PROG_PYVERSION), \
     HELPVshort = " [ -h | -H | -c | -n | -U | -UD ]\n\ <tagid> [ -A | -c | -G | -i | -l | -L | -s | -x ]\n\ <tagid> [ -A | -c | -G | -GD | -i | -l | -L | -s | -x ]\n\ <tagid> [ -o | -O | -v | -vl | -V ] [<files>]\n\ <tagid> [ -e | -E | -F ] <files>\n\ <tagid> -M <message>\n\
@@ -2528,7 +2538,7 @@ def logHeader(MSGspec, Which, Time = True):
 # BEGIN: main()
-# FUNC:main():2019.288
+# FUNC:main():2019.297
 # These lovely items are brought to you by Microsoft. Python 3 was keeping
 # ' -#' for arguments, "" as an argument, or not passing command line
 # arguments at all. It's related to the registry value
@@ -2713,6 +2723,7 @@ TXTFspec = CWDspec+CLTagID+"files.txt"
 #===== <tagid> -A =====#
 #===== <tagid> -c =====#
 #===== <tagid> -G =====#
+#===== <tagid> -GD =====#
 #===== <tagid> -M <message> =====#
 if argv[2] == "-A":
@@ -2788,74 +2799,98 @@ if argv[2] == "-c":
     logIt(MSGspec, "Control computer netmask: %s\n"%bitsToNetmask(Mask))
-if argv[2] == "-G":
+if argv[2] == "-G" or argv[2] == "-GD":
+    from shutil import copyfileobj
+    from struct import unpack
     logHeader(MSGspec, "")
+    if CLTagID != "9999":
+# Make a TagIDDirs entry to fool the code below.
+        TagIDDirs = [".%s%s.sdr"%(sep, CLTagID)]
+    elif CLTagID == "9999":
+        TagIDDirs = glob(".%s*.sdr"%sep)
+        if len(TagIDDirs) == 0:
+# ID 9999.msg will be fine.
+            logIt(MSGspec, "No offloaded files found.")
+            logIt(MSGspec, \
+                    "Are you in the directory above the .sdr directories?\n")
+            exit(0)
+    for TagID in TagIDDirs:
+        TagID = TagID.split(".sdr")[0]
+        TagID = TagID[2:]
+# Rebuild these for each TagID. Won't be necessary for -GD, but...
+        SDRspec = ".%s%s.sdr%s"%(sep, TagID, sep)
+        if argv[2] == "-G":
+            DATAspec = SDRspec
+        elif argv[2] == "-GD":
+            DATAspec = ".%sDATA%s"%(sep, sep)
+        if exists(DATAspec) == False:
+            makedirs(DATAspec)
 # We'll be kinda specific so we don't have to keep filtering below.
-    Files = glob("%s*__.*"%SDRspec)
-    if len(Files) == 0:
-        logIt(MSGspec, "No offloaded files found.")
-        logIt(MSGspec, "Are you in the directory above the .sdr directory?\n")
-        exit(0)
+        Files = glob("%s*__.*"%SDRspec)
+        if len(Files) == 0:
+            logIt(MSGspec, "Looking in %s"%SDRspec)
+            logIt(MSGspec, "No offloaded files found.")
+            logIt(MSGspec, \
+                    "Are you in the directory above the .sdr directory?\n")
+            exit(0)
 # Get the list of channels from the offloded files.
-    Chans = []
-    for File in Files:
-        Chan = File[-4:]
-        if Chan not in Chans:
-            Chans.append(Chan)
-    logIt(MSGspec, "Channels to group: %d"%len(Chans))
-    Chans.sort()
-    Files.sort()
-    from shutil import copyfileobj
-    from struct import unpack
-    Count = 0
-    try:
-        for Chan in Chans:
+        Chans = []
+        for File in Files:
+            Chan = File[-4:]
+            if Chan not in Chans:
+                Chans.append(Chan)
+        logIt(MSGspec, "Channels to group: %d"%len(Chans))
+        Chans.sort()
+        Files.sort()
+        Count = 0
+        try:
+            for Chan in Chans:
 # We need to go through the channel files, find the first one, open it and
 # extract the station name, net code, etc. for the file name. If this set of
 # data files has multiple of any of the file name items then all bets are off.
 # This only reads the first header. 
-            for File in Files:
-                if File.endswith(Chan):
-                    Fp = open(File, "rb")
-                    Header =
-                    Fp.close()
-                    if PROG_PYVERS == 2:
-                        Qual = Header[6]
-                    elif PROG_PYVERS == 3:
-                        Qual = chr(Header[6])
-                    StaID = Header[8:13].strip().decode("latin-1")
-                    LocID = Header[13:15].strip().decode("latin-1")
-                    ChanID = Header[15:18].strip().decode("latin-1")
-                    NetCode = Header[18:20].strip().decode("latin-1")
-                    Year, Doy, Hour, Mins, Secs, Tttt= unpack(">HHBBBxH", \
-                            Header[20:30])
-                    STime = "%s.%03d.%02d%02d%02d"%(Year, Doy, Hour, Mins, \
-                            Secs)
+                for File in Files:
+                    if File.endswith(Chan):
+                        Fp = open(File, "rb")
+                        Header =
+                        Fp.close()
+                        if PROG_PYVERS == 2:
+                            Qual = Header[6]
+                        elif PROG_PYVERS == 3:
+                            Qual = chr(Header[6])
+                        StaID = Header[8:13].strip().decode("latin-1")
+                        LocID = Header[13:15].strip().decode("latin-1")
+                        ChanID = Header[15:18].strip().decode("latin-1")
+                        NetCode = Header[18:20].strip().decode("latin-1")
+                        Year, Doy, Hour, Mins, Secs, \
+                                Tttt= unpack(">HHBBBxH", Header[20:30])
+                        STime = "%s.%03d.%02d%02d%02d"%(Year, Doy, Hour, \
+                                Mins, Secs)
 # This is [another] one of many versions of file names.
-                    OutFile = "%s%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s"%(SDRspec, StaID, NetCode, \
-                            LocID, ChanID, Qual, STime)
-                    FpG = open(OutFile, "wb")
-                    break
-            Count += 1
-            logIt(MSGspec, "   %d. Copying files to %s"%(Count, OutFile), \
-                    False)
-            for File in Files:
-                if File.endswith(Chan):
-                    Fp = open(File, "rb")
-                    copyfileobj(Fp, FpG, -1)
-                    Fp.close()
-        FpG.close()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        try:
-            Fp.close()
-        except:
-            pass
-        try:
+                        OutFile = "%s%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s"%(DATAspec, StaID, \
+                                NetCode, LocID, ChanID, Qual, STime)
+                        FpG = open(OutFile, "wb")
+                        break
+                Count += 1
+                logIt(MSGspec, "   %d. Copying files to %s"%(Count, OutFile), \
+                        False)
+                for File in Files:
+                    if File.endswith(Chan):
+                        Fp = open(File, "rb")
+                        copyfileobj(Fp, FpG, -1)
+                        Fp.close()
-        except:
-            pass
-        logIt(MSGspec, "Stopped by user.")
-        exit(0)
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            try:
+                Fp.close()
+            except:
+                pass
+            try:
+                FpG.close()
+            except:
+                pass
+            logIt(MSGspec, "Stopped by user.")
+            exit(0)
     logIt(MSGspec, "Finished.")
diff --git a/conda.recipe/meta.yaml b/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
index f9acfd2..3014c78 100644
--- a/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
+++ b/conda.recipe/meta.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   name: bline
-  version: 2019.289
+  version: 2019.297
   path: ..
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index c0a890e..d2d5bd0 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-current_version = 2019.289
+current_version = 2019.297
 commit = True
 tag = True
diff --git a/ b/
index ea0c35d..cf074bc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ setup(
-    version='2019.289',
+    version='2019.297',